
Canada's "super geese" are overflowing, pooping all over the ground and attacking humans, so why protect it?

author:Ling Shuo said otherwise


Canada's "super geese" are overflowing, pooping all over the ground and attacking humans, so why protect it?




In movies and TV series, animals like "big geese" are generally very docile and cute.

But in Canada, they are the "beasts" that Canadians fear about them.

Especially in North America, there are too many species of "big geese", which is a great problem for local residents.

Canada's "super geese" are overflowing, pooping all over the ground and attacking humans, so why protect it?

Not only do they destroy crops and pollute the environment, but they also actively attack humans and other animals, which is intimidating.

So why are these "beasts" so brave?

Canada's "super geese" are overflowing, pooping all over the ground and attacking humans, so why protect it?

The mighty "Canadian Bully"

When you think of Canada, many people probably think of maple leaves, ice wine, or beautiful natural scenery.

But in recent years, a bird from North America, the Canada goose, has become a nuisance for locals.

Canada's "super geese" are overflowing, pooping all over the ground and attacking humans, so why protect it?

And these species, although they look like geese, are not actually animals that belong to the goose, it is a wild goose.

Despite their suave appearance, they display surprising fighting prowess when angry or provoked.

Canada's "super geese" are overflowing, pooping all over the ground and attacking humans, so why protect it?

In some places, people have to take detours to avoid being attacked, and some people even give way to geese crossing the road while driving.

Canada's "super geese" are overflowing, pooping all over the ground and attacking humans, so why protect it?

Sometimes, when you're exercising outdoors or going for a walk, accidentally provoking one can attract a large group of companions who come to help, making it difficult for you to resist.

These grumpy geese will attack humans directly, even in your face.

Canada's "super geese" are overflowing, pooping all over the ground and attacking humans, so why protect it?

In some Canadian parks, it is not uncommon to see a flock of geese roaming over a large meadow, regardless of whether there are any tourists passing by.

Canada's "super geese" are overflowing, pooping all over the ground and attacking humans, so why protect it?

What's more, they will wantonly destroy public facilities, causing considerable losses. They also pull feces everywhere on the lawn, carrying bacteria and seriously polluting the environment.

Canada's "super geese" are overflowing, pooping all over the ground and attacking humans, so why protect it?

And these geese will not only appear in Canada, but also in New York, USA, in 2018, a billionaire's villa was "attacked" by the dung of Canadian geese and could not live in people.

Canada's "super geese" are overflowing, pooping all over the ground and attacking humans, so why protect it?

So he refused to pay the property tax and asked the government to come forward to solve the problem, but unexpectedly, they tried many methods, but they failed to stop the attack of the wild goose.

Canada's "super geese" are overflowing, pooping all over the ground and attacking humans, so why protect it?

So why are Canadian geese so arrogant?

From endangered to overflowing

As early as the last century, the Canadian black goose was on the verge of extinction due to habitat loss due to overhunting and urbanization.

Canada's "super geese" are overflowing, pooping all over the ground and attacking humans, so why protect it?

X statistics show that the population of Canadian black geese once dropped to just a few tens of thousands. Humans hunt and kill Canadian black geese in large numbers for food and down. At the same time, urban sprawl and industrial construction have led to a sharp decline in habitat area.

Canada's "super geese" are overflowing, pooping all over the ground and attacking humans, so why protect it?

However, with the introduction of relevant government protection regulations and the improvement of public awareness of environmental protection, the Canadian black goose has been able to recover and prosper rapidly.

The government not only enacted laws prohibiting killing, but also designated protected areas to maintain habitats. The public has also begun to pay attention to and support the conservation of black geese.

Canada's "super geese" are overflowing, pooping all over the ground and attacking humans, so why protect it?

As a result of these efforts, the Canadian black goose population quickly recovered, with the population exploding to 4.5 million in just a few decades.

This number not only exceeds their all-time high, but is also the highest of any goose bird.

Canada's "super geese" are overflowing, pooping all over the ground and attacking humans, so why protect it?

Today, the population occupies two-thirds of Canada's forested areas, including large wetlands, lakes and riverbanks.

At the same time, they are also encamped in a growing number of human communities, and even inhabit some urban parks directly.

Canada's "super geese" are overflowing, pooping all over the ground and attacking humans, so why protect it?

This is mainly due to their forest habitat, which can no longer accommodate the surge in populations, while urban areas provide a better living environment.

Canada's "super geese" are overflowing, pooping all over the ground and attacking humans, so why protect it?

Under the right climatic conditions, Canada's natural resources are rich and diverse, attracting countless Canadian black geese to settle here.

Coupled with the relatively low competitive pressures of nature, the Canadian black goose here is able to grow freely, which in turn has led to a surge in numbers.

Canada's "super geese" are overflowing, pooping all over the ground and attacking humans, so why protect it?

Specifically, the Canadian black goose reproduces mainly through plants, while Canada, which is covered by vast vegetation, provides them with ample food. At the same time, few predators hunted the black geese, and the population expanded rapidly.

Canada's "super geese" are overflowing, pooping all over the ground and attacking humans, so why protect it?

And in addition to the Canadian geese, the "Canadian wild boar" is also very arrogant, and even plans to "occupy" the United States, what is going on?

Canada's "super geese" are overflowing, pooping all over the ground and attacking humans, so why protect it?

"Canadian Super Pigs" are flooding

North America suffered an unprecedented biological disaster some time ago, and a group of "super pigs" from Canada went on a rampage, disrupting agricultural production, destroying the ecological environment, and even causing a series of human and animal safety problems.

Canada's "super geese" are overflowing, pooping all over the ground and attacking humans, so why protect it?

