
[Linkage publicity] engraved on the land of Longyuan red imprint

author:Gansu Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism

Gansu is a red land that has played an irreplaceable and important role in the historical process of the Chinese revolution. It was the most important revolutionary base in the north during the Northern Expedition, an important place for the establishment of the Shaanxi and Gansu revolutionary base areas that were the only remaining achievements in the country in the later stage of the Agrarian Revolutionary War, an important turning point for the Chinese Revolution and the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army to turn from danger to safety and move towards victory, an important rear base during the National War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, and the final strategic decisive battle place that affected the liberation process of the Great Northwest during the War of Liberation.

In the magnificent revolutionary process, the land of Longyuan has left many revolutionary relics, these red resources carry a rich revolutionary history, vivid revolutionary deeds, precious revolutionary spirit and fine revolutionary traditions, and provide a steady stream of spiritual power for the development and growth of the party's cause.

During the Agrarian Revolutionary War, the Communists in Gansu successively launched and led more than a dozen armed uprisings, including the Taibai Uprising, the Liangdang Uprising, and the Jingyuan Uprising. Since 1928, Liu Zhidan, Xie Zichang, Xi Zhongxun and other communists have entered the Longdong region of Gansu to carry out revolutionary activities, successively established the Southern Liang guerrilla unit and the Red Army's Shaanxi-Gansu guerrilla unit, established the Shaanxi-Gansu border revolutionary base area, and later joined the northern Shaanxi revolutionary base area to form the Shaanxi-Gansu revolutionary base area, the only complete revolutionary base area in the country in the late stage of the agrarian revolutionary war, which provided a foothold for the Red Army's Long March and became the base camp for the party Central Committee to lead the national revolution.

Gansu was an important province through which the Red Army's Long March passed, and the Red Army's campaign in Gansu lasted for two and a half years, covering 44 counties and districts. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held important meetings in the Russian border, Hadapu and Pungla towns. In October 1936, the three main forces of the Red Army realized a far-reaching general division in the Hoeryeong area. After the Red Army's Long March entered Gansu, it launched the Battle of Sipo Village in Jingchuan, the Battle of Lazikou, the Battle of the Western Expedition, the Battle of Mintao Xigu, the Battle of Chenghui and Liangkang, and the Battle of Mountain Castle. The Red Army's Western Route Army fought a bloody battle in the Hexi Corridor, writing a tragic and tragic page in the history of the people's army's war, and tens of thousands of Red Army officers and men shed their blood on the land of Gansu.

During the period of the National War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Gansu's strategic position as a large rear area became increasingly important. The party set up an office of the Eighth Route Army in Lanzhou, established the Gansu Working Committee of the Communist Party of China, and led the vigorous anti-Japanese salvation movement in the province. The province has established a number of anti-Japanese salvation organizations, and various mass organizations have actively established anti-Japanese war publications, staged anti-Japanese war dramas, launched anti-Japanese fund-raising activities, mobilized young people to join the army to resist the war, and set off an upsurge of anti-Japanese salvation movement in Gansu. The people of Gansu threw themselves into the War of Resistance with great patriotic enthusiasm and made positive contributions to the victory of the War of Resistance with great human, material and financial resources. The Longdong Sub-district is an important part of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningbo Border Region, a model anti-Japanese democratic base area. The establishment of the "three-three system" anti-Japanese democratic regime and the formation of the parliamentary system have brought about streamlining the administration of the army and embodying the will of all classes, political parties, ethnic groups, and all walks of life to unite democratically. In the large-scale production movement, the military and civilians of Longdong have made remarkable achievements, achieved abundant food and clothing, and a large number of labor heroes and advanced units have emerged. The political, economic, military, and cultural construction carried out by the military and civilians in Longdong has provided valuable experience for reference for the party's comprehensive ruling after the founding of New China.

