
Couple, whose genes determine the child's IQ and appearance, and how to make the baby smarter?

author:Dr. Qi's words are still there

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As we all know, everyone in this world is different, both internally and externally. For example, IQ and appearance. There are geniuses and intellectual deficiencies in life, handsome guys and beauties, and beautiful "flowers", and these largely come from the genes of their parents.

Couple, whose genes determine the child's IQ and appearance, and how to make the baby smarter?

So, whose genes determine the IQ and appearance of a baby? Is it a little more dad or a little more mom? Or is it evenly distributed? In addition, apart from genetic factors, what other ways can make babies smarter?

1. The genetic law of IQ

IQ refers to a person's level of intelligence and is usually measured by the Intelligence Quotient (IQ). IQ is affected by a variety of factors, among which genetic factors account for a large proportion. According to research, the heritability of IQ is between 50% and 80%, that is, half to three-quarters of the IQ difference is caused by genes.

Couple, whose genes determine the child's IQ and appearance, and how to make the baby smarter?

So, what genes is IQ inherited? At present, scientists have not found a specific IQ gene, but there are some clues that can be referred to. An important clue is that IQ is mainly inherited through the X chromosome.

The X chromosome is one of the decisive chromosomes, with females having two X chromosomes and males having one X chromosome and one Y chromosome. Since the X chromosome carries a lot of genes related to intelligence, the mother has a greater influence on the child's IQ.

Couple, whose genes determine the child's IQ and appearance, and how to make the baby smarter?

Specifically, the IQ of girls is influenced by both parents, which is divided into two-thirds, while the IQ of boys is mainly influenced by the mother, which accounts for two-thirds, and the father's IQ is only one-third. This also explains why girls have a more even distribution of IQs, while boys have a more extreme IQ distribution, with more geniuses and idiots.

Of course, this is not to say that the father's genes are irrelevant, and the father's genes can also affect the child's IQ in other ways, such as affecting the child's personality, mood, motivation, etc.

Couple, whose genes determine the child's IQ and appearance, and how to make the baby smarter?

Moreover, the expression of genes is also regulated by the environment, and acquired education, nutrition, stimulation, etc. will affect the intellectual development of children. Therefore, the inheritance of IQ is not a fixed and unchangeable fate, but a manifestation of potential, which requires acquired efforts and cultivation to fully develop.

Second, the genetic law of appearance

Appearance is also controlled by genes, but it is more complex than IQ because more genes and more variations are involved. In general, the inheritance of appearance follows the following rules:

Couple, whose genes determine the child's IQ and appearance, and how to make the baby smarter?

First, dominant traits are inherited preferentially. Dominant traits refer to traits that can be manifested in as long as one part of the genotype, such as high nose bridge, double eyelids, dark eyeballs, etc. Recessive traits refer to traits that must have two copies in the genotype to manifest themselves, such as a collapsed nose, single eyelids, light-colored eyeballs, etc.

If both parents have different traits, then the child is more likely to inherit the dominant one. Second, similar traits are easily inherited. Similar traits refer to traits that have similar or similar genes in the genotype, such as skin color, height, weight, etc.

Couple, whose genes determine the child's IQ and appearance, and how to make the baby smarter?

If both parents have similar traits, the child is more likely to inherit those traits and is often in the middle between the parents. If the parents have traits that are very different, the child's traits will be diverse, and may be similar to the parent or a new combination.

Finally, unique traits are difficult to inherit. Unique traits refer to traits that have a special or rare gene in the genotype, such as heterochromia, polydactyly, red hair, etc. These traits are usually caused by mutations or defects in genes and rarely occur in the population.

Couple, whose genes determine the child's IQ and appearance, and how to make the baby smarter?

If both parents have unique traits, the probability of a child inheriting those traits is low, unless both parents have the same unique trait, or the child has developed a genetic mutation or defect himself.

In addition to genetic laws, appearance is also affected by the environment, such as climate, diet, living Xi, disease, age, etc. will change people's appearance. Some changes are temporary, such as gaining weight, tanning, getting sick, etc., and some changes are permanent, such as aging, scarring, facelift, etc. Therefore, the inheritance of appearance is not static, but a dynamic and plastic process that requires acquired maintenance and adjustment to maintain beauty.

Couple, whose genes determine the child's IQ and appearance, and how to make the baby smarter?

3. How to make babies smarter?

First of all, before pregnancy, parents should do a preconception check-up to know if they have genetic diseases or bad genes, and if so, they can take some measures, such as genetic counseling, genetic diagnosis, assisted reproduction, etc., to reduce the risk of adverse effects on their children.

During pregnancy, mothers should pay attention to balanced nutrition, avoid smoking and drinking, stay away from harmful substances, and maintain a happy mood to provide a good environment for the child to conceive. Secondly, parents should spend more time with their children and give them enough love, hugs, kisses, praises, encouragement, etc., so that they can feel their worth and sense of security.

Couple, whose genes determine the child's IQ and appearance, and how to make the baby smarter?

Parents should also have more conversations with their children, use simple, clear and vivid language to describe their feelings, thoughts and behaviors, guide their children to express their emotions, needs and opinions, and cultivate children's language and social skills.

In addition, parents should provide suitable early education activities for their children according to their age and development stage, such as reading, singing, playing games, doing crafts, drawing, etc., to stimulate children's interest and curiosity, and exercise children's observation, memory, thinking, creativity and other abilities.

Couple, whose genes determine the child's IQ and appearance, and how to make the baby smarter?

Parents should also take their children to get in touch with different people and things, broaden their children's horizons and knowledge, and enhance their children's adaptability and Xi learning ability. Finally, parents should develop good living Xi and provide their children with reasonable diet, exercise, sleep, etc., to ensure their children's physical health and energy.

Parents should also pay attention to their children's mental health, avoid excessive stress and negative influences on their children, help their children establish correct values and outlook on life, and cultivate their children's self-confidence and optimism.

Couple, whose genes determine the child's IQ and appearance, and how to make the baby smarter?


In conclusion, a child's IQ and appearance are determined by a variety of factors, of which genetic factors are only one of them, and they are not absolute. Parents can help their children reach their potential through a variety of efforts, so that they can become smarter, more beautiful, and happier.

Of course, the most important thing is that parents love their children with sincerity, accept their children's imperfections, respect their children's individuality, support their children's choices, and make their children feel unconditional love.