
Defeated Beikong, thanks to the Guangsha team for waking up the defending champion, and Liao media reported on Cong Mingchen's injury

author:Zealous Full Moon 2AK
{"info":{"title":{"content":"大胜北控,感谢广厦队敲醒卫冕冠军,辽媒报道丛明晨的伤病情况","en":"Defeated Beikong, thanks to the Guangsha team for waking up the defending champion, and Liao media reported on Cong Mingchen's injury"},"description":{"content":"辽宁队轻取北控,强势回归CBA赛场在近日进行的一场引人注目的CBA比赛中,辽宁队以压倒性的优势以113-89战胜了北控队...","en":"In a recent high-profile CBA game, Liaoning won 113-89 over the Beijing Control team..."}},"items":[]}