During the War of Liberation, the Party organization led the people of Gansu and the local armed forces to begin the process of welcoming the liberation. Under the leadership of the Gansu Working Committee of the Communist Party of China, it has successively established 5 prefecture-level working committees and 1 directly subordinate county working committee, 16 county working committees, 30 district working committees, and more than 1,300 party branches. The People's Liberation Army (PLA) carried out major military operations in Gansu, such as the Longdong Pursuit Campaign, the Lanzhou Campaign, the Longqing Campaign, and the Hexi Campaign, prompting the Kuomintang troops to hold 51 uprisings and surrenders in Minxian, Jiuquan, and Wudu, annihilating the military pillar on which the Kuomintang relied to maintain its reactionary regime in the northwest, supporting the strategic action of understanding and enlarging the southwest, breaking the last illusion of the Kuomintang relying on the stubborn resistance of the northwest, and exerting an important impact on the liberation of the whole country. In December 1949, the whole territory of Gansu was liberated, people's political power at all levels was established one after another, and the people of Gansu ushered in victory.

In order to commemorate this eventful time, after the founding of the People's Republic of China, more than 70 memorial halls have been built in Gansu, and in this issue, we have selected 10 representative ones to explore the red mark and inherit the red revolutionary spirit with you.

[Linkage publicity] engraved on the land of Longyuan red imprint

Liangdang Mutiny Memorial

The Liangdang Mutiny Memorial Hall is located in Guangxiang East Road, Liangdang County, Longnan City. At midnight on 2 April 1932, communists Xi Zhongxun, Liu Linpu, Lü Jianren, Xu Tianjie, Li Tesheng, and others organized more than 300 officers and men of the 1st Battalion of the 2nd Regiment of the 3rd Brigade of the 17th Route Army of the Kuomintang to launch a mutiny in Liangdang County. Liangdang Mutiny Memorial Hall covers a total area of 42 acres, the main exhibition hall has both Han and Tang architectural styles, and Longnan local architectural characteristics, the main body is one floor, part of the two floors, the height of the building is 20.68 meters, the exhibition area is 4670.5 square meters, with 3 major exhibition halls, namely the Liangdang Mutiny Event Exhibition Hall, the Red Revolution Inheritance Exhibition Hall and the Xi Zhongxun Glorious Life Exhibition Hall.

[Linkage publicity] engraved on the land of Longyuan red imprint

Nanliang Revolutionary Memorial Hall

The Nanliang Revolutionary Memorial Hall is located in Liyuan Fort, Nanliang Township, Huachi County, Qingyang City. In the 30s of the 20th century, Liu Zhidan, Xie Zichang, Xi Zhongxun and other proletarian revolutionaries of the older generation established the Shaanxi-Ganbian Revolutionary Base Area. In 1935, the Shaanxi-Gansu Revolutionary Base Area and the Northern Shaanxi Revolutionary Base Area were joined together to form the Shaanxi-Gansu Revolutionary Base Area with an area of 30,000 square kilometers and a population of 900,000. In order to commemorate this revolutionary history and commemorate the great achievements of the martyrs, the Nanliang Revolutionary Memorial Hall was officially completed in Liyuan Fort, Nanliang Township, Huachi County on November 7, 1987. The memorial hall covers an area of 33.12 acres, with a construction area of 2,281 square meters. The whole building is magnificent, solemn and solemn, in front of which is more than 10 meters high two-storey antique city gate tower, inlaid with the name of "Nanliang Revolutionary Memorial Hall" inscribed by Comrade Chen Yun himself. Passing through the four-pillar archway gate, it is a hexagonal pavilion, and there is a brief monument to the history of the Nanliang Revolution in the pavilion. Behind is the monument of 34.117 meters high, the front is engraved with the eight characters of "revolutionary martyrs are immortal", and the east and west walls of the stele pedestal and the back are engraved with the names of 608 martyrs such as Liu Zhidan, Xie Zichang, and Wang Taiji. On the east side of the monument is a white group of sculptures showing the heroic spirit of the soldiers and civilians in the Shaanxi-Gansu Border Area, on the west side is the Qingyin Building, and at the end is the former site of the Soviet Government in the Shaanxi-Gansu Border District.

