
The war in the northwest was lost, Yue Zhongqi could not escape the blame, but Yongzheng showed mercy to his subordinates, and the reason was very realistic

author:Let's ask Ah Zhe

During the reign of Emperor Yongzheng, a series of important military conflicts took place in the northwest region, the most famous of which was the war during the Kangxi period.

The war in the northwest was lost, Yue Zhongqi could not escape the blame, but Yongzheng showed mercy to his subordinates, and the reason was very realistic

The Qing Dynasty faced threats from the northwestern frontier, especially the rebellion from the Hui, which was a serious challenge for Yongzheng.

Yue Zhongqi was the military commander of the Northwest Frontier appointed by Emperor Yongzheng, and he undertook the task of suppressing rebellions and maintaining stability on the frontier. The situation in the northwest war was not as Yongzheng had hoped, with constant defeats and setbacks. Yue Zhongqi's military talents were questioned, and he was seriously criticized for it.

The defeat in the Northwest War made it inevitable that Yue Zhongqi would be held accountable. He was accused of miscommand and failure to effectively suppress the rebellion, which led to instability on the frontier and damage to national interests. At the top of this chain of responsibility is Yue Zhongqi.

In this case, in general, Yue Zhongqi may face severe punishment and may even be executed. Yongzheng showed mercy to his subordinates, and there were very practical reasons behind this.

The war in the northwest was lost, Yue Zhongqi could not escape the blame, but Yongzheng showed mercy to his subordinates, and the reason was very realistic

Yongzheng knew that the stability of the northwestern frontier was crucial to the rule of the Qing Dynasty. Rebellion and instability not only threaten the integrity of the country, but also affect the political and social order in the country.

He needs an experienced general to maintain stability on the frontier. Despite Yue Zhongqi's defeat in the Northwest War, his experience and knowledge in the military field remained valuable.

After Yongzheng succeeded to the throne, he needed to consolidate his dominance. If Yue Zhongqi were to be executed or degraded, it could cause discontent among the military and nobles, further exacerbating internal instability. Leaving Yue Zhongqi behind can maintain a certain amount of political stability.

During the Yongzheng period, the Qing Dynasty faced diplomatic pressure to maintain its international image and stable frontiers. If Yue Zhongqi is executed, it may trigger criticism and diplomatic dilemmas from the international community, which will be detrimental to the country's image and international relations.

The war in the northwest was lost, Yue Zhongqi could not escape the blame, but Yongzheng showed mercy to his subordinates, and the reason was very realistic

Although Yue Zhongqi lost the battle in the northwest, Yongzheng showed mercy to his men. This is not because of tolerance towards Yue Zhongqi, but because of political and national stability considerations.

In the political environment at that time, it was very important to maintain the stability of the frontier and the unity of the country, and Yongzheng needed to weigh various factors to safeguard the interests of the Qing Dynasty.

The defeat in the Northwest War put Yue Zhongqi under great pressure and responsibility, but Yongzheng showed mercy to his men. There are practical reasons behind this decision, including national stability, political considerations, and diplomatic pressure.

This historical event reflects the complex process of trade-offs and decision-making in the political realm, and also demonstrates the wisdom and prudence of Yongzheng as an emperor of the Qing Dynasty. Although Yue Zhongqi was unable to achieve victory, his life was saved and he continued to contribute to the stability of the Qing Dynasty's frontiers and the unification of the country.