
Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

author:Grassroots sword training


Rural Documentary of the Period of Collectivization and Reform and Opening-up (Volume I): It mainly records the period of high collectivization of rural areas from the 60s to the end of the 70s of the last century and the period of rural stories after the reform and opening up.

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

Yanwu Village


Yanwu Village has been rich in natural treasures since ancient times, and the people are outstanding.

The martial artists are honest and upright, the folk customs are simple, trustworthy and righteous, hardworking and simple, affectionate and righteous, dare to dare to work, work hard, most of the people are lively, forward-thinking, and can bear hardships and stand hard work, and be diligent and thrifty.

No matter how bumpy the road ahead is, they will not be discouraged, perseverance, perseverance, and will definitely try their best to reach the top, and they will not give up until they reach their goal.

Therefore, whether it is defending the country or attacking the merchant sea and folk culture and art, their ancestors and descendants have blazed a glorious road worthy of pride.

Therefore, since the Ming and Qing dynasties, it has been the leading commercial and trade town in the eastern part of Fenyang, and a treasure land of feng shui in Fenyang.

In particular, the courage and dedication of many people in modern and modern martial arts, going forward and succeeding, fighting horses all their lives, and writing the selfless dedication of the Spring and Autumn Period, have created the glorious past of Yanwu Ancient Town.

As early as March 19, 1936, in an encounter between the 78th Division of the 15th Army Corps and Yan Xishan's Jin Sui Army, the division commander Tian Shouyao led the officers and men of the 78th Division to counterattack, repelled the Yan army, and ensured the safe passage of the troops directly under the 15th Army Corps of the Eastern Expeditionary Red Army.

At that time, the Red Army of the Eastern Expedition propagated the Communist Party's anti-Japanese stand in the local area, sowed the seeds of revolution in the exercise, expanded the revolutionary force, aroused the enthusiasm of the people of Guzhen to resist Japan and save the country, promoted the development of the local anti-Japanese and national salvation movement, and laid a solid mass foundation for the local resistance against the Japanese invaders in the future.

During the War of Liberation, the Yanwu people actively joined the army and participated in the great War of Liberation.

I listened to my old father and some elderly people tell that at that time, during the liberation of Taiyuan and the Battle of Fenxiao, the local people led their own cattle and carried door panels to support the front line.

After the liberation, during the period of resisting US aggression and aiding Korea, the sons and daughters of Yanwu actively joined the army and participated in the war for the sake of the motherland, the people, and peace, defended their homes and the country, left the motherland and their relatives, crossed the Yalu River with great courage and high spirits, and fought bloodily for two years and nine months together with the Korean army and people, winning the great victory of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.

Under the leadership of the people's government, the people in their hometowns organized themselves and actively carried out land reform, cracked down on local tyrants, divided the land, and then established mutual aid groups, primary societies, senior societies, and until the collectivization of the people's communes.

At the time of reform and opening up, in the past 30 years, all the villagers, under the leadership of the previous party branches, have the determination and perseverance to change the backward appearance of the countryside, fulfill their duties, work hard, work hard and skillfully, and gradually build a poor rural village with one poor and two white, like a blank sheet of paper, into a new countryside with the development of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, sideline and synergy.

At that time, especially during the period from the 70s to the reform and opening up, our Yanwu Village was really as the local saying after the break: the trumpet was blown in the door cave - the inside was also known (Ming) loudly, and the outside was also known (Ming) loudly.

At that time, the brigade had a scientific research team, a forestry team, and a vegetable garden.

The scientific research team (at that time, Mu Fenping and Kong Fanxiu) was responsible for the breeding of seeds. The forestry team (Wang Weicheng and Sun Shiwei) is responsible for the management of the nursery and the cultivation of fruit trees. The vegetable garden (Wang Shouzhong, the person in charge, and Wang Jingen, the technician) is responsible for the supply of vegetables to the people in the village.

In particular, the Yanwu Village Sideline Team was later called the Agricultural Machinery Repair Factory of the Yanwu Brigade in Fenyang County, Shanxi.

Time to the end of the fifties and the beginning of the sixties of the twentieth century to eat the canteen, the famine passed not long ago, the Four Qing Movement has just passed, the Cultural Revolution came one after another, it was the time of "agriculture Dazhai, industrial Daqing", our people there are full of vitality, under the leadership of Ren Shengye, secretary of the branch of the production brigade and Han Tingkui, director of the industrial and sideline industry, the industrial and sideline team of our production brigade carries forward the spirit of self-reliance, hard work, diligence and thrift, reform and innovation, from scratch, step by step.

Under the guidance of the ideology of "thinking about change if you are poor, and you want to be revolutionary", we walked out of the far-sighted road of "supporting agriculture with side-by-side", and under the condition of extreme scarcity in all aspects at that time, we made trouble in the soil and became self-reliant, and with the strength of a village, we built the industrial and sideline team into a village-run enterprise with complete types of work, such as machinery, pliers, casting, forging, planing, car, welding, wood, etc.

The collective economy started from scratch, from small to large. Pulling and transporting from the pointed foot (wooden wheel) horse-drawn cart has been replaced with a rubber car, a small four-wheeled tractor, and then the Dongfanghong tractor ploughs the land, which has greatly improved labor productivity. In the heyday of the 70s, the village already had two brand-new Tieniu 55-horsepower tractors and two Jiefang trucks for transportation.

In addition, it has a non-staple food processing workshop related to more than 3,000 people in the village, such as a noodle mill, a large oil mill, a rice mill, a vermicelli mill, a vinegar mill, and later a tofu mill and a wine mill. There is also a large pig farm, a chicken farm, a large brick factory, a well sinking team, a paper mill.

In addition, there are sewing shops, barber shops, health clinics, movie teams and other living facilities to serve the members.

In short, at that time, the daily necessities such as firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, tea (no tea and less salt) of the members of the village were basically provided by the industrial and sideline teams.

At the same time, the industrial and sideline team supported agriculture and fed back agriculture, so that our agricultural production there at that time was also high in sesame flowering, and the grain output "reached the outline, crossed the Yellow River, and crossed the Yangtze River" (remarks), which was getting better and better year by year, and a thriving scene.

I remember that at that time, there were people from other places who came to visit, learn Xi, learn from experience, and there were several large trucks of people, and sometimes there were cadres from the province who came to visit by car, and the awards, pennants, and frames on the four walls of the office were all hung full, and the rest could only be hung in other rooms.

In short, it is a rave review and praise. And it is their spirit and hard work that have created the glory of martial arts.

At that time, there was a famous local saying: "You can marry martial arts, not workers", and it became the first choice for school-age girls from other villages to find a partner, which is no exaggeration.

And these achievements are all the painstaking efforts of the cadres and the masses of martial artists, from scratch, from small to big, from big to strong.

At that time, the village cadres, they were all the elites of Yanwu Village, and they were appreciated by most people and respected by their fathers and villagers. Their ordinary, but glorious deeds, have been deeply engraved in the minds of the villagers and villagers.

Looking back at the past, contemporary martial artists, we must not and cannot forget them. On the monument of the development and take-off of Yanwu Village, their names will always be remembered in the hearts of the people of Yanwu!

In the nearly 30 years since the liberation of the whole country in 1949 and the founding of the People's Republic of China, from the primary society, to the senior society, to the people's commune, and before the implementation of the contract responsibility system for joint production (the division of fields into households), there have been many good cadres in Yanwu Village who are honest and dedicated to serving the people.

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

In 1954, Li Huatang of Fenyang County served as the head of Yanwu Township

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

In 1956, Li Huatang was elected as the representative of the Second People's Congress of Yanwu Town

For example, Li Huatang, Wang Fufeng, Wang Qingyu, Wang Qingjin (who joined the revolutionary team in his early years, was injured and had an arm amputated, and served as the secretary of the Dongbaozhuang branch in the late 50s of the last century), Wang Yunzhong (who served as the secretary of the Xibaozhuang branch), Ren Shengye, Wang Jiatang, Han Tingkui, Wang Zhijie, and so on (before the reform and opening up).

There have also been a lot of people "orderlies" who have endured hardships in the front and enjoyed in the back, are selfless and think about the people, they are called "production captains".

Due to the long time span and too many characters, the old-timers such as Ren Shengye and Han Tingkui, who are the representatives of the collectivized cadre group, are selected to briefly record their resumes for readers and inspire future generations.

People who are old in the martial arts show that these two were the leaders of the martial arts in the collectivization period, and the prosperity and wealth of the martial arts during the collectivization period were caused by the two of them leading the members and masses of the whole village. They served as officials for one term, enriched the people, dedicated their lives, made indispensable contributions, and were supported by the whole village.

And the two of them were awarded the Socialist Construction Activist Award by the Shanxi Provincial Government at the Shanxi Provincial Conference of Socialist Construction Activists in the last century in 1955.

(Individuals who received awards at the 1955 Shanxi Provincial Conference of Activists for Socialist Construction:

Yanwu Village Ren Shengye

Yanwu Village Han Tingkui).

The people of this village call them "leaders on the road to prosperity", and even the old leaders of the county and town party committees and governments and their colleagues in various villages are full of applause.

Ren Shengye: Secretary of the Party Branch. Before the liberation, he joined the guerrillas to fight devils and enemies, and in his early years after the liberation, he joined the party and led the villagers to participate in mutual aid groups to engage in agricultural production, and then organized and participated in agricultural cooperatives, senior cooperatives, and collectivization of people's communes.

In 1958, he served as the head of the commune's processing plant, and after the sixties, he returned to the village to serve as the secretary of the party branch.

In the sixties and seventies, he led all the members of the society to learn from the revolutionary spirit of Xi Dazhai people who are not afraid of hardship, tiredness, and fighting the heavens and the earth.

In addition, it has attached importance to water conservancy, built high irrigation stations, excavated alkali drainage ditches, and changed some saline-alkali land that used to be "white in spring and watery in summer, only listening to the sound of cocoons and rakes, and not seeing grain returning to the warehouse" into a large village with high and stable yield, and planted rice on an experimental basis, and obtained very good economic benefits.

At the same time, the development of forestry, under the attention of many aspects and strict management, at that time it was really a row of trees, fields into squares, a beautiful pastoral landscape.

After making some vigorous achievements in the villages, when the county party committee selected and transferred a group of village cadres to enrich the ranks of township and town cadres, after being selected and assigned by the higher-level party committee and inspected and examined by special personnel of the county party committee, he stood out and entered the ranks of state civil servants and served as the director of the Revolutionary Committee of the Yanwu Commune, thus achieving the second "jump" in his life.

In the more than half a century of growing up and working, Lao Ren is unique in that he has never left the countryside, farmers and agriculture throughout his life. It can be said that his life was accompanied by the "three rural". He witnessed the period of land reform, mutual aid groups, junior societies, senior societies, people's communes, the "Four Qing Dynasty", the "Cultural Revolution", and a high degree of collectivization in the rural areas after the liberation of the mainland.

Han Tingkui: Member of the Communist Party of China, director of the sideline team of performing martial arts.

In 1958, five or six blacksmiths and carpenters were organized to set up a team of performing martial arts and crafts, and after more than ten years of development, from small to large, with twists and turns, it gradually developed to nearly 20 or 30 industries, with more than 200 workers and sideline workers, and the income of the team reached nearly 60% of the income of the whole brigade, and the funds provided for the collective over the years reached about 1.8 million yuan.

In the seventies of the last century, Fenyang County held a group of heroes, Fenyang County was one of the nineteen flags in the county. And is known as a person who dares to grab money, can catch money, and can catch money.

"Reach the outline, cross the Yellow River, cross the Yangtze River" This was a slogan of the state on grain production during the collectivization period.

In the years of agriculture Dazhai, there are three ladder goals for grain output, that is, "reaching the outline, crossing the Yellow River, and crossing the Yangtze River", which is the average yield per mu of 400 catties, 500 catties, and 800 catties, of which "reaching the outline" is the primary national standard to be realized. The "National Agricultural Development Outline for 1956-1967" set the first target for increasing grain yield per mu at 400 catties, the target for the south of the Yellow River and north of the Huai River at 500 catties, the Huai He, Qinling, and southern areas at 800 catties, and the grain yield per mu in the south of the Yangtze River, the land of fish and rice, was more than 1,000 catties.

Please enjoy the rural story from the 60s to the end of the 70s of the last century, the period of high collectivization of the countryside and the period after the reform and opening up.

Because the length is too long, the following article is divided into three series: upper, middle and lower.

Village Chronicle Series 1 Table of Contents

(1) Memories of eating in the canteen in 60 years

(2) There was no food at that time

(3) Memories of the four evils

(4) Memories of the Four Clean-up Movement

(5) Eat food standing up

(6) Some fragments of ancient towns and villages during the Cultural Revolution

(7) The compound of the two factions fighting the royal family as a stronghold

(8) Learn to plow the ground when you are a teenager

(9) The work of the militia at that time

(10) My only bundle

(11) Jiexiu Lianfu Town braved the wind and rain to buy fertilizers

(12) The production team and production team leader at that time

(13) Male captains of women's teams

(14) Start with the breeding place at that time

(15) Start with the forestry work at that time

(16) Cultivation of medicinal herbs in the seventies

(17) Rice fragrant lotus in the north of the Yangtze River

(18) The sideline work of the production team at that time

(19) Rural fighting private approvals, repairs, and forest approvals

(20) Start with pesticide bottles as treasures

Next, please enjoy and understand the rural chronicle of the collectivization and reform and opening up period one by one.

(1) Memories of eating in the canteen in 60 years

Eating a big canteen in the 60s, I'm afraid that today's young people can't experience the hunger feeling of people at that time, only those who came from that time can have a deep experience of eating a big canteen, and unforgettable memories.

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

Only those who have come from that time can have a deep experience of eating in the big canteen and unforgettable memories.

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

When I first started eating in the big cafeteria, there was no limit to the amount of food, and the dishes were not the same.

When I first started eating in the big cafeteria, there was no limit to the amount of food, and the dishes were not the same. In people's concepts, only by "letting go of the belly to eat" can we "work hard to produce".

When it was time to eat, adults and children were all lining up in front of the stove.

The people's commune canteen is a product of the "people's communization movement" and the "Great Leap Forward". In the communalization movement, public canteens were set up in all village production teams, and the purpose of "eating without spending money" was unprecedentedly developed, and in many places the people's communes were declared to be owned by the whole people, and the "transition to communism" was piloted. Pigs, cattle and sheep are raised collectively, and private individuals are not allowed to raise livestock and poultry. Most of the personal property was taken out and handed over to the public, and the distribution was completely distributed under the system of equal distribution and supply. In this context, public canteens came into being. After the canteen was opened, all property and food were handed over to the collective, and it was strictly forbidden for individuals to cook without permission.

Our big canteen there may have been started in '59. At that time, the government from top to bottom implemented the system of eating public canteens, and all family stoves were abolished, and at that time, in order to prevent people from cooking at home, grassroots cadres confiscated and smashed all iron cooking utensils such as iron pots in the homes of members. In fact, at that time, you just had a pot and the masses had no grain and rice noodles in their hands.

When we first started eating a large canteen there, it seemed to be a canteen for two production teams, with a population of about three or four hundred. I remember that our canteen is in the big courtyard of Wang Zhaohai's house in the backyard of my house (the residents in the yard have moved out), and the yard is a large cooking stove room by the southeast, and the stove is a large iron pot of more than one meter, and the big bamboo steamer is also more than one meter, stacked up for more than ten sections, and more than half of the people are high. The house where my family lived was converted into a mill, and at that time we already used a pot camel machine for grinding noodles. Some of the rest of the houses were used as restaurants, and some were converted into storerooms.

At that time, running a public canteen was a new thing. Every day, when the meal was served, as soon as everyone heard the sound of the trumpet, they rushed to the cafeteria to eat. The big canteen is still good just getting started. There are still many varieties of meals, thick and thin, dry and thin, vegetables and soups, you can eat white noodles, and you can also eat full. I remember that especially during the Spring Festival in the 60s, there were a lot of pork plates, a lot of dishes, vermicelli, tofu or something, white flour steamed buns, and I ate them for several days.

At that time, the big canteen outlined the beautiful scenery of their dream home for the majority of farmers, and the meals were not limited, and the dishes were not the same. In people's concepts, only by "letting go of the belly to eat" can we "work hard to produce". But with so many people "letting go of their bellies to eat" all at once, where can they find the rice and firewood that can fill so many bellies? As a result, many public canteens have done everything they can. Not long after this situation was implemented, most of the canteens were already running out of food.

Our big canteen struggled until the mid-60s, and gradually became full. As we have a local saying, the pot of filial piety is getting smaller and smaller (meaning less and less). It's really Wang Erxiao's New Year's Eve is not as good as a year, this is not as good as a day. Later, the canteen was moved to the courtyard of our later sideline brigade, which was even worse.

Later, it gradually began to be rationed, one meal per person, and ten became the standard. Adults are 10 percent, as if the big children are 80 percent, the children are half and 50 percent, and the adults can also receive a share when they participate in production and labor. A serving of rice is about two or two heavy nests, and more than half a bowl of vegetable soup. This nest is also okay at the beginning, cornmeal production, real materials. In the future, it will not work slowly. At first, it was mixed with tofu dregs, then with bran, rice bran, then corn cob, flour from corn husks, and then mixed with bean leaves (that is, the green leaves on the soybean vine). It's just that I still can't get enough to eat. I remember that at that time, I often didn't have enough to eat, and my stepmother gave me half of her meal. Sometimes, in order to feed me well, my stepmother had to take a pair of small feet (my stepmother was almost in her fifties and almost sixty years old at that time) to participate in some productive work, and she could also receive another meal for participating in productive work.

I clearly remember the scene of queuing up to receive food at that time. When it was time to start eating, adults and children were all lining up in front of the stove, no matter what the raw materials of the nest head, the size was still about the same, and there was no big difference. It's the vegetable soup, and when you meet the cook who serves the rice and you are familiar with it, or a relative or something, he will give you a thicker one, otherwise, it will be thinner. People who haven't lived through that era don't know what kind of dish it is, and that dish is just starting to get better, and there are some potato vermicelli and the like in it. Later, it gradually got worse, and later, it became a carrot, a cabbage gang, and a pot of soup for hundreds of people. Carrots and cabbage are poured into boiling water, put some salt, boil for a while, take the shallow scoop of water, pour some cottonseed oil, take a dozen peppercorns and fry them, and pour them on the dishes of the big iron pot with a "snort", which is a delicious dish for hundreds of people. At that time, people used to vividly say, "Carrots, cabbage gang, pick up the bowl, one person has a photo studio". It means that the vegetable soup and clear soup are low and watery, and the light can see people, and they can see people's shadows.

At that time, the production team leader, secretary general, and cook were good occupations. At that time, almost all the young and middle-aged people went out to participate in the large-scale steelmaking movement (we were building a reservoir there, which was Yatou, Kaizha Town, Wenshui County, that is, the Wenyuhe Reservoir). Most of those left behind were women and children, old, weak, sick and disabled. At that time, supplies were scarce and food was scarce. As the saying goes, "It is difficult for a clever daughter-in-law to cook without rice." In addition, at that time, people vividly said, "The captain buckled, the secretary stole it, leaving the cooks to fish the thickness, and then the rest was the stream sandwiched by the members." You say, can that canteen rice win the hearts of the people?

Later, I learned to Xi and promote the so-called incremental method of making a few catties of steamed buns in other places, that is, adding more water to the noodles, which is what people ridicule; "It doesn't work at all. People generally do not have enough to eat, so they can only feed their hunger with wild vegetables. Due to the lack of nutrition, the masses have yellow muscles and thin muscles, and many people have edema.

It wasn't until the second half of the 60s that the central government discovered that many people had starved to death in most of the area. The canteen was gradually braked, and the masses were gradually allowed to build pots and stoves again, and they could cook and eat by themselves.

Today, when I recall eating in the cafeteria, I still have palpitations, and a person who has never been hungry will not be able to experience the taste of hunger at all. At that time, the big canteen movement was completely conceived out of thin air by a top-down cadre who patted his thighs, chests, and heads regardless of the national conditions, the actual situation, and the lives of the people. Moreover, it has been popularized and practiced by leading departments at all levels, which is completely unpopular.

Learning from history can inform government. There is a politician who once said: to forget the past means to betray. Therefore, it is necessary to let the young people of today understand the bitterness of the past and know the sweetness of today's life. If we cherish our hard-won happy life, we must not allow the tragedy of history to repeat itself.

(2) There was no food at that time

In the previous section, we talked about eating canteens, but in fact, eating canteens was a process and a period of time during the Great Famine. Eating the Great Canteen is not the whole of the Great Famine, generally speaking, the three years of natural disasters are from 59 to 61 of the last century, so the Great Famine is considered to be that period of time!

However, the three-year natural disaster is a general and unrealistic formulation. According to our local literature, there were no major natural disasters in our local area (referring to the Fenyang area) from 59 to 61 years. It was a little earlier on June 4, 56, at 4:30 p.m. that the local heavy rain and the sudden fall of the cold (we refer to hail locally) for 10 minutes to 20 minutes, which made the 61,702 acres of autumn crops in Sanquan Town, Shizhuang, Yangcheng, Yangjiazhuang, Nanbiancheng and Yuanzhuang six townships and towns were fatally hit.

A little later, on August 5, 1964 (many people in our village still remember that it was the day when people welcomed the newly purchased tractors from our village into the village, and the cold seeds the size of eggs were laid) and on August 16 and August 23, three consecutive hailstorms, the cold seeds were as big as eggs, which lasted for 40 minutes, and the hail on the ground was as large as two or three inches. The affected area is 13,502 acres in four communes: Yanwu, Jicun, Nanbiancheng and Wanbaoshan.

In the same year, from September 1st to 7th, 11th to 14th, 180 to 200 mm of rain fell in 11 days, causing flash floods and river water surges. The water of the Manchurian River has dealt a fatal blow to 116,340 acres of autumn crops in eight communes, including Yanwu, Chengguan, Wannianqing, and Xinghua Village. Therefore, natural disasters in the past three years have occurred in some provinces, municipalities and some areas, but they have not occurred in our region (referring to the Fenyang area).

However, in the absence of natural disasters, why did there still occur a great famine, and in some places people died of starvation?

As a matter of fact, the Great Famine did not take place in a day or two, but gradually took shape as a result of the mistakes made by some leading cadres.

From the Great Leap Forward in 58 years, the Great Iron and Steel Movement, the establishment of the People's Commune, to the 59 and 60 years of pompous style, eating canteens, a series of movements, created the inevitability of the Great Famine.

The great steelmaking, the iron and steel are all smashed and smashed, and all the decorations and bronzes on people's furniture are also all knocked down, and the name is beautiful, and the treasure is presented to the country.

And almost all the young and middle-aged people were pumped to make steel, I remember that we were there to send young and middle-aged people to repair the Wenyu River Reservoir, and the only women and children left in the production team to engage in production, as well as the old, weak, sick and disabled. It is conceivable how production can be done well, and how can more grain be beaten!

In addition, the 59-year pompous style further increased the inevitability of the formation of the Great Famine. However, in our local area (our village) there have been no cases of people dying of starvation directly (whether they are lonely or not well understood), that is, many people have edema, and there are many malnutrition diseases. In particular, the fertility rate has plummeted, and few children have been born in the village in 60 years, which was deeply felt in our later census.

It is also said that at that time, young and middle-aged people went to the Great Iron and Steel Repair Reservoir, and only women and children were left in the family, and the old, weak, sick and disabled. In addition, people are malnourished, all kinds of diseases are entangled in the body, how can the fertility rate go up!

The following is a passage from an article in the People's Daily at the time;

"How bold people are, how productive the land is", "only the unthinkable, nothing can not be done".

At that time, as long as you dare to imagine, how high the grain production will be, how high it can be. Later, the captain of our production team (he used to be the production captain at that time), he said: It is okay to produce about 1,000 catties of wheat, corn or other crops per acre. But if an acre of land produces a few thousand catties, or even one or two thousand catties of grain, it is a fantasy, and it can't even reach the upper pole. However, as long as you dare to think and dare to do, you can achieve it.

According to him, in order to release the satellite and show off the results, our local authorities knew that they would come to inspect the next day, so they secretly put all the crops in other fields in the field to be inspected one day earlier, and the leaders who inspected it the next day took a look. According to him, the truth will still be seen, and the crops will be weighed. It is conceivable that even if it is over-proportioned, it is only more and not less. The actions of confusing and coaxing superiors at each level will not be exposed. So, take pictures, praise, introduce experience, and promote it everywhere.

You said that the leading cadres at that time really didn't know that it was fake, fooling people, and deceiving people. I don't think so, they do know it's fake. But in that period, when satellites were released, red flags were planted, black flags were pulled, models were established, typical examples were grasped, and deer was pointed to as horses, who dared to tell the facts and point out the truth, they had to deceive one level at a time, all the way to Chairman Mao.

"The grain is sown, the potato leaves are withered, the green and strong are practicing steel, harvesting the children and aunts, how to live in the coming year, please cheer and cheer for the people. Mr. Peng's popular, easy-to-understand, and simple little poem is a true portrayal of the society at that time.

Due to the existence of the exaggerated style, they succeeded, which in turn increased the task of purchasing grain in a unified manner, and the increase in the unified purchase of grain further stimulated the nerves of some leaders. He believed that the general line, the Great Leap Forward, the People's Commune, the Three Red Flags, the launching of satellites, the planting of red flags, the establishment of typical examples, and so on were effective and were the magic weapon for enabling China to enter communism at an early date. So you are so happy, you are a collective farm, and your communist life is potato roast beef. We in China are people's communes, we don't need money to eat, and we can eat white noodles and pork.

So I started eating in the cafeteria, and when I first started, it was really good. However, later due to various reasons, day by day did not get as good as day by day. Eating in the cafeteria, this is a general line, the Great Leap Forward, the People's Commune, the Three Red Flags, and the freaks cultivated by the pompous wind. And from the beginning of the canteen, the prelude to the Great Famine was unveiled.

In fact, the great famine began gradually in our 60s and gradually improved in 61 years and in 62.

In the second half of the 60th year, the canteen was disbanded and people's own pots and stoves were restored, but this was also the beginning of everything was difficult, firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea, people had to start preparing little by little, because in the past, people's pots and stoves and cooking utensils were almost nothing.

At first, it was to eat the supply. Adults are 28 catties per month (at that time, people used to figuratively say; is it enough for 360, referring to 360 catties of grain for adults every year), and the children are 21 catties, and they are still food, not rice noodles.

It is conceivable how eight or nine taels of grain a day can be fed. So I started thinking of a way. Tofu dregs, radish tassels, elm money, locust trees, willow buds, not to mention all kinds of wild vegetables, wild vegetables at that time were a great life-saving dish. At that time, we were about 10 years old, and we went to the field to cut wild vegetables almost every afternoon, and after a while, it was just a bag of wild vegetables (machine cloth bags), and we cut them back to subsidize the shortage of food.

Another person uses his brains to figure out a way, this one is ground into flour with corn cobs, that one is ground into flour with corn husks, sweet potatoes, potato vines are dried and ground into flour, and all of them are stirred into grains, as well as soybean leaves, and then there are leftovers from fried cotton seeds (we call them cotton baklava locally. The by-product of the oil after the cottonseed is dehulled is called cotton nut), which is ground and stirred into the grain. Eating the cake made with cotton nut flour is the most uncomfortable, and after eating, the stomach is on fire, and the stool cannot be relieved for several days.

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

The leftovers of the fried oil of cotton seeds, which we call locally, are ground and stirred into the grain

Others came up with the idea of making a no-food feast. It is not the mouth-watering banquet of eight plates, eight bowls and stewed bowls in Fenyang, but the food created by people during the Great Famine in order to fill their stomachs. If there is no food at all, it will not stick to a piece.

What tofu dregs balls, wild vegetable dumplings, dishes made of elm money, steamed buns made of corn cobs, and cakes made of cotton baklains, are still dazzling, but they are not to be eaten, but people have to rack their brains and try their best to create food in order to fill their stomachs.

It was not until the second half of the 61st year that the situation of the Great Famine here gradually improved.

