
In the era of AI explosion, Lenovo has a large layout of computing power! The first digital human dialogue program discusses future development

author:Handsome dreams of PMm

Title: Lenovo China joins hands with AI to enter a new era of intelligence, and green computing power leads the future

In the era of AI explosion, Lenovo has a large layout of computing power! The first digital human dialogue program discusses future development

Text: In this era of information explosion and rapid technology iteration, the global rollout of 5G is not only a leap in network speed, but also an important driving force for the transformation of the entire industry to intelligence. When we talk about this change, we have to mention that artificial intelligence technology, especially powerful AI tools like ChatGPT, has played an irreplaceable role in the "wisdom +" era. Nowadays, artificial general intelligence (AGI) is no longer in the stage of theoretical discussion, but has actually entered our life and work.

In the era of AI explosion, Lenovo has a large layout of computing power! The first digital human dialogue program discusses future development

Let's talk about AGI. The biggest difference between it and traditional AI is that it has more comprehensive and autonomous capabilities, and has almost close to human intelligence in multitasking. It sounds a bit like a science fiction movie, but in fact, it's becoming a key area of industry development.

In the era of AI explosion, Lenovo has a large layout of computing power! The first digital human dialogue program discusses future development

With the rise of advanced artificial intelligence technologies such as AGI, computing power has also posed unprecedented challenges. Older computing architectures are no longer keeping up with the times, and emerging technologies such as heterogeneous computing, edge computing, and quantum computing have become the new trend. According to authoritative data, the total scale of computing power in mainland China has achieved remarkable growth in the past five years, and the growth rate of intelligent computing power has exceeded the overall scale.

Speaking of which, you may be curious, what role does Lenovo China play in this wave? The answer is: with the strategic orientation of "AI empowerment and green empowerment", it will show its talents in infrastructure construction. Lenovo has invested more than 50% of its infrastructure R&D resources in the field of AI, and has fully rolled out its intelligent infrastructure layout. At the same time, we will adhere to the principle of green and low-carbon in promoting industrial upgrading.

In practice, Lenovo uses warm water cooling technology for innovative applications. For example, in the fields of education, scientific research, meteorological forecasting, etc., we can see the high efficiency and low-carbon and energy-saving advantages of warm water cooling technology. This technology not only improves the efficiency of the system, but also significantly reduces resource consumption.

In terms of achievement, it is no less impressive. The "2023 Super Computing Conference" and SC2023 have witnessed Lenovo's remarkable achievements in this field. It ranks high on the list of Chinese HPCTOP100 and global HPCTOP500 and is recognized as the "2023 China Computing Power Leading Enterprise", which is worthy of its industry status.

Looking to the future, with the acceleration of AI-driven industrial intelligent transformation, digital infrastructure – or digital "base" – is at the forefront of a new wave of development. Lenovo will continue to build a leading computing infrastructure through technological innovation, and use this to help the mainland's industrial upgrading achieve the dual goals of intelligence and greening.

In short, in the context of the 5G+ intelligent era, Lenovo China is leading the industry towards a more efficient, environmentally friendly and sustainable development with its profound technology accumulation and forward-looking strategic layout, and making due contributions to building a better tomorrow.