
In the summer of 2012, the beautiful singer Fu Li was brutally killed by the courier because of online shopping!

author:Mr. Guo's emotional story will be held

Beautiful Singer Misery

On July 30th, it was supposed to be a cloudless sunny day. However, for Fu Li and her relatives and friends, it was a dark day shrouded in haze. On this day, the optimistic and cheerful Fu Li planned to go out with her boyfriend Mr. Gao, but until the appointed time had passed, no one appeared.

In the summer of 2012, the beautiful singer Fu Li was brutally killed by the courier because of online shopping!

Mr. Gao felt uneasy in his heart, so he drove to his lover's home to check. The moment he pushed the door open, he was horrified by the unimaginable sight of his longing girlfriend lying motionless on the bed, a dark red rising beneath him.

The police, who arrived a moment later, investigated the scene and quickly identified the main suspect in the homicide case as Fu Li's courier Zhang Kunpeng. The singer, who was originally full of energy and aspired to fly high, passed away in this way.

In the summer of 2012, the beautiful singer Fu Li was brutally killed by the courier because of online shopping!

Mr. Gao knelt in front of his lover's body and wept bitterly, and everyone else lamented this sudden change. A smile and a kindness have achieved such a tragic end.

The police immediately launched an investigation, hoping to seek justice for the singer who was not yet married.

From the doll holding the piano to the road of the singer

Fu Li was born smart, cheerful, and well-off. She has been fond of music since she was a child, and often plays and sings to herself at home, bringing a lot of laughter to her parents.

In the summer of 2012, the beautiful singer Fu Li was brutally killed by the courier because of online shopping!

Fu Li's talent and interest prompted her to pass the specialty enrollment at the age of 14 and enter the art troupe to become a young actor. In the 11 years of her military career, she has not only increased her knowledge, but also learned Xi rich stage experience.

It's just that after leaving the barracks, Fu Li didn't stop there.

Faced with the stable and decent job of a music teacher, her heart still burns with the dream of becoming a singer, and she is eager to capture the beauty of life through her talent.

So, Fu Li decisively left her hometown and came to the bustling city of Beijing. Here, she released two solo albums at her own expense, but sales were worrying because no one cared about them.

In the summer of 2012, the beautiful singer Fu Li was brutally killed by the courier because of online shopping!

However, the goddess of fate did not give up on this stubborn girl. While accumulating experience, Fu Li got acquainted with the famous lyricist Fang Wenshan. With his guidance and help, her career finally ushered in spring...... Until July 30, the day that was destined to take her life, came.

Gangsters have evil thoughts

Zhang Kunpeng, an ordinary courier. Since 2010, he has been responsible for delivering parcels to Fu Li's community. At that time, he was still groping on the road of living in the world, and he did not expect that fate would involve two unrelated people together.

In the summer of 2012, the beautiful singer Fu Li was brutally killed by the courier because of online shopping!

The first time he met Fu Li, Zhang Kunpeng was deeply attracted by her unique temperament. Facing the beautiful and moving singer, this young man couldn't help but feel admiration. He took the initiative to deliver the goods to the door, courteously, hoping to get closer to Fu Li.

At that time, Zhang Kunpeng only had some ambiguous thoughts in his heart, and he regarded her as a dream lover he might have. However, Fu Li regarded him as a younger brother-like existence and refused to pursue him.

In the summer of 2012, the beautiful singer Fu Li was brutally killed by the courier because of online shopping!

Zhang Kunpeng never expected that he would encounter failure. He originally thought that Fu Li was a single girl, but it turned out that she had already become famous. This devastated Zhang Kunpeng, and while his self-esteem was hurt, the greed in his heart gradually took control of his reason - if he didn't get people, he had to get money.

Driven by crooked thoughts, Zhang Kunpeng gradually became murderous and determined to teach this woman a lesson.

The beginning and end of the case and the revelations

When the police intervened in the investigation, the truth of the murder case was revealed. It is reported that the suspect Zhang Kunpeng is a courier in the Fuli community, and he frequently appears by her side through work on weekdays.

In the summer of 2012, the beautiful singer Fu Li was brutally killed by the courier because of online shopping!

Fu Li, who lacks precautions, is not wary of him, which lays a hidden danger for future tragedies.

On July 30, Zhang Kunpeng went to the door again to deliver goods, and suddenly took out the ropes and weapons prepared in advance to subdue and kidnap Fu Li while she was unprepared. The distracted man tried to loot belongings in the house, but he only found a meagre $1,600 in cash from the singer's home.

Zhang Kunpeng wanted to take the money and leave directly at first, but Fu Li's cry for help attracted neighbors. In a panic, he covered her mouth and nose with a pillow, eventually killing her.

In the summer of 2012, the beautiful singer Fu Li was brutally killed by the courier because of online shopping!

A week later, Zhang Kunpeng, who was trying to abscond from his homeland, was successfully captured by the police. After the trial, the court sentenced him to death on charges of robbery and homicide. This tragedy highlights the complexity of human nature and the horror of its dark side.

It warns us to always be vigilant against potential threats in our lives and to maintain basic safety precautions; At the same time, we should reflect on ourselves and not be the one who hurts others.

Only with good intentions on the part of everyone can we avoid a repeat of the tragedy.

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