Throughout the country, natural disasters do exist in some places, but man-made situations cannot be ignored. Three points of natural disasters and seven points of man-made disasters. I remember that at that time, we often had people from Anhui, Shandong Province, and Henan who came to escape the famine and ask for food. It seems that there are more people in Anhui. According to them, the natural disasters there were more serious, so natural disasters, man-made disasters, and various reasons accumulated in those years caused the emergence of a nationwide famine.

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

In 1958, the steel was smelted

At that time, there was probably such a slogan everywhere: Muster up all your energy, strive for the upper reaches, and build socialism as quickly and efficiently as possible. However, the departments at all levels from top to bottom always consider how fast they are, instead of working hard and making a fuss. So it caused a lot of unsatisfactory places.

Therefore, I often recall the bitterness of the old times, and only then do I know that today is sweet.

(3) Memories of the four evils

At the end of the 50s of the last century, the mainland launched a nationwide patriotic public health campaign, the campaign to eliminate the four evils. Although I was still young at that time, not yet 10 years old, and had just entered elementary school, I still have a deep memory of the fragments that I passed during the Four Evils Removal Movement, and every time I recall it, it is still endlessly evocative.

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

Eliminate the four evils poster

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

Chairman Mao Zedong's prompt for health work

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

Four evils

In addition to the four pests, at the beginning, it refers to: rats, sparrows, flies, and mosquitoes. Later, some zoologists proposed that sparrows eat pests and are beneficial birds, so they removed the sparrows and added cockroaches. At that time, there was still such a limerick poem about the four evils: rats rape, sparrows are bad, flies and mosquitoes are like rightists, sucking human blood, spreading diseases, stealing food and causing destruction.

Moreover, Chairman Mao Zedong also pointed out in his speech "Being a Promoter of Revolution" delivered at the Third Plenary Session of the Eighth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on October 9, 1957: "There is also the elimination of the four evils and the emphasis on hygiene. I pay attention to the four things of rats, sparrows, flies, and mosquitoes...... There's going to be a contest...... China wants to become a country with no rats, no sparrows, no flies, and no mosquitoes. "The importance of eliminating the four evils was emphasized.

I remember that at that time, the adults in the village were in full swing to carry out activities to eliminate the four pests, and the children in the school also had tasks. The number of rats and sparrows, as well as the number of flies and mosquitoes are registered. And the children are still at the head of the village, checking the passers-by on the streets, to see if the pedestrians can take the fly swatter, at that time the fly swatter is the access pass, if you don't have it, you will not be allowed to enter or leave the village.

For rats, that's really in line with the old idiom: rats cross the street and everyone shouts and beats. And the methods of catching mice are also varied, full of tricks. First of all, adults use iron clips to clip mice, there are many kinds of iron clips, but the same function is almost the same, there are small clips, and you can also give the rat a whole corpse, if there is a big one, or a special iron frame, then the rat will suffer alive, all of them are blurred by the flesh and blood, miserable. There are also those caught in iron cages, and there are those caught in water tanks. It is to put a shallow water tank in the middle of the house, put less than half a tank of water in it, sprinkle some rice bran and other things on the water, and then spread a wooden board on the ground and the water tank, which is done.

The most interesting thing is to go to the field with the adults to catch voles, although the vole is a small animal, but its architectural design is still very distinctive, and the design and architecture of the rat hole are still unique. There are special places for rats to live, holes for producing mice, and holes for escape, which are caves that confuse people. There are also tunnels dedicated to storing grain.

If you don't have experience, it's often hard work, and you can't dig voles. And experienced people, according to the practice of vole burrowing and the direction of the mouse hole, judge, is also a dig accurate, sometimes can catch small mice. The happiest thing is that you can still dig up grain, when there is a shortage of food, digging up food, that is, when everyone is happy, the mouse hole is mainly corn, soybeans, sometimes there are some other grains, a vole hole, sometimes you can dig out three or four catties of grain, and when you are good, you can dig out six or seven catties of grain.

But that vole hole is damp, so the grain is also swollen. In particular, the soybean is swollen and round, and it is several times larger than the usual soybean. We wash the soybeans, dry them, and put them on the fire and fry them on the sand pan (our local local dialect is called Shanjiao, which is a kind of cooking utensils that can be fried and baked as raw materials used as a clay pot, shaped like a shallow iron pot without a handle) and fry them to eat, and put some salt on them when frying, which is really crispy, salty, and delicious. Especially in winter, if you put the soybeans outside and freeze them overnight and fry them, it will be even more delicious, crispy, salty, and fragrant. At that time, I thought that fried soybeans were the most delicious in the world. Moreover, I don't pay attention to any hygiene or unhygiene, and I am not afraid of plague or anything.

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

Internet pictures Disturb the sparrows when the four pests are removed

Speaking of sparrow: At that time, there was a twist and turn story: after the founding of New China, Liu Ruilong served as the executive deputy minister of the Ministry of Agriculture. In 1955, Chairman Mao Zedong received a report from the peasants that sparrows were a pest to crops, so he gave instructions: Sparrows are pest birds, can we eliminate them? Chairman Mao handed over this task to Liu Ruilong.


For the sake of prudence, Liu Ruilong specially approached zoologist Qian Yanwen. Qian Yanwen is the deputy director of the Institute of Zoology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and in his impression, sparrows eat plant seeds, and most plant seeds are not food, and sparrows also eat pests. Qian Yanwen pondered again and again, and wrote at the bottom of the report: "I am not sure whether the sparrows should be eliminated. Ornithologist Zheng Zuoxin proposed to look at finch pests dialectically. In 1959, Zhang Jinfu, secretary of the party group of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, wrote to Chairman Mao, and Chairman Mao instructed: "Don't fight the sparrows." In this way, the sparrow is liberated from the four pests.

And when it comes to catching sparrows, people's methods are also varied, and there are many tricks. People used muskets to shoot them, and there were many sparrows at that time, and as soon as they flew in, they were a piece, and they came, and they flew away. Adults often use muskets to fight one piece at a time. Sometimes a dozen can be scored in one grab. Some use nets to catch and soak grain with wine, and sparrows can't fly when they eat wine and grain. There are also gongs, basin pounding, straw men and so on.

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

At that time, there were many sparrows, and as soon as they flew in, they were a piece, and they came, and they flew away

I still remember when our children were knocking on the basin on the edge of the valley with a broken basin. What's interesting is the fact that the children catch sparrows with grass sieves. Sprinkle some grains on the field, or yard, or open space, take a small wooden stick on the side of the grass sieve, tie a thin rope to the small wooden stick, and hide in a place where the sparrow cannot see, and when the sparrow gets under the grass sieve to eat the grains, pull the rope, and then buckle the sparrow under the grass sieve. Especially when it snows in winter, it is even more accurate. The other is to dig out the sparrow's nest. Digging out sparrows, we're especially good at it. Under the eaves, in the hole in the wall, I found that the sparrow feathers, or the hairy grass was exposed, and when I observed, there was nothing wrong with the insurance, and there were several small sparrows, as if the sparrow was still feeding the little sparrows every month, for example, in March, it was three, in April, it was four, and in May, it was five.

Although the sparrow is a small and inconspicuous little animal, the old sparrow's action of caring for the little sparrow is very touching. Sometimes if you take out the little sparrow just in time for the old sparrow to come back from feeding, and find that you have taken out its children, it will chirp as if scolding you, and even fly around to attack you, angrily pinch you with its little mouth (tongs, local vernacular, finger peck), and it will not spare you for a long time.

When we were young, we also had a joke about digging out sparrows in order to complete the task, and they had to have some experience in digging out sparrows, and those who had experience would know whether there were sparrows in the nest, and if there was no experience, it seemed that there were sparrow feathers and grass like exposed sparrow nests, but it was empty, and it was an empty sparrow nest that had been out of the nest.

It is said that when the children came to a roof, one of the children pointed to a sparrow nest with sparrow feathers and said that there must be sparrows in that nest. So, the children set up a ladder (rack code, our local vernacular, that is, to take a ladder), but that day the eaves were high, and the two children still couldn't reach it, so they had to take a ladder for three people. So, the strongest child squatted down at the bottom, and the second person stepped on the shoulder of the first child, and also squatted down, and the third child lay on the second child, and also stepped on the shoulder of the second child, and slowly stood up, and in this way, the ladder of the three children was completed.

So the formal work began, and began to dig out the sparrows, but that day the child looked away, and the sparrow's nest was an empty sparrow nest that had been out of the nest, and there was not a single egg. After a few strokes, there was nothing, the child was very depressed, and he didn't know whether he was nervous or what, he felt dizzy for a while, so he hurriedly shouted, "Black eyes, black eyes, hurry down!" and the child at the bottom didn't know if he didn't hear clearly, or if it was something else, and hurriedly shouted: "What? Two miles, two miles, only two, let's have one for each of us!" and the child in the middle heard it, and didn't know what was going on, and also shouted, "What? One for each person, one for each of you, then there will be no share for me. Although the storyline is not so funny, it also reflects the children's unscrupulous and childlike fun.

There are also four pests in addition to swatting flies. Speaking of flies, it may be that the sanitary conditions were too poor at that time, there were a lot of flies at that time, and in the summer, if you take your hand in a place where there are many flies, you can hold it and drop it on the ground, if it is an adult, at least one or twenty, and children with small hands, they can also catch five, seven or eight. However, at that time, I didn't feel that flies were harmful, and it was probably contaminating food and spreading diseases. However, more than 50 years have passed, and the original pests have become a hundred times more valuable, and people have developed flies into high-protein feed for animals through scientific methods. It can be seen that nothing in the world is absolute, and what is good can become bad, and on the contrary, what is bad can also become good. A lot of things are dialectical. It can really be described as 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi.

As for mosquitoes, it seems that the concept is not very deep. But there are several kinds of pests that are more powerful than the four pests and more harmful than the four pests, but they are not established as the four pests, they are fleas, bed bugs, lice. At that time, the living conditions were not good, the sanitary conditions were also very bad, and people's lives, nutrition and other aspects made these kinds of pests flooded, and people generally had these kinds of pests in their homes.

Let's start with the flea (locally called the flea), a small insect that has no wings and its hind muscles flying. The flea is said to be the champion with the highest high jump limit (i.e., jumping over its own height ratio) in the world, and it is able to jump hundreds or even thousands of times its own height. Fleas spread plague, dysentery, dengue fever and other diseases, lodged on rats, cats, dogs, and other animals, and can be controlled with trichlorfon. There is also a popular saying about fleas: catching fleas in the crotch of the pants - there is no way to start.

There is also the stinky bed bug (locally called the tick), the bed bug is also a small insect, brown and black, the body is triangular to suck human blood, but also suck the blood of chickens, rabbits and other animals, the adult bed bug has a pair of half-moon shaped stink glands in the abdomen, which can secrete a special smell, which is really notorious. Bed bugs live in groups, lying at night and sucking human blood at night. At that time, I remember that almost every house had bed bugs, in the cracks of the walls, around the kang, in the cracks of the bed boards, everywhere in the world of bed bug activities, people often took a sip of their hands, it was really blurred flesh and blood, and the smell was unbearable. Therefore, people often take 666 powder and sprinkle it around the kang, on the bed board, and even on the wall. The house was also filled with the smell of 666 powder, but people still fell asleep. You said how great the resistance and endurance of the people at that time were!

Let's go back to lice, which were also small insects, and in those days, lice were a parasite that almost everyone had. At that time, people used to say vividly, "The emperor still has a few lice!" This shows the prevalence of lice. There are also many idioms and afterwords that describe lice. For example, lice on the bald man's head are clearly displayed; lice do not bite people, and debts do not oppress people; lice are caught in the crotch of the pants, and there is no way to start it. People who are a little older know that at that time, if the sun is particularly good in winter, the sun shines on the earth warm, you see, under the warm sun, there will be a few old men sitting there under the root of the wall to turn over their clothes to catch lice, and there are some old people who have a lot of lice, and you can hear the sound of "horn horn" finger lice far away. In order to get rid of lice, some people even cook their clothes with trichlorfon medicine, but they still can't get rid of the roots, and they have it again after a while.

More than half a century has passed, and the four evils have not yet disappeared, which shows that eliminating the four evils is a matter of heavy responsibility and a long way to go, and it cannot be eliminated overnight.

And 60 years of Yijiazi have passed in a flash, and those big girls and boys who sweat like rain to "eliminate the four evils" are now dying old people, in the movement of this era, what kind of memories and emotions do they have in their hearts?

At that time, people's thinking was simple, people's health awareness and consciousness were very strong, (except for the four evils) as long as the above called for, every household heard the wind and moved, and it was engaged in all year round. In the city and in the countryside, there are often competitions, and those who do well are awarded red flags. It's not like now you just sweep the snow in front of your door. What kind of era codes are implied by those vague nostalgic mentalities?

I'm afraid that only those who lived through that era can experience that feeling.

(4) Memories of the Four Clean-up Movement

Speaking of the "Four Clean-up Movement", young people nowadays don't seem to know much. The "Four Clean-up Movement" was a socialist education campaign launched by Mao Zedong, chairman of the CPC Central Committee, in the early to mid-60s of the last century, in order to prevent the peaceful evolution of revisionism in China. The aim was to prevent the emergence of Soviet Khrushchev-style revisionism.

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

In the "Four Cleanup Movement", cadres who made mistakes were criticized

Therefore, at the Tenth Plenary Session of the Eighth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in September 1962, a campaign was put forward to educate the broad masses of cadres in the rural areas on the basis of examples in some areas. The campaign to rectify the work style of grassroots cadres is to clean up grassroots cadres who eat too much and take too much, and who are corrupt and stealing. That is, in the early stage of the movement, the "Four Clean-up Movement" of clearing warehouses, accounts, property, and labor (in the later stage, clearing up ideology, politics, organization, and economy), that is, the socialist education movement at that time, referred to as the "social education movement".

In early May 1963, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China formulated the "Draft Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Several Issues Concerning the Present Rural Work" at the work conference of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in Hangzhou, that is, the first ten articles on the Four Clean-up Movement. Moreover, a new argument for the class struggle was put forward at the conference. The class struggle is a matter of urgency. It is necessary for people to remember the bittersweet memories and remember the blood and tears of the class struggle.

In September 1963, at the work conference of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held in Beijing, the "Draft Regulations on Some Specific Policies in the Rural Socialist Education Movement" was discussed and formulated, which is the last ten articles. The content of the Four Cleanups was changed to clear ideology, politics, organization, and economy. In addition, the two ten-point documents, that is, the double ten-point document on the Four Clean-up Movement, were distributed to the grassroots level and widely publicized.

Today, although half a century has passed since the "Four Qing Movement", the original intention of the "Four Qing Movement" and the process of the "Four Qing Movement" (the Cultural Revolution in the later period of the Four Qing Dynasty cannot tell any specific results), for today's China, whether there are some enlightening things and things that can be thought about and referenced.

At that time, the Siqing Task Force did a lot of work. At that time, after the work team came, they all ate, lived and worked with the masses, that is, at that time, they were called "three togethers". They propagated the party's principles and policies and some of the principles and policies of the Double Ten Principles on the socialist education movement. Conduct visits to the poor and ask questions about their suffering, take root in the causal connection, understand the weal and woe of the masses, investigate the illegal acts of cadres who eat too much and occupy too much, embezzlement and corruption, and oppress the masses, as well as bad elements and speculation.

At that time, most of the Siqing work teams were led by state cadres from various localities, and were composed of students from colleges and universities, cadres from government agencies, and some progressive young people from rural areas.

I remember that we were led by a county cadre surnamed Hao (Hao Qingyuan, Zhangjiazhuang Village, Shizhuang Commune, Fenyang), and most of the team members seemed to be students from Shanxi Provincial Medical College, and there might be some state cadres from nearby counties who participated in the cross-meeting. At that time, there were also many young people in our village who were selected as members of the Four Clean-up Task Force and participated in the Four Clean-up Movement in other places. As far as I know, there are also quite a few young people in our county who have been transferred to the Four Clean-up Task Force. After being tempered and nurtured by the work of the Four Qing Dynasty, many people later became the elite of various departments, and there were not a few people who were promoted to bureau-level cadres in the eighties and nineties of the last century.

Ren Zhijin, who served as an accountant in our fourth production team of the Yanwu Brigade at that time, was assigned work after participating in the Siqing Task Force, and later became the director of the Fenyang Agricultural Bureau. Among them, two young women from our village have also stayed in the local unit.

After the team entered the village, it did bring some hope and expectation to the people at that time. From eating in the canteen, the Great Famine to the gradual resumption of agricultural production in 62 and 63, the folk customs in the countryside at that time were very good, and people were simple-minded, simple-minded, honest, and honest at that time. However, people are generally greedy, and people's selfish distractions are innate, as long as there is the right soil, they will sprout. Therefore, after taking power, some people gradually took advantage of their positions to eat more and occupy more, embezzle and steal, and then developed into some cadres using their power to bully the masses. As a result, the masses of the people have great complaints against the grassroots cadres. Therefore, after the task force came, the masses actively participated and actively cooperated.

As a result of the rectification of the four clean-up societies, it has indeed touched the souls of the grassroots cadres, and some tainted cadres have checked their mistakes one after another, returned their property, and some cadres have been dismissed from their posts and given administrative punishments. The social atmosphere has taken a great turn for the better, and the majority of the masses are quite satisfied with their support.

However, there have been some excesses on our ground. The mistakes of some people have been enlarged, causing some people to talk nonsense against their will; there was once a person who was the secretary of the department when he was eating in a big canteen, and he was forced to talk about it by holding meetings every day; when he was the secretary of the department, he embezzled how much food he had embezzled, and he said it vividly; and it was buried in the ground in the room of his house, and when he later checked, it was found to be nothing, and he was simply forced to talk nonsense. Moreover, at that time, some cadres were also soldiers, and people were afraid that the day of the Four Clears would come to their heads and become the Four Clears cadres.

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

In the "Four Cleanup Movement", cadres who made mistakes were criticized.

After the Siqing Task Force came, they visited the poor and asked about their sufferings, reminisced about the bittersweet memories, and some ridiculous things appeared in the movement. At a bittersweet meeting, there was a sad and ridiculous situation.

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

The Siqing Task Force held a meeting to remember the bittersweet and sweet

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

The Siqing Task Force held a meeting to remember the bittersweet and sweet

One day, the task force held a meeting to remember the bittersweet and sweet. At the congress, the landlords, rich, and anti-bad rightists bent down one by one to stand in front of the meeting hall, and the representatives of the poor and middle peasants came to the stage one after another to complain and expose the crimes of exploitation and oppression of the masses by the landlords and rich peasants in the old society.

Next, it was the turn of a typical representative of the poor middle peasants. Moreover, he was also the key speaker designated by the task force, an honest, uneducated, and somewhat stubborn old poor peasant. Before the meeting, the task force was afraid that he would make mistakes in his speech because he was uneducated and stubborn, so they focused on guiding and reminding him.

When it was his turn to play, he ran to the stage with a stumbling face, pointed his finger at a landlord element, and said, "You, the landlord, are really very bad, and in the old society, how did you oppress and exploit our poor and middle peasants?" "Especially when the wheat is harvested in the summer, you are even more oppressive to us, and we will cut the wheat for you for ten hours a day." ”

The team members were even happier when they heard this, "Okay! I only heard him point his finger at the landlord and continue: "You dog-day landlord Lao Cai three meals a day, you give us white flour steamed buns, pork stewed vermicelli, and you yourself eat cornmeal wo wo tou...... When the comrades of the task force heard this, they said, "Oh! "Quickly pulled the old poor peasant down. Later, when people asked the old poor peasant, he said that I was telling the truth! This was just a small episode in the Four Clean-up Movement.

At that time, the members of the task force were eating pie meals at people's homes. Pay four taels of food stamps for a meal, one and a half cents for breakfast, two cents for lunch, two meals a day, at that time, my family will have members of the Siqing team come to eat pie meals every once in a while, I remember that every time a team member eats, my stepmother will choose some better from the life that was not rich at that time, or have some local characteristics of the meal to entertain the team members, the team members are always polite when they come, and after eating, they always leave the food stamps and meal money together.

Every day, the cadres of the production team designated the work team members to eat at the people's house (at that time, only the poor and middle peasants could cook pie meals for the work team members, and at that time, the so-called land-rich anti-bad rightists were absolutely not allowed).

There was a little story at that time. One day, at school, a neighbor's child mysteriously told us that it was his family's turn to eat pies today, and he was also a cadre from the central government. When we heard this, we were very excited, the cadres from the central government must have come by car, and at that time the children were very fond of cars, and if a car came in the village, the children would chase and watch. Therefore, as soon as I heard that there were cadres from the central government who were eating pie rice, they must have come by car.

Therefore, as soon as school started, we children followed the child's door and waited for the cadre from the central government to see the car he was sitting in. We children were playing there while waiting to see the car where the cadre from the central government was sitting.

At that time, most of the people lived in large courtyards, and there were many families living in one courtyard. The child's house is also a large miscellaneous courtyard, and when it comes to lunch and dinner, people come and go, people come and go. We waited for a long time, but we couldn't wait for the central cadre, and we didn't see the car.

After waiting for about twenty or thirty minutes, the central cadre still did not come. Instead, out of the courtyard, a man in a crumpled tunic shirt wore a pair of glasses with deep myopia, and his appearance was more rustic than those of us here.

But the people were very kind, and when they saw that our children were still playing there during meal time, they kindly asked us whose children we were, and if we didn't go back to eat when it was time to eat, what were we doing here.

As soon as we heard this, this person was quite amiable, with a Xilujia (Xilujia, our collective name for several counties in the west of the Luliang region at that time, which was a bit of a contempt at that time) accent. We said we were waiting to see the car.

The man asked, "Look at the car."

We said, "Look at the car in which the cadres from the central government are sitting."

The man said, "There are cadres from the central government."

We said, "Today, there is a cadre from the central government in this courtyard who comes to eat a pie, and when they come, they must have come by car."

As soon as we finished speaking, we heard the man laugh and say, "Central cadres, there are cadres from the central government! I am a cadre from the central government, a state cadre from Zhongyang County, and a cadre of the Four Qing Task Forces." ”

Then he touched the heads of our children and said, "Let's go back to dinner!"

This central cadre is not that central cadre, but a state cadre in Zhongyang County, which is close to the west of our Fenyang County.

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

Mobile phone shooting is now a section of Siqing Road

More than half a century has passed since the "Four Qing Movement", and many people and people from all walks of life have gradually faded their memories of the Four Qing Movement, but there are still several projects that still serve the local people in Yanwu Town;

After the Siqing team came, in order to improve the local traffic situation, the production brigade of the whole commune was mobilized to contribute to the construction of a sandstone road running through the north and south of the commune, with a total length of about ten kilometers (it is now the trunk line from Jicun to Xiaoyi-Jixiao Highway). From the Fenping Highway between Baishi Village and Nankaishe Village in the north, passing through Zhaoxian Village, Yanwu Village, Xinggai Village, Hanjiaqiao Village, three Shangda Village, Xihebao Village, and Dongdawang Village, basically covering most of the villages of Yanwu Commune.

Mobile phone shooting Now a section of Siqing Road, on the left side of the road is the Cultural Revolution Canal

It originally started from the west of the current Jixiao line, that is, between Zhaoxian Village and Yanwu Village, from the Fenping Highway to the south, from north to south close to the west of Zhaoxian Village, the then Yanwu cotton processing factory (we are called the Great Temple, Shousheng Temple, it is said to be the building of the Yuan Dynasty) to the east, and then to the south close to the Zixia Temple of Yanwu Ancient Town, the east of Kuixinglou, and passed the "small official road" of our Yanwu Village , close to the southeast of Nanyanwu Bajiazhuang obliquely to the southwest, leading to the south of Yanwu Village, all the way south to Dongdawang Village (this section of the old Siqing Road has been in disrepair and dilapidated because of the new road realignment, but there are survivors left).

Later, the local commune also judged the situation and dug a retreat canal that also runs through the north and south on the east side of the "Siqing Road" close to the roadbed. It is called total retreat, and because it was time for the Cultural Revolution at that time, it was also called the "Cultural Revolution Canal".

Although the name of the project "Siqing Road" may not have been deliberately commemorated to commemorate the "Siqing Movement" at that time, it has been passed down to the present day (some people of the upper age still call it "Siqing Road").

However, in any case, this project has indeed changed the traffic situation of Yanwu Commune from then to now, greatly facilitating the travel of local people, and also promoting local economic development.

The above is a bit of memory of the Four Qing Movement in the early to mid-sixties of the last century.

(5) Eat food "standing".

The food is eaten "standing", which is said to be some anecdotes about our place during the Four Qing Dynasty.

In fact, the Four Qing Movement at that time was a socialist education campaign conducted by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China based on the situation in rural China at that time. The purpose is to rectify the illegal acts of rural grassroots cadres in China, who have eaten more and occupied more, kept more work records, abused their power for personal gain, bullied others and oppressed the masses by taking advantage of their power, and some bad elements sabotaged and caused trouble.

During the campaign, a considerable number of grassroots cadres were indeed rectified and punished for their illegal acts of eating too much and taking more money, abusing their power for personal gain, and oppressing the masses. It has also saved a considerable number of rural grassroots cadres from the mistakes of the above-mentioned four unclear cadres. The tense relations between cadres and the masses have been eased and brought closer, and the social atmosphere has greatly improved. Another point is that it has tempered the quality of the members of the Four Clean-up Work Teams, especially the college students of colleges and universities who have participated in the work teams, so that they can see the world through trials and hardships, understand society, and understand the weal and woe of the broad masses of the people in rural areas, and this will greatly inspire and help them in their future study and Xi and work.

At that time, college students, there was nothing to say about Xi. However, there are also some college students who still do not know much about the countryside, and they do not know much about some rural customs and Xi. The two stories I tell today are related to the college students who participated in the Four Clean-up Movement.

The title of this article is "Eating Food Standing", and some friends can't help but ask, why do you want to eat "standing" in food?

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

Popular in some parts of northern China, we in Fenyang local called pimples, glue balls, that cake, paste

At that time, some of the team members in our village were students from Shanxi Medical College, and there were many southerners. We don't know much about what we speak there (Fenyang dialect). We may not know much about our food Xi and food culture. So, the following legends have happened, not necessarily some small stories of facts.

When it comes to food, we can't help but talk about the long history of our Fenyang cuisine. Fenyang City is located at 111,751 degrees east longitude and 37,27 degrees north latitude, belonging to the north temperate continental climate, rich in all kinds of small grains. In addition, Fenyang people are delicious and love face, and Fenyang women are ingenious and can make all kinds of small grains and coarse grains into a hundred flowers and nine delicious delicacies.

Today's cuisine is one of our local cuisines. The cake (in our local dialect, it is also called paste, pimple, and we call it a glue ball in the southwest township of Fenyang, stirring the ball). Maybe Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningxia also have this kind of food.

Speaking of that cake, it was also a kind of food that improved our local life at that time and changed its taste. The cake is simple to make, single to eat, does not look amazing, but can be eaten deliciously.

But it is not an easy task to make that cake well. To make that cake, you first have to use one of our local grains, sorghum. Moreover, sorghum still needs to be a local variety of our local production, "grasp it". That sorghum is drought-tolerant, barren and adaptable to local growth. "Grabbing" the flour ground by sorghum is delicate and tendony. However, it is not enough to have good sorghum, you also have to grind the noodles well. At that time, there were still a lot of processes for grinding noodles.

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

The old rural grinding scene

First of all, the sorghum harvested that year is dried, and after it is dry, it is then sifted to remove impurities, and then it is boiled and simmered in a pot of boiling water for about half an hour. Only then is the grinding process carried out. The sorghum flour ground in this way is white, delicate, with large tendons and good taste. Especially the first two times of sorghum noodles, that one didn't even mention. We can process all kinds of local noodles in Fenyang. For example, there are hundreds of delicacies such as rubbing buckets, sipping tips, sticking jia, oblique flags, foreskin noodles, red noodles dumplings, red noodles steamed dumplings and so on.

In fact, the delicious cake is very simple to make. Put water in an iron pot, put a small amount of salt in the water, and when the water is boiled, pour the good sorghum noodles into the pot slowly, and stir them in one direction with an iron spatula, so it is also called stirring dough. In about ten minutes, the water and noodles in the pot became a kind of coarse paste. As the name suggests, we also have a local one called mush. That's how the cake, the mush, came about.

