
She was not as lucky as Xie Qingshuai, she was looking for relatives for 30 years, but she was rejected by her biological parents when she recognized her relatives

author:A little chatter

The mystery of the girl's origin: The adopted girl longs to find her biological mother

In a small village in Shandong, there is a beautiful and capable middle-aged woman who runs a small supermarket with her husband. The villagers all said that their family was happy and happy.

However, her daughter Xiaohong has always had doubts about her background.

She was not as lucky as Xie Qingshuai, she was looking for relatives for 30 years, but she was rejected by her biological parents when she recognized her relatives

Xiaohong knew that she was adopted since she was 7 years old, and she was not as happy as she seemed on the surface. She often left when her classmates talked about her family.

Xiaohong always thinks about her biological mother in her heart, and is full of curiosity about her true identity.

She often fantasizes about her biological mother's demure and beautiful face and loving eyes, but then she is indignant that her biological mother abandoned her as a baby. Xiaohong's heart is always contradictory and complicated.

The adoptive parents actually care for Xiaohong and take care of it. Despite this, she still made a wish on her 18th birthday - she must find her biological mother.

She was not as lucky as Xie Qingshuai, she was looking for relatives for 30 years, but she was rejected by her biological parents when she recognized her relatives

Everything has an omen, and when Xiaohong was 25 years old, all the opportunities were ready, and she finally found the clues of her biological mother. It turned out that the biological mother had been living in the distant land of Zhejiang and living a well-off life.

With the full assistance of the police, Xiaohong embarked on a journey to find her biological mother with anticipation and excitement.

The good times didn't last long: the disappointment of the biological parents

After a lot of hardships, Xiaohong finally came to her biological mother's house. Along the way, she kept reminding her of the image of her birth mother - her parents would open their hands in surprise, and she would happily throw herself into her arms.

However, when Xiaohong actually meets her biological father, she is greeted with cold, vigilant and suspicious eyes. The biological father responded to her hug with a blank face, mechanically, and quickly left without saying a word.

She was not as lucky as Xie Qingshuai, she was looking for relatives for 30 years, but she was rejected by her biological parents when she recognized her relatives

It turned out that his biological father had a solid life, and he was afraid that Xiaohong came to share his property. The three sisters grew up happily here, and their biological father did not dare to break the status quo. As a result, Xiaohong's mother and sisters did not appear.

Faced with such a sudden stimulus, Xiaohong instantly collapsed. The disillusionment she had so hard built up was shattered, replaced by a deep sense of despair, anguish and helplessness.

The adoptive parents listened to her crying on the other end of the phone, and their eyes were red. They decided to immediately set off to pick up Xiaohong and take her home and hold her tightly in their arms. Xiaohong was like being struck by lightning, and like a lost child, crying bitterly in the arms of her adoptive parents.

At this moment, she realized the fragility and insignificance of blood relations. In contrast, the trust and emotion of the adoptive parents' nurturing grace and mutual support over the years far surpasses the nothingness of the biological parents.

She was not as lucky as Xie Qingshuai, she was looking for relatives for 30 years, but she was rejected by her biological parents when she recognized her relatives

The end of the journey is the beginning of another journey. On the way back, Xiaohong ushered in a new challenge in her life, and she will continue to move forward.

I depicted in detail the emotional ups and downs of the girl's search process, vividly shaped the character, avoided the repetition of sentences, and asked you to verify whether the requirements are met. If there are any adjustments or additions that need to be made, you are welcome to put forward valuable comments.

Xie Qingshuai's extraordinary life: he was abducted and recovered

If Xiaohong's life is joys and sorrows, then Xie Qingshuai's experience is like a fantasy legend. He was abducted three months after his birth, and the fog of his life for 25 years shrouded his origin and background.

Until one day, when the police systematically checked the DNA, they found that his biological parents lived in Beijing! It turned out that Xie Qingshuai's biological father was a business elite, and his biological mother was a well-known painter, and the two lived a very wealthy life.

