
Strengthen confidence, forge ahead, and continue to inject strong impetus into high-quality development - all sectors of society earnestly study Xi comprehend the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference

Strengthen confidence, forge ahead, and continue to inject strong impetus into high-quality development - all sectors of society earnestly study Xi comprehend the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference

The Central Economic Work Conference was held in Beijing from December 11 to 12, and General Secretary Xi Jinping attended the meeting and delivered an important speech. Over the past few days, all sectors of society have conscientiously Xi and comprehended the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference. Everyone said that the meeting is of great significance for cohesion, strengthening confidence, doing a good job in economic work next year, and solidly promoting Chinese-style modernization. It is necessary to adhere to high-quality development as the last word in the new era, implement the decisions and arrangements of the central government to the letter, seize all favorable opportunities, take advantage of all favorable conditions, and continue to promote the economy to achieve qualitative and effective improvement and reasonable quantitative growth.

The economy is rebounding and improving, and confidence in promoting high-quality development has been enhanced

This year is the first year for the full implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and a year for economic recovery and development after the three-year transition of new crown epidemic prevention and control. The CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has united and led the whole party and the people of all ethnic groups throughout the country to withstand external pressure and overcome internal difficulties, and the mainland's economy has rebounded and improved, and high-quality development has been steadily promoted.

"The CPC Central Committee has observed the general trend, set the direction, and introduced a series of policies and measures in a timely and decisive manner, and the achievements have not come easily. Guo Chunli, director of the Economic Research Institute of the China Macroeconomic Research Institute, said that in the process of responding to risks and challenges, China's economy has always adhered to the primary task of high-quality development, and the momentum of innovation-driven development is obvious.

Strengthen confidence, forge ahead, and continue to inject strong impetus into high-quality development - all sectors of society earnestly study Xi comprehend the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference

This is the photovoltaic on the roof of the wharf yard of Changshu Longteng Special Steel Co., Ltd., Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province (drone photo, taken on June 9, 2023). Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Ji Chunpeng

Daniel Zhang, director of the Management Committee of Wuhan East Lake High-tech Zone in Hubei Province, deeply felt the "important progress in the construction of a modern industrial system" mentioned at the meeting. "We have implemented the industrial development of clusters in the field of optoelectronic information, and through the cooperation of upstream and downstream, the core supporting facilities of leading enterprises can basically be solved nearby. He said that it is precisely because of the creation of an efficient and collaborative industrial chain supporting consortium that Optics Valley has effectively coped with external risks and challenges, and the industrial scale has exceeded 100 billion yuan, becoming an important support for regional economic development.

Strengthen confidence, forge ahead, and continue to inject strong impetus into high-quality development - all sectors of society earnestly study Xi comprehend the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference

The building of the Wuhan New Energy Research Institute in Wuhan Optics Valley Future Science and Technology City (taken on July 9, 2022, drone photo). Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Cheng Min

Since the beginning of this year, the mainland has intensified macroeconomic policy regulation and control, and a series of policy "combinations" have been implemented to enhance the confidence to cope with complex situations and various challenges.

In the smart factory of Shandong Sinocera Functional Materials Co., Ltd., the automated production line runs at high speed, and multiple complex processes are completed in one go. "The continuous support of the state and local governments has given us more adequate funds for technology research and development and digital upgrades. "The first time through the news report to learn the spirit of the Xi meeting, the company's chairman Zhang Xi said with emotion that this year, the company has enjoyed the policy of additional deduction of research and development expenses, invested hundreds of millions of yuan in tax "red packets" into research and development, and achieved large-scale production of new products.

The meeting further deepened the understanding of the regularity of doing a good job in economic work in the new era, and put forward the "five musts" in an eye-catching manner.

Feng Liguo, director of the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau of Qian'an County, Jilin Province, has a lot of feelings about "we must adhere to high-quality development and high-level security and benign interaction". This year, Qian'an County ushered in another bumper harvest, building a solid "ballast stone" for food security and laying the foundation for high-quality development. "A series of measures to stabilize and increase grain production have been effective, and the promotion of 'water and fertilizer integration + dense planting' technology has achieved water saving and grain increase, and we have the confidence and confidence to firmly hold the rice bowl in our own hands. ”

At present, the mainland's economic recovery is still at a critical stage, and it is necessary to enhance confidence and confidence. Focusing on the central task of economic construction and the primary task of high-quality development, China's economic ship will be able to move forward steadily along the high-quality development channel.