[Linkage publicity] engraved on the land of Longyuan red imprint

Lazikou Battle Memorial

The Lazikou Battle Memorial Hall is located in the Gebu Temple in Jiulicai Village, Lazikou, Diebe County, Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture. On September 16, 1935, the Long March of the First Front Army of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army reached the Lazikou area, and the enemy heavily guarded the dangerous road in an attempt to prevent the Red Army from going north to resist Japan. After a day and a night of fierce fighting, the Red Army broke through the two defensive lines of the Kuomintang Army, occupied the dangerous Lazikou, and opened the last gate for the Red Army to march into Gansu. In 2006, the Diebu County Party Committee and the county government of the Communist Party of China set up the Lazikou Battle Memorial Hall near the site of the Lazikou Battle, and the exhibition hall exhibited some precious historical photos and cultural relics when the Red Army's Long March passed through Diebu, and made a panoramic sand table when the Red Army's Long March passed through Diebu. In 2007, the Diebe County Party Committee and the county government built a new Lazikou Battle Memorial Hall in the Gebu Temple in Jiulicai Village, Lazikou Township, where the Red Army's Long March passed, with four exhibition areas, including all kinds of revolutionary cultural relics and telegrams left by the Red Army in Gannan, information pictures of the Tibetan masses helping the Red Army to erect plank roads, open warehouses and release grain, and rescue the disabled and sick Red Army, the Red Army's route map through Gannan and the Russian Boundary Conference, the Battle of Lazikou and other related materials, pictures and oil paintings, wax figures, real models, multimedia films, etc.

[Linkage publicity] engraved on the land of Longyuan red imprint

Hadapu Red Army Long March Memorial Hall

The Hadapu Red Army Long March Memorial Hall is located in Hadapu Town, northwest of Danchang County, Longnan City. In September 1935, the Red Army's Long March arrived at Hatapu, a densely populated and rich source of goods, where it rested for several days and received strong material support. After Mao Zedong and other leaders of the Party Central Committee learned of the news of the Shaanxi-Gansu Red Army in the local newspapers, they preliminarily agreed to place the foothold of the Long March in the Shaanxi-Gansu revolutionary base area. In August 1936, the Red Second and Fourth Front Armies were active in Hadapu for nearly two months, carrying out work such as resting and recuperating, raising food and wages, expanding the Red Army's political construction, propagating anti-Japanese propaganda, and forming guerrilla units, which had a positive impact on the realization of the three main Red Army divisions. In order to commemorate this glorious history, Danchang County prepared to build the Hadapu Mao Zedong Long March Memorial Hall in 1966. In 2006, the Hadapu Red Army Long March Memorial Hall was built in Hadapu Red Army Square. The memorial hall is composed of the "Yihechang" pharmacy where Mao Zedong and Zhang Wentian lived, the small courtyard "Tongshan Society" where the headquarters of the Red First Front Army and Zhou Enlai lived, the "Guandi Temple", the meeting place of cadres above the Red Second Front Army, the "Zhangjia Compound" where He Long and Ren Bishi lived, the former Hadapu "Postal Agency", the Hadapu Soviet Government, and the Soviet Hadapu Guerrilla Headquarters 7 revolutionary sites.