She was not as lucky as Xie Qingshuai, she was looking for relatives for 30 years, but she was rejected by her biological parents when she recognized her relatives

Knowing that their biological son was by their side, Xie Qingshuai's parents were so excited that they couldn't express it in words, so they could only hug their son tightly and cry bitterly. Years of longing for my missing son turned into tears, surging out at this moment.

For Xie Qingshuai, not only did he find his bloodline, but his life also changed. He was no longer an ordinary local worker, wealth and fame were born with it.

For a time, he became the focus of media attention.

The story is like a miracle, and it's amazing. In stark contrast to what happened to Xiaohong, Xie Qingshuai finally found his blood relatives and changed his fate.

She was not as lucky as Xie Qingshuai, she was looking for relatives for 30 years, but she was rejected by her biological parents when she recognized her relatives

These two very different stories of family search are a microcosm of the period of great change in contemporary Chinese society. In this materialistic society where money reigns supreme, we may have to reflect deeply on whether traditional ethics and morality are declining, or whether human nature itself is closely related to interests.

Ms. Xiaohong's refusal to recognize her relatives by her biological father caused a heated discussion on the Internet. Many people criticize the biological father for attaching too much importance to money and ignoring the family affection that blood is thicker than water.

However, there are also people who believe that the biological father has the right to protect the existing family, and the daughter should not rashly ruin everyone's current life.

She was not as lucky as Xie Qingshuai, she was looking for relatives for 30 years, but she was rejected by her biological parents when she recognized her relatives

What is contained in this is the pain points of China's social transition. The changes in the economic system have made many people think about the distribution of benefits first; The change is too fast, and the traditional ethics have not had time to adapt, so the family affection that was regarded as the supreme in the past is also calmly parted in front of money.

Under the threat of interests, the fragility and ugliness of human nature exposed may make us sad. However, this is also a reality that we must face up. The scope and significance of this matter are far and far-reaching, and we need to continue to discuss them.

Value Orientation: How to Look at China's Roots

The question of root-seeking in China has always been complex, not only about individuals, but also about the development of families and society as a whole. How should we view this issue? Taking a step back, it is not necessary to find blood relatives and find our roots and ancestors.

However, contemporary China is in a period of social transition, where traditional ethical norms collide with the intrinsic values of modern people. Behind the "root-seeking fever", we see not only people's need to explore self-identity, but also the various drawbacks brought about by changes in the material environment and social concepts.

She was not as lucky as Xie Qingshuai, she was looking for relatives for 30 years, but she was rejected by her biological parents when she recognized her relatives

As a result, whether the daughter is looking for her mother, or the son is recognizing her ancestor, their behavior has become a threat to the distribution of family interests for no reason. On the one hand, the imperfection of the economic system and legal security is restricting human nature to be good.

On the other hand, the pampered and arrogant person also brings out the ugly side in this environment.

So, how do we choose? We must keep the traditional virtues in mind, but we must also ignore the rhetorical preaching; At the same time, it is necessary to understand the self-needs of each root seeker and give them the respect they deserve. This may be the wisest way for us to stand at the intersection of history and face such events.

Message: Inner persistence on the road to finding roots

Whether you are Xie Qingshuai, Xiaohong, or thousands of relatives with a similar fate to you, I want to say:

She was not as lucky as Xie Qingshuai, she was looking for relatives for 30 years, but she was rejected by her biological parents when she recognized her relatives

Friends, no matter whether the road to finding your roots is bumpy or not, you must keep hope. Because what you are looking for is the other half of your soul. Suffering cannot defeat you, abandonment cannot define you, only the insistence on truth and self in your heart is the whole of life.

At the same time, we also hope that society can give them more openness, tolerance and warmth - not only the improvement of policies and systems, but also the awakening of everyone's heart.

When the seekers are also treated as their own, we can truly feel "home" in this land.