
Yu Minhong's conspiracy was exposed? Trying to set aside Dong Yuhui, Dongfang selected to steal chickens and failed to defeat rice!

author:Female Governor of Finance and Economics

Yu Minhong smashed it in an attempt to overhead Dong Yuhui, but as a result, stealing chickens failed to lead to a reversal! What exactly happened? Let's pay attention to it first and then talk.

Recently, the Dongfang selection "small composition" incident has caused a lot of uproar. On December 5, the official posted a comment on "Who is the promotional copywriter from" under the warm-up video of an event, claiming that most of the classic essays are created by the copywriting team, not all of them are written by the anchor.

After this remark spread, Dong Yuhui's fans were furious, and they questioned whether Dongfang Selection was denying Dong Yuhui's contribution.

Yu Minhong's conspiracy was exposed? Trying to set aside Dong Yuhui, Dongfang selected to steal chickens and failed to defeat rice!

During this period, the media also exposed the internal chat records of CEO Sun Dongxu who did not let Dong Yuhui return, and Sun himself also said in a live broadcast:

"The overly extreme view is to over-praise and belittle Dong Yuhui. ”

These are like adding fuel to the fire, in order to express their dissatisfaction, netizens not only publicly demonstrated to Dongfang Selection through the closure account, but even collectively flocked to competitors.

The data shows that from December 10th to 13th alone, the Dongfang Selection Douyin account has lost more than 120,000 followers, and the stock price has also fallen by 14% in three trading days, and 20 billion yuan has disappeared. This is a good highway, with 270,000 fans in just a few days, and sales soaring 250 times.

As the protests intensified, Yu Minhong finally couldn't sit still, and he had to stand up and speak out.

I suspect that the effect of this statement is really insincere, and it can even be said that it is throwing the pot without a lower limit.

Yu Minhong's conspiracy was exposed? Trying to set aside Dong Yuhui, Dongfang selected to steal chickens and failed to defeat rice!

First, Yu Minhong said in the video that it is okay for netizens to express their opinions, but I hope that everyone can express their opinions in a rational way and attitude. Isn't this just criticizing fans for being irrational?

At the beginning, when Dongfang selected a large number of fans, did Sect Leader Yu remind you that you should be rational when you pay attention? Does it mean that when you are good for yourself, fans should be crazy and good, and when you are not good for yourself, fans should be rational?

Second, Yu Minhong accused that a trivial matter within Dongfang Selection Company turned into surging public opinion, on the one hand, because of improper handling, and on the other hand, because of the serious lack of professionalism in Xiaobian's approach.

Is this considered to dump the management and the editor? Is it up to the management, especially the editor, to decide for themselves such a big matter?

Everyone knows that from New Oriental to e-commerce live broadcast, Dong Yuhui has always played the role of a pillar, with his blessing, this transformation was completed quickly, not to mention that a small editor does not dare to call the company's great hero, that is, Yu Minhong is also afraid of Dong Yuhui, how can Sun Dongxu, the CEO of Oriental Selection, have the authority to directly let him get out?

All major decisions involving Dong students will definitely be communicated with Yu Minhong first, and they will not be implemented until they are agreed.

Yu Minhong's conspiracy was exposed? Trying to set aside Dong Yuhui, Dongfang selected to steal chickens and failed to defeat rice!

Therefore, the editor's daring to expose Dong Yuhui's bottom this time is definitely not a personal act, it is most likely part of Yu Minhong's action to overhead Dong Yuhui, and it was instructed by the big boss and Sun Dongxu.

Why did they do this? The answer is very simple, without Dong Yuhui, there would be no Dongfang Selection today, but Dong Yuhui has also formed a dominant position in Dongfang Selection.

It is said that Dong Yuhui's sales alone account for 40%-56% of the company's revenue, in comparison, another indicator is even more amazing, Dong Yuhui has 13.51 million fans, while Dongfang Selection No. 2 anchor YOYO is only 1.38 million, a difference of 10 times.

Yu Minhong's conspiracy was exposed? Trying to set aside Dong Yuhui, Dongfang selected to steal chickens and failed to defeat rice!

For enterprises, the risk of this pattern is huge, if Dong Yuhui changes jobs, he will lose half his life, and it is impossible for an old Jianghu like Yu Minhong not to know, he urgently needs to select and shape a few big anchors and a series of waist anchors in the East.

This incident, in the final analysis, is that Dong Yuhui did not grasp the rhythm, a little too hasty, and at the same time did not find a suitable candidate to share Dong Yuhui's traffic, which not only caused public anger, lost a group of fans in vain, and even gave Dong Yuhui greater confidence, Yu Minhong also made it difficult for himself to ride a tiger, and it is said that he is now facing the embarrassment of choosing between Sun Dongxu and Dong Yuhui.

If you have to protect anyone, it is obviously Dong Yuhui who is more important, Dongfang Selection can't afford to lose him in the short term, of course, Dong Yuhui's solo capital is not big for the time being, and the wisest choice is to ask the boss for more bonuses. What do you think?#Yu Minhong issued a statement in response to the small essay controversy##Stock Finance##社会百态#

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