[Linkage publicity] engraved on the land of Longyuan red imprint

Pungla Town Conference Memorial Hall

The Bangluo Town Conference Memorial Hall is located in Bangluo Town, Tongwei County, Dingxi City. On the night of September 26, 1935, the Shaanxi-Gansu Detachment of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army (Red Army) arrived in Bangluo Town, Dingxi City, and on the 27th, the Central Committee held a meeting of the Politburo Standing Committee in Bangluo Town, officially determining that the Shaanxi-Gansu District would be the foothold of the Red Army's Long March. In the early morning of the 28th, the Shaanxi-Gansu detachment of the Red Army held a meeting of cadres at and above the company level, at which Mao Zedong openly announced to the whole army that the Shaanxi-Gansu revolutionary base area would be the base camp for leading the Chinese revolution. In order to commemorate the major historical achievements of the Bangluo Town Conference, in 1978, the Gansu Provincial Cultural Authority built a revolutionary cultural relics exhibition room here, and in 1979, the Bangluo Town Conference Memorial Hall of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee was built on the site of the former Bangla Primary School. In 2009, a 620-square-meter memorial hall was built, and the content of the exhibition was composed of four units: the preface hall and the "Bangluo Town Conference finally determined the foothold of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Red Army's Long March", "Victory Meeting", "Spark Burning Tongwei" and "Red Gene Transmission from Generation to Generation", through detailed historical materials, pictures, charts, and physical objects, and the comprehensive use of modern scientific and technological means and artistic display forms, comprehensively and systematically reproduce the Bangluo Town Conference and the 25th Army of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, the Shaanxi-Gansu Detachment, the Fourth Front Army, The Second Front Army's Long March through Tongwei is a magnificent historical picture.

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Memorial Hall of the Victory of the Red Army's Long March

The Red Army's Long March Victory Memorial Hall is located on the south side of Huishi Park in Xiguan, Huining County, Baiyin City. The memorial hall was built to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Red Army's Huining Division and the Long March. With a total construction area of 3,310 square meters, the memorial hall is designed with a combination of antique and modern architecture, with the Huishi Tower as the center and the Huishi Building as a reference, with the main body of two floors, some three floors, and a semi-underground frame structure, with a width of 70 meters, implying the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Red Army's Long March. The construction of the museum started in March 2006, was completed at the end of August, and officially opened on October 18, 2006. The memorial hall displays more than 300 precious cultural relics and more than 400 pictures, telegrams and charts, and is the only memorial hall in the country that comprehensively reflects the history of the Long March, and truly and vividly reproduces the heroic epic of the three main forces of the Red Army.

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Jieshipu Red Army Long March Mao Zedong Former Residence Memorial Hall

Jieshipu Red Army Long March Mao Zedong Former Residence Memorial Hall is located in Jihong Village, Jieshipu Town, Jingning County, Pingliang City. On October 3, 1935, Mao Zedong, Zhang Wentian, Zhou Enlai and other party and Red Army leaders led the Central Red Army to Jingning Jieshipu and camped for three days. In September 1936, the 1st Division of the 1st Army Corps of the Red First Front Army came to Jieshipu again and was stationed for 42 days in response to the Red Second and Fourth Front Armies going north to join the divisions. From October 8 to 22, the 10th Division of the 4th Army of the Red Fourth Front Army and the 6th Army of the Red Second Front Army successively arrived in the areas of Jieshipu and Huining, and successfully realized the general division. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, in order to commemorate the Red Army, the people of Jingning County repaired the courtyard where Mao Zedong lived in Jieshi many times. In 1996, the Jingning County Party Committee and the county government officially established this courtyard as the Red Army Long March Memorial Hall and renovated it. In May 2008, Jingning County launched the reconstruction and expansion project of the Red Army Long March Memorial Park in Jieshipu, which was later renamed the Memorial Hall of Mao Zedong's Former Residence of the Red Army's Long March. The memorial hall covers a total area of 35 acres, with a construction area of 5,200 square meters, and the main attractions include the impression hall, the theme sculpture, the former residence of Mao Zedong, the Red Army Building, the memorial hall, the remembrance hall, the Jujin hall, the Mao Zedong poetry corridor, and the red memory corridor.