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

Stir in one direction, so it is also called stirring

However, it is not possible to eat this cake like this. To those who haven't eaten it, it's just a mush. Therefore, the cake should also be accompanied by a delicious and delicious seasoning. The cake is single, but the seasoning is a hundred and nine.

First of all, pour the cooking oil into the pot, and after the oil boils, fry the peppercorns and take them out, and then, put the green onions, garlic slices, and ginger slices, and also fry the scorched and take them out. Turn down the heat, then put the minced green onions, garlic, and ginger into the pot, and then pour the vinegar that we have dried locally, as well as soy sauce, and put a little cooking wine and sesame oil less, and this becomes a delicious seasoning. Coupled with the oil and spicy seeds made by yourself, it is really cool!

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

With the oil and spicy seeds made by yourself, it is really cool!

Some seasonings are made by the above method, and then chopped with some minced pork belly and fried, which is a very delicious seasoning.

There is also a seasoning made with a kind of sauerkraut (called yellow cabbage in our local area), which is also a delicious and delicious seasoning. Moreover, this cake can be eaten hot or cold, and it can also be fried with bean sprouts and shredded potatoes after it is cold. Moreover, to make that cake, you can also use cornmeal, wheat flour, and buckwheat noodles, but they are not as delicious as the first two red noodles that we grind from the local "grab" sorghum. In our local area, if I hadn't eaten that cake for a while, I missed it very much.

But I'm afraid that this delicious cake will not be able to be eaten by the sweeter southerners. For a southerner who has lived in the city since he was a child and is used to eating rice, it is still unknown whether he knows our local food habits and how to eat that cake Xi.

Here's how food is eaten "standingly".

One day during the Four Clean-up Movement in the sixties of the last century, it was a hot summer day. The sister-in-law of a beautiful local farmer received another notice that a member of the team was going to her house for a pie meal today. So I called it a day. After returning home, she thought for a while, what should she eat? Usually for lunch, it was often red flour rubbing buckets, pasting crops or something (at that time, white flour was very scarce), or eating that cake! That cake was not eaten by the members of the work team, so it was rare for them to eat!

So, she lit a fire and added charcoal, peeled onions and poured garlic, added water and scooped noodles to prepare to make that cake for the team members to eat. When the farmer's sister-in-law was preparing to cook, the members of the team who ate the pie also came, and I saw him, who was not very old, at most in his twenties, and he was also a college student. Wearing an ordinary Mao suit, with a pair of deep myopia glasses Si Swen came to her house, she hurriedly let the members of the team into the hall, in the middle of the hall there is a Huanghuali Eight Immortals Table, on the top of the Eight Immortals Table is a pair of walnut Taishi chairs, and a mahogany bench is placed on the left and right sides of the Eight Immortals Table. The sister-in-law let the members of the task force to a Taishi chair at the head of the Eight Immortals table. Immediately, I made tea for the members of the work team, and after a brief inquiry, I learned that the team member's surname was Lin, a college student from Shanxi Medical College, who was taken out to participate in the Four Qing Movement, and his hometown was from Jiangsu and Zhejiang in the south. So, she asked Comrade Lin to drink tea, and she hurriedly prepared to cook herself.

At that time, we used to cook in the yard in the summer. It's the same with this farmer's sister-in-law's family. Her kitchen, in fact, is not a kitchen, it is a fire made of bricks to take mud, and with a wind box that is click-and-click, it is a good kitchen. The sister-in-law's house is the main house, and the fire is under the bedroom window of the sister-in-law's main house.

Comrade Lin of the work team in the wing hall here leisurely tasted the tea brewed for him by the farmer's sister-in-law, and the farmer's sister-in-law was busy making rare delicacies and cakes for Comrade Lin of the work team.

The farmer's sister-in-law, not only is she beautiful and beautiful, but also what she does, and she is neat and tidy. "Comrade Lin, the meal is ready, let's eat!"

"Okay, let's eat!" Comrade Lin put down his teacup and got up to go out to serve food. When he was about to leave, he saw that his sister-in-law had already brought in the hot, slimy cake and fragrant and sour seasoning, and placed it in front of him on the table of the eight immortals, and hurriedly went out to bring a bowl of mung bean and millet porridge and a plate of old pickles pickled by herself on the fire. Moreover, he said to Comrade Lin, "You can eat slowly! I will also cook wild vegetables." ”

After that, the sister-in-law came out again and got busy on the fire. It turned out that the sister-in-law worked tirelessly in order to increase some income, and also fed a big fat pig, she had to look for some wild vegetables every day between labor, and after coming back, she added some rice bran and bran to the big iron pot and boiled it out to feed her big fat pig.

Not to mention the beautiful farmhouse sister-in-law here, let's pull the wind box to cook her pig feed. Tell me how Comrade Lin of the work team in the hall "stood" and ate delicious food.

When Comrade Lin saw the beautiful peasant sister-in-law placing the food on the table of the Eight Immortals, he hurriedly put down the teacup and saw that although the meal was not so rich, it was also hot and fragrant. I saw the mung bean porridge, the mung beans bloomed, the millet was sparse, and the thickness was just right, which really quenched the thirst and went to the fire.

The old pickles, black, white, yellow, red and green, colorful and beautiful. It turns out that this old pickle is the farmer's sister-in-law pickled out the mustard gnocchi last year, fished out around the Qingming Festival this year, cooled for three or four days, and then used the soup pot (soup pot, our local dialect, refers to, a shallow pot made of the raw materials used to make the casserole, a pot specially used to boil pickles) boiled out, and the pickle gnocchi was dried. That pickle pimple is only the pickles boiled in that soup pot that appear ruddy and soft, with a good taste and no evil smell. And if the pickles are cooked in an ordinary iron pot, they will have iron wire gas (iron wire, local dialect, refers to the smell of iron).

Black, white, yellow, red and green, black is the black and red old pickle gnocchi, cut into thin shreds, white is the white onion white, also cut into thin shreds, yellow is the ginger shreds, red is the sky pepper red pepper, also cut into thin shreds, and green, is the green pepper, also cut into thin shreds, and then sprinkled with some cooked sesame seeds, fully stirred evenly, the soybean oil is fried with peppercorns, poured on the old pickle shreds while hot, it becomes a plate of salty, crispy, fragrant, fresh, and spicy spiced pickle shreds. Drink a few sips of mung bean porridge that clears the heat and removes the fire, and put some spiced pickles on it, which is really delicious and delicious, and it is really refreshing.

Pickles and porridge were two things that Comrade Lin had eaten. He took a few sips of the porridge, then picked up the spiced pickles and took a bite; "Ah! It's delicious!" Comrade Lin couldn't help but praise the peasant sister-in-law's porridge and pickles.

Putting down the porridge and looking at the hot, slimy cake, Comrade Lin was a little worried, he was born in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, went to school in a big city, and later joined the Siqing work team, so that when he came to our village, he had never eaten this thing, he had never seen it, and he had never heard of it. So much so that he saw the cake made for him by the farmer's sister-in-law today, it was really a bit of a dog biting a hedgehog, and he couldn't eat it. He wanted to ask the beautiful peasant sister-in-law how to eat the slimy cake, but because of the face of the members of the Siqing team and the college students, he didn't speak. So, I had to find a way to try it.

So, Comrade Lin sat on the Taishi's chair with the cake bowl in one hand and ate a bite of the cake with chopsticks in the other.

The beautiful sister-in-law who was pulling the bellows in the courtyard heard Comrade Lin chattering, "Dip it and eat!"

Oh, you have to "stand" to eat this thing, is it because this thing is slimy and hard to swallow, you have to "stand" to eat? So while thinking about it, he "stood" on the ground from the Taishi's chair, picked up the cake bowl and took a bite of the cake, "Hey! it still tastes like that!" he said to himself;

Comrade Lin's self-talk was heard by the peasant sister-in-law who was busy on the fire in the yard, "I sue you! I want to eat it! I will eat it! I will eat it if I eat it."

I still have to "stand" on the food, whether the "standing" on the ground is still low, it is still not easy to swallow, and the higher the "standing" is easier to swallow, Comrade Lin is still thinking and doing, and at the same time "standing" from the underground to the Taishi chair. I took another bite of the cake from the bowl, "Oops!" "Why is it so high, it's still sticky and hard to swallow!" Comrade Lin muttered again;

The pig feed of the beautiful sister-in-law in the yard here is also at a critical juncture. She heard Comrade Lin's muttering again, and she shouted loudly as she pulled her windlocom, "Oh, Comrade Lin, you can eat it, you can eat it!" Do you know how to eat it?

Do you still want to "stand" on the table to eat, do you still have to "stand" low, do you want to "stand" in the sky to eat? Comrade Lin still thought about it, and at the same time, he involuntarily climbed from the Taishi's chair to the table of the Eight Immortals in the middle of the hall, yes! When he reached the roof, he thought to himself, "How high is the "standing"? Probably this is not that slimy and hard to swallow! Immediately, Comrade Lin took another bite; "Oh, this! This! This is still that sticky and hard to swallow!" Comrade Lin stammered and complained;

At this time, the pig feed of the beautiful farmer's sister-in-law was also packed. She hurried to the hall, "Hey, what about the people!" When she entered the hall, the sister-in-law saw that Comrade Lin, who was sitting on the Taishi's chair, was gone. She looked up suddenly, only to find that Comrade Lin of the work team was "standing" on the table of the Eight Immortals with a bowl. Immediately, I understood.

"Hahaha, hahaha......" The beautiful peasant sister-in-law laughed and trembled, and tears flowed out of her eyes. Sister-in-law, she patted her thighs with both hands and laughed so hard that she couldn't straighten her waist.

"Hey! I said dip and eat, dip and eat! Why do you "stand" so high and eat, I am talking about letting you eat with spices, not letting you "stand" on a high place to eat. The beautiful sister-in-law said helplessly;

"Oops! I said that no matter how high the "stand" is, it still doesn't taste good, it turns out that it is not the "station", but this dip. Why didn't you tell me earlier!" Comrade Lin said with a grudge;

"I told you a long time ago that you eat when you dip it, you eat it when you eat it when you eat it "standing", how can it be delicious when you eat it "standing"?" said the beautiful peasant sister-in-law with a smile;

Comrade Lin hurriedly came down, sat on the Taishi's chair, sandwiched the harmful cake with chopsticks, put it in the seasoning bowl, dipped it back and forth, and ate it in his mouth. Oops! It's fragrant, sour, slippery, and it goes into your stomach without a bite.

It turns out that this "station" is not that dip. That dip is the real dip. This is the legend of food "standing" and eating.

For those who haven't eaten it, the cake is just a paste

   However, there is also a version of the gastronomy "standing" to eat. It is also the story of the members of the Siqing Task Force eating pie rice at that time.

One day, a member of the work team was sent to the home of an old poor peasant to eat pie rice, and at that time, the work team members were generally sent to the poor and middle peasants' homes, and the rich and the bad were not qualified to make pie meals for the Siqing work team members. The old poor farmer's husband and wife also let the team members eat something rare, so they also prepared our local delicacy, the cake, for the team members. On this day, the team member who came to eat the pie was a female comrade, surnamed Li, in her twenties and less than thirty years old, said to be from Shanghai, with short hair to her ears, wearing a pair of glasses with deep myopia, polite, and speaking Mandarin with Wu Nong's soft language.

After the old couple had cooked their meals, they let the members of the work team to the dining table, brought the cake and seasoning to Comrade Li, the work team member, and respectfully invited Comrade Li to eat; "Comrade Li, please have dinner."

Maybe Li Tong, a member of this female work team, had never eaten this delicacy and cake, and didn't know how to start, so he asked the old poor peasant: "Uncle, how can you eat this rice!"

The old poor peasant said, "Dip and eat, just dip and eat."

"How to eat, you have to "stand" to eat. Comrade Li, a member of the female work team, thought about it, and said, "Is this family a real poor middle peasant?" However, she was not embarrassed to ask in person, but just divided the cake by two, pulled it into her stomach, and then took the seasoning, drank it in a few sips, and the sour Comrade Li hissed her teeth. Then, he put the money and food stamps for the pie on the table and left in a huff.

Seeing that Comrade Li, a member of the work team, had left in a huff, the old poor peasant couple hurriedly chased after him and said hello, but Comrade Li, a member of the work team, ignored the old poor peasant couple and left angrily.

Comrade Li immediately reported to the leaders of the task force, saying whether the old poor peasant couple were really poor middle peasants, and whether they were the members of the work team who were rich and anti-bad rightists who took the opportunity to make things difficult. It turned out that Comrade Li, a member of the female work team, had never eaten that cake and did not know that she was going to eat that cake with her touch, but she understood that she had become an old poor peasant and asked her to eat it "standing". After understanding, Comrade Li realized that he did not understand the local customs and did not know how to appreciate the local food, so he blamed the old poor peasant couple and ruined the meal. Originally, the cake was put into the seasoning and rolled on a few rolls to eat, it was fragrant, sour, and slippery, and it was very delicious, but because Comrade Li didn't understand, she ate the slimy cake by dividing it by two, and then drank the sour seasoning into the stomach.

  Another story is also related to college students who participated in the Four Cleans Task Force.

The story also takes place during the work of the Four Qing Movement. At that time, the comrades of the task force practiced the policy of eating, living, and working together, visited the poor and asked about their suffering, and helped the common people solve some practical difficulties.

One day, a member of a college student work team surnamed Chen who was stationed in our village received a notice from the leader asking him to help a military family member polish noodles today. After receiving the notice, Comrade Chen hurried to the military family's house to prepare to help grind the noodles. When I arrived at the military family's house, it turned out that the military family was an elegant young woman, with a beautiful face and a tall figure. At most, she is less than 30 years old, and most of the younger people call her Li Er's sister-in-law, who was married in the city and has never used livestock to grind noodles before.

Without further ado, the book gets back to business.

At that time, grinding noodles was more advanced than before. It used to be people pushing and grinding. Now you can use livestock. However, there are also appointments with the production team, with the mill, with the livestock. Today is the day when Li's second sister-in-law and the production team agreed to grind noodles. Therefore, Li's second sister-in-law was busy early.

  Seeing that Comrade Chen of the work team was coming, he asked Comrade Chen of the work team to carry the grain to the mill, and the second sister-in-law Li herself also packed up the things used for grinding noodles to the mill. When they arrived at the mill, Li Er's sister-in-law sorted out all the utensils used for grinding noodles, and at the same time asked Comrade Chen of the work team to go to the breeding farm to pull the livestock that had been agreed to be used for grinding noodles today. There was not much time, so Comrade Chen of the work team brought the livestock. When Li's second sister-in-law saw it, why was it that the mule that had been agreed upon was a donkey? The mule that had been agreed upon was carried out by the production team on the charcoal sleeve of Xiaoyi today, so she had no choice but to use the donkey to grind the dough.

 "Donkeys are donkeys, as long as you can grind noodles," Li Er's sister-in-law said to herself helplessly;

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

"Donkeys are donkeys, as long as you can grind noodles," Li Er's sister-in-law said helplessly to herself

  So, Li's second sister-in-law poured the grain from Buluoli into the bucket on the stone mill and asked Comrade Chen of the work team to put the donkey in place. After a while, Comrade Chen gently slapped the donkey's buttocks with a whip rod; "Drive!" I don't know if the donkey didn't hear it, but he still recognized it a little, and stood there motionless.

"Drive!" Comrade Chen shouted and slapped the donkey's ass twice. However, the donkey still stood there stubbornly and did not move. Here, Li's second sister-in-law saw it and went over to help Comrade Chen shout and drive away the donkey. But I don't know how the donkey bullied the living, bullied the beauty, let the two of them whip, shouting, just standing there digging the ground with four hooves, holding my head high, I didn't move.

Seeing this formation, Comrade Chen became angry, rolled up his sleeves with both hands, and couldn't care about Sven, stepped forward and grabbed the donkey's halter with one hand, "I can't cure you beast." He screamed fiercely and whipped the donkey on the back with a whip. The beautiful young woman Li Er's sister-in-law on this side of the room also couldn't care about elegance, and pushed the donkey's ass with both hands and pushed forward hard, but that beast was me who didn't move, and shook his head from side to side, twisted his body, kicked his legs away, and refused to move half a step.

Look at it! Comrade Chen, a member of the Sven University Student Work Team, pulled Sven hard in front of him by dragging the donkey's halter head, and a beautiful and elegant peasant young woman, Li Er's sister-in-law, pushed hard with both hands behind the donkey's buttocks. Comrade Chen, a college student, was screaming and scolding. The second sister-in-law Li, who was tired and beautiful and elegant, was drenched in sweat and panting, and the tossing two were exhausted, only panting, staring at their eyes, and there was nothing they could do.

At a time when the two of them had nothing to do. A peasant aunt brought the gong bed frame for gong noodles (the wooden frame used for grinding gong noodles locally) to Li Er's sister-in-law, and when she entered the mill, she understood the situation and couldn't help laughing. "You two living treasures, cover your eyes (local vernacular means blindfolded), cover your eyes, cover your eyes!" told them as he prepared the gong bed frame into the long bulo.

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

A peasant aunt brought a gong bed frame for gong noodles to Li's second sister-in-law

"Cover your eyes, do you have to cover your eyes when grinding your face?" Although Comrade Chen, a member of the college student work team who had no choice, was a little puzzled, he still couldn't help clapping his hands and covering his eyes with both hands.

The second sister-in-law of Xiang Li is in the county seat, and she has not experienced this in the countryside, so she is also a little confused.

"I haven't heard that you have to cover your eyes when grinding noodles!" The second sister-in-law Li, who was also beautiful and elegant, saw that Comrade Chen, a member of Sven's college student work team, covered her eyes with her hands, so she hesitated for a moment, and involuntarily wiped her hands on her clothes and covered her eyes vigorously according to the instructions of the farmer's aunt.

However, the two men who covered their eyes did not hear the sound of the donkey turning in circles and grinding noodles, but heard the sound of the peasant aunt laughing "Hahaha! Hahaha...... The two of them hurriedly put down their hands covering their eyes, and when they saw that the aunt was holding on to the gong and bed frame and laughing so much that she was slumped on the ground, she couldn't even breathe with laughter, and it took a long time for her to breathe a sigh of relief, and pointed at the two of them and said, "My good ancestor! I mean Mao Fu, Mao Fu's eyes, cover the eyes of the donkey, why do you cover your own eyes!" Cover your eyes, how can you let the hungry go? What two fools!"

Immediately, he stood up with a smile and told Comrade Chen of the college student work team, "Isn't that covering your eyes on the donkey's head?"

When Comrade Chen saw it, sure enough, there was a black and dirty rectangular piece of cloth tied to the donkey's head.

"I saw it when I pulled it just now, and I wondered why the donkey still had a handkerchief, and that feeling was used to wipe its tears, right? Who knew it was the donkey's eye cloth!" Comrade Chen, a college student, muttered to himself;

Then he took off the eye-covering cloth, covered the donkey's eyes and tied them up.

"Drive!" slapped the donkey's ass hard.

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

, I was still puzzled just now, why does the donkey still carry a handkerchief, and the feelings are used to wipe its tears, right?

Don't say it, true spirit! I saw the fierce man who covered his eyes running happily in the millway.

If you are a friend from the south and have never seen the scene of a donkey grinding, will you be a little puzzled when you see the donkey pulling the mill blindfolded? Why does the donkey pull the mill blindfolded?

The reason why the donkey pulls the mill to be blindfolded, there are two main reasons, on the one hand, it is to prevent it from stealing its mouth, because the grinding is mostly agricultural products and grains, and it is mostly the food it likes to eat.

On the other hand, blindfolding can prevent the donkey from getting dizzy in the process of constantly turning in circles, according to the structural relationship of the animal's brain, when it is in a state of rotation, it is easy to have an illusion of direction, which is what we often call "halo".

When we cover its eyes, it cannot see the changes in its surroundings, so that its brain does not have the illusion of turning, and its body can maintain its natural balance. Therefore, the general donkey must be blindfolded when grinding to prevent it from turning "faint".

From this point of view, seemingly simple phenomena in life actually contain a lot of scientific evidence, which are the wisdom of the ancients passed down from generation to generation.

The above are a few short stories that are not necessarily true, but they are a bit of a joke and a little enlightening. Although college students are rich in learning and all kinds of cultural knowledge, people's social life is rich and colorful, and only by participating in social practice, understanding the lives of ordinary people, understanding the folk customs of various places, and where to go and learning, will the above-mentioned embarrassing things not happen.

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

Paper-cutting: Peasant girl grinding noodles

(6) Some fragments of ancient towns and villages during the Cultural Revolution

Time is really like light, and inadvertently, half a century and fifty years of time, like quicksand in your hand, slowly and silently flow away. However, some people and events that occurred during that special period of the Cultural Revolution are still faintly left in our memory. Although the impression is not so deep, every time I recall it, some things still make people think about it and feel a lot of emotion.

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

Usually some gatherings, or hot spots or something, are also held there

The Cultural Revolution that took place in the 60s of the last century was unprecedented and unique in the thousands of years of history in China and in the thousands of years of history in the world. In the history of China's development and in the history of the world's development, it has also had a huge impact. He not only influenced the process of China's modernization and development, but also touched the depths of the hearts of a considerable number of people at that time, and affected the fate of a considerable number of people for a lifetime. In those special years, there were many unreasonable and unreasonable phenomena of smashing and looting, and even some of them were inhumane actions, which brought immeasurable losses to China's modernization and economic construction. It also brought great shock and deep hurt to the hearts of some people.

At that time, when the unprecedented, vigorous and magnificent Cultural Revolution swept the whole country, our ancient towns and villages were the same, although our ancient towns were located in the countryside, but the vigorous and magnificent cultural revolution upsurge still blew to our ancient towns and villages. Bit by bit, the fragmented past records some fragments of the Cultural Revolution that happened in our ancient town at that time.

The Cultural Revolution that occurred in the sixties of the last century, although it was not as magnificent and vigorous as other places in our ancient towns and villages, it also left some faint retrospectives in the minds of people in ancient towns and villages.

I remember that at the beginning of the Cultural Revolution, the location of the People's Commune was still on the north and south streets of the ancient town, that is, in the original land temple of our ancient town, located in the T-shaped main street of the ancient town, a vertical top to the north end of a horizontal east, where in addition to the commune, there were supply and marketing cooperatives, bank credit cooperatives, post and telecommunications offices, tax offices, industrial and commercial offices, etc., and some other service places, at that time in the ancient town was also a relatively prosperous and lively place, plus in front of the commune, it was still a large open land, like a small square. Usually some gatherings, or hot spots or something, are also held there.

At the beginning of the Cultural Revolution, the walls around the commune were plastered with big-character posters about the great revelation and criticism of the commune, the enterprises and institutions, the primary and secondary schools, and the so-called revolutionary masses, rebels, and Red Guards in our village at that time. Every day, not only the people from our village come to watch, but also many people from the surrounding villages. The great debate that followed took place in the small square in front of the commune. When the struggle between the two factions began, a large number of people often gathered there for a great debate.

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

His own faction was the most loyal to Mao Zedong Thought and the most revolutionary

You see, people of various factions are arguing with each other, quoting scriptures and classics, and quoting Chairman Mao's quotations, and they all say that their own faction is the most loyal to Mao Zedong Thought, the most revolutionary, and the most correct. One by one, their mouths are like a river, and they are even red-faced and red-eared, and they don't give in to each other. The people who debated on both sides of the two factions were not only colleagues, classmates, and friends from their own units, but also their own brothers and sisters, and even husbands and wives. There are even cases where husband and wife fall apart for the sake of factional debate, and brothers and sisters turn their faces.

When the Red Guards were rising, there were also some people in our village who spontaneously rose up to make Red Guard armbands and set up some Red Guard organizations. There was also an old peasant couple in our production team, who were already in their 60s at the time, who made Red Guard armbands out of red cloth and wore them on their arms, showing off to people beautifully.

Although the Cultural Revolution had two aspects, on the one hand, it swept away the souls of all people and shook the hearts of all people. On the one hand, it has hindered social development, brought incalculable losses to the lives of the people of the country, and caused great harm to the lives and property of a considerable number of people.

At that time, there were also some people in our village who were the targets of struggle, including the so-called landlords, rich peasants, counter-revolutionaries, and bad elements at that time.

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

Cultural Revolution Criticism Conference

There are no rightists in our village, but there are so-called opportunists, and these people have all suffered from the very beginning of the cultural revolution. Inhuman torture, endless criticism meetings, and struggles will come one after another, wearing tall hats, parading through the streets, wearing signs at struggle meetings, and flying jets (a form of punishment for the object of struggle during the Cultural Revolution was to look down and bow your head, and raise your hands back high). Moreover, the brand is still tied with a thin wire, and after a while, the thin wire will be strangled into the flesh of the neck, so you can imagine how painful it is!

Signs are paraded through the streets, and signs are worn at the struggle meeting

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

Stills from the movie "Furong Town" During the Cultural Revolution, Qin Shutian and Hu Yuyin cleaned the streets

In normal times, every day, those rightists who are the target of struggle get up early to clean the streets, dig out toilets, and pick up dung; anyway, whatever work is tiring, dirty, and no one does any work, it is their rich and anti-bad rightists who do it. These encounters, those inhuman tortures, have brought immeasurable harm to the physical and mental health of those so-called rich and bad people. Moreover, not only them, but also their descendants, have also suffered heavy blows and discrimination. Joining the army, getting promoted, and looking for a job are not their share at all, and even their marriage has been seriously affected. In short, the damage caused to them by the Cultural Revolution is also unforgettable in their lifetime experience.

Moreover, what is even more sad is that there is a young and fresh life who was forced to die unjustly in the special era of the Cultural Revolution. It was the veterinary station of the People's Commune at that time, and there was a veterinarian who was a female comrade, a southerner, who seemed to be from Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Shanghai, who spoke Wu Nong's soft Mandarin, and was conscientious and responsible for his work, which won people's praise. However, in life, it is more fashionable, hot head, and more popular to wear. As a result, when the Cultural Revolution broke the Four Olds, he was regarded as a representative of the bourgeois way of life, suffered a brutal struggle, and inhuman torture, and finally committed suicide with injustice, ending his young and precious life. After the death of the female veterinarian, she was buried in the cemetery in the east of the village in our village at that time, and then many years have passed, I can't remember whether it was in the village at that time in order to build a cemetery into a collective wheat field, to send the grave, or the female veterinarian from her hometown in Shanghai to send the grave, I heard that when the grave of the female veterinarian was dug up, the body of the female veterinarian was still intact and the body was not rotten. Someone once said that this was a female veterinarian who committed suicide with injustice, and the grievances did not disperse, so it was so. This is a digression.

No matter what kind of movement, all kinds of people will have all kinds of expressions, and when the Cultural Revolution sprung up power seizures all over the country, our village was the same. I was still a student at Fenyang Middle School at the time, and I vaguely heard that when the power seizure movement was rising, the leadership of the village was taken away by all kinds of people.

Among them, the main one is surnamed Wang, named Wang Runsheng, alias Genzhu, because one eye has a disability, people also call him Hagenzhu (Ha Nian ha our local local language, refers to blind, local local language, blind, also called Hazi, read ha), he was about sixty years old at the time, his stout and burly figure, about one meter seven or more, round face, black and red color is a portrayal of his weathered, if not one eye has a disability, it must be a dignified man.

Wang Runsheng's family used to be a prominent family of the Wang family in our ancient town village, but later it was ruined in the family road before liberation for unknown reasons, so the composition was not high. Moreover, he also had a brother, who was said to be a not small army cadre in the Beijing army at that time.

He liked Chinese chess, and he played well in chess, and later, we often played against him on the streets. For as long as we can remember, he set up a grocery stall on the streets of the ancient town, dealing in some needles and threads, Yan purple dyes, and daily necessities. At that time, people lived in poverty, for the clothes they worn, they paid attention to the new three years, the old three years, the sewing and mending for another three years, the rotten ones were mended, the old ones were worn, the old ones were faded, and then dyed and dyed, at that time, he basically sold the dye he was the only one, so his dye Yan Zi sold very quickly, in addition, others were lazy, that is, as we say in the countryside, the ball was not bad (the ball was not bad, the local language, it means not refined, not clean), therefore, at that time, we saw that his hands, clothes, and even his face were often red, yellow, and green stained with various colors of Yan Zi dye。

When there was a temple fair in the neighboring village, he took his groceries and drove the temple fair in the neighboring village, so he was also very hard. Moreover, he looks clumsy on the outside, but he is ingenious, and he also has the art of making cowhide people, which is the props used by the shadow puppet artist to perform, using that cowhide, after how many processes, carved and made, and he also accepted a few apprentices to learn Xi make cowhide people.

