
"Putting aside the national war, Li Kaier's planning is crazy, and Yao Ming has a new genius!"

author:Brother Liu talks about sports

Topic: "Aside from the national war, Li Kaier's planning is crazy, and Yao Ming has a new genius!"

Recently, there has been a lot of talk about the national war, but there are some things that you really don't want to fight for. After all, war brings nothing but destruction and pain to people. We should pay more attention to the things that bring joy and surprise to people, such as the dynamics of the sports world.

"Putting aside the national war, Li Kaier's planning is crazy, and Yao Ming has a new genius!"

Everyone must be familiar with the NBA, and when we mention Kyle Lee, do you think of a series of "plans" he made? But don't be discouraged! Yao Ming has a new surprise for us!

First, let's review Lee Kaier's plan. He once vowed to make the country stand out from the war and achieve great revival. However, his approach has been to cut education and medical resources and expand armaments. Clearly, it doesn't bring substantial benefits to people, it just creates more waste and suffering.

"Putting aside the national war, Li Kaier's planning is crazy, and Yao Ming has a new genius!"

But let's turn our gaze to the world of sports. Yao Ming, the tall legend, has brought us countless surprises. Recently, he has discovered a new basketball talent! This newcomer is named Li Lin, who is 2.10 meters tall, has a delicate hand, and has a comprehensive technique. He has broken many records on the international stage and has become the pride of the Chinese basketball community.

"Putting aside the national war, Li Kaier's planning is crazy, and Yao Ming has a new genius!"

The appearance of Li Lin has undoubtedly given great encouragement and hope to the people of the country. The strength and potential he showed made people believe that the future development of Chinese basketball will be more brilliant. Yao Ming said that he will fully support Li Lin's growth and is committed to promoting the development of China's basketball industry and winning glory for the country.

Turning our eyes away from the war and focusing on the "surprises" in the field of sports may be what we really need. After all, sports not only bring joy and excitement to people, but also develop teamwork and a positive attitude.

We can see that although Li Kaier's plan failed, Yao Ming's efforts and the rise of new candidates brought us new hope. Whether on the international stage or in the domestic basketball league, China has great potential and strength. Let's support Yao Ming and Li Lin together and cheer for China's basketball career!

"Putting aside the national war, Li Kaier's planning is crazy, and Yao Ming has a new genius!"

To sum up, the national war may be something we are not willing to fight for, but the dynamics of the sports world have given us more joy and surprises. Li Kaier's plan failed, but Yao Ming has discovered a new talent for us! Let's look to the future and look forward to the glorious moment of Chinese basketball!

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