
Shi Lanya and Liu Bin have been divorced for 23 years, and they have each experienced three marriages, but one is in the sky and the other is underground

author:Sun Hu's study


The marriage road of the talented girl Shi Lanya is really bumpy in retrospect.

Although the drama of "a beautiful woman falling in love with an ugly man" is not uncommon in the entertainment industry, everyone still can't understand why she is desperate to marry Liu Bin.

Sure enough, the two couldn't live at all, and announced their divorce in less than a year.

Now 23 years have passed, and each other has been married three times and divorced three times, but it is a pity that one is happier and happier the more he marries, and the other is more and more ruined.

Shi Lanya and Liu Bin have been divorced for 23 years, and they have each experienced three marriages, but one is in the sky and the other is underground

The source in this article is from the official media (Xinmin Evening News), published on October 28, 2023, but in order to improve the readability of the article, the details may be edited, please read sensibly and for reference only.

Love Liu Bin divorce ended

In 1997, Slanya was invited to an industry gathering.

Not long after she sat down, she saw a man opposite her with a slightly receding hairline and a very round face staring at her.

As soon as she felt a little familiar in her heart, the other party came over to greet her.

Shi Lanya and Liu Bin have been divorced for 23 years, and they have each experienced three marriages, but one is in the sky and the other is underground

"Do you remember me? I'm Liu Bin, and we met in the crew of "Siege". ”

This reminded Shi Lanya that this was an old friend she met when she was filming "Siege" in Shanghai, and they had dinner together.

I haven't seen him for ten years, Liu Bin looks more mature and steady, and his demeanor is comfortable and calm.

Liu Bin even remembered her lines and performance details back then, which made her a little surprised.

Shi Lanya and Liu Bin have been divorced for 23 years, and they have each experienced three marriages, but one is in the sky and the other is underground

When the words went deeper, Shi Lanya learned that Liu Bin had been single and was hesitant to go on a blind date, and then left contact information for each other.

may have been at first sight, Liu Bin began a crazy pursuit of her.

As long as Shi Lanya goes out to film, he will definitely see him off and pick him up.

Sometimes, in order to wait for her, Liu Bin would stay at the airport for five or six hours, but he never complained.

Shi Lanya and Liu Bin have been divorced for 23 years, and they have each experienced three marriages, but one is in the sky and the other is underground

Over time, Shi Lanya was gradually moved by him - Liu Bin's carefulness and thoughtfulness, which was diametrically opposed to his appearance, was exactly what he needed.

In 1998, the two registered their marriage in Beijing, Shi Lanya was 27 years old, and Liu Bin was 37 years old.

When my friends heard the news, they were all shocked.

After all, the gap between the two people's family backgrounds and achievements is too big to match.

Shi Lanya and Liu Bin have been divorced for 23 years, and they have each experienced three marriages, but one is in the sky and the other is underground

But Shi Lanya envied Liu Bin's enthusiasm for life, which was exactly what she couldn't find in her ex-husband Weizi.

But the final breakdown of the marriage between the two is not unrelated to the disagreement of the three views.

Not long after getting married, Liu Bin began to urge Shi Lanya to have children.

As a father, he rightfully wanted to continue the incense.

And Shi Lanya, whose career is on the rise, wants to work hard first and talk about children at the age of 30.

Shi Lanya and Liu Bin have been divorced for 23 years, and they have each experienced three marriages, but one is in the sky and the other is underground

After all, the two are 10 years apart, and it is difficult to reach a consensus at different stages of life.

Day after day, Liu Bin and his mother constantly put pressure on Shi Lanya, urging her to give birth as soon as possible.

This made Shi Lanya feel helpless, she didn't like Liu's mother's typical northern mother-in-law's style, and she was even more disgusted now.

Shi Lanya and Liu Bin have been divorced for 23 years, and they have each experienced three marriages, but one is in the sky and the other is underground

In addition, the difference in living Xi between the north and the south has gradually been revealed - Shi Lanya is more literary and likes to be lively at home, while Liu Bin is more Xi to the simple and quiet atmosphere.

All kinds of discord accumulated, and Shi Lanya began to lose faith in this marriage.

She envies her best friend for being free to work and play, but her life is firmly tied to her family.

In 1999, she decided to file for divorce.

Liu Bin begged to get back together, but Shi Lanya could no longer bear the heavy shackles, and the two finally broke up peacefully.

So what's going on with Shi Lanya and her ex-husband Wei Zi?

Shi Lanya and Liu Bin have been divorced for 23 years, and they have each experienced three marriages, but one is in the sky and the other is underground

Graduation job loves Wei Zi

In 1995, Shi Lanya graduated from the Central Academy of Drama with honors and was assigned to work at the Beijing People's Art Theater.