Make efforts in the same direction, form a joint force, and consolidate the foundation for stability and improvement

The meeting set the tone for next year's economic work, made it clear that it is necessary to adhere to the principle of seeking progress while maintaining stability, promoting stability through progress, establishing first and then breaking down, and emphasizing the need to strengthen innovation and coordination of policy tools.

Luo Zhiheng, chief economist of Guangdong Kai Securities, said that the meeting conveyed a positive policy signal of promoting "progress" on the basis of "stability" and achieving "stability" through "progress"; "The meeting also emphasized that 'enhancing the consistency of macro policy orientation' and 'focusing on effectiveness and enhancing the sense of gain in the evaluation of policy effects' will help make good use of policy space and play a greater role. Luo Zhiheng said.

Focusing on promoting high-quality development, highlight the key points and grasp the key. The meeting put forward 9 key tasks, and "leading the construction of a modern industrial system with scientific and technological innovation" was put in the first place.

Xie Shaofeng, director of the Department of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, believes that this has released a clear signal to promote industrial innovation with scientific and technological innovation and build competitive advantages with industrial upgrading. He said: "We will adhere to the guidance of industrial demand, carry out core technology research in key industrial fields, high-level layout of manufacturing innovation centers, pilot and application verification platforms, cultivate and expand emerging and future industries such as general artificial intelligence, quantum information, and biomanufacturing, and promote the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure and the improvement of core competitiveness." ”

"It is necessary to stimulate potential consumption and expand profitable investment" and "promote consumption from post-epidemic recovery to continuous expansion...... The meeting focused on focusing on expanding domestic demand.

"We are paying special attention to new initiatives to promote consumption. Xu Dawei, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Jinshan Street, Cangshan District, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, said that this year, Jinshan Street seized the new consumption hotspot and created a new scene of "culture + food + experience + activities". In the next step, we will continue to cultivate the soil for consumption, enhance the confidence of merchants, encourage the development of new consumption such as customization, experience, intelligence, and fashion, and create more new business formats.

The meeting proposed to give more prominence to the priority orientation of employment, which provided guidance for the further implementation of stable employment at the grassroots level. Jin Ming, director of the Fumin Road Sub-district Office in Hedong District, Tianjin, said, "Since the beginning of this year, we have given full play to the role of the 'all-branch grid' in the street community, organized a number of vocational skills training, and worked with the district units to develop more public welfare posts." Jin Ming said that the next step is to focus on employment services for college graduates, and link up with the street chamber of commerce and enterprises in the jurisdiction to hold recruitment activities to provide more jobs.

In the cold wave of winter, the landmark building of Shanghai Zhangjiang Science City, the Zhangjiang "Science Gate" project, is speeding up construction. At present, Zhangjiang Science City has gathered more than 1,900 high-tech enterprises, and the business cards of science and technology innovation are shining.

Strengthen confidence, forge ahead, and continue to inject strong impetus into high-quality development - all sectors of society earnestly study Xi comprehend the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference

This is a large scientific installation shaped like a nautilus taken on November 25, 2023 at Zhangjiang Science City, Pudong New Area, Shanghai, Shanghai Light Source (center) (drone photo). Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Fang Zhe

Liu Xie, deputy director of the Management Committee of Zhangjiang High-tech Industrial Development Zone, was deeply impressed by the meeting to "fully stimulate the endogenous power and innovation vitality of various business entities". He said: "We will focus on the goal of building a world-leading science and technology park, continue to reform and innovate, and integrate scientific and technological innovation resources to accelerate the formation of new quality productivity by optimizing the open sharing mechanism of major scientific and technological infrastructure." ”

We should make concerted efforts to grasp implementation and strive to do a good job in next year's economic work

One point of deployment, nine points of implementation. They said that it is necessary to fully implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee for doing a good job in next year's economic work, effectively enhance the sense of responsibility and mission for doing a good job in economic work, and ensure the implementation of key tasks.

