
The most beautiful nun Shi Zheng Xiaotong, the Buddha dreamed of becoming a monk and gave up 985 University, what happened 14 years later?

author:I can't do it
The most beautiful nun Shi Zheng Xiaotong, the Buddha dreamed of becoming a monk and gave up 985 University, what happened 14 years later?

At the age of 19, it was the youth of a young girl, but Shi Zheng Xiaotong from a 985 university did a strange, dream, she became a little nun, serving the Buddha.

After waking up, she resolutely chose to become a monk despite the dissuasion of her classmates and friends, and the opposition of her parents.

The most beautiful nun Shi Zheng Xiaotong, the Buddha dreamed of becoming a monk and gave up 985 University, what happened 14 years later?

Later, she was already a nun and became a nun, and someone took a photo and put it on the Internet, people didn't expect that there would be a nun in the world who could be so beautiful even if she didn't cultivate Fandel, and she became popular on the Internet.

The most beautiful nun Shi Zheng Xiaotong, the Buddha dreamed of becoming a monk and gave up 985 University, what happened 14 years later?

Now, how is Shi Zhengxiao doing, is she still meditating and practicing Buddhism every day? Why did she firmly choose to become a monk because of a dream, and are there other reasons behind this?

The most beautiful nun Shi Zheng Xiaotong, the Buddha dreamed of becoming a monk and gave up 985 University, what happened 14 years later?

Shi Zhengxiao, whose real name is Shi Zhengxiao, was born in 1986 in rural Henan, from an ordinary family, and her mother was a devout Buddhist.

It is said that before conceiving Shi Zhengxiao, the mother always wanted a daughter, and tried many times, but it was unsuccessful, and later, the mother went to the temple to give the son Guanyin incense, and it didn't take long to find that she was successfully pregnant.

The most beautiful nun Shi Zheng Xiaotong, the Buddha dreamed of becoming a monk and gave up 985 University, what happened 14 years later?

Later, when her daughter was born, her mother was grateful for the Buddha and named the child Shi Zhengxiao.

When her daughter Shi Zhengxiao was growing up healthily, her mother did not forget to take time out to chant and worship Buddha, and under the influence of this, Xiao Shi Zhengxiao often had access to various ideas of Buddhism.

The most beautiful nun Shi Zheng Xiaotong, the Buddha dreamed of becoming a monk and gave up 985 University, what happened 14 years later?

At an age when other children pestered their mothers and cried, Xiao Shi Zhengxiao had a strong interest in Buddhism from an early age under the influence of his mother, and even knew the meaning of some Buddhist scriptures.

People who believe in Buddhism know that they need "wisdom roots" to understand Buddhism, and those who do not have "wisdom roots" are destined to have no relationship with the Buddha in the future, and Shi Zhengxiao may be the person who has "wisdom roots".

The most beautiful nun Shi Zheng Xiaotong, the Buddha dreamed of becoming a monk and gave up 985 University, what happened 14 years later?

In the eyes of parents, it is naturally good to know the Dharma, not to mention whether it is possible to become a monk in the future, at least it shows that the child is still not stupid.

Later, when he was in school, Shi Zhengxiao has always worked hard to study Xi, and he was often able to get the first place in his class, and then he was successfully admitted to the city's key high school, Anyang Experimental High School, with excellent results.

The most beautiful nun Shi Zheng Xiaotong, the Buddha dreamed of becoming a monk and gave up 985 University, what happened 14 years later?

In getting along with his classmates, Shi Zhengxiao is more quiet, or quiet, than other classmates, and often helps his classmates.

In high school, Shi Zhengxiao competed with the top students from all over the city every day, so the Xi of learning here is undoubtedly very intense.

The most beautiful nun Shi Zheng Xiaotong, the Buddha dreamed of becoming a monk and gave up 985 University, what happened 14 years later?

Especially at that time, the college entrance examination has been changed to a "provincial proposition", and Shi Zhengxiao is still there, and he needs to experience the difficulty of the hellish college entrance examination: Henan.

Whenever he was stressed, Shi Zhengxiao would go to listen to Sanskrit sounds to relieve his tense spirit.

The most beautiful nun Shi Zheng Xiaotong, the Buddha dreamed of becoming a monk and gave up 985 University, what happened 14 years later?

In 2008, Shi Zhengxiao was successfully admitted to a double first-class university: Shandong University, which has been selected for the "211 Project" and "985 Project", and other programs, and is a very excellent university.

In order to reward Shi Zhengxiao, the family decided to take her on a trip and let her choose any place, thinking that Shi Zhengxiao at this age would choose to travel to big cities or some scenic spots.

The most beautiful nun Shi Zheng Xiaotong, the Buddha dreamed of becoming a monk and gave up 985 University, what happened 14 years later?

However, to everyone's surprise, Shi Zhengxiao chose to go to Tiantai Temple in Hong'an, Hubei, which is a thousand-year-old temple that is said to have had Buddhism here as early as the Sui Dynasty.

The origin of the name "Tiantai Temple" is the wise master of the Buddhist "Tiantai sect" that was founded here, and it was he who named the temple Tiantai Temple.

The most beautiful nun Shi Zheng Xiaotong, the Buddha dreamed of becoming a monk and gave up 985 University, what happened 14 years later?

In the subsequent dynasties, this temple has been filled with incense, and it can be said that it is a very "orthodox" Buddhist temple.