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, "super pigs" have been found in 35 states, including Texas, which has a higher risk of death.

Canada's "super geese" are overflowing, pooping all over the ground and attacking humans, so why protect it?

In 2019, a Texas woman was attacked and killed by a "super pig" in front of her home.

At the same time, the United States suffered a loss of up to $2.5 billion. These "super pigs" not only eat crops, but also actively attack humans.

Canada's "super geese" are overflowing, pooping all over the ground and attacking humans, so why protect it?

The cause can be traced back to the 80s of the last century, in order to develop the economy, the Canadian government has promoted the family pig industry, and through genetic engineering, let domestic pigs and wild boars mix to breed a new breed - "super pig".

Canada's "super geese" are overflowing, pooping all over the ground and attacking humans, so why protect it?

This pig has both the wild and strong physique of wild boar, and the high yield of domestic pigs, which can really be described as a combination of wild and domesticated dual advantages.

Canada's "super geese" are overflowing, pooping all over the ground and attacking humans, so why protect it?

However, due to the shrinking market demand in the late 90s, a large number of farmers abandoned the "super pigs" and released them into the wild, which led to a large-scale outbreak across the country.

Canada's "super geese" are overflowing, pooping all over the ground and attacking humans, so why protect it?

Compared with ordinary wild boars or domestic pigs, "super pigs" have strong vitality and competitiveness.

Each sow is capable of giving birth to six cubs at a time and farrowing twice a year, which means that it reproduces at an astonishing rate. This is an important reason why the number of "super pigs" has skyrocketed in a short period of time.

Canada's "super geese" are overflowing, pooping all over the ground and attacking humans, so why protect it?

Super Pig is a savvy eater of extreme weather conditions and eats everything from crops to wildlife.

Canada's "super geese" are overflowing, pooping all over the ground and attacking humans, so why protect it?

According to reports, these "super pigs" eat three times as much as ordinary pigs. This means that there is little that can be done to stop their growth and geographical expansion.

Canada's "super geese" are overflowing, pooping all over the ground and attacking humans, so why protect it?

And because of the invasion of these wild boars, the US government also had to take measures, but the effect does not seem to be obvious.

Canada's "super geese" are overflowing, pooping all over the ground and attacking humans, so why protect it?

U.S. initiatives to control wild boars

In dealing with the problem of wild boars in the United States, the U.S. government has come up with a new means of generating revenue.

Unlike the traditional bounty hunting method, the new method aims to combine the hunting of wild boars with the experience of hunting, attracting a large number of tourists from home and abroad.

Canada's "super geese" are overflowing, pooping all over the ground and attacking humans, so why protect it?

In this activity, visitors pay a fee of $3,000, take a helicopter ride, and shoot wild boars in designated areas with specially provided weapons under professional guidance.

This initiative not only solves the problem of wild boar infestation, but also brings new benefits to the US economy.

Canada's "super geese" are overflowing, pooping all over the ground and attacking humans, so why protect it?

But this plan did not work as expected, and the number of wild boars did not decrease, but increased rapidly.

The reason is that the United States underestimates the strong survival and reproduction capacity of wild boars.

Canada's "super geese" are overflowing, pooping all over the ground and attacking humans, so why protect it?

Despite the use of helicopter strafing, the number of wild boars continues to grow. This method of hunting has proven to have little impact on wild boar populations.

Canada's "super geese" are overflowing, pooping all over the ground and attacking humans, so why protect it?

Previously, the U.S. had tried to offer bounties to incentivize local hunters to participate in the extermination of wild boars. However, local hunters showed little interest in it, and had little success. Compared to wild boars, which are lively and fast-running, hunters are often helpless.

Canada's "super geese" are overflowing, pooping all over the ground and attacking humans, so why protect it?

The United States has tried to solve the problem of wild boar populations with drugs, but has had to abandon this method due to the potential impact of drugs on the environment and water sources.

Canada's "super geese" are overflowing, pooping all over the ground and attacking humans, so why protect it?

Although wild boar meat is not universally accepted in the United States and the export prospects are very slim, the U.S. government still tries to export the wild boar it catches to Asian countries that prefer pork, but the wild boar carries more viruses and bacteria and cannot meet the export standards.

Canada's "super geese" are overflowing, pooping all over the ground and attacking humans, so why protect it?

After all else failed, the U.S. government encouraged residents to hunt for them. However, due to the characteristics of wild boars, such as their fast speed and durable skin, it is difficult for ordinary residents to subdue them, and they may be in danger.

Canada's "super geese" are overflowing, pooping all over the ground and attacking humans, so why protect it?

Wild boars now spread across 39 states in the United States, destroying crops and the ecological environment, as well as causing up to $2.5 billion in losses to local residents.

Canada's "super geese" are overflowing, pooping all over the ground and attacking humans, so why protect it?

Because these wild boars grow in the wild for a long time, their skin is very thick, their heads are very large, their fangs are very sharp, and they are also very long, and their lethality is amazing. When residents try to shoot with shotguns, they often fail because the boars are running too fast.

Canada's "super geese" are overflowing, pooping all over the ground and attacking humans, so why protect it?


The impact of human activities on the ecological environment cannot be ignored, and we need to study and explore more deeply how to maintain ecological balance.

While a species may be overrun somewhere, that doesn't mean we should see them as a threat or an enemy.

Canada's "super geese" are overflowing, pooping all over the ground and attacking humans, so why protect it?

Every species has value and meaning, and we should understand and respect their survival styles and Xi as much as possible, and seek effective and sustainable ways to manage and maintain the health of ecosystems.

Canada's "super geese" are overflowing, pooping all over the ground and attacking humans, so why protect it?