
It turns out that the toilet is blocked, and you can dredge it with a plastic bag and towel, which can easily help you save hundreds of yuan

author:1-minute tips

It turns out that the toilet is blocked, and you can quickly dredge it with a plastic bag and towel, which can easily help you save hundreds of yuan, and the method is really useful.

It turns out that the toilet is blocked, and you can dredge it with a plastic bag and towel, which can easily help you save hundreds of yuan

The importance of the toilet, an indispensable amenity in this modern home, goes without saying. However, over time, the drain of the toilet bowl tends to become less smooth and even clogged. This condition is especially common in families and can be distressing. When the toilet is clogged, the first thing many people think of is to buy a special unclogging tool. However, many times these tools don't work as expected, and it's frustrating to spend money and not solve the problem. What's worse is that some people may choose to have a professional repairman come to your home for service. While this solves the problem, it comes at a significant cost. So, is there a way to unclog the toilet bowl effectively without spending too much money?

It turns out that the toilet is blocked, and you can dredge it with a plastic bag and towel, which can easily help you save hundreds of yuan

First of all, we need to understand the causes of clogged toilets. Usually, this is because debris such as paper, wipes, toilet paper, etc. are flushed down the toilet, causing the drain to become blocked. Therefore, we need a way to be able to effectively remove this debris. In fact, we don't need to buy professional dredging tools. An ordinary plastic bag, a worn-out towel, and a toilet brush can easily solve this problem.

It turns out that the toilet is blocked, and you can dredge it with a plastic bag and towel, which can easily help you save hundreds of yuan

Toilet brushes are an essential cleaning item in every home bathroom. However, using a toilet brush directly to poke the toilet drain will not do anything. Because the bristles of the toilet brush are too delicate, it will cause the water to flow through the toilet brush and not be able to unblock the effect. Especially for those toilet brushes that are not rounded enough, we can increase the roundness of the toilet brush by wrapping old towels. In order to enhance the dredging effect, we also put a plastic bag on the toilet brush to ensure that it is secure.

It turns out that the toilet is blocked, and you can dredge it with a plastic bag and towel, which can easily help you save hundreds of yuan

Then, we aim this special toilet brush at the toilet spout and make a quick twitch. In the process, a certain amount of pressure is generated, and then it continues to push down. After a few pumps, the foreign object that clogs the toilet bowl will be flushed down. At this point, we will see a noticeable decrease in the amount of water. Then, we only need to press the switch of the toilet, and it doesn't take long for the toilet to be unclogged and opened. This means that we can continue to use the toilet as normal again.

It turns out that the toilet is blocked, and you can dredge it with a plastic bag and towel, which can easily help you save hundreds of yuan

If the blockage is stubborn, you can try several more times, or increase the force appropriately. Typically, this simple unclogging method takes less than a minute for the toilet to be back open. Once the blockage has been unblocked, you can flush the toilet again to make sure there is no dirt left in the toilet. Then, wash the toilet brush and plastic bag with water to clean them for next use. This toilet unclogging method is not only easy to use, but also environmentally friendly. Compared to the use of chemicals such as chemical dredging agents, this method is safer and does not pollute the environment.

It turns out that the toilet is blocked, and you can dredge it with a plastic bag and towel, which can easily help you save hundreds of yuan

In addition to this method, a more practical method is to use plastic bottles to unclog the toilet. The principle of this method is simple. We just need to prepare a mineral water bottle, cut the bottom open and poke it into the drain. It should be noted that the cap of the bottle should not be wrung off, and it must be carried. Next, poke the drain as hard as you can, and poke back and forth repeatedly, and in about a minute, the toilet will be flushed away, and the simple effect is good.

It turns out that the toilet is blocked, and you can dredge it with a plastic bag and towel, which can easily help you save hundreds of yuan

The principle of this method is simple. There will be water pressure when the bottle is poked in, and the pressure will increase rapidly back and forth, so the foreign object blocked in the toilet will be flushed away! The principle of the above two methods is basically the same, but the materials are different, but they are all waste utilization, not only saving money but also turning waste into treasure! These two clever tricks are simple and easy to operate, and you can try to get up next time the toilet is clogged.

It turns out that the toilet is blocked, and you can dredge it with a plastic bag and towel, which can easily help you save hundreds of yuan

Another very practical method is to use a thicker plastic bag to unclog the toilet. We put a bag of water in the toilet, the size of the water bag is slightly smaller than the toilet mouth. Then we tie the bag tightly, with the handle facing up, and let it sit for a minute or two. Observe if the water level in the toilet bowl has dropped significantly. If there is no significant drop, we can slowly shake up and down with the water bag. With this method, toilet blockages can be quickly unblocked in most cases. This method of unclogging the toilet is simple and fast, you don't need to ask the master to dredge it, it doesn't cost a penny, and you can throw the plastic bag directly into the trash when you run out.

It turns out that the toilet is blocked, and you can dredge it with a plastic bag and towel, which can easily help you save hundreds of yuan

These methods are not only simple and easy, but they also don't cost money. What's more, it can effectively solve the problem of clogged toilets and make your life more convenient and comfortable.

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