At the Qinzhou automated container terminal in the Beibu Gulf port of Guangxi, huge ships loaded with goods are loaded and unloaded on the shore. In the first three quarters, the total import and export value of Qinzhou Port's foreign trade increased by 29.17% year-on-year. "The meeting proposed to accelerate the cultivation of new momentum for foreign trade, which urges us to accelerate the optimization of the port business environment and release the vitality of enterprises with first-class management and services. Zuo Kongtian, deputy director of the Management Committee of Qinzhou Port Area of China (Guangxi) Pilot Free Trade Zone, said that Qinzhou Port Area will conscientiously implement the spirit of the meeting, actively promote investment facilitation, trade liberalization and reform of the administrative examination and approval system, and implement the model of "simplified approval, commitment approval, and centralized approval" to help business "easy to do" and foreign trade to "accelerate".

Strengthen confidence, forge ahead, and continue to inject strong impetus into high-quality development - all sectors of society earnestly study Xi comprehend the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference

Two freighters unload containers at the container terminal of Qinzhou Port (drone photo, taken on November 24, 2023). Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Ailin

From a resource-scarce village to a "national civilized village", the transformation of Lizu Village in Yiwu, Zhejiang Province was caused by the "Ten Million Project". Seeing that the meeting proposed to "learn from Xi and use the experience of the 'Ten Million Project' to effectively and effectively promote the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside", Fang Haolong, secretary of the Party branch of Lizu Village, was more energetic. "The village held a meeting for the first time to learn and Xi the spirit of the meeting, and was determined to do a good job in environmental articles around 'livability and work', people's livelihood articles around 'urban-rural integration', and common prosperity articles around 'talent rejuvenation villages'." Fang Haolong said that it is necessary to integrate local culture with Yiwu's business genes and show greater achievements in building an "international cultural maker village".

Strengthen confidence, forge ahead, and continue to inject strong impetus into high-quality development - all sectors of society earnestly study Xi comprehend the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference

A view of Lizu Village, Yiwu City, Zhejiang Province (taken on May 23, 2023). Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Du Xiaoyi

In Nanshan District, Shenzhen, the Shenzhen Research Institute of Redco New Energy is brightly lit. After learning the spirit of the Xi meeting, the founder of the company, Wang Hanchao, further strengthened his confidence in the layout of cutting-edge technology. "The meeting has made a clear direction for us to base ourselves on new industries and open up new tracks. It is necessary to seize the window period for the development of new energy vehicles and accelerate the research and development and application of energy storage core control systems, inverters and other technologies. Wang Hanchao said that in the past two years, enterprises have invested more than 70 million yuan in R&D in Shenzhen, and in the future, they will continue to increase funds and talent introduction to seize development opportunities.

Strengthen confidence, forge ahead, and continue to inject strong impetus into high-quality development - all sectors of society earnestly study Xi comprehend the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference

The construction site of the Shenzhen Bay Super Headquarters Base in Nanshan District, Shenzhen (drone photo, taken on August 26, 2023). Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhou Ke

"If we unite under the banner of the Party as 'a piece of hard steel', we will certainly be able to overcome difficulties and achieve new victories. Xi Huang He, deputy director of the Ecological Environment Bureau of Liupanshui City, Guizhou Province, said that he would further consolidate the ecological and environmental protection responsibilities of the party and government leading cadres of the city and county, do a good job in the rule of law, market, science and technology, and policy "combination punch", and coordinate the promotion of comprehensive remediation of waste residue pollution, sewage treatment, and environmental remediation of water sources, and strive to build Liupanshui City into a demonstration area for green and low-carbon transformation of resource-based cities.

Next year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and a crucial year for the implementation of the 14th Five-Year Plan. Everyone said that it is necessary to work hard, strengthen confidence, implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee with practical actions, and turn the grand blueprint of Chinese-style modernization into a beautiful reality step by step.

Text: Xinhua News Agency

Poster design: Sun Yao

Editors: Wang Xuan, Yu Jiaqiang, Yang Wenrong, Zhang Aifang, Qi Wenjuan, Ma Ning, Hou Bangxing, Guo Jieyu

Co-ordinator: He Yuxin, Zhou Yongyi

Strengthen confidence, forge ahead, and continue to inject strong impetus into high-quality development - all sectors of society earnestly study Xi comprehend the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference

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