
The war has rekindled, the Israeli army didn't expect to fight so badly, Hamas has already had a backhand, and the United States has also added to the fire?

author:Aerospace power

Hamas and Israeli forces engaged in street fighting in the Gaza Strip, with aerial drones dropping bombs to destroy Israeli combat vehicles and rockets fired from the ground to hit targets. Israel, which has always prided itself on being formidable in combat, is now mired in street fighting. At a critical moment, the differences between the United States and Israel are also growing.

Foreword: After the end of the Palestinian-Israeli temporary ceasefire, the Israeli army uncharacteristically expanded its military operations to southern Gaza and invaded Khan Younis, the largest city in southern Gaza. At the same time, military operations against northern Gaza continued.

Now that a large number of Palestine refugees have just fled from the north to the south of Gaza, the civilian casualties are bound to increase as soon as the cannons are fired. Moreover, Hamas has gradually become familiar with the Israeli army's combat methods, and has continuously improved its tactics to wage guerrilla warfare against the Israeli army throughout Gaza. As the war dragged on for longer, the international situation became more and more unfavorable for Israel and the United States, and the differences between the two countries grew.

The war has rekindled, the Israeli army didn't expect to fight so badly, Hamas has already had a backhand, and the United States has also added to the fire?

(Israeli armoured forces advance towards southern Gaza)

1. The Israeli army is aggressively attacking southern Gaza, and the war has entered a "bloody new phase"

Why is Israel eager to open up a new battlefield in the south when northern Gaza is not yet fully controlled? Israeli officials say that most of Hamas's top brass may be hiding in Khan Younis, where many hostages are also being held. According to some analysts, there are three main reasons for Israel's actions in the south. First, cut off Hamas's logistical supplies. Despite the Israeli army's encirclement posture in northern Gaza, local Hamas personnel can still receive supplies due to the extensive tunnels, and the Israeli army wants to weaken Hamas's ability to obtain supplies by attacking southern Gaza.

Secondly, judging by the videos circulating on social media, the losses of the Israeli army in northern Gaza are not small. Even if Hamas is capable of fighting, its numbers are limited. Therefore, Israel may be trying to lure Hamas militants to support northern Gaza through a temporary ceasefire, and then attack southern Gaza by surprise, taking Hamas by surprise.

In addition, the Israeli army's bombing and ground advance have exacerbated the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza, and the discontent of the international community has become more and more serious. The sudden Israeli army's actions in southern Gaza cannot be ruled out as an attempt to drive the people of Gaza to other countries. The US media once broke the news that Israel had long had a plan to expel the people of Gaza to Egypt, but Egypt opposed it. Today, a bloody battle is sweeping across the Gaza Strip.

The war has rekindled, the Israeli army didn't expect to fight so badly, Hamas has already had a backhand, and the United States has also added to the fire?

(The Israeli army continues to bomb, and the explosion and fire reflect the red and dark night)

2. Hamas counterattacked handily, attacking both in the air and on the ground

As the fighting dragged on, so did Hamas's attacks against Israeli tanks and troops. At present, Hamas has two main types of attacks. The first is tunnel warfare, according to the content of the video: Hamas fighters usually act together in 1-2 people, suddenly rush out of the tunnel entrance, with the help of the cover of bushes, go around to the side of the tank, strike at the Israeli tank nearby, and then quickly return to the tunnel to evacuate, and by the time the Israeli army reacts to chase, these personnel have long disappeared without a trace.

The second is "three-dimensional" street fighting. Earlier, dozens of Israeli soldiers were resting, and Hamas drones hung grenades directly over the soldiers' heads, causing several Israeli soldiers to be killed and wounded. In another video, Hamas militants use drones to drop RPG rocket warheads against Israeli infantry fighting vehicles. I saw that a warhead fell in the picture, and the chariot instantly burned into a huge fireball. In addition, Hamas has also ambushed Israeli forces by deploying landmines.

Some experts have analyzed that the Israeli army has a strong assault capability, but it is not good at fighting a long-term war of attrition, and although Hamas has few people, it is better than being familiar enough with the terrain, and even if it wins the victory with the army in the end, I am afraid that it will be dragged by Hamas to suffer heavy losses.

The war has rekindled, the Israeli army didn't expect to fight so badly, Hamas has already had a backhand, and the United States has also added to the fire?

(Israeli tank exploded violently after attack)

3. Biden can't bear it, and the differences between the United States and Israel are becoming more and more obvious

An important reason for the delay in ending the Kazakh-Israeli conflict is that the United States "pays lip service to Israel but actually supports it." On the surface, Israel wants to reduce civilian casualties and shorten the duration of the war, but behind the scenes, it has provided Israel with all kinds of weapons and ammunition, and the Israeli army has been able to bomb Gaza for such a long time, which has nothing to do with the United States.

Although the Biden administration has repeatedly reaffirmed its support for Israel, it is undeniable that there have been considerable differences between the two sides. U.S. President Joe Biden said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu needed to change his tougher stance and that support for Israel's military operation was waning due to the bombing of Gaza. He stressed that Israel is losing the support of the whole world and that a final solution to the Kazakh-Israeli conflict must now be found.

In response, Netanyahu first thanked the United States for its support, but stressed that he would not accept the Biden administration's plan to let Palestinian institutions take over Gaza. Netanyahu also hinted that Israel is preparing for war with the Palestinian army, which further slammed Biden's solution to the Israeli-Palestinian issue.

As the number of civilian casualties in Gaza continues to rise, Israel and the United States are under increasing international pressure, and Biden's remarks cannot be ruled out as an attempt to soften the condemnation of the international community, after all, the issue ahead is very realistic, that is, no matter what Biden says or how dissatisfied he is with Netanyahu, he will not stop aiding Israel.

The war has rekindled, the Israeli army didn't expect to fight so badly, Hamas has already had a backhand, and the United States has also added to the fire?

(The differences between US President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are not small)

U.S. officials have said that despite Washington's pressure on Israel to shorten the war, this is Israel's military operation, and only the Israelis can decide the direction of their actions.

Conclusion: Do you know anything else about Hamas's counterattack on the ground advance of the Israeli army? Welcome to leave your views and stories in the comment area.