
"Naughty Dog" Dengmei pushes the trend! Netizens have mixed reactions to the cancellation of TLOU people

author:Nomad starry sky

Sony's first-party studio, Naughty Dog, has announced that it will stop the development of The Last of Us multiplayer online game. The just-in-time (GaaS) game was said to have affected the studio's resource allocation. The team decided to continue working on the single-player narrative game that they do best.

"Naughty Dog" Dengmei pushes the trend! Netizens have mixed reactions to the cancellation of TLOU people

Subsequently, related topics also appeared on the American Twitter trend, and netizens talked about it.

One player said: "Although it was late, at least Naughty Dog stepped on the brakes of TLOU Online." Hopefully, they'll focus their resources on what they're good at: a massive single-player narrative adventure game. I hope this will make room for new IPs. ”

However, some players complained to Naughty Dog, saying, "Naughty Dog can't make anything new." ”

Another player said: "Although it is not what I expected, for those who have been expecting, the cancellation of TLOU Online is terrible." It may be a blot on Naughty Dog's image, but at the very least, it's a cautionary tale about developers announcing projects too soon (and hyping up awards shows). ”

"Naughty Dog" Dengmei pushes the trend! Netizens have mixed reactions to the cancellation of TLOU people
"Naughty Dog" Dengmei pushes the trend! Netizens have mixed reactions to the cancellation of TLOU people