This is the highest hall in the domestic theater industry, and the acting skills and potential that can enter here are obvious to all.

At first, Shi Lanya could only play some small roles all year round because of her single acting path, which made her quite frustrated.

Just when she was anxious about her career prospects, she met a senior brother - Weizi.

Shi Lanya and Liu Bin have been divorced for 23 years, and they have each experienced three marriages, but one is in the sky and the other is underground

Weizi is 15 years older than her, and she has long been the pillar of human art, both in terms of skill and appearance.

The two soon ignited a fire of love, and Weizi even wanted to resign and develop alone, and then proposed to Shi Lanya.

Shi Lanya excitedly said that she didn't want anything, as long as she could be with him.

But the good times didn't last long, and two years later, Weizi found that Shi Lanya's personality was difficult to cater to, and no matter what little things were more serious, which made him feel unbearable.

Eventually, the relationship ended in the fifth year.

Shi Lanya and Liu Bin have been divorced for 23 years, and they have each experienced three marriages, but one is in the sky and the other is underground

Years later, Weizi recalled: "She has a more serious personality and is more serious about everything, which is too tiring. ”

As for Shi Lanya, she gradually grew up after this relationship, and her acting path became more and more open, and she met a new love after divorcing Liu Bin.

Shi Lanya's third marriage had to be married

After two emotional changes, Shi Lanya entered the marriage hall again in 2000.

The new husband is an IT elite who has returned from studying in the UK and works as an executive in an Internet company.

He is handsome, has a successful career, and their relationship has been blessed by friends and family.

Shi Lanya and Liu Bin have been divorced for 23 years, and they have each experienced three marriages, but one is in the sky and the other is underground

A year later, Shi Lanya gave birth to her son Xiao Han for her husband, and since then she has devoted herself to the family.

She quit the film and television industry and plans to be a full-time wife and leave more time for her children.

But there are unforeseen circumstances.

At this time, the husband was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer, which cast a shadow on this happy family.

In order not to burden Shi Lanya and the child, the other party took the initiative to file for divorce.

Shi Lanya begged him for treatment, but the other party knew that his life was short, and he didn't want to drag her and the child down.

Eventually, she had to raise her young son on her own.

Shi Lanya and Liu Bin have been divorced for 23 years, and they have each experienced three marriages, but one is in the sky and the other is underground

The breakdown of this second marriage made Shi Lanya lose confidence in the relationship.

She vowed not to marry again in this life, and left all her efforts to her son Xiaohan.

Friends advised her to find another partner, but she shook her head firmly - she couldn't trust any man, and she was worried that remarriage would cast a shadow on the growth of her children.

So, Shi Lanya, who was less than 40 years old, chose to be widowed and spent all the days with his son.

Liu Bin on the other side got married twice, but each time it was not as he wanted.

Shi Lanya and Liu Bin have been divorced for 23 years, and they have each experienced three marriages, but one is in the sky and the other is underground

has always been in love with his little wife, and it was not smooth to remarry twice

In 2001, 38-year-old Liu Bin met a big beauty at the filming site of the TV series "Spring Flowers Will Bloom" - many 18-year-olds.

Many of them were students of Nanjing University of the Arts, and with her charming oriental face, graceful figure and moving voice, she was recognized as the school flower on campus at that time.

What surprised Liu Bin even more was that many of them had also won the crown of Miss Nanjing.

The two quickly fell in love, but many parents strongly opposed the relationship with a 20-year age difference.

Shi Lanya and Liu Bin have been divorced for 23 years, and they have each experienced three marriages, but one is in the sky and the other is underground

They are worried that their daughter will be disappointed, because the mature and steady Liu Bin is too far from many of his lively and cheerful personalities.

But Liu Bin proposed to many people with enthusiasm, and in the end, many chose to follow their sincerity.

In 2003, the two registered their marriage in Beijing, and a year later they gave birth to a son.

However, the sweetness of love gradually disappears in the increasingly mundane trivialities of life.

Shi Lanya and Liu Bin have been divorced for 23 years, and they have each experienced three marriages, but one is in the sky and the other is underground

Liu Bin's impatience and irritability often contradict many unrestrained people;

And the 20-year generation gap also makes it difficult for the two to reach a consensus on many concepts.

In 2005, many divorces were filed, and two failed marriages made Liu Bin begin to reflect on his own problems.

Many of them have a lot in common with Slanya, and they are undoubtedly too young and too difficult to control.

Shi Lanya and Liu Bin have been divorced for 23 years, and they have each experienced three marriages, but one is in the sky and the other is underground

Maybe next time, he needs to find a woman who is closer to his life experience and ideals in order to be happy.

But in reality, he still chose to enter the marriage hall again with Wang Lijun, who was 20 years younger than him.

