
The heartfelt words of the two men who are having an affair: What is it like to live with your wife after having a relationship with a mistress

author:Degu tells a story
The heartfelt words of the two men who are having an affair: What is it like to live with your wife after having a relationship with a mistress

I have a special friend, his name is Li Dong, and he is a college classmate of mine. We used to be classmates and roommates, we went to class together, ate together, hung out together, and were the kind of friends who talked about everything.

Not long ago, I received a call from him saying that he had something he wanted to talk to me about. When I saw him, I noticed that there was a little more sadness on his face.

It turned out that Li Dong and his wife worked in a large company, and both were top executives. They have a lovely daughter.

The heartfelt words of the two men who are having an affair: What is it like to live with your wife after having a relationship with a mistress

At this time, he met a young and beautiful girl, Xiao Li. The two of them sparked and unknowingly fell into a relationship.

However, every time he was with Xiao Li, when he returned home and saw his wife and daughter, he felt extremely conflicted and guilty in his heart.

I listened silently, not knowing how to comfort him. This kind of thing is just too complicated. Li Dong's inner entanglement, I can feel that he has been looking for a way to escape.

The heartfelt words of the two men who are having an affair: What is it like to live with your wife after having a relationship with a mistress

He is just caught in an inextricable contradiction between family and affair.

Our conversation continued into the night, when he shook my hand as he left and said, "Thank you for listening to me, I know I need to think about it myself."

I knew that only he could find a way out of this dilemma.

The heartfelt words of the two men who are having an affair: What is it like to live with your wife after having a relationship with a mistress

However, shortly after Li Dong made this decision, I heard shocking news. It turned out that Li Dong's wife also found out about the matter between him and Xiao Li, and she broke out after learning the truth and began to feel distrustful of Li Dong.

I was shocked by the news and deeply felt the fragility of family relationships. Li Dong has been seeking relief and self-redemption, but the entanglements and conflicts of his family have plunged him into a deeper quagmire.

When I came to Li Dong's home, I saw Li Dong's wife packing her bags with her daughter. She saw me, and the anger and disappointment in her eyes kept me from looking at me.

The heartfelt words of the two men who are having an affair: What is it like to live with your wife after having a relationship with a mistress

"I know you must be angry, but please listen to me. I walked up to her and whispered.

She was silent for a moment, then finally nodded in agreement. I began to explain to her Li Dong's sincere guilt and remorse, and I spoke about his cherished family and his love for his wife.

Eventually, she said, "I know he loves us, but I can't stand the betrayal either."

The heartfelt words of the two men who are having an affair: What is it like to live with your wife after having a relationship with a mistress

I couldn't comfort her because I knew it was all too hard for her to accept. And Li Dong also fell into extreme pain at this time.

"I don't really know what to do anymore. Li Dong said to me, his voice full of despair.

"You know, I told Xiao Li about the situation in my family, and she understood me, but she said that she was pregnant with my child.

The heartfelt words of the two men who are having an affair: What is it like to live with your wife after having a relationship with a mistress

Hearing this, I felt a tingling in my scalp. It's nothing short of a disaster. Li Dong is in an unprecedented predicament, he cannot refuse Xiao Li's request, and he cannot betray his family.

"I don't really know what to do. Li Dong suddenly held my hand, and his eyes showed endless confusion and helplessness.

"You can't put it off, sooner or later something like this will come to light and you have to make a decision.

The heartfelt words of the two men who are having an affair: What is it like to live with your wife after having a relationship with a mistress

Li Dong was silent for a long time, and he knew that my words were right. The arrival of their second child seemed to cast a shadow on his heart.

It didn't take long for me to receive another call from Li Dong. His voice sounded even more anxious, and he told me that something was going on in their house that was in a bigger problem.

The wife's originally quiet personality also broke out, and she questioned Li Dong fiercely, and the relationship between the two fell into unprecedented tension.

The heartfelt words of the two men who are having an affair: What is it like to live with your wife after having a relationship with a mistress

I listened to Li Dong's anxious breathing on the other end of the phone, and my heart was also extremely anxious. Such a thing will definitely affect the harmony of their entire family.

I could only try my best to comfort him, hoping that they would be able to clear the fog and see their hearts and families clearly.

When we met again, I saw Li Dong's bloodshot eyes. He told me that they hadn't spoken to each other for days, and that they were like strangers even under the same roof.

The heartfelt words of the two men who are having an affair: What is it like to live with your wife after having a relationship with a mistress

Looking at his appearance, I also felt sad. There is a crack in the marriage, and it is not only the couple who is hurt, but also their daughter.

"I'm sorry I made you laugh. Li Dong suddenly spoke, his voice trembling slightly.

"I can understand your situation, but you have to understand that this problem can only be solved by the two of you. I said softly.

The heartfelt words of the two men who are having an affair: What is it like to live with your wife after having a relationship with a mistress

He was silent for a moment, then sighed. He bowed his head and said, "You're right, the problem lies with me, and I will definitely communicate with my wife well to solve this problem."

A long time has passed, and Li Dong and I have not been in contact again. I often wonder how he will deal with the relationship between him and the mistress, and how he will deal with his family.

Until one day, I suddenly received a call from him. On the other end of the line, it was a calm and heavy voice.

The heartfelt words of the two men who are having an affair: What is it like to live with your wife after having a relationship with a mistress

In his speech, I felt the helplessness and pain in his heart.

Later, I heard that the relationship between him and Xiao San also began to be precarious because of some misunderstandings and contradictions.

I know that he must be very confused inside, perhaps because of a moment of loss, he fell into a whirlpool of emotions that he couldn't extricate himself from, and at the same time hurt his own family.

The heartfelt words of the two men who are having an affair: What is it like to live with your wife after having a relationship with a mistress

When I saw Li Dong again, his expression had changed a little, although he was still tired and painful, but he also had more determination and determination.

He told me that he and his wife had a deep conversation and they began to take the initiative to solve each other's problems through communication.

I hope he can persevere, face and solve these problems with a sincere heart, and slowly mend his family relationship.

The heartfelt words of the two men who are having an affair: What is it like to live with your wife after having a relationship with a mistress

Li Dong, come on.

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