I remember when we were young, we also learned to imitate Xi and play, but we didn't have kraft paper, so we used the kraft paper, which was the bag that was used for fertilizer at that time, and the kraft paper bag used for chemical fertilizer at that time. Take out the good kraft paper in the middle of the bag, draw a good figure, carve it with a knife, and then use the candle to turn it into candle soup, put the carved kraft paper man, put it in the candle soup and dip it, it is a good kraft man toy, what Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, Tang Sanzang, Sha Monk, White Bone Essence and the like can be made. This is a small tidbit from the time.

Although Wang Runsheng is not bad and sloppy, he is very happy, as if he has married four or five wives in his life, or five or six wives, but most of them are physically disabled or mentally handicapped. He may not be very well educated, but he is bright-minded, lively, and kind. But it is such a person who was able to seize power and become a leader in that special turbulent day.

At that time, the leading bodies of the brigade in our county, commune, and brigade were basically paralyzed one after another, and in those chaotic and turbulent years, some idle personnel of Wang Runsheng seized the opportunity to seize the leadership of the brigade and set up a so-called revolutionary committee. Advocate people to expose the fact that the leaders of the brigade took the capitalist road and oppressed the common people. Fortunately, the chaotic and turbulent days did not last long, and it did not take long for Wang Runsheng's so-called revolutionary committee to be banned.

Although Wang Runsheng has been in charge of leadership for a period of time, he still belongs to the kind of person who is not bad in nature, that is, the kind that rural people often say, that person is not from the ash slag (ash slag base, local vernacular, refers to the ash slag and the dog, and the family style is not good), so at that time, I did not hear that he had anything to beat, smash, rob, or anything else. This also has something to do with the fact that he was not implicated after the Cultural Revolution.

The fragmented fragments tell some of the past events in the village during the Cultural Revolution, and the faint look back makes us not completely forget the past at that time.

(7) The compound of the two factions fighting the royal family as a stronghold

From 1967 to 1969, the unprecedented Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution had passed for almost three years.

From the beginning of the Four National Congresses (Great Disclosure, Great Criticism, Big Character Poster, and Great Debate) to the Great Debate of the Two Factions, and then to the struggle between the two factions, and further to the armed struggle of the two factions.

Our school is the same, I remember that it was on campus at the beginning, and after many repeated struggles, the Red Guard organizations gradually formed two factions, one was the Red Station, which was called the royalists, and the other was the Red Union Station, which was called the rebels.

At first, the two factions debated and struggled on campus, and later, as various units in society became two factions, and then developed to the whole county.

I remember that at that time, on the campuses, on the streets of the county seats, in the villages, and in the workplaces, it was common to see groups of people engaged in big debates there, and everyone advertised that they were the most revolutionary, the most loyal to the party, and loyal to Mao Zedong Thought, and the faction organization they belonged to was also the most correct.

Look at it! In the crowded and noisy crowd, one by one they were filled with righteous indignation, quoting scriptures and classics, and both sides were quoting Chairman Mao's quotations, and their mouths were like rivers, and they even criticized each other with red faces.

Later, not only at school, at work, and on the streets, but also in the family, at the dinner table, and even on the kang, there was a debate and struggle between the two factions.

At the same time, not only among classmates, colleagues, friends, neighbors, and even later between brothers and sisters, father and son, mother and son, and even husband and wife, there were fierce debates and struggles between two factions.

Some even have the point of breaking away from the relationship between brother and sister, father and son, mother and son for the sake of factional struggle, and even to the point of divorce and dismantling between husband and wife.

Now it seems that for the sake of irrelevant people and irrelevant things, they are angry, red-faced, and even divorced and dismantled, and I don't know what it is for. But it was still like that back then.

Everyone claims to be the correct executor of Mao Zedong Thought, and everyone thinks that the faction they belong to is the most correct, and vice versa. Therefore, in the end, it developed to the point where water and fire were incompatible, and as a result, the two factions of the armed fighting organization were formed.

I remember that at that time, we in Fenyang later formed two factional organizations that were incompatible and incompatible, one was described as the "command headquarters" of the royalists (the rebels in Fenyang County seized the power of the Fenyang County Party Committee and the Fenyang County People's Committee on January 28, 1967, and established the "Fenyang County Revolutionary Rebellion General Headquarters" referred to as the "Headquarters").

One was the "United General Assembly", which was later split from the rebels (in the process of the struggle between the two factions to seize power, they seized power on August 5, 1968 and established the "Fenyang County Revolutionary Rebel Liaison Station", referred to as the "United General Assembly").

Later, the "headquarters" side was entrenched in Pingyao City, a neighboring county, and the "United General Assembly" side was entrenched in Fenyang, and the two sides divided and fought against each other.

It was not until 1969 that the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the "723" proclamation and the "Fenyang County Revolutionary Committee" was established on October 11, 1969, that the armed struggle between the two factions was stopped.

At the beginning, both sides advertised that the faction they participated in was the most revolutionary and correct, and that it was also the most loyal to the great leader Chairman Mao and to the invincible Mao Zedong Thought. Therefore, most of the participants were hardcore loyal fighters of their own faction, and they all believed that their own faction was the most revolutionary, Chairman Mao Zedong supported his own faction, and his own blood and sacrifice was also to defend the invincible Mao Zedong Thought and the great leader Chairman Mao.

At any time, in order to defend Chairman Mao's revolutionary line, he dedicated his youth and blood to his life, and the slogan at that time was "for the sake of sacrifice and ambition, dare to change the sun and the moon into a new sky".

Later, with the struggle between the two factions and the deepening of the battle, each faction successively recruited some idle people to enrich the front line of the battle, which was later the martial arts team.

Among them, there are veterans, and there are some hairy young men who have just been born, and it is said that the martial arts team does not need money to eat, and they eat pork and white noodles every day, and there is some pocket money every month, so it attracts some idle people in society to participate.

At that time, a few people from our village went to Pingyao City to participate in the martial arts team for a period of time. Two of them were burly, with big shoulders and thick waists, and I heard that they were still machine gunners and carried machine guns.

In our school, there were also classmates in our class who participated in the martial arts team. However, they were very lucky, although they participated in the martial arts team and participated in the martial arts fight, but after the proclamation of the "723" proclamation and the disbandment of the martial arts team, they were still unscathed and returned to society safely.

However, one of the people who participated in the fight in a neighboring village to the west was very unlucky, and was killed by the opponent in a fight, causing the whole family to grieve for him.

According to the "Investigation Group of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Armed Fighting Incidents of the Cultural Revolution," which was established after the end of the Cultural Revolution, in the three years from 1966 to 1969, during the proclamation of "723," there were more than 50,000 armed fighting incidents throughout the country, of which more than 9,000 were relatively serious casualties, and the number of casualties in armed fighting nationwide was tens of thousands.

Writing this, I can't help but feel a lot of emotion, at that time, those who had participated in the martial arts team, for irrelevant people, for irrelevant things, meaninglessly sacrificed their young and precious lives in vain, half a century has passed, except for their relatives to remember them, who else in this world can remember them.

Shedding blood for the country and fighting for the nation can still leave a glorious legacy, inspire future generations, and go down in history forever.

However, what can the young lives that were needlessly sacrificed in the armed struggle of the Cultural Revolution be left in the long river of history?

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

Chongqing Municipal Cultural Relics Protection Unit Chongqing Red Guard Cemetery

The year was 1968. At that time, I had already graduated from Fenyang Middle School junior high school, and I participated in labor training in our countryside, which could be regarded as going to the mountains and going to the countryside at that time!

At that time, it was the day when the two factions fought fiercely.

I remember clearly, it was on May 18, 1969, that is, the afternoon of April 3, 1969 of the lunar calendar (because the 3rd day of April every year is the temple fair day of our neighboring village Hanjiaqiao Village, so I remember that day very clearly), to say, May 6 of that year is the beginning of summer, to May 21 is Xiaoman, the weather should be hot, but the weather of that year is more abnormal, I remember that morning some people also went to Hanjiaqiao Village to visit the temple fair, in the afternoon, our production team is in the east of our village, three or four miles away from the village, called the north shop on the ground hoe sorghum, the weather is gloomy, but also windy, the temperature is very low, frozen people can't。

According to the old farmer at that time, although it was summer, there was a local proverb, "On April 8, black bean sprouts freeze to death." It means that although April 8 is already summer, there will still be abnormal weather, and the crops in the field can be frozen to death. At five or six o'clock in the afternoon, the temperature dropped even more, and the people who were cold and wore few clothes started to fight, but at that time, no matter how cold the weather was, the captain did not let go, and no one could go back, and they had to continue to work.

There is a local saying, "There is no way to get there".

Just when people were freezing so hard that they couldn't hold on, they suddenly heard two crisp gunshots on the side of the Ciyao River Bridge in the east, and in a moment or three, I saw people from other production teams working on the side of the Ciyao River running back in a panic on bicycles, shouting while running: "The martial arts team is coming, the martial arts team is coming! Go back quickly!"

In a matter of moments, all the people who were working on the east side of the village rushed back.

At that time, we were hoeing less than half of the ground, and when we heard the shouts of the people, we hurriedly stood up and looked, and sure enough, on the south avenue of the plot where we worked, there were people running back from the east in a panic.

While we were in a panic, suddenly a young man pointed to the north side of the avenue and shouted in a panic, "Look! The martial arts team is coming, and the martial arts team is over there." ”

We looked back, and sure enough, on the north side of the avenue, a group of people were riding bicycles and carrying guns on their shoulders, scurrying towards our village. When the captain of our production team saw it, he also panicked and hurriedly told people to run back quickly. In the panic, people threw down their work, picked up hoes and huraled and ran to the village. Back in the village, people were still in a state of panic, and there were far fewer pedestrians on the streets, and most of the people did not dare to go out at night.

Until the second day, people did not know that the martial arts team had entered the village, and stationed in a large courtyard in our village, the local people called the courtyard of the main house, the courtyard of the main house building two into the courtyard, surrounded by more than ten meters high courtyard walls, there are high walls on the roof, basically a high commanding height of our village, the gate, two doors and one pass, is really a husband when the pass, ten thousand people are difficult to enter, is an easy to defend and difficult to attack stronghold.

Moreover, they also used another commanding height of our village, which was then located on the top of the cave next to the headquarters of the Cross Street Brigade in the middle of the village.

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

The place where the martial arts team was stationed at that time

However, after the armed fighting team was stationed, there was no action to disturb the people. Later, I learned that this martial arts team is part of the Fenyang martial arts team stationed in Pingyao, and the rest of the large part has been fought back in Fenyang City, and this team is stationed in our village, which may be their strategic deployment.

I once remembered that I was also ordered (arranged by the captain and could earn a share of work) to send white noodles to the martial arts team. One day, when the martial arts team was stationed, our captain did not know where he had received instructions, and told me to ride a bicycle and bring a bag of white noodles from our production team's mill to Fenyang Middle School, where he handed it over to a logistics manager of the martial arts team stationed there (the captain knew that I had studied at Fenyang Middle School).

So I followed the instructions of the captain, brought a bag of white noodles from the mill of our production team by bicycle, sent it to Fenyang Middle School, and handed it over to the logistics director of the martial arts team stationed in Fenyang Middle School.

I remember that after the errand, I happily rode my bicycle on the school campus and walked around the streets of Fenyang City again, and then came back happily.

The fighting team was stationed in our village for three or four months.

After the publication of the "723" proclamation of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the armed fighting teams were gradually disbanded, and with the exception of some leaders, most of the members who had participated in the armed fighting generally returned to their original units and villages.

Unexpectedly, the time I was sent to Fenyang Middle School was the last time I went back to school after graduation. For decades, I was so busy with my life that I didn't go back to school again. Now, although I live in Fenyang County and often pass by, it is also close at hand, and I have not stepped into the campus again.

Every time I pass by the school, I can only look back a few times silently, reminiscing about the years that have passed in Fenyang Middle School, and the pure youth that has been goodbye.

Time flies, the past is like smoke, like smoke in the past, full of emotion, and thoughts are restless. Nearly half a century has passed imperceptibly, and those who sacrificed their lives in the unprecedented Cultural Revolution still do not have a single "what" statement!

Maybe only their relatives are remembering them and thinking about them!

(Appendix) Chongqing "Cultural Revolution" Red Guard Cemetery

On March 27, 2013, the "Cultural Revolution" Red Guard Cemetery in Shapingba Park, Chongqing, was once the "August 15" cemetery in Chongqing, and has become the only tomb in the country to witness the large-scale armed struggle in Chongqing. The renamed "Cultural Revolution" Red Guard Cemetery was announced as a cultural relics protection unit in Chongqing in 2009.

The Chongqing "Cultural Revolution" Red Guard Cemetery is a cultural relics protection unit in Chongqing and was announced in 2009.

The cemetery covers an area of more than 50 acres, and each tombstone is engraved with the names of the deceased of the "August 15" faction of the Cultural Revolution Regiment, and hundreds of Red Guards and rebels are buried in the cemetery.

They were basically Red Guards of middle schools and workers' rebels in Chongqing factories and mines who were killed between May and August 1967, with the oldest being in their teens or twenties and thirties, and the youngest being only 11 years old.

The Red Guard cemetery of the "Cultural Revolution" is surrounded by a wall, and the gate is usually locked, and it will be open to the public during the Qingming Festival.

(8) Learn to plow the ground when you are a teenager

It was a very important link and activity in agricultural production during the collectivization period. The quality of the ground is also greatly related to the harvest of the year.

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

Like a clever daughter-in-law embroidering, it is beautiful to complete a piece of work from beginning to end

And the ground that the connoisseur has raked out by hand is really horizontal and vertical, and more importantly, the depth is the same. Later, the land was raked, and the head was needed (the head of the earth refers to the two sides of the ground. In order to facilitate the turning of the cattle when raking the ground, the local raking is the middle of the first raking plot, and finally the need for both ends of the plot, it is also meticulous. Like a clever daughter-in-law embroidering, it is beautiful to complete a work from beginning to end.

Look at it! The ground that had just been raked was filled with black and oily clumps of soil that had been turned out by the ploughshare, giving off the aroma of the earth. The black and oily soil was neatly arranged, the rows of ploughshares turned out of the soil were shiny and straight in the vast field, and a few unknown bird calls were heard from time to time in the blue sky, which was really a beautiful pastoral picture.

In fact, at that time, farming in the countryside seemed simple, but in fact it was endless. In agriculture, it is not possible to become a good farmer if you are willing to exert your efforts, but in fact, there is a saying in our local area: if you learn to be a trader in ten years, you will not be able to learn a farmer in your life.

Although the farming work in the countryside at that time seemed simple, it contained a lot of science and technology, although it was far from modern agricultural technology, but it also reflected the wisdom and wisdom of the ancestors who had been inherited and summarized for thousands of years.

You have to learn a lot according to the season, according to the climate, according to the soil, but also according to the crops planted, the deep is deep, the shallow is shallow.

As for the mastery of the time of ploughing, we also have a local agricultural proverb to suggest: in spring, all spirits open, plough horses and old oxen plough the fields.

It is said that after the spring sting, the ground will be raked.

And another agricultural proverb: the first voir is a bowl of oil, the second volt is half a bowl of oil, and the third volt is unfounded.

It refers to the best time to plough the field after the wheat harvest in the summer.

And when it comes to the land, I can't help but think of a little story that is unbearable and funny in our Fenyang Xiaoyi area. That is a story that happened in Sanquan Mazhuang Village on the border of Fenyang Xiaoyi, and it is also a well-known afterword in our Fenxiao area.

After the break is a special form of language of the Han nationality, a special form of language created by the masses in the practice of life, and a short, funny and vivid sentence.

It reflects the unique customs and traditions and national culture of the Chinese nation, tastes life, knows philosophy, enhances people's wisdom, and also brings some fun to people's ordinary life.

The aftermath is generally profound, and a lot of information is condensed in just one sentence.

Most of the post-break language is generally understood, and it is composed of two parts: the first part plays the role of "introduction", like a riddle, and the latter part plays the role of "backline", like a riddle, which is very natural and appropriate.

Therefore, in a certain language environment, usually you say the first half, and "rest" to the second half, and the people around you will immediately understand and guess its original meaning, so it is called the afterword.

However, some of the afterwords have a certain regionality, and they only reflect some local customs, rumors, and stories, and people from other places must have heard them;

This sentence that circulated in our Xiaoyi area of Fenyang, Shanxi: "Mazhuang is not easy to do." It's such a remark that other people don't understand.

Such a sentence after the break: "The horse village is on the ground—not easy." "When friends from other places heard this, they must have been inexplicable and confused. This is the regionality of the afterword.

In the old days, there was a piece of land in the horse village that ran north-south to the big long road, and the south end of the land was a road leading to the village. On that day, a sturdy man in his forties drove the spirits of the animals to the ground in that large field.

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

A sturdy man in his forties drove the spirits of the animals to the ground in that large long field

I was so happy that I couldn't help but sing the popular folk song "I Want to Kiss" that was popular in our Shanxi Jinzhong Luliang area;

I want to kiss and want to make my wrist so soft, hey!

I can't hold a bowl with chopsticks.

I want to kiss and think about it, I am dazzled, ahhhh

Boiling dumplings, I laid a pot of yam and that egg, yay, yay, yay......

Just as he was singing, when he had just turned around at the north end of the ground and raked to the south, he suddenly saw a young woman walking far away on the avenue in the south, wearing a big red jacket, whether there was a flower on his head, looking at it from afar, the wind swinging willows, oh that many colors are very charming.

When the man saw it, his heart moved, whose woman was so charming and beautiful, and he wanted to catch up and see the beauty.

But if you have to rak the ground normally, step by step to the south end of the plough, then the daylily will be cold, and you will definitely not be able to catch up.

So, in a hurry, he picked up the plow, drove it, drove it, shouted at the animal spirits, and ran south with a puff of yellow smoke.

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

Driving, driving, driving, shouting at the animal spirits, a puff of yellow smoke ran south.

As soon as I ran to the ground panting, before I could take a breath, I heard a crisp "big" (Daddy, Daddy, Daddy)!

He hurriedly put down the plow handle in his hand, looked up carefully, and it turned out to be his daughter-in-law, who had just passed the door, had come back from her mother's house and was passing by here.

The beautiful daughter-in-law asked, "Great, what are you doing here?"

The father-in-law replied awkwardly, "Dig the ground." ”

The daughter-in-law looked at her father-in-law with suspicion, and asked a little disbelievingly, "How far have you been running in a hurry with the plow?"

When the father-in-law heard this, his face immediately turned red to the base of his neck, and he prevaricated incoherently, "I! I want to go from the south to the north, and from the north to the south." ”

"Oh! That's right! It's not easy to get from north to south!"

His beautiful daughter-in-law said incredulously;

That's where the afterword comes from—"The horse is on the ground—not easy." ”

And to this day, some of our local people often say, "Oh, this is the ..... of Ma Zhuang today", and the people next to them already understand it—"It's not easy." ”

Chinese civilization has a long history, the precipitation, refining, and condensation of historical vicissitudes into a wonderful Chinese language and art, and the post-break language with its unique expressiveness, gives people deep thought and enlightenment, but also leaves some fun, stories, they will be passed down through the ages.

Friends from other places may wish to show those interesting afterwords that are regional in your local area and exchange them.

This is a small episode that comes out of the ground.

When I returned to the village after graduating from Fenyang Middle School, I was only sixteen or seventeen years old at that time!

I remember that at that time, I learned from a person named Wang Zhaohai, who was called "Ermaosan" by a person named Wang Zhaohai, who was called "Ermaosan", and I called him Erbo. He was in his early sixties at the time, and he was a typical image of an old Chinese peasant (more on that later).

It is said that it is a matter of learning, but in fact, it is also a matter of figuring it out by yourself. There is a local saying that the master introduces the door and cultivates in each person (each person's local language refers to himself).

It's the same with learning. At that time, the first thing to learn was to know the language of the animals. That is, the command for the animals to move forward, stop, backward, and turn left and right. In view of the different languages and Xi in different places, whether the command and shouting of the spirits are also different, and it is not known without research.

In our locality, we directed the animals to advance and shout "drive", stop shouting and shouting to do "call", and sometimes we had to lengthen the voice of "call ......", backward was to shout "back", and some shouted "shw, shw", left turn and shout to do "de'er, de'er", and right turn to shout "wang, wang".

But if you are not familiar with the command to shout to the animals, you must also familiarize yourself with the plow, the main tool of the land.

For thousands of years, human beings have slowly developed from the beginning of slash-and-burn farming to the current farming culture, not to mention the later modern mechanization, it is said that there were several kinds of plows for ploughing at that time.

I remember that at that time, our production team had double-wheel double-plough ploughs, cloud ploughs, Yangbu ploughs, soil ploughs, ditching ploughs, etc.

However, at that time, the most common was to use the soil step plow. And the land step plow seems simple, but the operation is good (good bar refers to not being an expert, not listening) is also not good.

The structure of the earth-step plough is that in the middle is a bow-shaped plough made of wrought iron (there used to be a plough made of wood), and in front is a plough about 30 cm long, 20 cm wide, and 5 cm thick, mostly made of jujube wood (wear-resistant), and the plow guide is used as a rudder.

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The back is mostly made of elm (strong) handles, also called ploughsticks, our local people call them plough handles, and the ploughshare that is installed on the tip of the wood deep into the ground below is a ploughshare cast of pig iron, and there is a movable ploughshare on the top of the ploughshare, which is a regulator that adjusts the direction of the soil turned out.

The important thing is that there is a wooden wedge at the junction of the plow handle and the plough body below, the wooden wedge seems inconspicuous, but it is an important regulator of the quality of the plow, that is, it is an important part of the tube to adjust the depth of the plow.

If you push the wooden wedge down, it will be deep, and if you lift the wooden wedge up, it will be shallow.

At that time, some people often lifted the wooden wedge in order to catch up with the schedule, and the progress was fast, but the depth was not enough. In other words, coax people. The consequence is what our local people say: people coax the land, and the land coaxes the belly.

It is not enough to be familiar with the structure of the shouting and ploughing, you also need to be familiar with the binding of the animal in the ground.

And the animals are panicked, not only to bring a halter, but also to be fully armed. When they come down, they also have to put on a neck pad, which is what we call a pimple roll, and tie a rope around their mouths.

The mouth rope is a thin hemp rope about the thickness of soybeans, that is, it is more than a foot long, but it is more than a foot long, and the seemingly inconspicuous thin hemp rope is indeed a sharp weapon to subdue livestock, such as Sun Wukong's tight mantra.

Tie one end of the rope to the outer hand of the halter of the animal, let the rope pass through the upper lip of the animal and the middle of the upper tooth groove, and the other end is tied to the halter in the hand of the livestock.

After tying the mouth rope, sometimes you have to put a mask on the livestock, a kind of mask made of hemp rope, which our local people call "smoke", which is to prevent the livestock from eating the seedlings, and sometimes when planting, there are seeds mixed with pesticides to prevent the poisoning of the animals.

After the dress stops, the reins (also called partial reins locally) are connected to the mouth rope above the halter of the livestock one mile and one outside, which also plays the role of traction and command of the direction of the livestock.

Everything is ready to start raking.

But as mentioned above, the master introduces the door and cultivates in each person.

Generally speaking, after the second uncle of "Ermao San" told me some routines of raking the ground, I picked up the whip and went on the road.

The first time I raked the ground, I was still an old cattle who drove the ground, and the two old cattle who were strong in the keys.

I threw my whip, but I don't know if the old oxen could not understand me, or if they heard my tender shouting and looked down on me, and the two sturdy old oxen stood there unmoved.

I shouted loudly again, and the whip cracked into the mountain, but the two old oxen were still unmoved. Wang Bozi came over to take a look, and it turned out that I was tying the wrong reins. Horses, mules, and horses are tied to the mouth rope that is attached, and the ox is to tie one end of the reins to the part of the cow's nose, that is, people say, to make the ox obedient and tie the cow's nose.

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Immediately with a flick of the reins, the two old oxen took a slow step.

After re-tying the reins. I flicked my whip again, and shouted "Drive!" and then shook the reins, and the two old oxen took a slow step.

As the saying goes, it's not bad to say anything at the beginning.

Although the old scalper took a step, I can take care of the front, not the back, the left, not the right. I took care of driving the old ox forward, but I didn't care about manipulating the plow, so that the pimple of the raking was bent and bent, and the depth was different, and it was as ugly as it was. It wasn't until he got to the top of the ground and turned down that he got better.

When I got to the ground, Uncle Wang told me that when I was raking the ground, I should not look elsewhere, but I should look forward with my eyes, and I should keep an eye on the plough at all times, and at the same time I should grasp the plough stick. After such a long time, I was sweaty, and I made up for that, but I was still short of the old nose that was in the hands of other experts.

At that time, I particularly admired the good hands of those who drove the carriage, when the land, especially the large plot, if you want to open a furrow in the middle of the plot, the average person is also a little bent in the way, but the expert hands of others are different, easy, better than a leisurely stroll, poke down (local dialect refers to the rake) of the furrow that is really like an incense pillar, straight and straight, as if the ruler draws the same, and the depth is the same, the soil turns out a piece of shining, neatly placed there is particularly good-looking.

However, later I also studied hard and practiced hard, and followed several other horse-drawn carriage masters in our production team to learn the technology of raking the ground, driving the big animal spirit to the ground, and slowly I could see it, and at the same time of raking the ground, I also had to master the harrow, that is, use the special harrow to harrow the land.

The rake was about two meters long and fifty centimeters wide, and it seemed to be made of hard elm wood, with iron teeth on both sides in the middle. When raking the ground, sometimes a larger stone is placed on top of the rake to carry the weight, and sometimes people are required to stand on it and manipulate the reins with both hands to harrow the ground.

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With both feet on the rake, the reins in hand, and the whip in hand, driving, driving, and shouting at the animals, it was a bit of a majestic feeling.

I remember that when I was raking the ground, I stepped on the rake with both feet, held the reins in both hands, and held the whip in one hand.

Look at it! Two tall horses, majestically driving the big rake, eight horses' hooves galloping happily on the yellow earth, the soil turned out under the rake like flowing water like a rattling and flying to the back, bringing up the soil with a slip of yellow dust, I am not too old, standing on the cheerful rake, shouting and commanding the animals, it is very pleasant.

But in the end, he was not good at learning, and in the end he was still a second knife. Moreover, he later went to the 8204 project personally instructed by Chairman Mao Zedong, so he gave up the land.

And time is like electricity, the sun and the moon are like a shuttle, and more than 50 years have passed inadvertently in those shots, but now when I recall it, I still remember it as vividly as yesterday. It makes people feel a lot of emotion and thoughts.

(ix) The work of the militia at that time

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

At that time, all the people were soldiers

The sassy and heroic five-foot gun, the dawn of the first light on the exercise ground. The sons and daughters of China have many strange ambitions, and they do not love red clothes and love arms".

This is a poem by Chairman Mao Zedong, which is a poem written by Chairman Mao Zedong in February 1961 in February 1961, which was published in "Chairman Mao's Poems" published by the People's Publishing House in December 1963.

Although this majestic, natural and smooth poem was inscribed for the female militia who did not let the women shave their eyebrows, it was also a true portrayal of the entire militia work on the mainland at that time.

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Chairman Mao Zedong's poem "Inscription for the Female Militia"

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

Female militia at that time

In the late 50s and early 60s of the last century, not long after the founding of the newly-born People's Republic of China, the reactionaries in the Western countries, led by US imperialism, surrounded and blocked the nascent red regime in a vain attempt to change China's color and subvert the Chinese government.

The Khrushchev clique of the Soviet Union also suppressed, suppressed, and made things difficult for China, the nascent red regime, India also provoked incidents on the border from time to time, and the Chiang Kai-shek clique, which had retreated to Taiwan, was also ready to counterattack the mainland and restore the Chiang dynasty. At a time of ever-changing crisis, and in the face of increasingly tense and disturbing international and domestic situations between the enemy and ourselves, Chairman Mao Zedong, the great leader and the great leader, had great foresight and a commanding height, and he believed that under the circumstances at that time, it was very urgent and important to strengthen the military defense force.

