
Be vigilant! "Swollen" in these areas may indicate a big problem, don't ignore these health signs!

author:Medical Food Reference
The appearance of edema may be a physiological reaction or an early warning of physical problems.
Be vigilant! "Swollen" in these areas may indicate a big problem, don't ignore these health signs!

When winter comes, the yang energy in nature is hidden in the body, and the yin energy is increasing day by day, and the yang energy of the human body will gradually be hidden in the body to resist the cold.

However, at this time, the human body is also prone to edema. In particular, middle-aged and elderly people are prone to edema due to their weak constitution.

The appearance of edema may be a physiological reaction or an early warning of physical problems.

In TCM theory, edema can reflect the abnormality of water and fluid metabolism in the human body, which may be caused by a variety of factors, such as improper diet, irregular life, chronic diseases, etc. Therefore, the importance of recognizing edema cannot be overlooked.

What does the swelling in different parts warn of?

1. Swollen eyelids first - the problem is mostly in the kidneys

If you haven't drunk much water the night before, you should be alert to whether there is something wrong with your kidneys!

Be vigilant! "Swollen" in these areas may indicate a big problem, don't ignore these health signs!


Perorbital oedema is typical of dermatomyositis and can also occur in the extremities, often with urticaria, pleomorphism, or erythema nodosum.

3. The face is swollen – check the thyroid gland

Edema caused by thyroid abnormalities is mostly non-pitted, and it is not easy to press out obvious depressions.

In hypothyroidism, patients often present with edema of the face, hands and feet, and pale skin, and in hyperthyroidism, swelling of the eyelids, tissues around the eye sockets, and proptosis.

4. Unilateral lower limb swelling - be alert to lymphatic abnormalities

Be vigilant! "Swollen" in these areas may indicate a big problem, don't ignore these health signs!

Primary lymphedema of unknown cause can occur on one leg or other part of the body, with rough skin surface and pigmentation;

Secondary lymphedema is mostly caused by compression or obstruction of lymphatic vessels caused by tumors, surgery, infection, etc.

5. Bilateral lower limb swelling - pay attention to the heart

Cardiogenic edema first appears in the low-hanging parts of the body, such as the lower limbs and ankles when standing;

When lying down, the sacrum and buttocks are visible. When cardiac function is severely impaired, edema can progress to the upper extremities, chest, face, and can be depressed when pressed with fingers on bony protrusions.

6. Swollen whole body – may be malnourished

Edema caused by malnutrition, often accompanied by emaciation, weight loss, etc., occurs slowly, and after a certain degree of development, edema may appear in low-hanging parts such as the lower limbs, and gradually spread to the whole body.

7. Idiopathic edema - women are prone to infection

Idiopathic edema is a generalized edema of unknown cause, which is obviously affected by body position and diurnal fluctuations, and only manifests as slight edema of the eyelids, face, and hands in the morning, and migrates to the lower body in the evening. This type of edema is more common in women, especially middle-aged people.

8. Edema after taking medication - mostly caused by drugs

Edema caused by taking drugs is relatively common, such as the use of adrenocorticosteroids, testosterone, estrogen, insulin, etc., which is characterized by occurring after medication and disappearing after stopping the drug.

Which department should I see for the swelling in different parts?

Be vigilant! "Swollen" in these areas may indicate a big problem, don't ignore these health signs!

1. Swelling from the face - nephrology

If edema starts on the face, and the puffiness of the eyelids develops rapidly in the morning, and the edema is soft and mobile, it is mainly considered to be caused by abnormal kidney function, and you can see a nephrology department.

If you have been accompanied by chronic kidney disease, such as hypertension and proteinuria, of course, nephrology is the main one.

2. Unilateral local edema of the lower extremity - urology

Unilateral local edema of the lower limbs is mostly caused by the obstruction of lymphatic vessels and veins, which causes body fluids to enter the interstitial space, and generally does not spread to the whole body.

In this case, the primary department is the main one, such as a prostate cancer patient with lower limb edema, please go to the Department of Urology.

3. Swelling from the feet – cardiology

If edema starts from the feet and extends upwards to the whole body, develops slowly, is relatively solid, and has little mobility, it is mainly caused by cardiac insufficiency, and it is necessary to consult the cardiology department to further clarify the cause and treat it in a targeted manner.

4. Leg edema pain – vascular surgery

If the lower limb thighs and calves are swollen and accompanied by pain and heaviness, deep vein thrombosis should be considered, and vascular surgery should be seen.

5. Generalized microedema in the elderly - senile edema

If edema occurs, the results of the doctor's examination are not abnormal, it can be regarded as senile edema, and attention should be paid to a low-salt diet and appropriate water intake.

6. Swelling after emaciation - gastroenterology

In this case, malnutrition is considered and needs to be hung in the gastroenterology department. Because of the decrease in diet, blood protein decreases, and water enters the interstitial space from the blood, forming edema.

Pay attention to these 5 points and stay away from annoying swelling!

As mentioned above, the edema caused by the disease should be sought from a doctor in time, but if the edema is caused by bad lifestyle Xi, pay attention to the following points, and you can also stay away or reduce it:

1. Avoid standing and sitting for long periods of time

Be vigilant! "Swollen" in these areas may indicate a big problem, don't ignore these health signs!

2. Control salt intake

Eating too much salt is prone to edema, and it takes time for the body to excrete excess sodium from the body. Pay attention to a light diet, and do not consume more than 6 grams of salt per person per day.

3. Walk briskly for half an hour

Exercise is also a good way to get rid Xi of edema, and brisk walking is the most convenient for people who are not used to exercising.

However, be aware that you need to walk faster than usual and take more than 30 minutes to achieve your workout.

4. Eat something "swelling-downing".

To combat edema, eat foods high in potassium, diuresis and iodine in moderation.

Be vigilant! "Swollen" in these areas may indicate a big problem, don't ignore these health signs!

High-potassium foods: shiitake mushrooms, spinach, broccoli, celery, beetroot, grapefruit, bananas, tomatoes, apples, etc.;

Diuretic foods: winter melon, cucumber, watermelon, pomegranate, grapes, etc.;

Iodine-containing foods: kelp, shrimp, etc.

5. Pay attention to the following medications

Certain antihypertensive drugs and hormonal drugs can cause edema. For example, nifedipine, amlodipine, and "dipine" antihypertensive drugs have common side effects such as edema, headache, and facial flushing.

The incidence of edema after taking these drugs is higher in women than in men. Pay attention to regular follow-up, and if the edema is not too severe, add a small dose of diuretics as prescribed.

If edema is not relieved for a long time, or does not effectively relieve it after adding diuretics, it is recommended to change the dressing under the guidance of a doctor and observe whether the edema is relieved.

For middle-aged and elderly people, edema may be more complex and severe, so it is more necessary to pay attention to it in time and adjust accordingly.

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