
Qin Hao, who is 45 years old and "no one dares to mess with", once again sounded the alarm in the entertainment industry

author:No. 7 Entertainment Detective

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Sentence|No. 7 Secret Search

Editor|No. 7 Entertainment Detective


Qin Hao was nominated for the Cannes Best Actor for his superb acting skills, and in recent years, he has quickly become popular because of a "Hidden Corner".

But why did he marry Yi Nengjing, who was 10 years older than him and married for the second time?

Qin Hao, who is 45 years old and "no one dares to mess with", once again sounded the alarm in the entertainment industry

Marry the goddess of childhood

When Yi Nengjing and Qin Hao's relationship was exposed, everyone was shocked.

Because at that time, Yi Nengjing was already a smash hit talent goddess.

Not only was she nominated for Best Actress at the Golden Horse Awards, but she also released many music albums.

And Qin Hao is just a niche literary film actor who is not famous.

What's more, Yi Nengjing is 10 years older than Qin Hao, and she still has a child after divorcing Yu Chengqing.

Because of this, people began to question their relationship and ridicule the unfavorable relationship.

is also because of various rumors from the outside world, which makes Yi Nengjing very unconfident in this relationship.

In addition, her failed marriage with Yu Chengqing made her extremely insecure.

recalled Yi Nengjing's first marriage, when Yu Chengqing's family was prominent.

On the other hand, Yi Nengjing, her parents divorced when she was a child, and she came out to work to make money at a young age.

Qin Hao, who is 45 years old and "no one dares to mess with", once again sounded the alarm in the entertainment industry

Such a big difference in family background made Yi Nengjing careful in her first marriage, and eventually went to divorce.

So when Qin Hao pursued Yi Nengjing, she repeatedly asked Qin Hao if his family was not good, and whether he would dislike it.

But Qin Hao is not a person who can talk sweetly, he just silently uses actions to eliminate Yi Nengjing's uneasiness.

Qin Hao took Yi Nengjing back to his hometown and introduced her to his relatives and family to express his thoughts.

His attitude and behavior of firmly maintaining this relationship slowly moved Yi Nengjing.

After that, the two walked together smoothly and held a wedding.

At the wedding scene, Qin Hao swore to Yi Nengjing in front of many guests, "I will never have a mistress after marriage, otherwise I will cut myself off." ”

Faced with such a straightforward oath, Yi Nengjing was suddenly moved to tears.

After marriage, Qin Hao's love for Yi Nengjing has not diminished at all.

Qin Hao emphasized on the show more than once that Yi Nengjing was his childhood goddess.

even said with a smile on his face that the first tape he bought when he was a child was Yi Nengjing's record.

Even after getting married, Yi Nengjing said that because of her age, she may no longer have children.

Qin Hao also agreed with this, and regarded Yi Nengjing's child as his own.

However, God always favors them, and Yi Nengjing became pregnant soon after marriage.

Their daughter Millet Grains was born.

Until now, they are still happily married after eight years.

This unpromising love has finally become a beautiful reality.

However, Qin Hao, who is so happily married, is not smooth sailing in his career.

Qin Hao, who is 45 years old and "no one dares to mess with", once again sounded the alarm in the entertainment industry

Stick to your principles

Qin Hao saw Jiang Wen's movies in the cinema when he was a child, which gave him the idea of becoming an excellent actor.

He was admitted to the Central Academy of Drama as the first major, and became classmates with Zhang Ziyi and Yuan Quan.

Qin Hao also knew that his image was not dominant, so he worked harder to learn Xi.

It is also his serious attitude that Qin Hao has achieved the first excellent result in the professional class in the four years of Chinese opera Xi.

Even the teacher praised Qin Hao again and again, saying that he was very talented in acting.

In this way, as soon as he graduated, countless directors threw olive branches to him and invited him to star in film and television dramas.

However, Qin Hao has always adhered to the principle of "you can't act in bad movies for money".

As a result, he became a rather picky actor and rejected many scripts that approached him.

But at that time, classmates like Zhang Ziyi had already become popular all over the country early and gained many fans.

On the other hand, Qin Hao, who ranked first in the class, is still unknown in the entertainment industry.

Even so, Qin Hao not only did not lower his bottom line because he was in a hurry to become famous, but chose high-quality scripts more carefully.

Finally, he waited for a turning point.

Qin Hao, who is 45 years old and "no one dares to mess with", once again sounded the alarm in the entertainment industry

The award of "Qinghong" at the Cannes Film Festival made Qin Hao quickly open up his popularity.

It is precisely because of this that director Lou Ye discovered Qin Hao's potential and invited him to star in one of his own literary films.

Qin Hao also lived up to expectations and was shortlisted for Cannes again with this film.

However, Qin Hao was not satisfied with niche literary films, he took a breakthrough step.

Qin Hao starred in "The Thirteen Hairpins of Jinling", which was very different from his previous image.

Although this metamorphosis made him stand out in front of the public.

But Qin Hao's real explosion is not because of this work.

Rapid Naming

In 2022, a suspense drama "The Hidden Corner" quickly became popular all over the Internet.

Qin Hao plays a math teacher who seems to be silent and kind in the play.

Because of this, at first everyone may think that this is just an ordinary family story.

But as "Zhang Dongsheng" played by Qin Hao pushed his wife's parents off the cliff, the plot quickly pushed to a climax.

At that time, who didn't know the stalk of "Qin Hao took you to climb the mountain".

In order to better interpret the role in the play, he even made a bald shape.

This also allows everyone to see Qin Hao's strength, acting skills and professional performance as an actor.

Qin Hao also gained a good reputation because of this drama, and countless scripts came one after another.

After that, Qin Hao starred in a suspense drama "The Long Season" again.

His role in the play is very different from his previous portrayal.

Qin Hao plays a "biaozi" with a fat belly, a flamboyant tongue, and a sloppy mouth.

Qin Hao, who is 45 years old and "no one dares to mess with", once again sounded the alarm in the entertainment industry

For this role, Qin Hao deliberately gained 20 pounds, and the audience couldn't believe that this was Qin Hao.

After acting in "The Long Season", for the next drama, Qin Hao began to lose weight like crazy.

Because the weight loss effect is very obvious in a short period of time, countless netizens seek Qin Hao's weight loss recipes.

Whether it is to lose weight for the play or to be "bald", his sacrifice of the role makes everyone admire his professional attitude.

Qin Hao shows different acting skills through different roles, which makes his acting career more and more broad.


Qin Hao's acting career has been constantly breaking through himself from the beginning.

From the sinister and dark "Zhang Dongsheng" to the funny and humorous "Biaozi", Qin Hao showed a variety of acting skills and won the love of the audience.

His uncompromising principles and professionalism have earned him respect.

Qin Hao, who is 45 years old and "no one dares to mess with", once again sounded the alarm in the entertainment industry

In the same way, his serious attitude towards love and family also adds another point of brilliance to his image.

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