However, for the sake of the economic development of New China, Chairman Mao Zedong did not take the road of rash expansion of the army, but decided to vigorously develop the militia organizational strength, all the people are soldiers, arm all the militia, organize the militia to train troops while producing, and gather labor and armed forces, so that they can come when called, can fight when they come, and can win in battle.

Chairman Mao Zedong made a statement to the Xinhua News Agency reporter in response to the various subversions and provocations of the US imperialist Soviet Union and the Khrushchev clique of the Soviet Union and the reactionaries of various countries and the Chiang dynasty against New China at that time. The imperialist reactionaries are bullying us in this way, and this requires us to deal with it seriously, and not only must we have a strong regular army, but we also need to set up militia divisions, which are military organizations, labor organizations, cultural organizations, and sports organizations, so that when the reactionaries of the imperialist countries invade the mainland, they will not be able to move an inch. ”

In order to implement Chairman Mao Zedong's call to "strengthen combat readiness and prepare for war" and Chairman Mao Zedong's call to "run militia divisions on a large scale," militia organization and militia training work have been set off in full swing throughout the country.

Moreover, Chairman Mao Zedong also said, "Now we have a militia, and we have to have a militia in the people's communes, and all the people are soldiers, and we have to issue guns, and we have to send millions of guns, and then we have to send tens of millions of ......."

That's what Mao Zedong said, and that's what he did.

In the early 60s of the last century, when we were not very old, at most twelve or thirteen years old, I often saw the militia training and shooting, and they still carried guns when they worked, and I can't remember whether it was 1963 or that year of the last century.

That morning, the militia companies and battalions to which our commune belonged, beating gongs and drums, waving the banners of the militia companies and battalions, carrying steel guns on their shoulders, were majestic and high-spirited, shouting deafening slogans, and marching in orderly steps to our village.

Among them, the militia organizations in some villages, some carried light machine guns, and even a few people carried heavy machine guns, and I remember that when the meeting was over, all the militia companies also carried out a fully armed parade and display on the main streets of our ancient town and village.

At that time, governments at all levels attached great importance to the work of the militia, and the militia organizations at all levels were all over the urban and rural areas, the production brigades of the people's communes had militia organizations, factories, school organs also had militia organizations, militia companies, battalions, and even militia regiments and militia divisions.

And at that time, there were also a lot of guns in the militia, including rifles, light machine guns, heavy machine guns, and in some places mortars and howitzers.

Guns and weapons are hidden among the people, which is in China's thousands of years of history, after many dynasties I am afraid it is also unique, only Chairman Mao Zedong's mind is powerful, majestic, broad mind can have such a feat, so bold to collect guns, weapons and ammunition and the people.

Later, although during the stage of the Cultural Revolution, there was a period of chaos.

However, Chairman Mao Zedong's "723 Proclamation" announced that the world had reached great rule.

Imagine which country and which dynasty have done such a thing throughout the ages, and only Chairman Mao Zedong has such a mind, far-sightedness, humility, and efforts to turn the tide.

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With special approval from the Armed Forces Department of the Commune, two rifles were obtained.

In 1970 of the last century, we carried out our work on the construction site of the 8204 national defense project personally instructed by Chairman Mao Zedong in the form of an organizational militia regiment in imitation of the establishment of the army.

On the construction site personally instructed by Chairman Mao Zedong, the Fenyang militia took the organizational form of the militia regiment, the militarized organization of the troops, the militarized actions of the troops, and took the 873 unit (the public name of the empty character 350 unit that built the 8204 national defense project at that time) as an example.

In the past four years, the Fenyang Militia Regiment has successfully completed the glorious task assigned by the Party Committee of Unit 873 on the 8204 construction site after arduous and bloody battles, and won honor for the people of Fenyang. At the same time, it was also a model of the success of the militia work at that time.

At the same time as the construction of the 8204 project, there was another project that was also undertaken by the militia organization for the general attack of the construction, that is, the 3202 Railway Project (Taijiao Railway) built in Taigu Xiuwen at that time.

When the time came to about 1975, I served as a militia battalion clerk in our village militia camp, at that time, if there were some arduous tasks in the general countryside, the first thing was that the basic militia in the village charged into battle, where there were difficulties, where the most difficult, there was the shadow of the basic militia, and at that time the militia organization gave full play to the role of the commando.

During that period, I was also in charge of keeping the guns for a while.

At that time, after the Cultural Revolution and the "723 Proclamation" to stop the armed struggle and confiscate the guns, at that time, the previous guns of the militia had already been confiscated to the armed forces departments of various counties, and the grassroots militia organizations generally no longer had guns, and only for training and shooting targets or other needs, they could apply for possession through channels.

At that time, in order to familiarize the militia with guns and master the knowledge of firearms, our village militia battalion obtained two rifles with the special approval of the Armed Forces Department of the commune.

I remember that the head of the armed forces of the commune at that time was Comrade Jia Zenghua, Lao Jia was a native of Luocheng Village in our county, with an upper-average stature, a fair face, capable and sophisticated, and he was a commune minister who was liked by everyone, and he was also a commune cadre who was respected by the local people.

At that time, I took a letter of introduction from Comrade Jia Zenghua, head of the Armed Forces Department of the Commune, and a militia member from our village to Nie Sheng Village, Sanquan Township, to get a gun.

That day, after having dinner early, we set off on our bicycles, and Nie Sheng Village is almost fifty miles away from our village!

At that time, we walked through Fenyang City, out of Nanguan Qiaojiazhuang, Renjiazhuang, Gongcun over there, to Nie Sheng Village to find the militia company commander of Nie Sheng Village at that time, Nie Sheng Village militia company commander surnamed Wen, was not at home at the time, remember that we waited for the militia company commander between the time, and also chatted with the militia company commander's old father for a while.

His father said that his hometown was still from our neighboring village, Baishi Village, surnamed Wen, and then talked about some of the past events of Baishi Village that he knew before, and according to him, Baishi Village used to be called Wenjiazhuang for a while.

After a short time, after the militia company commander of Nie Sheng Village came back, he read our letter of introduction, immediately prepared the guns for us, went through the handover procedures, and then said goodbye and turned around.

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Bright guns hung on the walls of the humble house

The two rifles seemed to be Type 56 rifles! With brown-red butts, black barrels, and shiny bayonets, we rode back to our village with guns on our backs and bicycles, attracting the attention of many pedestrians along the way.

When I returned to the village, one of the guns was kept in my house, and it was hung on the wall of my small east house for a long time. This reminds me that the security situation at that time was very good, although after the Cultural Revolution, but the bright guns hung on the wall of that simple house, and sometimes the door was not closed at night, that kind of situation is still a little unimaginable today.

In short, governments at all levels attached great importance to the militia work during that period, especially Chairman Mao Zedong had many expositions and instructions on the militia work, which can be summed up as follows: "The soldiers and the people are the foundation of victory", and the militia played a tremendous role in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation, supporting the front line, joining the army and participating in the war, and maintaining public order.

Later, after the founding of the People's Republic of China, the militia played its due role in defending the homeland and defending the country, and the labor and armed forces were assembled.

Imagine that if the Khrushchev clique of the Soviet Union had dared to invade China at that time, it would have been difficult to move an inch and would have been buried in the vast sea of people's war.

Even the veteran imperialist British Field Marshal Montgomery once said a classic sentence: "One of the forbidden laws of war is that you must not attack China, and whoever attacks China will surely be unlucky." ”

Montgomery said an honest sentence here, that it was the Chinese people's war that imperialism feared at that time, the vast ocean of the people's war.

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British Field Marshal Montgomery Montgomery (1887~1976)

More than 40 years have passed since the militia work at that time, but some of the past events in those passionate years are still unforgettable.

(10) The only time I tied up someone

Speaking of tying up people, it seems that people nowadays rarely see that scene, even in movies and TV series, it seems to be rare, and there are often handcuffed scenes.

But in our day, bundling people was still more commonplace.

At that time, if you break the law, embezzle, steal, or do something wrong, and sometimes even say the wrong thing, maybe bad luck will come and tie you up and show the public.

At that time, there was a leading cadre in our commune, surnamed Wang, a native of Pingyao, and he had a mantra: "Why! ”

That's what the mantra says, and that's actually what it does.

That cadre is more upright and honest, jealous and hateful, that is, he has a hot temper, and when he encounters simple and rude things, many people have been hurt by that cadre's simple and rude injuries at that time.

When it comes to the only time I tied up someone, it was also during that period, when I was still working in law and order.

"Are you tying up people, or are you coaxing ghosts! Have you ever tied up people, tie them up tightly!"

At that time, the public security work was in the summer harvest, and during the autumn harvest was to protect the fields and protect the crops, but in the winter, there was no crop protection in the spring, so the personnel were streamlined, generally five or six people were left to work in public security all year round, and the personnel left to take care of the green seedlings, prevent the prevention and control of security in winter, prevent money and gambling, petty theft, etc., in the spring, when the spring flowers bloomed, the flowers were red and willow green, there was an important job to take care of the trees, and the trees were pruned in the local dialect of Longkuan.

At that time, the old leaders of our village paid more attention to forestry, and trees were planted on both sides of the road, on both sides of the channel, and on both sides of the embankment of the Ciyao River, especially on the east side of the village.

At that time, in order to increase some family income, many people in the production team raised some poultry and livestock, among them, some people raised sheep, and these willow trees are the best sheep feed, therefore, some people were greedy for convenience, so they secretly cut down trees, so that the growth of trees would bring different degrees of harm, so at that time, our village attached great importance to the care of trees, and it was very strict, and people were not allowed to cut down trees indiscriminately.

From this, I can't help but think of Li Zhende, a rural cadre who has contributed to the forestry of our village at that time, Lao Li can't remember whether he is a rural cadre of the Fenyang Forestry Bureau or the Agricultural Bureau, and his hometown seems to be our local Yudao River Guchi Village, at that time, we squatted in the countryside for a long time, and the people ate and lived together, and worked together, guiding the work of rural agriculture, especially for forestry is also very important。 For the later development of forestry in our village, Mr. Li Zhende was a person who contributed to it.

Speaking of tree pruning, at that time, a few of us who worked in law and order all year round started the work of pruning trees in the spring.

At that time, we did not have fruit trees there, most of them were willow trees and acacia trees, which grew very quickly in the spring, and there was no special forestry team in our village at that time. Therefore, every spring, a few of our security officers are dispatched to prune trees every morning, and work on law and order at other times.

Every morning, a few of us took a machete and a big shovel three or four meters long to start Longkuan trees, and the big branches cut down by Longkuan were pulled to the brigade pig farm by the cart sent by the brigade pig farm every day, and the collective used for other purposes, and some of the remaining small branches and branches were at our own disposal, so we collected and sorted out the small branches and branches and brought them back home to feed the sheep, or dried them for fire.

Everything in the world is connected by some kind of relationship, which leaves a bane, and the only time I tie people up is caused by our dragon and tree.

During this kind of work, we did it for a long time, and it was safe and smooth, during which we sometimes sent some willow branches to a leader of the brigade at that time, because their family also raised a few dairy sheep, and it is said that the dairy sheep ate the branches of the willow tree, and the milk squeezed down was very nutritious. A year has passed in a flash.

It seems to be the end of summer and the beginning of autumn of another year, one morning we were working on the trees as usual, in the afternoon there were other things on public security, and in the evening just after dinner, Lao Chen, the correspondent of the brigade headquarters, came to my house and told me to hurry to the brigade headquarters, that is, the office of the brigade headquarters in the security area.

I asked Lao Chen why he was nervous and what was going on, and Lao Chen said that he didn't know what was going on, but he only knew that he had to inform all the cadres of the brigade to go to the meeting as soon as possible.

So, I hurried to the brigade headquarters, after I went, there were already a lot of people, at that time a leader of the brigade was in the south office in the fire to reprimand someone, I hurriedly went to the north of the brigade headquarters office to inquire, it turned out to be working with me, two colleagues in the security of Longkuanshu, was found by the leader to secretly intercept the Longkuan tree and cut down the big branches.

I don't know if it was reported by someone, or how the leaders found out that they secretly carried the big branch home.

When the leader of the brigade was burning in anger and reprimanding loudly, all of a sudden, there was a chaotic sound in the courtyard of the brigade headquarters, and we hurriedly rushed out of the office to take a look, it turned out that the other cadres of the brigade who had arranged to search the homes of the two security officers had returned, and there were also large and small flat carts pulled on the small flat cart Longkuan trees cut down the lattice (the lattice refers to the less coarse wood in the local dialect, here refers to the relatively large branches cut down by the Longkuan trees).

In fact, the thickest of that bar is the thickness of the average person's calf, and the longest is almost a zhang long!

We hurriedly helped those people to carry the lattice on the flat car to the courtyard of the brigade headquarters, and stood there along the wall.

Seeing this scene, the leader of the brigade became even more furious: "What else do you have to say, you didn't take it, these things fell from the sky, or did you run to your house by yourself!"

Seeing this, the two security officers hurriedly lowered their heads, but they still muttered something in their mouths.

"At this time, you still have to distinguish! I really don't know what to do, tie up!" Seeing that the two security officers still had to confess and distinguish under this situation, the leader of the brigade was even more furious at that time, and said again and again: "Tie up! Tie up!"

At that time, the people present were all looking at each other, at a loss, you must know that the people in public security usually reprimand others, and sometimes they are also the ones who bind others, but at this time, they have to tie up the people who usually bind people, and they can't help but hesitate, and they don't know what to do for a while, and they stand there in a daze

"Why, didn't you hear, didn't you tell you to tie them up, what a daze!" said the brigade leader, pointing to a few of the other people who were on our guard;

Seeing this, several other people from our security department hurriedly found ropes (at that time, there were ropes to tie people) and tied up the two security colleagues indiscriminately.

At that time, although I had been in law and order for several years, I had never tied up a person and did not know how to do it, but there was a saying in the countryside: I had never eaten pork, and I had never seen a pig run.

So, according to the situation of tying people before, I followed the cat and the tiger, and started to move with the technique of another security officer, but first, I was nervous, and my hands were born, and secondly, the people who tied up were still accompanied by myself day and night, and the colleagues who worked together every day always did not know the essentials and shrank back, but in the end I was very reluctant to tie up the colleague indiscriminately.

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I had to go forward and untie the rope and re-tie the vigilante

Seeing that we were perfunctory, the leader of the brigade became angry again: "Are you tying up people, or are you coaxing ghosts! Have you ever tied up people, tie them up tightly!"

So, I went up and untied the rope and re-tied the vigilante.

At this time, the leader of the brigade saw that the other cadres were also coming, and successively informed all the cadres about this matter, and made some arrangements for other things in the brigade.

The meeting lasted less than an hour, and it was only after the meeting that the two vigilantes were untied.

This was the only time I had tied up someone.

From the only time I tied up people, it can also reflect that the security management and other things in our village were very strict and serious at that time, although some were simple and rude, but it was of great help to the public security situation and social atmosphere in our village for many years.

At that time, the law and order in our village can really be said to be unstoppable, and the house is not closed at night, and from that time to the reform and opening up for many years, there has not been a single person in our village who has been imprisoned for breaking the law and discipline.

(11) Jiexiu Lianfu Town braved the wind and rain to buy fertilizers

"The morning glow does not go out, and the sunset burns the dead".

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

Early glow picture

"The morning glow does not go out, and the sunset burns the dead". This is a proverb of our local people about the weather, reflecting the farming culture of the common people for thousands of years, and it is a very practical weather forecast summarized according to weather observations.

Don't say it, this proverb is a bit accurate.

In the mid-70s, I got up early one midsummer morning and carried the water first (at that time, we used to fetch water from a well in the middle of the village, and the first task of each family in our country was to fill the water tank at home first, no matter what we did or didn't do one day, and then we went to work on the rest).

In the process of carrying water, it was found that the sky in the east was originally a place with a white belly, and gradually became a red sky, the red sun just showed its face, and it was gone, replaced by a brilliant morning glow, a thousand rays of ruiqi, but after a while, the colorful and colorful morning glow became bizarre, chaotic clouds flew across, and then the sky was filled with thick clouds after a short time, and became gloomy and gloomy.

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

The colorful and colorful morning glow becomes bizarre, and the clouds fly through

On the way to carry water, an experienced farmer said, "If you don't go out in the morning, you will die in the sunset." Today in the morning, there must be rain, and it seems that the rain is still not light.

But that day I had an important business trip to do. One day earlier, the leader of the brigade assigned me and the accountant of another production team to go to the fertilizer factory in Lianfu Town, Jiexiu County, early today to go through the procedures for purchasing fertilizer.

At that time, our village was an advanced unit of local agriculture. Agriculture, industry and sideline industry in Fenyang County, Luliang area is very famous, under the leadership of the brigade branch at that time, hard work, grain output, industrial and sideline income sesame blossoming is high, especially grain output, up to the outline, across the Yellow River, across the Yangtze River, grain per mu, total output has reached unprecedented results.

All this, in addition to the hard work of the vast number of cadres and masses at that time, was inseparable from the fact that the leaders of the brigade attached great importance to fertilizers at that time. At that time, the cadres of the village team had a deep understanding of the concept of manure as a farmer's treasure, and at the same time, they were the most effective in implementation, and they carried out a large-scale manure accumulation campaign all year round.

At the same time, with the development of the brigade's industrial and sideline business, it has money in its hands and gradually increases the investment in chemical fertilizers. However, at that time, fertilizer was still in short supply, you just had money, and there was no guarantee to buy it casually.

The chemical fertilizer of the Jiexiu Lianfu Fertilizer Plant was approved by the leaders of the brigade at that time through the relationship of an old cadre working in a certain unit in Jiexiu County.

At that time, it was the busy season of three summers, and it was the critical moment for fertilizing the autumn crops, so as soon as the fertilizer instructions arrived, the team leader assigned me and the accountant of another production team to go to the Jiexiu Lianfu Fertilizer Factory to handle the fertilizer delivery procedures.

The valuable experience left by the ancestors for thousands of years is relatively accurate, and the agricultural proverb "don't go out in the morning, and the sunset will kill people".

I got up early that day and went into the water, after a simple breakfast, I took a raincoat, rode my Hongqi brand bicycle, and called another accountant, the accountant was the accountant of the eighth production team of our production brigade at that time, surnamed Wang, Guilin, at that time may be about sixty years old, thin figure, elegant and elegant, not much words, is an old accountant for many years, diligent and diligent in work, excellence, and write a good brush word, pen walking dragon snake, beautiful handwriting, strong and powerful, won people's love.

After calling Accountant Wang, we got on our bikes and set off together.

After crossing the Fen River, we arrived at Nghe An, and walked up from Nghe An, and there were more than ten miles of uphill roads to reach Lianfu Fertilizer Factory

I remember that we took a shortcut at that time, starting from our village, walking Xingai Village, Hanjiaqiao, Shangda Village, Dongdawang Village, Jiexiu Wanhuabao area, crossing the Fen River, to Nghe An, going up from Nghe An, there are more than ten miles of uphill road to reach Lianfu Fertilizer Factory, it is estimated that there are about fifty or sixty miles.

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Soon after I started on the road, I saw that the weather was very gloomy

Soon on the road, I saw that the weather was gloomy, "morning cloudy rice and rain" this agricultural proverb is not bad at all, we set off at about seven o'clock, walked for more than an hour, to the time of the general morning meal, has not crossed the Fen River, the rain will come down, we quickly put on the raincoat, brave the rain to move forward.

There is a local proverb in our area, "The house leaks when it rains", which means that disaster on disaster increases.

Our situation that day seemed to be similar. Even the rain touched the top wind, and the worst thing was that when I arrived in Nghe An, it was still uphill to Lianfu Fertilizer Factory, and it was uphill in the wind and rain.

Jiexiu Lianfu Fertilizer Factory is just in the east, we are generally there is the east wind and rain, although the wind is not too big, but, the wind is wrapped in raindrops, crackling on people's bodies, heads, so that people can not open their eyes, can only walk a few steps, wipe their eyes with the sleeves of the raincoat, so they rode to Jiexiu Yi'an Town in the wind and rain, but to Nghe An up to Lianfu Fertilizer Factory there are more than ten miles of road, and it is still all the way uphill, but there is no other way, can only go to the soup to go to the fire against the wind and rain to continue to move forward, quite a bit of knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, biasing to the taste of the tiger mountain。

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The Jiexiu Lianfu Fertilizer Plant is located just to the east

When I left, I knew that there was rain today, and it was not light, but at that time, although I was a farmer in the rural production team, the leader trusted you, and that chemical fertilizer was the lifeblood of the countryside, and the autumn crops at that time urgently needed it. So no matter how heavy the rain is and how strong the wind is, the task must be completed.

So, I put the note on the fertilizer back into my underwear to avoid being caught in the rain, tidied up the raincoat on my body, and rode my bicycle into the rain again.

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I rode my bicycle into the rain again

At that time, I was still better, one was younger, and the raincoat I wore was better, which was a military raincoat that was thick and resistant to wind and rain. And Mr. Wang is more offended, he is older, and what is worse is that his raincoat is that kind of plastic, light and thin, when the wind blows, the raindrops fall on his body, and he really becomes a soup chicken.

However, at that moment, Mr. Wang did not complain, and shook his spirit to march with me on the way to the fertilizer factory in the wind and rain. Along the way, the wind and rain, the uphill road, the rain, the sweat are intertwined, the bicycle is hot, cold, and the mouth is dry.

In this way, the two of us braved the wind, rain, water, mud, and sweat to get to the fertilizer factory during the working hours.

At that time, I didn't care about the muddy water, and quickly found a son-in-law of our production team who worked in Lianfu Fertilizer Factory, a comrade surnamed Wang in Dongbaozhuang, who led us to the financial aspects of the fertilizer factory, and took out the fertilizer instructions.

However, the task has not been fully completed, and we still have to hurry back, get a bank draft, and inform the brigade leader to arrange the specific things to pull fertilizer the next day.

So, after a short rest, we set out on the return journey in the rain.

It was much better when I went back, downwind, downhill.

However, after walking not too far, the weather seems to be against you, although the downwind downhill is labor-saving and fast, but the rain is heavy again, the wind rolls the bean-sized raindrops, crackling and smashing on the head, on the back, the people who are blowing the storm are cold, and the back of the head seems to be soaped with an ice shell, although it is summer, but the people who are frozen can not stand it.

Fortunately, it didn't take long to get to Nghe An Town, and when we arrived at Nghe An Town, we looked at the weather, and the clouds were still rolling, and the rain was still getting heavier and heavier, so we had to find a place to shelter from the wind and rain first.

I remember when we arrived at the waiting room of Nghe An Railway Station, the waiting room was also waiting for the train, and the people sheltering from the rain were mixed in, so we found a place with few people, pushed the bicycle to the wall, and found a seat to sit down, at this time, we felt cold, tired, hungry and thirsty.

Seeing that the people waiting for the bus were eating bread or something, we touched our shriveled pockets, had to swallow dry, and looked for some boiled water.

I remember that at that time, when our rural cadres were on a business trip, we only received a subsidy of three cents a day, and we could only receive reimbursement after we returned from running errands.

After drinking a little boiling water and resting for a while, my body warmed up.

But looking at the weather, the rain was still not heavy, and there seemed to be no intention of stopping, so I had to sit down in the waiting room of the train station again.

During this period, several groups of people got on and off the trains coming and going north on the Nantongpu line, but the wind was still blowing, the rain was still falling, and there was still no sign of stopping.

After resting and waiting for dozens of minutes to see that the rain was still falling, we discussed it and had to go back in the rain. And considering that if you go back from the road you came from, although it is nearly dozens of miles away, it will definitely be difficult to walk if it rains so heavily and it is a dirt road.

So, let's discuss it and go to Pingyao!

Take the highway from Pingyao to Jiexiu, and then take the highway from Fenyang to Pingyao, although it is about 30 miles more, but basically the highway is easier to walk.

After discussing it, we drank some boiled water and set off again in the wind and rain.

Walking back to our village from Pingyao from Nghe An Town, it is about eighty or ninety miles, and there is no need to say that there are hardships along the way.

Fortunately, after Pingyao, although the rain is still falling, it is gradually getting smaller, and when Baishi Village is two miles away from our village, it basically becomes a light rain.

However, the two-mile road from Baishi Village to our village is another test for us, in the seventies of the last century, it was still a dirt road, it rained so much, the bicycle could not walk at all, so it had to be pushed and walked where it could be pushed, and it was really impossible to walk where it was impossible to walk, so we had to carry the bicycle to walk, and when we returned to the village, both of us became mud people, and our bodies were covered with muddy water.

When I returned to the village, I didn't care about going home, so I first went to the brigade headquarters to hand over the documents to the brigade accountant, and according to the amount of fertilizer, I issued a bank draft, and then the team leader arranged for the next day to go to the Jiexiu Lianfu fertilizer factory to pull the fertilizer vehicle, which dragged the tired body and returned home with muddy water.

After going home, I washed up briefly, and after eating, I was exhausted and lay down on the kang and went to bed early, because I had to get up early the next day, and led the vehicle to the fertilizer factory to pull fertilizer, and there was nothing to say all night, and the next day, I got up early to see, the sky was clear, and I just went to pull fertilizer.

I remember that day I went to Jiexiu Lianfu Fertilizer Factory to pull fertilizer by Ren Qimao and Han Guilin in our village, and the Tieniu 55 tractor in our village was driven, and there were ten production teams in the rest, each production team had a big carriage, a total of ten big carriages.

I went there in the early stage on a tractor. Sitting on the tractor, I still thought that today would not have to suffer the sin of yesterday, but I don't know if I don't sit, and it's not good to sit down.

I remember that we were sitting in the tractor's trailer, at that time most of the highway was a gravel road, high and low, very difficult to walk, plus yesterday it rained for a day, the highway was even more muddy, potholes, we sat in the tractor's trailer, turned upside down, turned upside down, the internal organs were almost upside down, I can't think of it, sitting on the tractor is also how uncomfortable.

We went to the fertilizer factory to complete the warehousing procedures, and after another day of busy work, we finally pulled the batch of fertilizers back into the warehouse safely, which was considered to have completed the task.

At that time, because of the smooth wind and rain, and the timely use of chemical fertilizers, the crops after autumn were another bumper harvest year, and this bumper harvest year also had my share of light and heat.

Time flies, time flies, inadvertently Jiexiu Lianfu Fertilizer Factory to run fertilizer, more than 40 years have passed, but the picture of the wind and rain and hardships still emerges in my mind from time to time.

Recalling the hard work of that time is not only reminiscent.

(12) Production teams and captains during the collectivization period

The production team used to be the most basic form of organization in the countryside that every Chinese was very familiar with. But now it's a distant memory.

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

Network diagram The office of the production team at that time

When it comes to the production team, people over the age of 50 are no strangers. It was born in the era of the "Great Leap Forward" and disappeared in the early eighties of the last century, about twenty years of history.

Although the production team of the year is small, but all kinds of organs, more than 20 years of history, said long and short, but it left a mark in the long river of Chinese history, but it is unforgettable!

Members of the production team are on their way to work

After the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, the production team came step by step from the agrarian revolution, the landlords to divide the land, the peasants working alone, mutual aid groups, primary cooperatives, to senior cooperatives, and then to the collectivized production brigades of the people's communes.

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The breeding place of the production team before leaving work

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During the collectivization period, the production team prepared for spring ploughing - manure delivery from farmland

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At that time, the production team planted in the spring

The production team planted in the spring

The members hoe the seedlings in the grass

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The scene of the work of the members of the society during the collectivization period

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During the collectivization period, the members of the society worked and rested

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The female members of the production team happily picked cotton

In the second half of 1958, the Central Committee decided to establish people's communes in the rural areas of the country, and soon realized collective ownership of the means of production.

The original village was renamed the Production Brigade, and the brigade was divided into several production teams according to the place of residence.

This production squad is not only a unity of productive labor, but also an economic unit of independent accounting.

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The threshing floor of the production team in full swing

The tense and orderly labor scene of the production team on the threshing floor

The emergence of the production team was a form that embodied the initial stage of socialism at that time. And "each according to his ability, according to the distribution of work" was the distribution principle followed by the production team at that time.

