
Why did the ticket check stop before the train started, and how far in advance did I have to get to the station?

author:Renai Brook x8

Why is it so important ?️ ♂️ to catch the train in advance

Ever felt like you're on the platform watching the train go away even though it's still early? Today, we're going to delve into the design and regulations behind the train station to reveal the mystery of getting there early and why it's more than just a simple journey.

Why did the ticket check stop before the train started, and how far in advance did I have to get to the station?

Train station ticket inspection mechanism: regulations are not just a matter of numbers!

The rules for ticket gates at train stations are not rigid numbers, but are well-thought-out designs. Humen High-speed Railway Station, Guangzhou South Railway Station, Shenzhen North Railway Station, each station has a unique design to provide better services for passengers. The ticket inspection starts 10 minutes and 15 minutes in advance, not only to comply with the regulations, but also to consider factors such as real-name verification and baggage safety in the station.

⏰ Golden Hour of Arrivals: The Panacea for Tardiness!

Why did the ticket check stop before the train started, and how far in advance did I have to get to the station?

Arrive early to avoid being thrown off by the train. The different check-in times at the departure and transit stations are designed to ensure that passengers have enough time to complete procedures such as security checks and real-name verification. And in the unfamiliar station environment, arriving early is to avoid getting lost. Arrive 30 minutes early to enjoy the ease and comfort of your journey.

Change rules: Behind the loss is the accumulation of opportunities!

Even if you miss that train, you still have the opportunity to change to another train on the same day. Although the rules for changing bookings are limited, it does not prevent us from finding the most suitable option for us in the whirlpool of time. Pay attention to the status of the station and train in advance, check the big screen, and plan the itinerary, which is the best time management for yourself.

Why did the ticket check stop before the train started, and how far in advance did I have to get to the station?

⏳ The preciousness of time: don't wait until the last second!

Time is not only money, but also a pass to unimpeded traffic. Plan ahead and set aside more time not only to be responsible for yourself, but also to make the whole trip more relaxed. In this hurried society, arriving at the station early to avoid stuck points is the key to making the trip more exciting.

Stay curious and uncover more mysteries of your journey!

Why did the ticket check stop before the train started, and how far in advance did I have to get to the station?

Finally, staying curious is not just an attitude towards travel, but a philosophy of life. Arrive at the station in advance, not only to avoid trouble, but also to uncover the mystery of the journey and discover more unknown beauty. On this trip, we are all explorers, looking for the unknown and chasing our dreams. Every departure is an adventure full of surprises!

Personal Opinion:

Arriving at the station early is not only a travel Xi for me, but also a respect for time. Every journey is a challenge to oneself and an exploration of the unknown. Traveling is not only about walking or riding in a car, but also about spiritual practice. Arriving at the station early gave me more time to enjoy the scenery along the way and feel the taste of an unfamiliar city. Time is a precious resource, and arriving early is to better dispose of this wealth.

Why did the ticket check stop before the train started, and how far in advance did I have to get to the station?

All in all, the journey is like a book, and arriving there early is to leisurely turn each page and discover the stories hidden behind the words. Whether it's to avoid rush or to reveal the mystery of the journey, arriving early is a smart choice. Let us not only see the scenery on the way of travel, but also find ourselves.