
Why do you rarely see fresh shrimp and fish noodles on the market: the world of foodies also needs the survival of the fittest

author:Perfect Baiyun O3m

When I was a child, there were many types of instant noodles we loved to eat: fried noodles, shrimp and fish noodles, stewed chicken noodles with mushrooms, etc., there were too many kinds of instant noodles to eat, and there were more than 20 kinds of instant noodles in Master Kong's family. However, the taste of shrimp and fish noodles is particularly light, and in recent years, people's tastes have become heavier and heavier, which will lead to a slow decrease in the sales of shrimp and fish noodles. Therefore, it is rare to see fresh shrimp and fish noodles on the market.

Unexpectedly, the disappearance of shrimp and fish noodles also exceeded our expectations, and at the same time, it also proves that the world of foodies will also need the survival of the fittest! So, why does the popularity of some foods last for a long time? While the popularity of some foods is short-lived? How should food be deeply implanted in the world of foodies?

Why do you rarely see fresh shrimp and fish noodles on the market: the world of foodies also needs the survival of the fittest

Although the world of foodies needs survival of the fittest, their choices are also based on their own needs and market trends. The following editor will introduce it to you:

01 Some food fads are short-lived

In the fast-paced modern society, people's tastes and needs are constantly changing, resulting in the popularity cycle of many food products becoming short-lived. So, why are some food cradles short-lived? We can analyze them from the following aspects:

Why do you rarely see fresh shrimp and fish noodles on the market: the world of foodies also needs the survival of the fittest

1. Consumers like the new and hate the old: People are always eager to try new flavors and cuisines, which makes some new and exotic foods quickly become popular. However, as consumers' sense of freshness wanes, so does their interest, leading to short-lived food cradles.

2. Driven by social media: In the era of social media, some foods are easily recommended by Internet celebrities and big Vs, and thus quickly become "hot items". However, this popularity is often susceptible to public opinion and trends, and the popularity of these foods can quickly decrease once new topics and focal points emerge.

3. Seasonal and seasonal factors: The popularity of some foods is affected by seasonal and seasonal factors, such as Dragon Boat Festival zongzi, Mid-Autumn Festival moon cakes, etc. These foods are sought after by consumers during specific festive seasons, but their popularity wanes as the festive season ends.

4. Health and nutritional factors: With the increasing attention to health, some foods with high calories and high fat are gradually abandoned by consumers. These foods may be loved by consumers in the short term, but as people become more aware of health, their popularity will gradually decrease.

5. Quality and taste problems: Some foods are difficult to gain long-term love from consumers due to unstable quality or poor taste. In a highly competitive market, these foods can easily be eliminated, resulting in a short epidemic cycle.

In conclusion, the short-lived popularity of some foods is mainly due to consumer preference for the new and the old, social media drives, seasonal and seasonal factors, health and nutritional factors, and quality and taste issues. To keep food popular for longer, manufacturers and merchants need to focus on product innovation, quality assurance, and marketing to meet the changing needs of consumers.

02 Why do some food products last for a long time?

Some food products are popular for a long time, mainly for the following reasons:

1. Classic flavors: These foods have classic and popular tastes, whether they are traditional desserts, staple foods or snacks, they can evoke people's good memories and meet people's expectations for food.

2. Uniqueness: These foods often have a unique taste, appearance or production process, which can attract the attention of consumers and leave a deep impression on people's taste buds and memories.

3. Health and nutrition: These foods often have high nutritional value and can meet people's needs for a healthy diet. At the same time, they may also have certain functions, such as aiding digestion and improving immunity, so that consumers can enjoy food while also obtaining certain health benefits.

4. Cultural inheritance: These foods often carry profound cultural heritage and become an important carrier for people to inherit and promote regional culture and national characteristics. In the process of tasting these delicacies, people can also feel the unique cultural charm.

5. Brand effect: These foods often have strong brand support, and have established a good reputation in the hearts of consumers through long-term quality assurance and marketing strategies. Consumers will be more trusting and willing to try these foods when they buy them.

6. Continuous innovation: While maintaining the traditional characteristics, these foods will also continue to innovate according to market demand and consumer tastes, so as to make the products more attractive and meet the needs of different consumers.

Why do you rarely see fresh shrimp and fish noodles on the market: the world of foodies also needs the survival of the fittest

To sum up, the main reason why some foods have been popular for a long time is that they have the advantages of classic taste, uniqueness, health and nutrition, cultural heritage, brand effect and innovation ability. In the future market competition, these foods still have great development potential and market space.

03 How food should be deeply embedded in the world of foodies

In today's era of food, it is not only a delicious taste to make food deeply embedded in the world of foodies, but also a unique charm and profound cultural heritage. Here are some suggestions to help food take its place in the world of foodies:

1. Create a unique brand image: Establish an interesting and creative brand story for the food, so that it has a distinct personality, so that consumers can feel the unique values conveyed by the brand while tasting the food.

2. Pay attention to product quality: quality is the foundation of food in the world of food. From the selection of raw materials to the control of production technology, it is necessary to strictly control to ensure that consumers can not only satisfy their appetite but also feel the superiority of quality in the process of tasting food.

3. Innovative tastes and dishes: Combined with regional characteristics and national flavors, we continue to develop new flavors and new dishes to meet the pursuit of novel food by foodies. At the same time, we can also pay attention to the trend of healthy eating and launch low-calorie, low-fat and other foods that meet the needs of consumers.

4. Create a beautiful dining experience: In addition to the taste of the food itself, the dining environment, atmosphere and tableware will also affect the dining experience of consumers. Create a pleasant dining environment for consumers, so that they can feel relaxed and satisfied while enjoying the food.

5. Use social media to spread: With the help of social media platforms such as Weibo, Douyin, and Xiaohongshu, invite Internet celebrities and big Vs to promote it, so that more foodies can understand this delicacy. At the same time, consumers are encouraged to share their dining experiences, so that food can be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people in word-of-mouth.

6. Hold online and offline activities: Attract foodies to come and taste by holding food festivals, tasting meetings and other activities. In addition, online interactions, such as food competitions and cooking shows, can also be carried out to allow consumers to better understand and love the food during the participation process.

7. Establish an emotional connection with consumers: Let food resonate emotionally with consumers and become an indispensable part of their lives. Consumers can feel emotionally identified with food by telling the touching stories behind the food or sharing interesting facts about the food development process with consumers.

Why do you rarely see fresh shrimp and fish noodles on the market: the world of foodies also needs the survival of the fittest

In short, if food is deeply embedded in the world of foodies, it is necessary to work brand image, quality, innovation, dining experience, communication channels, event organization and emotional connection. Only by satisfying the diverse needs of foodies can they never forget this food and have an endless aftertaste.

04 Summary

All in all, the elimination of shrimp and fish noodles is an accident, but at the same time, it is also an inevitability, it symbolizes the end of the era of instant noodle monopoly, but at the same time, it is also the survival of the fittest in the changing needs of the public's taste. Therefore, every kind of food, in order to exist for a long time, also needs to be cultivated in the future!

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