At that time, most of the rural areas were based on production teams, team-based, three-level ownership, and accounting by production teams (some of them were based on production teams). The production team is the most basic unit of production accounting in the public-owned collective economy. All the means of production in the production team belong to all the members, and everyone works together every day, each doing his best, and the principle of distribution according to work is implemented. In the collective of the production team, the status of the members is equal, there is no dignity and humility, only the division of labor is different. According to the working ability, labor technology, and labor efficiency of the members, those who work more will get more, those who work less will get less, and those who do not work will not be allowed.

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The production team threshed with a good harvest

The economic management of the production team implements the division of labor system, and the amount of labor, labor intensity, labor technology, and labor efficiency are measured by the division of labor, and the standard of labor division is determined by the discussion and collective study of the general meeting of members. Labor efficiency is determined according to the division of work, and income distribution is determined according to the division of work. The production team accumulates the daily labor income of the members, and at the end of the year, the income distribution is determined according to the work income of each person in a year. Those who naturally have more attendance, more effort, technical expertise, and strong labor ability earn more work and have more income distribution.

Even if we want to engage in egalitarianism, we will not be able to do this kind of distribution system according to work. If you are a lazy person and don't work, where will you get your income? If you don't have a job, who will distribute your income to you?

But this principle of distribution really has a bit of a flavor of the initial stage of socialism. There are some similarities with the "kibbutz" (note), a communist organization now owned by Israel, which belongs to the capitalist country, except that the "kibbutz" in Israel pursues the basic principles of communism, such as public ownership of property, equality of members, each according to his ability, distribution according to his needs, common labor, common life, collective meals, and democratic management.

Israel's "kibbutzim" organizations also have about a few hundred people, which is about the same number as our production team, and their "kibbutz" After more than 100 years of steady development and advancing with the times, the organization has now formed a relatively mature primary stage of communism, and if we look back at us more than 60 years since the founding of New China, along the way, there have been twists and turns, ditches and bumps, and more than half a century of struggle, after repeated efforts to put things in order, through the ups and downs of two generations of people in the rural areas, diligently and earnestly working hard and going round and round, but have they gone around and around and returned to the original starting point -- the primary stage of socialism?

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Production team of vegetable gardens

The melon orchard of the production team

We had rice fields there at that time

In the early years, the production team was generally divided according to the place where the head of the household lived in the village (there were some exceptions, such as some production team leaders, and some other special personnel, sometimes needed to be transferred, so they could not be divided according to the place of residence). At that time, there were a total of 11 production teams in our village, generally about 200 people in a production team, and more than 300 people in a large production team, of which the 11th production team specialized in managing vegetables.

Later, it was adjusted to ten production teams. There are more than 200 people in the general production team, 4500 people in the large production team, and more than 600 people in two production teams.

And the land of each production team is also different, the general four or five hundred acres, the large production team seven or eight hundred acres, and eight or nine hundred acres. At that time, our production team had more than 400 people and nearly 700 acres of land.

Let's talk about the production team's background. Because the population and land of each production team are different, and the income of each production team is also different, the family background of each production team is also different. But at the beginning of the production team, most of them were not wealthy. Everything is apologetic and thrifty.

In the early days, the production team did not even have an office, and most of the production teams held meetings in the breeding place of the production team at that time, that is, the place where the breeders of the production team lived.

Secondly, in terms of other means of production, the situation of individual production teams is also different. The general production team has more than a dozen large livestock (including horses, mules, cattle, and cattle) and two large carriages (at the beginning, it was a wooden iron-wheeled cart, which is what we call the iron-pitched cart locally, which is generally driven by oxen, and the bumps are relatively large when walking, and then they are slowly replaced by rubber-wheeled carriages).

Secondly, the agricultural production links used in the cocoon, plow, lu, harrow, side degree (a kind of almost rectangular, wood made of wood to support the plough and rake of the wood transport farm tools), diesel engines, electric motors, threshers, mowers, fans, forks, picks, wooden pestles and so on are readily available.

There is also a complete set of electric mills for each production team. As well as all kinds of supporting machines and tools required by the production team to engage in sideline work.

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Digging canals during collectivization

The scene of dredging labor at that time

Until the time of the reform and opening up and the privatization of rural areas, the fixed assets of our production team reached about 40,000 yuan. 40,000 yuan, in the eyes of today's people, is not much money, and even the economic situation of a family is not as good.

But at that time, it was a relatively good production team. At that time, a pound of grain was only about a dime, a pound of vegetables was a penny or two, and there were even five cents a pound, and a hundred pounds of charcoal a dollar.

For example, the firewood, rice, oil and salt of more than 400 people in our production team in a year, the input expenditure of 700 acres of land, and the year-end income distribution (at that time, the year-end income distribution had to withdraw a certain amount of provident fund and public welfare fund every year, and in some years, a part of the funds were withdrawn and transferred to the next year's distribution), and the dividends of the members all depended on it.

In other words, at that time, more than 400 people were supported by fixed assets of about 40,000 yuan (however, people's demand was relatively low at that time).

At that time, agriculture was leveled and prepared in Dazhai

At that time, the leadership team of the production team consisted of one team leader, two deputy team leaders, women's team leaders, militia platoon leaders, poverty associations, accountants, cashiers, custodians, and bookkeepers. Most of our production team leaders there are appointed by the leaders of the production team. Other personnel are generally arranged by the leader of the production team.

In addition to the members of the leadership team, the production team also has some other indispensable and important positions. For example, at that time, the breeders in our production team, the chariots, the flour grinders, and the sheep herders (at that time, many production teams had sheep flocks, one came to the production team to develop the breeding industry to increase the income of the production team, the other was to accumulate fertilizer for the production team, and the other was convenient for the members to develop family sheep raising), at that time, our production team raised a black and white cow for a period of time in order to increase income, and also arranged a woman (Li Yueying) to milk every day. In addition, there are some corresponding professional and technical personnel of the production team engaged in sideline work.

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Repair of agricultural machinery

At that time, the production team's sideline was hand-knitting socks

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At that time, the production team's side business - machine dough pressing, a pound and two cents

As for the firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, tea and year-end income distribution of the production team members at that time, there will be articles later.

At that time, our production team there had a population of six or seven hundred, our production team was medium, with more than 400 people from hundreds of households, and more than 200 people from the smaller production team.

At that time, the captain of the production team was the head of the family, although he was an inconspicuous sesame official who belonged to the most grassroots level in China, but you don't have to say it, don't take the production captain as a cadre.

As the saying goes, although the weighing hammer is small, it weighs a thousand pounds. At that time, the most basic organizational form in rural China, the production team, was led by the captain, and the captain was the leader of the production team.

A production team of several hundred people, seven or eight hundred acres of land, the members of the company eat, drink, lasa and sleep, firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea, as well as some relief funds and relief grains given to poor households from time to time at that time, as well as all the production arrangements of the production team, and the parents of some members are all decided by the production captain, who was a very powerful and powerful figure in the countryside at that time.

At that time, it was indeed a beautiful errand to be able to become the captain of the production team! In the words of the common people, you have to be upright and virtuous in your ancestors to become the captain of the production team.

At that time, the captain of the first production team Wang Fujing (people called rabbit legs), Wang Fuyun, Wang Zengyun, later Wang Zhanxiong, Wang Peilin of the second team, later Wen Yaochang, Wang Keshou also served for a period of time, the third team Wang Zhiji, Liu Qingfu, and later Sun Chunxin, Mu Chunlin also served for a period of time, the fourth team Wang Fuyun, later Wang Shouzhong, Ji Chengquan, Yang Zhengjiang also served for a period of time, the fifth team Wang Peilin, and later Wang Shuliang, Wang Yunfu also served for a period of time, the sixth team Wang Chunze, and later Zhao Shouwen, The seventh team Guo Linyun, later Li Yin, Wang Yaoxiong, Kong Fanxiu also served for a period of time, the eighth team Wang Duxian, later Wang Kesheng, the ninth team Wang Yunmao, later Wang Tianguang, Duan Guanghu also served for a period of time, the tenth team Wang Zhiji, later Wang Fude, and the eleventh team Li Gennian.

The above is generally the leader of the production team before the merger of the production team from the 60s and 70s to the reform and opening up in the 80s of the last century.

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The production team sells patriotic grain

At that time, to be the captain of the production team, there must also be considerable conditions, first of all, to be born poor and middle peasants, the history of the ancestors is innocent and unstained, there can be no problems among relatives, not to engage in crooked and evil ways, but also to take a firm stand, take a clear-cut stand, and never be merciful to the class enemies at that time, that is, the rich and anti-bad rightists, such people can be candidates for the captain of the production team. However, at that time, the production team leader there was not elected by the members, but was generally appointed by the leader of the production team.

At that time, a popular saying among the members of the production team was: If you are not afraid of the county officials, you are afraid of the current management.

No matter how big your county official is, he can't control me, and the production captain is a big sesame official, but he deals with it every day and offends the production captain, which is not fun. At that time, there was a saying among the members that if you offend the captain, you will not be able to do it for a year.

Otherwise, you will be given small shoes to wear casually, and you will be assigned dirty and tiring work, or at worst, find an excuse to deduct your work and deduct your rations, and the work at that time was the basis for dividends to rely on for a year, and rations were the guarantee for the survival of people at that time, so people at that time often preferred to offend the team leader than easily offend the production captain.

However, there are hundreds of people in a production team, just like the common people say; when the forest is big, there are miles of birds! There are also some people who are young and young, or are relatives of the emperor in the village, so he will not pee on your production captain, but will find fault with your captain, cause problems, and make trouble for you in your work, so the captain will be accommodating to him and arrange some work for him with little effort and high work score, so as to achieve peaceful coexistence.

And when the production team leader first strikes iron, he must rely on his own hardness, and he must be the first to endure hardships, get up early and be greedy for darkness, and be selfless! The members of the club will trust you, work with you, and not be lazy.

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The members of the production team work in the fields

At that time, my father-in-law was the production team leader, 365 days a year, and there were few days off. Basically, every day, I get up early and stay dark, come and go in the wind and rain, and worry about the affairs of the production team. Things at home generally don't care about anything. And he is more lahu (lahu, local vernacular, refers to rough), does not protect his hands, works in the mud and water, and even often does the work of digging dung, so he is always sloppy and sloppy.

When my old father was in his seventies, he was the deputy leader of the production team, and he rode his collapsed bicycle every day, working hard and tirelessly, leading the members to work in the fields.

And if the production team leader is "selfish" and thinks about his own welfare, then the members will look at you and the hearts of the whole team will be scattered. At that time, there was a popular saying: "The village looks at the village, the household looks at the household, and the members look at the cadres!" That's not bad at all.

In fact, the production team leader is a big patriarch, and he has to think about everything, and he must be cost-effective; he should do a good job of recording remuneration according to work, being fair and just, arranging the labor force of the whole team, caring for the weal and woe of the members, and resolving contradictions.....

It's not easy to be a good captain, but there's a lot of knowledge in it!

As a production captain at that time, it was difficult for this parent to be.

Not to mention the firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea of the members, just to say that the daily work of the members has to be assigned by him. What the male laborers do, what the women do, and what the old Han families do, we must know in our hearts, know people well, allocate labor intensity, and give full play to the ability of the labor force. No matter how big or small, you have to think of everything.

The annual production plan of the production team, what crops to plant on this land, what crops are suitable for planting on that land, what to expand and what to plant, how to reduce what to plant, how to adjust the stubble of crops, how to improve the soil, carry out farmland and water conservancy infrastructure construction, add livestock, agricultural machinery, and develop what kind of industrial and sideline industries can increase the dividend value.

And the relief grain, to whom the relief money is given, this time the piglets (at that time, our brigade pig farm, every once in a while, it was allocated to a production team of five piglets for the members to raise) and to whom, and then to the year-end income distribution.

In short, no matter how big or small, you have to worry about the production captain, the work of the production team leader is really complicated, and it is not easy to be a good parent. The weddings and funerals of the members, the life of the five guarantee households, and even the family disputes of some families are within the management scope of the production team leader.

At that time, the production captain was the only full-time cadre in the production team, and the general members worked every day, led by the deputy captain and the women's captain.

At that time, the remuneration of the production team leader was generally the same as the strongest labor of the production team, earning the highest work points of the production team, plus 800 work points for a year.

At that time, after the vigorous socialist education and the Four Clean-up Movement, and after the Cultural Revolution, which touched the soul of the people, most of the ordinary rural cadres were relatively honest, pragmatic, and had fewer selfish distractions.

At that time, I worked as a clerk in the production team, a cashier, and later an accountant, so I had a better understanding of the situation at that time, and the more special thing was that the captain could usually advance some cash by virtue of his privilege (entry into the account, dividends and deductions), and then when distributing vegetables, coal or anything else (except grain), if he was rich, he could receive more (also in the accounts, and settled at the end of the year), and there seemed to be no other special.

Of course, as the saying goes, "when the forest is big, there are all kinds of birds", and among the tens of millions of production team captains across the country, there are also some corrupt and corrupt people, who eat more and occupy more, bully others, abuse power for personal gain, and some lawless people who steal and prostitute women.

However, in general, the captain of the production team at that time was still much better overall.

In this way, the days of the production team passed year after year, and more than 20 years passed, and by the time of reform and opening up, rural property was privatized, land was distributed to the members to run by themselves, and collectivization disappeared.

At the beginning of 1983, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued the "Circular on the Establishment of Township and Township Governments by Separating the Administrative Communes", abolishing the people's communes and the production brigades as subordinate administrative organs, establishing village committees, and turning the production teams into villagers' groups.

In this way, the production team officially ended its historical mission.

As a matter of fact, as mentioned earlier, don't treat the production team leader as a cadre, and for several decades, there is still no department that regards the production team leader as a cadre, and there seem to be tens of millions of production team leaders in the whole country! In the work of the rural areas for many years, the production team leader has been through ups and downs, hard work, diligence, and hard work, and has struggled all his life without asking for anything in return.

Although the above content is just some simple memories of the production team at that time, it has always been unforgettable, and some of the life and work experience of the production team at that time are prosaic but also intriguing.

However, due to the subtle depiction of some media film and television dramas, the "production team" seems to have become synonymous with "autocracy and power" in the minds of young people today.

Therefore, writing down some things about the production team at that time, although it does not represent the general situation of the production team at that time, can at least provide a perspective for today's young people to understand the situation of the production team in the past!

I hope that history and future generations will not forget that in the past years of our republic, there used to be a kind of grassroots organization in the vast rural areas, called the "production team."

There have also been a lot of people "orderlies" who have endured hardships in the front and enjoyed in the back, are selfless and think about the people, they are called "production captains".

Kibbutz: is the Hebrew word for "group." Kibbutz has typical communist characteristics: land and houses are collectively owned, the elderly and those in need of care are raised unconditionally by the collective, the income from the farm is equally distributed among families, and everyone has direct participation in the decision-making of farm affairs.

The Government of Israel stipulates that the kibbutz is a settlement organization, a collective society of members organized on the basis of the ownership of all things, and has no private property. Its purpose is to practice do-it-yourself, equality and cooperation in all areas of production, consumption and education.

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General Secretary Jiang left a precious record when he visited Israel in 2000 and visited Kibbutz Ein Gedi

Across Israel, from the Golan Heights in the north to the Red Sea in the south, some 120,500 people live in 269 kibbutz. The number of members ranges from a few fewer than 100 to some kibbutz more than 1,000. Although each kibbutz is socially and economically self-governing, many national federations provide them with coordination of activities and certain services. The largest national federation is the Unified Kibbutz Movement, known by its Hebrew acronym as Takam, to which about 60 percent of the kibbutz are affiliated.

The kibbutz was a product of the return of Jews in the early 20th century, and later developed into a unique socio-economic organization.

In 1910, a group of Eastern European Jewish youth, with communist ideals, established the first new organization of agricultural labor based on public ownership, each according to his own capacity and according to his needs, in the barren marshes of the Lake of Galilee.

Kibbutz pictures

Most kibbutzims are similarly laid out, with public facilities such as restaurants, auditoriums, offices, and libraries in the center, surrounded by members' homes and gardens, sports and educational facilities, and surrounded by industrial buildings and farmland. By definition...... One kibbutz is: "...... A voluntary collective community, mainly engaged in farming, where there is no private property, and which is responsible for all the needs of its members and their families. (Encyclopedia of the Jews, 1969).

Kibbutz pictures

In today's Israel, the kibbutz is not only not outdated, but is also becoming a fashionable term, with the so-called "urban kibbutz" and "religious kibbutz" being born, which are a way for like-minded people to live. Of course, unlike the traditional kibbutzims, these kibbutzims, which have fashionable titles, only borrow the banner of the kibbutz to demarcate specific groups.

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

The early kibbutz people ate breakfast in the fields

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

The Buzzians pick cotton

Kibbutz features in the build pattern:

(1) All means of production, labor products and personal income shall be owned by the collective. Kibbutz members do not own any private property other than the necessities of life distributed to individuals.

(2) Implement a system of supply of personal necessities. Within the kibbutz, there are no commodities and no currency. Everything a kibbutz member needs, from housing, health, education and food, is borne by the kibbutz. They eat in public canteens. Their children are raised and educated in public nurseries and schools until they become kibbutz members when they reach adulthood.

(3) Equal rights and democratic management. All kibbutz members have equal political and economic rights, and everyone has the same qualifications for the use of daily necessities, elections, education, recreation, vacation, etc.

(4) To each of them to the best of their ability, exploitation is prohibited. In kibbutzim, all members who are able to work must do what they can, and those who are unable to work are provided by the kibbutz. The kibbutz neither wage labor nor allow its members to be employed.

Kibbutz is essentially a practice of communist ideals, and it is worth noting that many kibbutz are in a leading position in the high-tech field and have strong international competitiveness.

In fact, the development of any economic organization is inseparable from the basic path of primitive accumulation, development, and industrial upgrading; of course, in practice, it may be more complex and diverse, but the vast majority of economic organizations must start from the primitive accumulation of capital, which is needless to say. For capitalism, capital accumulation is the internal exploitation of blood and filth, external plunder, slave trade, etc.

The primitive accumulation of capital is the prerequisite for the establishment of the capitalist mode of production, and capital accumulation is the condition for the development of the capitalist mode of production.

With the continuous accumulation of capital, in order to further evolve from the exploitation of absolute surplus value to the exploitation of relative surplus value. It also provided a material basis for easing labor-management relations and buying off the workers' aristocracy.

Thus the capitalist mode of production was basically established and secured.

(13) Male captains of women's teams

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

Women's labor scene during the collectivization period

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

A scene of women working in a production team

It was the time of rural collectivization in the sixties and seventies of the last century, at that time, most of our rural areas were based on the production team as an accounting unit, generally a production team of 100 households, three or four hundred people, a production team is a big family, and the production team leader is the head of the family, the general production team is equipped with two deputy team leaders, to assist the team leader to lead the members to participate in production labor, in addition to assisting in the work of women in the production team, mainly to lead the women to participate in production labor, and later the production team family planning work。

Because of the particularity of women's work, the general production team selects some educated, capable, strong, and eloquent women to be the women captains of the production team.

And because the average woman has many children, heavy housework, and a big drag, so the women captains of many production teams are selected to be the women captains of the production team who are not married and have no family drag, and of course, there are also some half-old who serve as the women's captains.

At that time, there was a production team that could not select a female captain for some reason, and I don't know if there was no one among the women in the production team who could do it, or if the selected person was unwilling to be a female captain, in short, there was no female captain for a long time.

Women are half the sky in the countryside, women's work is quite important, especially the particularity of women's work, the women of the production team could not choose a woman captain, in desperation, so the captain of the production team had to appoint a man to be the captain of the women, and the captain of the male and female team was still an old boy man, said that old was not old at that time, that is, about 30 years old! Lao Tong man is the general name of some men who are old and unmarried in our local people.

The old boy man became the women's captain, so he really wanted to sleep off and gave a pillow, but whether he could get close to the water and get the moon first depends on the creation of the male captain of the women's team.

The physiological particularity of the women has brought a lot of confusion to the male captain of the women's team, today the woman asked for leave and said that the "big aunt" was coming, and tomorrow the woman said that the child had a fever and wanted to see a doctor.

The next day, maybe another woman said that she was about to give birth and that she was going to take maternity leave, and these things were easier for a woman to handle, but for a big man, and an old boy man, there were some more embarrassing things, in our local saying, that was "catching lice in the crotch of the pants - some can't do it".

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

They worked together, moving their hands and mouths, chattering, giggling and talking about their parents' shortcomings and neighborhood anecdotes

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

Women in the collectivization period were able to hold up half the sky

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

Women's labor scene during the collectivization period

Women are born with a sparrow character, everywhere they go are giggling, chirping, and at that time, the labor-intensive labor work scene of the production team happened to become a group entertainment place for the members at that time, especially the women labor, one or twenty women together, there are just graduated from school and a slightly shy big girl, there is a beautiful little daughter-in-law who has just entered the door, but most of them are half-old who have gone through the wind and rain and have seen the world, they work together, their hands and mouths are also moving, twittering, giggling and talking about the short of the family, the neighborhood anecdotes, and most of the new daughters-in-law are talking about their mothers-in-law's three, six, nine。

And those half-aged who have seen the world through wind and rain are giggling and telling some meat jokes.

Some happily said that the man of his family came back from the coal mine yesterday, and he was newly married after a long absence, and he was still not satisfied after tossing in the middle of the night. And some said resentfully, her family's mouth seemed to have fallen off the shelf, and there was nothing to say, she hadn't touched her body for half a year.

But the last sister-in-law named Jane was coquettish, touched the face of the beautiful new daughter-in-law and said, she is really a beauty embryo, no wonder your husband doesn't go out when he comes back, if I also want to ride on you as a beauty. The beautiful new daughter-in-law blushed, lowered her head and muttered, "The one in my family is not as energetic as the big brother in your family, and he lies on you all day long.

And when they say this, they don't shy away from their female male captains at all, their unscrupulous meat jokes, listening to the male captain's blood is also boiling, and his blood is spurting, because the old boy man has never been in contact with women, and the unscrupulous meat jokes of those half-old have detonated the male captain of the women's team like an adolescent commotion, making him lose his soul all day long, and his mind is in a trance. And what is even more incredible is sexual harassment, but this sexual harassment is not male-to-female, it is actually female-to-male, and it is also a naked sexual harassment that has intensified and frenzied.

After the labor break, the male captain was teased by the meat jokes of their women, so it was inevitable to tease those women, and those women were close, and those big girls who had just graduated to participate in labor and production were not to be taken care of him, and those beautiful little daughters-in-law were not close to him, but only with those half-old who had gone through the wind and rain and had seen the world.

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

The male captain was teased by the women's jokes, so he inevitably got close to those women

And those half-aged who can fight well are the targets of his harassment, where women are not just half the sky, but an overwhelming trend, feminist sexual harassment of men in the countryside in the sixties of the last century, reached the most crazy, incredible realm!

You see, it is often a few half-old who rush up with their hands and feet, this one pulls their arms, that hugs their thighs, and three times five divided by two to press the incompetent male captain to the ground, and what is even more incredible is that the coquettish half-aged took the opportunity to pull off the male captain's trouser belt, dragged a handful of weeds on the ground at will, stuffed into the male captain's crotch and rubbed it vigorously, and some grabbed a handful of sand on the ground and sprinkled it in his crotch, and even worse, they couldn't keep it and grabbed the male captain's genitals and rubbed it.

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This one dragged his arm, that hugged his thigh, and three strokes and five divisions of two pressed the male captain who was not self-sufficient to the ground

In the fight, those half-old were happy to rub together, and although the male captain was pushed to the ground by those half-old, embarrassed, but whether he preferred to let those half-aged who had seen the world through the wind and rain rub their rough hands, the two sides have been having fun and making trouble, often everyone is covered in dirt, and they are laughing and rolling on the ground to come to an end.

And such activities, at that time, were commonplace, as if no one was embarrassed and embarrassed, maybe every two days or when they were in the mood, they would roll together again with great interest, as if it had become a kind of entertainment at that time, and it had also become a kind of crazy and provocative activity in those boring and long days of participating in the labor of the production team at that time.

However, the most melancholy dissatisfaction of the male captain in the women's team is that the male captain is also a real man, and he also eats whole grains, and he also has seven emotions and six desires, leading many women for a day during the day, and at night, there is no one woman left, and the picture of madness with those women during the day can only be looked back in a dream!

These scenes are a true portrayal of some rural members in the sixties and seventies of the last century after work and rest.

(14) Start with the breeding place at that time

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

The breeding place of the production team during the collectivization period The keeper's room is an important place of activity for each production team.

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

During the collectivization period, the production team paid the public grain

The breeding department is the activity center of our production team in the sixties and seventies of the last century, at that time it was the time of collectivization, most of the rural areas are accounted for by the production team, like we have a production team of seventy or eighty households to more than one hundred households, and the population of a production team is also two or three hundred to three or four hundred or five or six hundred, a production team is a big family, family life needs firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea, everyone needs to eat, drink, sleep and sleep, and more importantly, labor production, if you want to arrange these things, you have to have an activity place, so at that time, each production team has an activity center。

At that time, the main belongings of the production team were large livestock, horses, mules, cattle, cattle, and some horse-drawn carriages and agricultural machinery around agriculture (the production team's work and sideline business were gradually developed later), and all these household belongings were stored and used in the breeding houses of each production team.

At that time, the production team was still very weak, and there was no money to build infrastructure such as the production team's office. Therefore, at that time, the breeding place of each production team, the breeder's room was an important place for each production team, so some anecdotes and stories generally occurred around the breeding place of the production team.

At that time, the basic daily necessities of the members of the production team were received in the production team, firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar tea (no salt tea), especially vegetables, coal, etc., and these things were distributed in the breeding place and the breeder's room of each production team, and things would be sent every three or five or every day or two, so at that time, the breeders of each production team were very lively.

At that time, our family's rented house was next door to the production team's breeding house, and the production team's breeding staff lived on the back wall of my house. Moreover, at that time, in order to save money, the back wall of the production team was built with the help of the house where my family lived. So, in the dead of night, the sound of the animal sneezing and digging the ground with its hooves was clearly audible. Especially when I met the person who called 馿 (公馿) in the middle of the night, the person who called 馿 was high-pitched and powerful, out of breath, and the continuous sound was even more clear and audible in the silent night, and the noisy people couldn't even sleep well.

Speaking of the thing called Kui, I couldn't help but think of a ridiculous little story that was also caused by the Ranny, which also happened in the breeding place of our production team, which was the noon of the temple fair in our ancient town one day earlier. There are six large-scale temple fairs in our ancient town a year, each temple fair before each production team will distribute some edible oil, vermicelli or pork vegetables for the members, at noon that day, our production team is there as usual to distribute vegetables or something to the members, at that time, the production team distributes things every time, the whole production team of more than 100 households, almost every household has to send someone to come to receive, there are beautiful daughters and daughters-in-law, there are young hairy boys, there are women who are half-old, and there are towering old men, grandmothers, of course, more are children who love to be lively, bustling, lively。

That day, when I was sending something, all of a sudden, the one who was tied to the outside of the livestock pen in the breeding place, not far from us sending things, I don't know what stimulation, and what nerves, hoarse screaming, high-pitched and powerful, the breathless sound shook the ears of the people who received things nearby, and people couldn't help but turn their heads to watch.

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

I saw the screaming man with his head held high, out of breath, and hoarse "whoa, whoa, whoa" shouted

I saw that the big screamer who was covered in the color of black satin, raised his head and went up and down, out of breath, and shouted hoarsely, "whoa, whoa, whoa", and with its hoarse cry, the genitals between the two legs behind the screamer also slipped out and slipped down, and instantly became thick and long, a foot long.

That formation, the average rural people have often seen, has been Xi to it, but some beautiful big girls and little daughters-in-law are embarrassed to see this formation, although they have also seen this situation in the countryside at that time, but there are still some embarrassment and shyness in this public, at this moment, they are not, not looking at it and a little unwilling, so some big girls and little daughters-in-law have to block their eyes with their palms, but their eyes are still secretly watching from the fingers.

At this moment, all of a sudden, a childish voice reached people's ears, "Mommy, Mommy, look! Why has that hairy man grown a leg again!"

People just didn't pay attention to the screaming man, and suddenly the immature sound drew people's attention back to the screaming man, only to see a little boy about seven or eight years old, pointing to the hard Bangbang who slipped out of the back of the screaming man, and said with black boiling genitals: When people heard it, they didn't feel like they burst out laughing.