Wang Lijun was once Ma Rong's good sister, and the two had a very close relationship.

Shi Lanya and Liu Bin have been divorced for 23 years, and they have each experienced three marriages, but one is in the sky and the other is underground

At first, Liu Bin doted on Wang Lijun, a little wife, and regarded her as the pearl of his palm.

After giving birth to a son and a daughter, Liu Bin wanted to be a good husband and father in his heart.

For the sake of this re-established family, Liu Bin began to work hard, just to accumulate assets as soon as possible, so that his wife and children can live a worry-free life in the future.

Unexpectedly, in 2015, 54-year-old Liu Bin inadvertently found evidence of Wang Lijun's derailment when he was applying for his daughter's household registration in the United States.

Shi Lanya and Liu Bin have been divorced for 23 years, and they have each experienced three marriages, but one is in the sky and the other is underground

The two had a big quarrel, and Wang Lijun took advantage of Liu Bin's outing to empty their house with her family, and injured herself to blame Liu Bin.

In desperation, Liu Bin had no choice but to take this scheming woman to court.

In the end, the two parties divorced, and the two children were awarded to Liu Bin to raise.

Shi Lanya and Liu Bin have been divorced for 23 years, and they have each experienced three marriages, but one is in the sky and the other is underground

Now 61-year-old Liu Bin's economic burden is getting heavier and heavier, and he has no intention of tasting the ups and downs of marriage again.

But what about Shi Lanya, but he unexpectedly reaped a lifetime of happiness.

Shi Lanya's fourth marriage - "Bright Sword" Li Yunlong played by Li Youbin

In 2003, 41-year-old Shi Lanya filmed the costume drama "Jiangshan" in a deserted mountain village in Ningxia.

The crew was in difficult conditions, and the actors lived in simple wooden huts, with the scorching sun during the day and flies and mosquitoes at night, making it difficult for people to sleep.

It was in this environment that Shi Lanya met the old drama bone Li Youbin.

Shi Lanya and Liu Bin have been divorced for 23 years, and they have each experienced three marriages, but one is in the sky and the other is underground

The 54-year-old has been married for many years, but he and his wife, a designer, have a bad relationship, and after their son went to college, their marriage has been in name only.

Shi Lanya and Li Youbin have a lot of scenes, often play against each other, and gradually become acquainted.

Li Youbin is careful and considerate, and often prepares snacks and fruits to replenish Shi Lanya's strength.

The two went back and forth, and they also had a good impression, but considering Li Youbin's special status, Shi Lanya's attitude was more reserved.

Shi Lanya and Liu Bin have been divorced for 23 years, and they have each experienced three marriages, but one is in the sky and the other is underground

During the filming, Li Youbin invited Shi Lanya to his house as a guest, and the two had a close relationship.

But Shi Lanya insists on being an ordinary friend, she has an independent personality and her own life principles, even if she admires Li Youbin, she will not develop a relationship when he has a family.

In 2006, Li Youbin officially divorced.

Soon after, he confessed his heart to Slanya, asking to stay with him for the rest of his life.

After deep thought, the 48-year-old Shi Lanya accepted this man who was 13 years older than her.

Shi Lanya and Liu Bin have been divorced for 23 years, and they have each experienced three marriages, but one is in the sky and the other is underground

In 2008, the two got married.

After marriage, Shi Lanya accompanied her husband wholeheartedly.

She encouraged Li Youbin to star in dramas such as "Bright Sword", and gave professional advice to help Li Youbin's career take off and become famous.

In real life, the two are in love and raise each other's children together.

14 years later, Li Shi and his wife are still in love, and often work together to attend public affairs activities or performances, which can be called a model of happiness.

Shi Lanya and Liu Bin have been divorced for 23 years, and they have each experienced three marriages, but one is in the sky and the other is underground

Everyone has his own destiny, and he can't ask for it

Liu Bin is now 61 years old, but he still shows up in his sixtieth year, and in order to raise the three minor children born to him and his first three wives, he has to take over all the plays he can to make ends meet.

However, his acting career has long declined, his fame is not as good as before, and there are only a handful of plays he can receive.

In order to make money to support his family, Liu Bin had to run around and make temporary cameo appearances in one or two shots.

Shi Lanya and Liu Bin have been divorced for 23 years, and they have each experienced three marriages, but one is in the sky and the other is underground

Shi Lanya has also been married three times, but her current life is happy.

not only has a perfect family, but also can still be active in the film and television industry, participate in drama programs, and perform on the same stage with her husband, which is enviable.

Shi Lanya and Liu Bin have been divorced for 23 years, and they have each experienced three marriages, but one is in the sky and the other is underground

It seems that Shi Lanya's decisive departure from Liu Bin was a correct choice.

No one can say for sure, they can only say that everything is just fate.