Shi Zhengxiao, who came here, was immediately attracted by the strong Buddhist atmosphere here, and the sound of Zen and the thousand-year-old Buddha land made her decide to live here immediately.

The most beautiful nun Shi Zheng Xiaotong, the Buddha dreamed of becoming a monk and gave up 985 University, what happened 14 years later?

For the next few days, she practiced with the monks in the temple, tapping wooden fish every day, meditating as a vegetarian, chanting sutras, listening to the Dharma, and enjoying the silence of the mountains and the tranquility of the temple.

A few days passed quickly, and Shi Zhengxiao had to leave here with his parents.

The most beautiful nun Shi Zheng Xiaotong, the Buddha dreamed of becoming a monk and gave up 985 University, what happened 14 years later?

The summer vacation passed in the blink of an eye, and Shi Zhengxiao, who entered the university for the first time, was not as curious about various things as other students.

When other students are joining clubs and student unions that they are interested in, or looking for boyfriends and girlfriends to fall in love, Shi Zhengxiao runs to the library all day long.

The most beautiful nun Shi Zheng Xiaotong, the Buddha dreamed of becoming a monk and gave up 985 University, what happened 14 years later?

At the beginning, her roommate was very strange about Shi Zhengxiao's behavior, she was reluctant to take her out shopping, and didn't understand why she could resist the temptation of the outside world, but then she gradually Xi got used to it.

The books that Shi Zhengxiao reads in the library every day are because he feels that he is out of place with the people around him, and reading books and learning may be just Xi way for Shi Zhengxiao to pass the time.

The most beautiful nun Shi Zheng Xiaotong, the Buddha dreamed of becoming a monk and gave up 985 University, what happened 14 years later?

Perhaps nostalgic for her previous experience at Tiantai Temple, Shi Zhengxiao often had a dream in which she became a bhikshuni, serving by the Buddha's side and listening to the Buddha's preaching.

Later, Shi Zhengxiao felt that this must be the Buddha's suggestion that she should become a monk and practice Buddhism, so after careful consideration, she decided to give up her studies and shave her hair.

The most beautiful nun Shi Zheng Xiaotong, the Buddha dreamed of becoming a monk and gave up 985 University, what happened 14 years later?

Not surprisingly, this decision was unanimously opposed by the family and relatives, who had already done something to Shi Zhengxiao, besides, the monks were already poor, and their daily life was boring, not to mention studying hard in school, and they would definitely have a bright future in the future.

But don't look at Shi Zhengxiao is very quiet on weekdays, but once he makes up his mind, ten cows can't be pulled back, and Shi Zhengxiao also told the teacher and the principal that everyone has the right to pursue their own life.

The most beautiful nun Shi Zheng Xiaotong, the Buddha dreamed of becoming a monk and gave up 985 University, what happened 14 years later?

In the end, her parents couldn't resist Shi Zhengxiao, so they agreed to her decision, and then Shi Zhengxiao went to Hong'an Yuntai Temple to become a monk after successfully withdrawing from school.

After shaving his hair and becoming a nun, Shi Zhengxiao was given the Dharma name Shi Zheng Xiaotong, and began a long and arduous path of cultivation.

The most beautiful nun Shi Zheng Xiaotong, the Buddha dreamed of becoming a monk and gave up 985 University, what happened 14 years later?

In 2006, Tiantai Temple had already set up an art troupe, called the Guangxuan Art Troupe, whose main purpose was to promote Buddhism through music.

At the beginning, Shi Zhengxiao didn't know anything about music, but fortunately, her brothers and sisters taught her many times, and later after diligent practice, she was good at all kinds of musical instruments, cello, violin, gourd silk, etc.

The most beautiful nun Shi Zheng Xiaotong, the Buddha dreamed of becoming a monk and gave up 985 University, what happened 14 years later?

Futon dance

In addition to music, dancing, singing, hosting, etc., are also proficient in everything and can do anything, which can be said to be the pillar of the art troupe.

The most beautiful nun Shi Zheng Xiaotong, the Buddha dreamed of becoming a monk and gave up 985 University, what happened 14 years later?

Later, she also toured around the world with the art troupe and teachers to promote Buddhism, and she also traveled to Madagascar in Africa with the art troupe to promote Buddhism.

The most beautiful nun Shi Zheng Xiaotong, the Buddha dreamed of becoming a monk and gave up 985 University, what happened 14 years later?

Today, Shi Zheng Xiaotong is still practicing in the temple, and as the pillar of the art troupe, Shi Zheng Xiaotong does not have any pride, and will often help his companions, and will remind them to pay attention to their bodies when it is cold.

The hardest and most difficult work in the temple, Shi Zheng Xiaotong will also take the initiative to take it, up to the ceiling, down to the bathroom, she will take the initiative to clean.

The most beautiful nun Shi Zheng Xiaotong, the Buddha dreamed of becoming a monk and gave up 985 University, what happened 14 years later?

In Shi Zheng Xiaotong's view, you should do what you like, "do your best", even if you are tired and tired, you must always insist on doing it.

The most beautiful nun Shi Zheng Xiaotong, the Buddha dreamed of becoming a monk and gave up 985 University, what happened 14 years later?

When asked whether he would return to the world, Shi Zhengxiao said: "In this life, I am only accompanied by the Buddha, and the rest of the things are dust and smoke for me." ”

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