It turned out to be a little boy from our production team, and his mother had some brain retardation, and her reaction was generally half a beat slower than normal. That boy also had a bit of a brain problem since he was a child, and his brain was not so bright, so that he said those ridiculous things.

After that, some people would playfully ask when they saw the little boy, "xx, how many legs does Mao Yu have!" and some simply called the child "five legs", but as time went on, people slowly forgot about it. This is a true little story that happened in that era.

Speaking of the breeding place of the production team, I have to say that the breeders of our production team at that time, the breeders of our production team at that time were also surnamed Zhao, tall and burly, Uncle Zhao is also a small family in our production team, he is the boss, and most people call him Uncle Zhao.

But this Uncle Zhao is not the Uncle Zhao in the novel "Uncle Zhao the Breeder" by Mr. Ma Feng, a famous writer in our province, he is the real Uncle Zhao of our production team, his real surname is Zhao, although this Uncle Zhao is not Uncle Zhao in Mr. Ma Feng's novel "Uncle Zhao the Breeder", but it is also the same as "Uncle Zhao the Breeder" Uncle Zhao is the same, but also loves the society like home, for our production team of more than a dozen livestock is also caring, as if treating their own children, always do their best, day to night, a mind in the breeder's work, for the livestock to eat the forage is always sifted clean, a night to get up several times to add grass to the livestock.

At that time, he often said that horses have no night grass and no fertilizer. Every day when the livestock are working and leaving, he has to give the animals enough food and drink water, and when the animals come back from work, after rolling, he has to use a small iron scraper and a broom to clean the animals, and then drink water and feed.

Every morning to a few livestock circles a night to pull down the manure to clean out, and then clean clean, but also to pad some loess, for each livestock temperament, he knows everything about it, remember that at that time our production team had a horse, very beautiful, Qi color, people are also called Qi horse, for several years, every year to give birth to a beautiful mule, Uncle Zhao is more concerned about the horse, love.

At that time, the threshing floor of our production team was also in the north of the feeding, and Uncle Zhao often saw two half-human-high eye cages for the livestock to pick forage from the threshing floor to the forage room in the feeding. It was not until later that he retired from the post of breeder because of his old age and physical illness, and at that time our production team made achievements in agriculture, there was also a credit to Uncle Zhao, in short, Uncle Zhao was a good breeder who was dutiful and praised by everyone.

It is not difficult to see the importance of the breeding place and the keeper's room at that time. At that time, most of the activities of the production team took place there. Especially at that time, the team committee of the production team was inseparable from the breeder's room, and the team committee at that time would be held in the breeder's room every three or five days, to study the current work of some production teams, or to arrange the daily labor production of the production team.

Especially at that time, the members of the production team had to evaluate and score their work, which was also carried out in the breeding place of the production team. At that time, the evaluation and scoring reflected the value of each member who participated in the labor production of the production team, and involved the vital interests of each worker who participated in the production.

Every night, the members of the production team will also study the relevant documents of the Xi and the private criticism, discuss and express their feelings.

At that time, the breeding place, the building was simple, it was a room with a single door and a single window, that is, more than a dozen square meters less than 20 square meters, a big kang and fire occupied more than half of the room, two white stubble wood benches were placed on the ground, and there was a small black kang table with drawers on the kang, which was the simple layout of our production team breeding place at that time.

The kang is very warm in winter, but sit for a little longer, the butt will be hot and unbearable, so I have to move my butt from time to time, when there is a meeting, people who can smoke will often taste a cigarette, and at that time most of the people smoked some inferior cigarettes, and some in order to save money, or use the big pipe to smoke the eggplant leaf smoke under their own drying, you can imagine what the taste is, which is bitter for those who do not smoke.

Especially in winter, when the house is full of people, or sitting on the kang, or standing underground, you see! The fire in the breeding place is warm, and the fire on the kang is also hot, and at that time people are not in a position to bathe, and the people who sit on the kang are not wearing shoes, and some people are barefoot, and the smokers are full of smoke, and the air, the smell, and the environment make people seem to be able to choke and suffocate.

Fortunately, with the development of the production team, the increase in the economic strength of the production team, and the arrangement of the team, the breeding place of the whole village was planned to be built in the original public cemetery of the village (the original graves were moved out), and the production team also built offices one after another, so that the activity center of the production team was better. After the Third Plenary Session of the 11 th CPC Central Committee, reform and opening up were gradually carried out, land and property were decentralized, and the property accumulated by the collective over the past 30 years of hard work was scattered overnight.

At that time, people once vividly said: After 30 years of hard work, I returned to the pre-liberation period overnight.

Time flies, the years are long, and some of the stories that happened in the breeding place of the production team at that time have passed for nearly 40 years, but the feeling, the scene, the person, and the energy still appear in my mind from time to time, and they have become a picture scroll that makes people miss and forget!

(15) Start with the forestry work at that time

Forestry work at that time was about a period of forestry work in our production brigade in the 70s of the last century.

It is really a row of trees, a square field, a beautiful pastoral landscape. It has made an indelible contribution to the greening of the area and the improvement of the surrounding microclimate.

In fact, it is not scientific research or other work, but it is just leading some people to work in forestry every day. At that time, I was the accountant of our production team for a few years, and at the same time, I led more than a dozen male and female laborers in the forestry of the brigade to participate in the management of the forestry of the brigade at that time, and also served as some militia work.

It was in the mid-seventies of the last century, seven or five years later, seven or six years later, our production brigade under the correct leadership of the brigade leaders at that time, all the work has achieved relatively good results, needless to say, in the Luliang area at that time is also second to none, almost every three or five people from other places come to visit the Xi, agriculture is the same, up to the outline, across the Yellow River, across the Yangtze River, and even the yield per mu is more than 1,000 catties, a step a year, in the local area is also famous, and forestry is not so famous, but also achieved good results。

At that time, the forestry base of our production brigade was in the east of our ancient town village, Wuhuali, and the river trip of the Ciyao River was called Motan in our local area, that is, the river beach of the Ciyao River.

The ancient name of the Ciyao River was Tasha Water.

It originated in the area of Hejialing in the northwest magnetic kiln ditch in Jiaocheng County, Shanxi Province, so it is called the magnetic kiln river. It flows through Jiaocheng County, Wenshui County, Fenyang City, Pingyao County, Xiaoyi City, and flows into the Fen River, the mother river of Shanxi, from Beiqiaotou Village, Xiaoyi City.

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

Mobile phone shooting Fenyang Yanwu Section Magnetic Kiln River Bridge and High Irrigation Station

The total length of the Ciyao River is 121 kilometers, and the basin area is 569 square kilometers. The seasonality is very obvious, and 90% of the flow is concentrated in the flood season from July to September every year. Moreover, the river course of the Ciyao River is the original old road of the Fen River, the mother river of Shanxi, the original Fen River is also often changed due to floods, until the eighth year of Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty (1743) after the Fen River was again in the east of Pingyao, the Ciyao River occupied the original Fen River old road southward Xiaoyi into the Fen River.

In fact, the Ciyao River can also be called the mother river of our Yanwu Ancient Town, which has irrigated and nourished our people there for hundreds of years. As far as I can remember, she was the main source of water for our annual irrigation there.

Especially in the section of the Ciyao River in our village, our village has almost thousands of acres of river flats, she is our village forestry nursery, vegetables, orchards, medicinal herbs, seed base, but also our village high irrigation base.

In fact, at that time, the person in charge of forestry in our brigade was Wang Weicheng, but he was in charge of the water conservancy work of the brigade at that time, and he could not take care of the forestry work, so I was specifically responsible for the daily work in forestry. led six or seven hairy boys, they are Jin Wen, Er Baobao, Er Tong Niu, Guo Xiang, Xiao Wucheng, Chen Erhu, and an old farmer we call Wu Mao (Wu Mao, local vernacular, referring to five uncles, locally called uncles as grandma), as well as several women such as Guixiang, Yinhua, Lao Yan's wife, Hao Liqin, etc.

At that time, I worked in forestry for several years, although the results were not so brilliant, but I also made some achievements, and made some efforts to the forestry development and greening of our village, and made some due contributions.

At that time, most of us were laymen in forestry work, and we didn't know a lot of things, so we could only learn Xi while doing it. At the end of April 1976, Fenyang County also organized more than a dozen people to visit the Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences and the Shanxi Fruit Research Institute of Qixian County for a few days to visit and learn Xi and Xi fruit tree cultivation and management techniques.

Wang Weicheng, the head of forestry in our village, and I participated in that Xi.

Because of the Tangshan earthquake in 1976 in the last century, the day of the school Xi remember very clearly, that was the second day we went to the Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, that is, at 3:42 before dawn on April 28, 1976, we were sleeping in a hotel in Taiyuan City when we were in a daze, suddenly woke up by the Tangshan earthquake, the bed shook the ground, and later learned that there was a major earthquake in Tangshan, which is a digression.

At that time, there were not too many kinds of trees there, mainly some poplars, willows, elms, locust trees, black locust trees, a small number of stinky almond trees, mulberry trees, and a few cypress trees in the primary school when we were children (originally the ancestral hall of the royal family in the ancient town) and in the courtyard of the original commune (the original land temple in the ancient town), but with the later demolition and reconstruction, there was no trace.

As for the fruit trees, it was also very monotonous at that time, with only a few jujube trees, and not many peach trees, sour jujube trees, and grape trellises. Therefore, the leadership of the brigade at that time proposed the development of forestry. The development of forestry must first have its own seedling base, so at that time, the brigade conformed to the forestry development situation and established a nursery base of almost 100 acres.

At that time, our forestry in the west of the Ciyao River Qiaobei River beach has fifty or sixty acres of nursery base, including about forty acres of poplar seedlings, and some three stator rootstock seedlings, apple saplings, peach saplings, in the east of the Ciyao River Bridge on the north end of the river beach there is also a poplar nursery, in the east of the Ciyao River on the south river beach, later there was a period of time once planted seventy or eighty acres of peach trees, in the west of the Ciyao River, we call a narrow strip between the nine branch canal and the Dazhai canal and a vineyard of ten acres, and then to the north is a poplar nursery with almost more than 20 acres of land, and then to the north, there is a control gate, after the control gate, there are almost ten acres of purple locust seedlings.

After the control gate, there are almost a dozen acres of purple locust seedlings

At that time, forestry work was nothing more than land preparation, cuttings of saplings, watering, weeding, pruning, grafting, fertilizing and so on. However, for those of us who have traditionally been agricultural, cutting saplings and grafting apples are all jobs that have not been done before.

But as the saying goes, there is nothing difficult in the world, only afraid of those who have a heart.

We learned by doing, and quickly mastered some poplar cuttings and apple seedling grafting techniques. At that time, these two seasons of the year are busy.

Poplar cuttings are usually planted in late autumn and early winter, and sometimes in spring after the soil thaws. First of all, tidy up the land, the poplar saplings of the current year are flattened, with a machete, or tree shears, the stubble of the poplar saplings is cut into a length of 18-20 cm, and then according to the density of cultivation, branch cuttings into the sorted out land, be careful not to turn the bud mouth of the cuttings upside down, when inserting a slight 50-60 degree inclination, one acre of land can be inserted 6000-8000 plants.

After all the insertions, water enough water in time, and then loosen the soil, weeding, pruning, fertilizing, and insect control.

The grafting of apple trees with three stators can only be carried out in July and August when the apple scion is ripe. At that time, the apple seedlings were also relatively monotonous, that is, some Guoguang, banana apples, red crowns, golden crowns or something. The grafting was successful, but I don't know if the technology is not up to par, or the soil is not adaptable, in short, the effect is not very good after cultivation.

The peach tree is developing well, but one is that the variety is not very good, especially the later management can not keep up, and it will be destroyed after a few years.

The vineyard is good, the main cultivation is some rose grapes, mare's milk grapes, and after ripening, they are distributed to the members of the production team on August 15.

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

Rose grapes and mare's milk grapes, after ripening, were distributed to the members of each production team on August 15 for tasting

But then it was also because the soil was not suitable (grapes are more suitable for sandy soil, while we have red soil gummy soil), and then a place for cultivating grapes is between our Dazhai Canal and the Nine Branch Canal, the groundwater is very strong, not suitable for cultivating grapes, and for some other reasons later, the vineyard has not developed.

However, our poplar nursery is very good, and in the following years, we have shown our skills in the large-scale afforestation activities, and provided more than one million willow saplings for the brigade to plant trees.

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

More than one million willow saplings were provided for the brigade's afforestation.

It was about 1977 or 1978, when Fenyang County was engaged in afforestation activities, and our production brigade also responded positively.

At that time, the branch secretary of our production brigade was Comrade Ren Shengye, an old cadre, under his leadership and planning, our village was also in full swing afforestation activities, and then our poplar nursery also played a huge role, in that vigorous afforestation movement, those willow seedlings in our forestry nursery came in handy.

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

In forestry, those willow seedlings in the nursery came in handy

I remember those days, we took rice ropes, tape measures, and notebooks every day, on both sides of the embankment of the Ciyao River, on both sides of the road of the Nine Branch Canal, on both sides of the high irrigation road from our village to the Ciyao River, around the school, and on both sides of all the roads and channels belonging to our production brigade, according to the terrain, to measure and release gray lines.

In other words, depending on the terrain, row spacing, and plant spacing, there are 1 m x 1 m, and there are 1.5 m x 1 m, and the acupuncture points to be planted are sprinkled with white ash.

I remember one day in the spring of that year, from the morning, the two banks of the Ciyao River were red flags, and people were cheering and shouting.

On that day, the relevant departments of the Fenyang County Government organized people from the county's finance and trade system, agriculture and forestry department, education front and other departments to go to the countryside to support the afforestation campaign of our production brigade, and there were about 1,200 people!

Look at it! On the road, there are wagons pulling saplings back and forth, horses neighing, and on both sides of the road are support workers from the countryside who are in full swing planting trees, all sweating profusely, and it is a vigorous and lively scene.

I remember that when I was helping to get the saplings off the carriage on the embankment on the east side of the Ciyao River Bridge, Ren Shengye, the branch secretary of our production brigade, came to inspect it.

After this vigorous afforestation activity, all the roads and channels of our production brigade were basically planted with saplings, especially on both sides of the high irrigation road from the village entrance to the Ciyao River in the east of our village, and there were six rows of saplings on one side, brushing together, which was very spectacular.

Trees were planted on both sides of the road on the east side of the village, on both sides of the north and south branches (irrigation channels for the village), and on both sides of the water distribution weir.

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

On both sides of the high irrigation road in Wuhuali, there are six rows of saplings on one side, brushing together, which is very spectacular

Two embankments of the Ciyao River, each side of the embankment is three or four rows of trees, a row of staggered acupuncture points, from north to south is also very spectacular, at that time the water conservancy conditions of our production brigade are also good, on both sides of the Ciyao River there are high irrigation bases built by villages, on one side a large pump with a diameter of one foot thick, it is very convenient to use water, high irrigation can not reach the place, and the students of the school have been mobilized to help water the saplings.

I remember that after the cultivation was completed that year, I was also responsible for making a special statistics, how many trees were in the channel in the village, how many trees were on both sides of the road, and how many saplings were planted in the village.

Although a lot of trees were planted that year, because Comrade Ren Shengye, the branch secretary and other team leaders, attached great importance to the afforestation of that year, and the quality was very strict, the survival rate of the trees planted that year was also relatively high, which also played a certain role in the future economic development of our village.

Speaking of forestry, I can't help but think of a cadre in the county who went to the countryside in our production brigade at that time, surnamed Li, named Li Zhende, Lao Li is a native of Guchi Village, Hexia, Yudao, Fenyang, it seems that he was from the county agriculture and forestry at that time, and he also contributed to the development of forestry in our village at that time.

At that time, the members of the production team, many families raised sheep, people used to have the Xi of feeding sheep with trees, and this Xi habit was obvious to the damage to the trees, although the brigade had regulations on public security, and it was not allowed to damage trees casually, but there were always some people who ignored it and secretly cut down trees and willows, and there were some people who thought they had roots, turning a deaf ear and damaging the trees, and Lao Li, no matter who he was, as long as he was found and caught, his six relatives would always be twisted by him to the brigade for public security. At that time, he was often seen wandering around the village to inspect and inspect, and once he found it, he would not tolerate it. As for the livestock of the production team and the sheep gnawing on the trees, once discovered, he must also deal with them strictly.

There is a saying in our local area, "The name of a person is the shadow of a tree." People have left their names, and geese have left their voices. Although Li Zhende has not left any great achievements with us, his spirit of loving trees like a family is still worthy of praise from the people.

Under the attention and strict management in many aspects, a few years later, the saplings cultivated by our production brigade have grown verdantly.

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

For the greening of the village, the improvement of the microclimate around the village has made an indelible contribution

Therefore, our forestry team played an indelible contribution to the greening of our village and the improvement of the microclimate around our village at that time.

(16) Cultivation of medicinal herbs

The previous article told about some things about the forestry work in our production brigade in the late seventies of the last century, and talked about the vigorous afforestation movement at that time, after the vigorous afforestation, most of the poplar nurseries we were in forestry at that time were transplanted out, and the vacated land, and the brigade planned to cultivate medicinal herbs, so our original forestry people merged with the scientific research team of the brigade at that time, and the person in charge at that time was Mu Fenping, Kong Fanxiu, we continued to manage the remaining other nurseries, and vineyards, while planting Chinese medicinal materials and cultivating corn and other crop seeds with the scientific research team。

At that time, the base for planting Chinese medicinal materials was also on the bank of the Ciyao River, which was generally in a north-south direction, flowing through our village for about eight or nine hundred meters, and the basin area was about 1,000 acres.

And the Ciyao River in our area to Xiaoyi City Qiaotou that section of the river, was originally the first big river in Shanxi Fen River of the old way, the old Fen River in our section, no own river channel, a flood season, flooding, rampage, until the Qing Dynasty Qianlong eight years (1743) Dongtu Pingyao Zuojiabao area, Ciyao River only occupied the original old road of the Fen River, through the Xiaoyi North Bridgehead and into the Fen River. Therefore, the beach of the Ciyao River is formed by the alluvium of the original Fen River, which is a sandy soil of one color and belongs to a small alluvial plain. The land on both sides of the Ciyao River is red clay, and the sandy soil is more suitable for growing Chinese medicinal materials.

At that time, most of our people there were laymen who did not understand anything, and later invited technicians from the prefectural medicinal materials company to help, and selected several Chinese medicinal materials suitable for our cultivation there according to the soil structure, local climate, growth Xi of medicinal materials, and the sales and benefits of medicinal materials. Radix indigo, raw ground, barley, wolfberry.

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I


First of all, let's introduce the cultivation method and function of the root of the indigo, which is also known as the big green leaf, woad, and songqing.

The biennial herbaceous plant of the cruciferous family is called the root of the blue with the root of the medicine, and the big green leaf is called the big green leaf with the root of the medicine.

It has the functions of clearing heat and detoxifying, cooling blood and eliminating spots, and can also reduce swelling and improve pharynx, and is mainly used for the prevention and treatment of mumps, influenza, sore throat and other diseases. It is a commonly used Chinese herbal medicine in bulk and is widely used in the manufacture of Chinese patent medicines. It is also said that it is a very good raw material for making tie-dye.

The root of the indigo adopts seed seeding, it is best to sow in late April, the row spacing is about 20-25cm, the depth is 1--2cm, the seeds are covered with soil 1cm, properly rolled, 4-8 kg of seeds per mu, the general climate, 8-10 days can emerge seedlings, after the emergence of seedlings, when the seedlings are 7-8 high, the seedlings are determined according to the plant spacing of 6-0, to the weak and strong, and the lack of seedlings is filled. When the seedling height is 10-12cm, combined with cultivating and weeding, the seedlings are set according to the plant spacing of 6-9cm and the row spacing of 20cm. Harvest in autumn, winter or spring before bud break.

The leaves can be harvested twice before harvesting, the first time can be in mid-June, when the seedling height is about 20cm, the stem of the plant can be harvested from 2cm from the ground, which is conducive to the growth of new leaves, and the second time can be in mid to late August. It is not suitable for harvesting in hot weather, so as not to cause the death of patches.

After the harvested leaves are dried, they become large green leaves for medicinal purposes, and those with large leaves, dark green color, clean, less broken, and no musty smell are preferred. Each acre of land can harvest 150-250 kg of large green leaves, the roots of the indigo should be selected before the winter to dig on a sunny day, digging must be deep planing, to avoid cutting off the roots. After the soil, remove the soil stems and leaves, spread out and dry until seven or eight percent of the dry, tie into a small bundle and then dry until it is completely dry, with the roots long and straight, thick and even, solid powder is better.

About 250-350 kg of indigo root can be harvested per acre.

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

First, the fibrous roots are removed from the fresh ground, graded by size, and then dried separately until its color gradually turns black, that is, it becomes rehmannia root

Secondly, the Xi and cultivation methods of the raw land are introduced; the raw land is a plant of the family Radix Ginseng, also known as Rehmannia, Wild Rehmannia, etc., which is the root of the Rehmannia plant of the Radix family.

Perennial herbaceous plant, body height 10-30 cm, rhizome fleshy, fresh yellow, under cultivation conditions, diameter up to 5.5 cm, stem purple red medicinal parts for the fresh or dried root of the Scrophularia plant Rehmannia radix, with the effect of clearing heat and cooling blood, benefiting yin and rejuvenating.

It is used for warm fever and fever into the camp blood, strong heat and dizziness, dry mouth and tongue, such as Qingying soup.

Li Shizhen's evaluation of raw rehmannia is: The face of the hundred days of service is like a peach blossom, and the three young people are not old. It is one of the traditional Chinese medicines, which first appeared in the "Shennong Materia Medica".

Rehmannia rehmannia: clear heat, shengjin and cool blood; rehmannia

From early April to late April every year, you can cultivate, on the furrow surface, according to the row spacing of 40cm ditching, about 7 cm deep, the seed roots are cut into 3 to 5 cm small sections, with a row of plant spacing 40×30 cm to open the hole, each hole when the big root is put a section, the small root is put two sections, sprinkle a little grass ash (lime can also be) cover the soil 6 cm, the general climate can be about 20 days to emerge seedlings, the general mu of seed amount 40 to 50 kg. When the seedling height is 5 cm, combined with weeding, seedlings, leave one tree per hole, if there is a lack of seedlings and broken walls, you can replant, and leave 4000 to 6000 basic seedlings per mu.

When the seedlings grow to 10-12 cm, the seedlings should be thinned in time, leaving a strong seedling in each hole, and the excess thin seedlings should be cut off with scissors against the ground.

In addition to the flower buds for seed retention, the rest of the flower buds should be removed in time to reduce nutrient consumption and promote the growth of root tubes.

Around November of the year of spring planting, when the stems and leaves on the raw land are yellow and spotted, they can be harvested.

If properly managed, the yield per mu of fresh land is 2000-3000 kg.

First, the fibrous roots are removed from the fresh ground, graded by size, and then dried separately until its color gradually turns black, that is, it becomes rehmannia root.

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

Barley field management is similar to that of corn, and in a good year, about 300-400 kg per mu can be harvested

Let's talk about barley, barley, also known as coix seed, six millet, is the seed kernel of the grass plant coix. Its nature is cool, sweet and light, and it enters the spleen, lungs and kidney meridians, and has the effects of diluting water, strengthening the spleen, removing paralysis, clearing heat and draining pus.

Barley is known as the "king of the world's grasses" because of its high nutritional value, in Europe it is known as the "grass of life and health", and in Japan, it has recently been listed as a cancer-prevention food, so its value has doubled.

Barley has the characteristics of being easily digested and absorbed, and its effect is very gentle whether it is used for tonic or medical treatment.

Barley planting is also relatively simple, generally more fertile sandy soil on the line, in late April in spring, or early May, the use of cocoon, about five kilograms of seeds per mu, field management and corn are about the same, a good year can harvest about 300-400 kilograms per mu.

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

There are a lot of wolfberry trees in the grove, but they were not noticed at that time!

Finally, the wolfberry tree is a multi-branched shrub plant of the genus Solanaceae, in fact, when we were young, there were a lot of wolfberry trees in the grove in our village, but they were not noticed at that time!

Goji berries can not only be used as medicine, but also can make a variety of health care products, wolfberry seeds can also be squeezed for oil (can be used as raw materials for lubricating oil), wolfberry is a treasure all over the body.

Li Shizhen's "Compendium of Materia Medica" of the Ming Dynasty recorded: "Spring picking wolfberry leaves, the name of Tianjing grass, summer picking flowers, the name of longevity grass, autumn picking seeds, the name of wolfberry, winter picking roots, famous bone skin".

The young leaves of wolfberry are also known as wolfberry heads, which can be eaten or made as wolfberry tea.

Modern studies have shown that wolfberry has the effect of lowering blood sugar, anti-fatty liver, and anti-atherosclerosis.

In addition, wolfberry can also be used as a hedge plant, a stump potted plant, and a shrub for soil and water conservation.

Medicinal, wolfberry is often used in traditional Chinese medicine, and the root bark (Digupi) is an antipyretic and cough medicine, which can relieve tuberculous damp fever.

The fruit (wolfberry) is a nourishing and strengthening medicine, nourishing the liver and blood, benefiting essence and yang, and has the effect of treating diabetes, tuberculosis, weakness and emaciation, and brightening the eyes. The young leaves are called Tianjing grass.

Although the wolfberry is full of treasures, it is also relatively easy to plant, and a variety of methods can be used, cocoon sowing or hole sowing, sowing in late March to April after the soil thaws in spring, the earlier the better. Sowing depth 1-3 cm.

Seedling transplantation can also be carried out: seedlings can be raised in all seasons, but spring and autumn are preferred.

You can also take cuttings and strips: wolfberry root germination is particularly strong, and cuttings and strips are easy to survive in spring and autumn. After soaking the vigorous wolfberry branches for 2-3 days, cut them into thick O.5-1 cm and 30-50 cm long cuttings.

Harvesting and processing of wolfberry: The harvest of wolfberry should be between the planting of mango and the autumnal equinox.

Pick ripe fruits, dry or dry in the shade, should not be exposed to the sun, so as not to be overly dry, and be careful not to rub by hand, so as not to affect the quality. When the skin is dry and the flesh is soft, it can be dried by fire in the summer when it is rainy. An acre of land can generally harvest about 200-300 kilograms.

Planing of the skin of the bones: in the beginning of the spring when the skin is frozen, the quality is good, easy to peel, to the Qingming Dynasty after the quality of the skin is poor. The root bark is peeled off and dried or chopped and dried fresh.

The above are the cultivation methods of several Chinese medicinal materials cultivated in our village in the seventies of the last century.

What is particularly memorable is that Comrade Kong Fanxiu, the person in charge of planting Chinese medicinal materials at that time, was in his fifties and close to sixty years old, medium height, sturdy figure, unkempt, used to be the leader of the production team, and was the head of the scientific research team of our production team at that time. Responsible for the seed cultivation and seed production of our production brigade and the cultivation of Chinese medicinal materials. He is very responsible for his work, hard work, often in the mud, water (at that time, he often had to water the ground, and he did not live up to his skills, so he was often mud and water) to fight in the front line of production. At that time, Lao Kong had many children in the family, he was young, his wife was often sick, and the family burden was relatively heavy, but Lao Kong often neglected his family for the work of the production team, and sometimes he couldn't even take care of food. It was a hard-working rural standard cadre, and at that time, this was obvious to all and had a good reputation.

The white horse passed by, time is like electricity, recalling that when planting Chinese herbal medicines at that time, more than 30 years have passed unconsciously, nearly 40 years, but at that time, the labor scene of planting Chinese medicinal materials on the bank of the Ciyao River is still fresh in my memory, and I still feel a lot of emotion and miss it constantly!

(17) Rice and lotus in the south of the Yangtze River in the north country

Jiangnan rice lotus in the north country, when you look at the title, friends will not only say, you are talking about the land of fish and rice in the south of the Yangtze River!