[Linkage publicity] engraved on the land of Longyuan red imprint

Memorial Hall of Lanzhou Office of the Eighth Route Army

The memorial hall of the Lanzhou Office of the Eighth Route Army is located at No. 314, Jiuquan Road, Chengguan District, Lanzhou City. In May 1937, in order to carry out external liaison and rescue the Red Army's West Route Army, under the instructions of Zhou Enlai, the Lanzhou Red Army Office was organized. After the outbreak of the National War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the office was renamed the Eighth Route Army Office of the National Revolutionary Army in Gansu. During the six years from May 1937 to November 1943, the Eighth Office firmly implemented the party's anti-Japanese national united front policy, and did a lot of work in rescuing the captured and scattered officers and men of the Red Army's West Route Army, receiving our party's past personnel, transporting progressive young people to Yan'an, receiving and transferring Soviet aid materials for the front line of the Anti-Japanese War, and guiding the Gansu Working Committee of the Communist Party of China to carry out the revolutionary movement. The memorial hall of the Lanzhou Office of the Eighth Route Army now has two old sites, one is located at No. 32 Xiaoyou Street (No. 314, Jiuquan Road, Chengguan District, Lanzhou City), covering an area of 1,260 square meters, and the other is located at No. 54 Nantan Street (No. 700, Gannan Road, Chengguan District, Lanzhou City), covering an area of 1,380 square meters, east and west courtyards. The two are about 220 meters apart, and the two courtyard houses are antique buildings, with wooden doors and windows, and blue brick ridges, which are typical of Lanzhou traditional folk house style. At present, the exhibition of "Exhibition of the Old Site in Its Original State", "The Eighth Route Army Office in Gansu and Gansu Anti-Japanese Salvation" and the "Exhibition of Military Deeds of the West Road of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army" are displayed.

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Memorial Hall of the Gan Working Committee

The memorial hall of the Gan Working Committee is located in the Dengjia Garden, Guangwumen Back Street, Lanzhou City. The Gansu Working Committee of the Communist Party of China, established in Lanzhou on October 2, 1937, was an important institution leading the work of the Party in the Gansu National Control Region during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation. The exhibition of the memorial hall of the Gan Working Committee is divided into four units, which comprehensively displays the main organizations and activities of the Communist Party of China in the Kuomintang region established by Lanzhou as the center during the democratic revolution, and reproduces the party's glorious fighting history in the Gansu national control area with detailed documents, archives, pictures, and physical historical materials as the carrier, and with the help of paintings, sculptures, sand tables, electronic touch screens, sound and light simulations, multimedia video materials, etc.

[Linkage publicity] engraved on the land of Longyuan red imprint

Lanzhou Battle Memorial

The Lanzhou Battle Memorial Hall is located in Hualin Mountain, Qilihe District, Lanzhou City. On August 21, 1949, Commander Peng Dehuai issued an order to attack Lanzhou in the name of the Yiye Command, and four regiments of the Second Corps and nine regiments of the Nineteenth Corps simultaneously attacked the enemy positions of Guchengling, Shenjialing, Gouwashan, and Yingpanling in Lanzhou, and liberated Lanzhou on August 26 after several days of fierce fighting. The Battle of Lanzhou was the largest urban battle carried out by the First Field Army in 1949, and it was also the most critical and fierce decisive battle in the liberation of the great northwest. In order to commemorate this important battle, the Lanzhou Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government built the Lanzhou Campaign Memorial Hall in 1952, with an area of 1,000 square meters, consisting of seven parts, including the prelude, the overture to the west, the implementation of a thousand-mile pursuit, the top of the bloody South Mountain, the main force of the Qingma Gathering, the celebration of the liberation of the Northwest, and the conclusion. It comprehensively demonstrated the magnificent history of the First Field Army of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, under the command of Commander Peng Dehuai, with the full cooperation of the party organizations in Gansu, and with the vigorous support of the Liberated Areas, in decisively launching the Lanzhou Campaign and liberating Lanzhou City.

The imprint of history is still there, and the revolutionary spirit is still fresh for a long time. In the red land of Gansu, the Communist Party of China has gone through a glorious course of more than 100 years, written a red chapter that can be sung and cried, left a moving red story, sowed the red fire passed down from generation to generation, branded an indelible red mark, and accumulated extremely rich red resources. Whether it is time span or space dimension, whether it is quantity or quality, whether it is content or form, it has unique advantages, and occupies an irreplaceable and important position in the national red resource treasure house. These red resources are our inexhaustible precious wealth, the source of power for Gansu's continuous development and progress, and the common spiritual home of the people of Gansu. (Text/Party History Research Office of the Gansu Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China)

(Source: Gansu Daily)