No, it's not! I'm talking about our Fenyang area, which really belongs to the North Temperate Loess Plateau in our Fenyang Yanwu Ancient Town, which is a new thing that appeared in our Yanwu Ancient Town since the opening of the world after the 70s of the last century, and Comrade Ren Shengye, the branch secretary of the production brigade at that time, led all the cadres and the masses to brainstorm and overcome many difficulties on the saline-alkali land of our production brigade, and successfully planted the rice and lotus root that can only be produced in the land of fish and rice in the south of the Yangtze River and some areas in the north where conditions permit。

It seems that in the past, Jiajiazhuang and the troops stationed in Fenyang in the 70s of the last century planted rice at our Fenping Highway Bridge, and other areas did not seem to have found any cultivation, but in our village it was indeed planted for the first time in history, and it was successful, so it is very precious.

Our Fenyang area belongs to the north temperate monsoon arid and semi-arid area, with nine droughts in ten years and serious water shortage. Due to the geographical and climatic conditions, it has been an area that has produced various small grains since history.

But to produce rice, it is something that many people are not optimistic about and think is impossible. Moreover, most of the land in our Yanwu village belongs to the original basin of the Fen River, the mother river of Shanxi (the original Fen River often changes its course because of floods, until the eighth year of Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty (1743) it again east of Pingyao Zuojiabao area, the Ciyao River occupies the original Fen River old road, and the south goes to the north bridgehead of Xiaoyi to join the Fen River), thus forming a lot of low-lying land, and because of the low terrain and poor drainage, a lot of saline-alkali land has been formed。

In view of this, Ren Shengye, the branch secretary at that time, first led a branch canal for downstream irrigation, the Nine Branch Canal, from the highway bridge on the Fenping Highway (a water conservancy and irrigation hub on the Ciyao River where we are) from the Ciyao River and us.

Immediately afterwards, a deep alkali drainage ditch was excavated on the west side of the nine branch canals-Dazhai Canal. The Dazhai Canal blocked the seepage of water on the side of the Ciyao River and the Jiuzhi Canal to prevent alkali seepage.

Second, it has vigorously carried out the basic construction of farmland and water conservancy, leveled the land, built water conservancy facilities, and then introduced rice cultivation technology, and has achieved proud results.

In the mid-to-late 70s, in order to develop agricultural production, our village vigorously built water conservancy, and built large high irrigation stations on both sides of the Ciyao River, supporting two one-foot pumps, and the land in the east of the village could basically be watered.

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

In 1972, the members of the Yanwu Club leveled the rice fields on the newly renovated saline-alkali land in Eryi in the south of the village. The opposite village is the village of Singai

At that time, our production team also took advantage of this east wind to level the land, build water conservancy facilities, and plant rice on the 60 or 70 acres of puddles on both sides of the road on the east entrance of our village.

At the beginning, the rice manager was Wang Wenjun, a member of our production team, Wang Wenjun was a new type of educated farmer, who could write beautiful calligraphy with a dragon flying and phoenix dancing, and was known as Xiucai.

Later, it was his brother Wang Wenyu who managed the cultivation of rice, Wang Wenyu was a little rough by nature, did not pay attention to dress, people called him "Erqiu match", and some called him "Ersloppy". But he is kind by nature, kind, especially with me can get along, and he is also very knowledgeable, that is, our local people say "Baigu Zhi", he seems to have graduated from high school, at that time he was also a relatively literate person, he is not only knowledgeable, but also witty, humorous, often tell people some stories, jokes, deeply liked by people.

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

Dozens of men and women labored in a row, hands and feet, mouths and mouths, gags, talking and laughing, but also lively.

According to legend, the origin of rice is related to a dog.

It is said that before the Fuxi period, crops were not grown on the land, and people lived by hunting, fishing, and raising pigs, cattle, dogs, and horses. One year, there was a monstrous flood, the whole earth was flooded, the water was in the sky, the water rose to the Nantianmen, and a yellow dog was lifted by the flood to the Nantianmen. At this time, the Jade Emperor sent heavenly soldiers to inspect the flood situation in the nether realm, opened the South Heavenly Gate, and the yellow dog took advantage of the situation to drill in.

The yellow dog saw many things in the Heavenly Palace that were not available on the ground, especially the rice and other foods that the gods of the Heavenly Court ate that were not available on the ground, and it was very envious, so he got into the pile of grain and rolled himself, ready to bring the rice back to the ground.

When it came to Nantianmen, the flood gradually receded, and it hurriedly rushed into the water and descended with the water. When the yellow dog returned to the ground and looked for its owner, there were still people, a muddy and blurred mountain, dead and silent.

Suddenly it spotted two people on the mountain, and it came to them, wagging its tail lightly. The two of them found that its tail was stained with something special that they had never seen on the ground, so they went to take off two and looked at them carefully, and put them in their mouths to chew, oops, it smells so good, it smells so good!

So they picked up all the rice on the yellow dog's tail, and the rice on the yellow dog's body had been washed away by the water, and only a small handful of the tail was left.

It turned out that these two people were Fuxi and Nu Snail brother and sister, and at this time, only their brother and sister were left on the ground. They planted the paddy on the ground, harvested it one year, planted it again the next year, and harvested more and more. They were very happy, but who could eat so much and such good rice with only two brothers and sisters on the ground, and besides, only his brother and sister felt too lonely on the ground.

Sister Nuwa said, "Brother, let's get married!" So they got married and had children, which is the origin of "Fuxi brothers and sisters rule people".

They planted a lot of rice, and when they arrived in Shennong, they planted all over the land of China. Since then, every year when the rice is ripe, when people cook new rice to "taste new", they first pour a bowl for the dog to eat first, because the rice seeds are brought by the dogs.

The rice in the sky was full of seeds, and the dog took the rice seeds to the ground, and the rice was washed away by the water, and only a handful of them were brought back on the tail, so now the ears of rice are like a dog's tail.

This is a folk tale about the origin of rice that was derived from the time when we cultivated rice there.

There is a local saying that cherries are delicious and trees are hard to grow. I would like to say that rice is delicious but also difficult to grow. Of course, for people who cultivate rice in the water towns of the south of the Yangtze River, it is not a difficult thing at all, it is a matter of grabbing and hitting the back of the hand, a piece of cake. But in our local area, it was the first time that the eldest girl had been on a sedan chair, and I had never even seen it before, let alone planted rice in the water.

To grow rice, the first thing is to raise seedlings. I remember that it seemed to be the beginning of spring at that time, after the land had just thawed, the seedbed had to be tidied up, after the seedbed was tidied up, a lot of farm fertilizer had to be applied to the seedbed, and the rotten human manure and urine had to be splashed, and when the climate and temperature were right, the rice seeds could be sown, and after the seeds were sprinkled, the top of the seedbed should be covered with plastic in order to increase the temperature.

During the period, according to the growth of rice seedlings, weather and temperature, the plastic sheet should be uncovered in a timely manner, ventilated and transmitted, and watered until the rice seedlings are mature. When it came time to be able to grow rice seedlings, that was when we felt the hardest time growing rice there.

When it comes to rice cultivation, all the men and women of our production team are dispatched, and sometimes there are people from local agencies and schools who come to help.

Among them, there are people who pull rice seedlings and people who transport rice seedlings, but most of them are people who plant rice seedlings. Because the rice field is on the edge of the village, and we have never seen rice planting before, that is, we say that we can grow rice locally, so there are many elderly people in the village watching the rarity on the edge of the rice field, and some children are also giggling and playing nearby.

The most difficult rice planting began, and I saw dozens of men and women on the still calm water just now, and dozens of men and women began to plant rice for the first time in history. At that time, after the leader of the production team and the technician explained the row spacing, plant spacing, and the essentials of rice cultivation, the men and women took off their shoes and went into the water one by one, ready to show their skills, and began their first work of eating dumplings for the New Year.

Although the weather was cold and tiring, it was tiring and happy, and there was some fun. Dozens of men and women labored in a row, hands and feet, mouths and mouths, gags, talking and laughing, but also lively.

Although it is the first time to plant rice, there are also many people who have planted it decently.

And some people can't do it, planting and planting and turning a corner, running to the door of Bubu (Bubu local dialect refers to grandmother and grandmother, ran to the Bubu door, a local saying, refers to the work is not neat and turned), and even planted on someone else's territory, so I had to pick it up and replant.

And some people planted for a while, because the water was cold, and their legs cramped so badly that they had to go ashore to rest first, rub it for a while, and then go into the water.

But no matter what, through the efforts of all the members of the production team and overcoming many difficulties, dozens of acres of rice were finally planted completely. After the rice was planted, it was more leisurely to manage. The management is still behind Wang Wenyu and Zhao Jihai, who is responsible for the release of rice, fertilization, weeding and so on.

Because of proper management and effective measures, and the place where rice is cultivated, it turned out to be a puddle wetland that had been precipitated for many years (before the sixties, it was a puddle wetland, where we used to play when we were children, catch dragonflies, catch fish, hunt for bird eggs, dig pears, dig up clay, pull reeds, swim in summer, and skate in winter), and it is all thick, black humus soil, rich in many organic microorganisms and rich in nutrients. Therefore, rice has achieved an unprecedented bumper harvest, and it seems that the yield of one mu of land reached eight or nine hundred catties that year. Moreover, the taste of rice is very good, it tastes fragrant, and it is chewy, which is not inferior to the rice produced in the south. It was a great experience for us to eat rice grown in our own fields for the first time.

However, at that time, rice was very cheap, and I remember that it was only a dime and a cent per catty.

The rice planted by the production brigade in the south of the village also achieved good results, which also played a role in the grain production at that time and the effect of improving the saline-alkali land.

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

Lotus root was planted on a plot of land south of the country where rice had been cultivated at the time, and it was successful.

After the success of rice planting, our production team made persistent efforts and tried to plant lotus root on a piece of land south of the rice plant at that time, and it was also successful.

At that time, you see! As soon as we came out of the east entrance of our village, there was a green rice field in the north of the road, a green lotus in the south of the road, and a murmuring water in the middle of the canal.

It seems that nothing in the world is absolute, as long as you use your brain, are willing to climb, and work hard, things that seem impossible can also be achieved.

However, with the later reform and opening up, the land was settled, and the beautiful pictures of the rice and lotus in the north and south of the Yangtze River have become a passing cloud and disappeared without a trace, and the impression left in my mind can only be some ethereal and faint memories!

(18) The sideline work of the production team at that time

After the 60s of the last century, our village not only carried out the industrial and sideline work vigorously and vigorously, and was famous in our Fenyang County in the Luliang area, but also each production team also had its own industrial and sideline business, which was also in full swing and vigorous.

Since ancient times, we have been performing martial arts in ancient town, people are lively, hard-working, and have the spirit of pioneering and enterprising, advancing with the times. At that time, the production teams had their own unique sideline industries, which had some flavor of one village and one product, that is to say, one team and one product, or several teams and one product.

As early as the sixties of the last century, in 1962 and 1963, when people had just gotten rid of the great famine and were waiting to be redone, our production team there started a sideline production with the production team as the core.

I remember that at that time, the side jobs of various production teams were: scraping salt and boiling salt, opening brick kilns to burn bricks, repairing bicycles, processing and grinding noodles, adding tofu to work, processing five-spice powder, opening slaughterhouses, purchasing cattle, horses, donkeys, mules and other processed cooked meat, and some in the winter to buy raw persimmons in the mountains, and then sell them.

Our production team has also established a wood industry company to process small flat car shafts for a unit in Taiyuan City. I remember that at that time, if the upper axle of the small flat car was processed, it was often the descendants of the production team who loaded five or six upper axles on a small flat car and drove the No. 11 (walking) long distance of 250 miles to send it to the Taiyuan unit.

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

A small flat car loaded five or six upper axles and drove the No. 11 (walking) long journey of 250 miles to the Taiyuan unit

Let's talk about scraping salt and boiling salt, and at that time there were several production teams with this workshop. The east side of our Yanwu Ancient Town was originally the old road of the Fen River, the mother river of Shanxi, so the land is mostly wet, and there are many low-lying places, and the alkali flowers return to the flood in spring and autumn.

I remember that there was a salt room where we used to play in the brick kiln when we were children, and there was a large area of saline-alkali land to the east of the brick kiln, which used to be the land of our production team, but no crops could be planted, only some Suga grass and some bitter herbs, a white expanse. If it is spring, when there is a small light rain, it will make the saline-alkali in the ground come back up, and when the sun is exposed, it will form a layer of saline-alkali crust like a pancake on the surface of the land, just like a pancake of different sizes and shapes, a gray piece is spread on the ground, very spectacular, when I was a child, we played there, we used one foot to carry under the saline-alkali crust like a pancake, one foot forward, rushing left and right, only to see that the saline-alkali crust like a pancake was raised, scattered, and soon scattered。 You don't see, this is the best raw material for boiling soil salt (we also call it small salt locally).

The first thing to do is to scrape the salt soil, use the farm tool that we call the iron scraping locally, scrape the salt soil distributed on the saline-alkali land into a salt mound, and then transport it to the salt room, remember that the big iron pot of the salt is very large, thick, with a diameter of about five or six feet.

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Salt of the earth

The soil salt that has been boiled out after several processes is all fine white crystals, snow-white and snow-white, very beautiful. It was much more beautiful than the coarse, not white sea salt, which was what we used to eat there at that time. It is said that the slaughterhouse used that small salt to marinate the beef, and it is very popular.

The by-product of boiling salt, which is a solution as thick as a medicinal liquid, is also a product, which is the brine used to make tofu at that time (we call it cheese in our local dialect).

Brine, which is a mixture of glutinous oxide, magnesium sulfate, and sodium chloride, is also a compound that can kill people. However, there is another idiom: brine points tofu, one thing drops one thing. That is to say, everything in the world is mutually beneficial, and there is always something else that will subdue it.

In addition, it is said that when we Yanwu Ancient Town was in the Tang Dynasty, it was called "Salt Affairs" for a period of time, and it was recorded that the salt and iron in the Tang Dynasty were all under the management of the government at that time, and there were salt bureaus at the state and county levels here, and it was called "Salt Affairs", but whether it was related to the abundance of white and crystal beautiful soil salt in our local area, this is not known.

At that time, the production team repaired the bicycle in the middle of the north and south streets of our ancient town, my family was originally diagonally opposite the residence of the main street, the original ancient town time-honored Wansheng Building two façade rooms were opened, at that time it was my father and Ren Yueyun a master named Wugui was responsible for repairing the bicycle, the master called Wugui was more than 50 years old at the time, living alone, he lived in the façade room of repairing bicycles, and liked children very much, at that time we were not very old, that is, an eleven or twelve years old, often played there, and sometimes helped them weld bicycle parts when pulling the bellows, and later, there was a retired gentleman named Wang Peishou who was responsible for managing the accounts。

I remember that at that time, our production team also processed persimmons, the persimmons at that time were very sweet, especially in winter, the persimmons that were a little over-the-top, and they could not be taken by hand at all, they could only be scooped into the bowl with a spoon, if they were frozen a little more, and some ice ballast was hung, it was really sweet and cold, and it was very enjoyable to eat.

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Processed persimmon

At that time, the five-spice powder processed by the production team was said to be sold as far as Zhangjiakou, Northeast China, and Inner Mongolia.

At that time, the processing of tofu was still manual tofu, and it took two percent to push a tofu, and it is said that it took sixteen or seventeen miles to push a tofu, and it took about two or three hours to complete. At that time, our production team pushed tofu was two old ladies in their sixties, a person sometimes had to push two or three tofu a day, two or three tofu had to walk fifty or sixty miles, and while pushing, at the same time to add the soaked soybeans to the grinding at any time, people who had not done that work could not understand the hardship.

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At that time, the processed tofu was still manually pushed

Later, the most distinctive thing is that the rubber fire tire was produced by Li Huatang, Wang Chonghai and other members of the sixth production team, and the rubber tire of the carriage was made by the fire, and a lot of rubber miscellaneous parts were made, and a lot of rubber products were developed, and then the soles, ash hoppers, and water jugs were made from waste rubber tires. In the end, with a spark, it can drive many groups to develop and increase income and get rich, and it has developed into the largest reclaimed rubber production base in North China.

At that time, although the side jobs of the production team were small in scale and were all petty fights, they could also increase a lot of income for the production team and add a lot of color to the dividends of the members. It was not until the Cultural Revolution and the later years when the agricultural Dazhai took grain as the key link, that the production team's industrial and sideline industries were cut off as the tail of capitalism, and the pace of development of industrial and sideline industries by each production team stopped.

After the mid-to-late 70s, our local industrial and sideline industries have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.

What follows is the sideline work of our production team after the Cultural Revolution and after the mid-70s of the last century.

The grinding room of the production team

After the Cultural Revolution, under the leadership of the brigade at that time, the production team in our village stimulated the upsurge of the establishment of industrial and sideline industries, and our production team proceeded from the actual situation and took advantage of the advantages of being located in the prosperous area of our ancient town to start processing and grinding noodles, changing noodles, and then raising cows and selling milk.

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Machine sheeting

Machine processing dough, at that time a dough sheeting machine was only a hundred yuan, is our brigade of agricultural machinery repair factory produced by themselves, at that time we usually live there, fine grain is still very scarce, mainly sorghum flour, cornmeal-based, so at that time processing dough, mainly sorghum flour, cornmeal, a pound and two cents of processing fees, remember that at that time we were in the local for a long time in the red and white ceremonial hospitality, is the dough, the dough processing, crystal clear, just like vermicelli, very resistant to cooking, and also very satiety。 It is a person with a bad stomach who can't accept it, because when it is processed, it is very porcelain after being squeezed by the machine at high temperature, so it is not easy to digest. It was not until later that we gradually had more grains in our local area, and then slowly withdrew from the historical stage. However, at that time, after boiling water many times, the noodles were boiled and boiled, and then some fried sauce or braised vegetables were poured on it, not to mention that at that time, it was a delicious and delicious hospitality meal.

Hand-knitted socks

Later, our production team kept pace with the times, and developed a side business of making rubber V-belts, buying back raw materials from Taiyuan, Fenyang and other places, processing various motors, threshers, lawn cutters and other agricultural machinery on the V-belts, and the business spread to the local area, Fenyang, Pingyao, Xiaoyi, Jiexiu and other places.

Later, after development, our production team gathered our local situation, and developed a side business of weaving socks with nylon silk and nylon silk (socks, our local dialect is called Liangban, so it is also called weaving Liangban), artificial hand-cranked socks, processing and dyeing by themselves, there are seven or eight hosiery looms, and the daily output of thousands of pairs of socks has reached for a period of time. But at that time, a pair of socks was only five or six cents, and a pair of socks earned a few cents at most. At that time, the socks sales business in our village spread all over the country, south to Guangzhou and Hainan Island, north to Harbin and the Sino-Soviet border, west to all parts of Xinjiang in the northwest, and east to various coastal cities. It wasn't until a long time after the land and property were taken off that the scenery was no longer beautiful for various reasons.

At that time, several production teams had hosiery side businesses, among them, the first production team, the second production team, our fourth production team, the fifth production team, the eighth production team, and the tenth production team. There are also several production teams that process the spinning rope.

At that time, there was no such thing as plastic rope, and the production team purchased hemp raw materials and processed the rope.

There are also several production teams that process the spinning rope

Some production teams are engaged in casting processing, which is what we call turning sand locally, and processing some agricultural household appliances. In short, each production team is eight immortals across the sea to show their magical powers, although at that time the production team's sideline business was a small fight, but at that time it was still quite good, to the production team members of the dividends added a lot.

Time flies, time flies, recalling that at that time, the production team's sideline business is still full of emotion, thoughts, imagine, if those sideline business can develop with the times, what will be the situation today!

(19) Rural fighting private approvals, repairs, and forest approvals

It was in the 70s of the last century, around the beginning of 1974, and a magnificent movement was set off across the country, and the vast rural areas were no exception. In response to the call of the CPC Central Committee, our village launched a vigorous movement that touched the soul of fighting for selfishness, criticizing, repairing, criticizing, and criticizing Lin and criticizing Kong.

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

Rural fighting private approval, repair approval, forest approval, hole

Speaking of the movements at that time, it was one after another, not to mention those movements before the sixties, but also the movements during the Cultural Revolution, from the Red Guard Movement at the beginning of the Cultural Revolution to the Great Tandem, the Struggle for Power, the struggle between the two factions, the revolutionary committee after the July 23 Proclamation, to the 1970 purge (cleaning up the class ranks), the Party rectification movement, to the later one-on-three anti-anti movement (cracking down on counterrevolutionary sabotage activities, opposing corruption and theft, opposing speculation, and opposing extravagance and waste), fighting for private interests and criticizing repairs, and around 1974, there was a huge movement to criticize Lin and Confucius。

Briefly talk about the private criticism and criticism of forests and holes in the countryside at that time.

At that time, the struggle for selfishness meant that fighting for selfishness was to fight against all bourgeois ideas of mercenary, individualism, feudal class pleasures, and contempt for labor: criticism and criticism was the struggle to criticize taking the capitalist road, adhere to the socialist direction, and prevent revisionist ideas.

And because the peasants generally did not have a high level of education and did not know what revisionism was, most of the peasants in the countryside at that time were only fighting for personal gain and did not approve revisions. However, at that time, a few years ago, the rural areas experienced the socialist education movement: that is, the "Four Clean-up Movement", and experienced the four major cultural revolutions: the big shout, the big release, the big character poster, and the big debate.

Therefore, at that time, the fighting for private criticism and repair was nothing more than some trivial things, in the production team's private criticism meeting (at that time, most of the fighting private criticism meetings were held in the production team), the cadres criticized themselves for nothing more than to send some hard and light work to their relatives, or eat more vegetables and fruits or something, and the members of the private criticism were also stealing a few ears of jade cocoons from the collective, or a few sweet potatoes or something, or they did not work hard, stealing, cunning and lazy, etc., in short, the review and criticism are some irrelevant things。 However, it still played a positive role in the quality of the rural atmosphere at that time.

According to my vulgar understanding, the class ranks were cleaned up, and the one-strike, three-anti movement could still be linked to the countryside, and at that time everything was based on the class struggle, and everything could be relied on on the class struggle, and either I was the enemy.

Corruption and theft, so-called speculation, and the extravagance and waste of some people are all things that happen from time to time in the rural areas, and many phenomena should be opposed and criticized. Although Lin Biao is anti-party and treasonous, he is guilty of great guilt and deserves death, but he has fallen into the sand and his soul has returned to the Mongolian Öndörkhan, and he was originally high and too far away from our countryside. At that time, Kong Lao Er, who was criticized, was more than 2,000 years away from our reality, and he was even more out of line with us farmers.

It wasn't until later that I learned that criticizing Lin and Kong was a will of Chairman Mao Zedong at that time.

In the early 70s of the last century, Chairman Mao Zedong had a poem "Seven Hundreds" and "Reading (Feudalism) to Guo Lao": "Persuade the monarch to scold Qin Shihuang less, and the burning pit incident should be discussed." The ancestral dragon's soul is still dead, and Confucius's scientific name is Gao Shizhen. Hundreds of generations have practiced Qin politics and law, and "ten batches are not good articles". Familiar with the Tang Dynasty's "Feudalism", Mo Congzi Hou returned to King Wen. ”

This was put forward by the smash hit "Liang Xiao" at that time according to Chairman Mao Zedong's will. But how could the ordinary people know the intentions of the high-level at that time, they just felt that the daily broadcasts on the loudspeakers in the village, as well as newspapers and magazines, were all cursing Kong Lao Er and his filial son Lin Biao. In the top-down vigorous movement to criticize forests and holes, the vast number of rural areas were no exception, and they also actively and enthusiastically threw themselves into the movement of criticizing forests and holes in full swing.

I remember that at that time, big-character posters criticizing Lin Biaokong and the second child were once again plastered all over the streets. criticized Lin Biao for treason and defection to the enemy, self-denial and revenge, and criticized Kong Laoer's "benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and faith".

I remember that at that time, the members of the society went out to work every day to participate in production labor, all carrying a red flag, to the labor field, first the red and bright red flag was planted on the ground, and then the routine study Xi in the field that could not be shaken every day, the members sat in the field by the cadres who led the team or some so-called activists at that time, read an important editorial of two newspapers and one magazine, or learn Xi a paragraph of Chairman Mao's writings, at that time, most of the Xi were Chairman Mao's old three articles "Serving the People", "Commemorating Bethune", "Yugong Moves Mountains". Or "against liberalism" and so on, sometimes learn Xi a few quotations of Chairman Mao, and then you can start to participate in productive labor.

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On the ground, the movement of fighting private criticism, repairing and criticizing Lin criticism

In the evening, each production team also organized members to participate in the criticism meeting in the production team headquarters (at that time, most of them were in the production team's breeding place and breeder's room).

At that time, most people ate two meals and did not cook at night, but only ate some leftovers in the morning and noon. After eating something simply, people went to the production team's breeding room for a meeting in twos and threes.

The people who came to the meeting were all from a production team, and they couldn't see each other when they looked down, and they could climb up to their relatives around the corner, so everyone was very casual, some sat cross-legged on the kang, some sat on the stool, some sat on the table, some squatted, and some were standing. Almost all people in the countryside smoke cigarettes, some contain small tobacco pouches, some hold paper cigarettes, and some smoke their own cigarettes, and the varieties of cigarettes are also different, such as "thrifty" cigarettes for eight cents, "green leaf" cigarettes with more than a dime, and even so-called cigarettes that are dried and rolled with eggplant leaves. The smell of smoke, the smell of smelly feet, at that time, rural people were not in a condition to take a bath, the smell of sweat emanating from their bodies, the smell of feces and urine in the nearby livestock shed, etc., all tastes, choking people seem to be suffocating, but rural Xi has always been like this (it has always been so local dialect means that it is usually like that), and no one is annoyed by anyone.

Before the meeting, there was a lot of noise, children screamed, adults talked and laughed, everyone joked, and all kinds of "meat and vegetarian" jokes came out of someone's mouth, everyone laughed, and the women did not feel embarrassed. Some women are more powerful than men, and they dare to talk about anything, and they dare to talk about anything. The young ladies often become a sight in the venue, they all deliberately dressed up in advance, chattering like birds sitting in a corner of the wall, listening to the old and young masters talking loudly and lowly, while aiming at the young man they have a crush with the corner of their eyes. With the presence of the girls, the boys are more able to show off and make all kinds of movements to attract the attention of the girls.

After the meeting, everyone fell silent, and listened intently to the people who were talking, like devout believers. Then, there was a vigorous discussion, an angry speech. However, although the meeting seemed to be vigorous, most of them were empty, and most of the people who spoke and criticized were read out according to some critical articles in the newspapers and periodicals, but they were filled with righteous indignation and impassioned, and they criticized Lin Biao's "take everything as a big thing, and repent with self-denial", what criticized Kong Lao Er's "those who work hard govern people, and those who work hard govern people" and some of Kong Lao Er's so-called "benevolence, righteousness, courtesy, wisdom and faith" Wait, often the overnight meeting lasts until about ten o'clock in the evening, and the members drag their tired bodies one by one, sleepy and go back to sleep, and the next night is still carried out as usual, as if this campaign has been for a few months!

(20) Start with pesticide bottles as treasures

The small cold is followed by the big cold, and the big cold is not far from the New Year.

One day in the mid-to-late seventies of the last century, the festival was already the end of winter, but it was the time when Laba Qi and Laba froze to death, the time was close to noon, although it was a clear sky and the sun was shining, but from time to time a cold wind blew from time to time, and people were still blowing cold.

But in the mill of a production team in our Yanwu Ancient Town (at that time, our production team was already using an electric mill, and there were two electric mills, in addition to processing the food of the members of our own production team, and concurrently engaged in foreign exchange business, which was also a side business of our production team at that time) It was as warm as spring, a lively scene, and the production team sent things again today.

In the sixties and seventies of the last century, until the early eighties, the food of the members of the production team, as well as firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar tea (no salt tea) were provided by the production team.

And this day is not far from the Chinese New Year, and it is the edible oil that the members of the company dream of, and it is rapeseed oil

。 You must know that most of the oil that was issued before was black and unrefined cottonseed oil, and the unrefined cottonseed oil contained gossypol, which can poison people when consumed for a long time, leading to heart failure, paralysis, and some other diseases.

But at that time, edible oil was very scarce, and one person couldn't eat much a year, so he couldn't pay attention to it at all, but he just hoped to be able to share more.

And this time it is rapeseed oil, and because it is almost the New Year, the number of hair is still relatively large, a person can receive a pound of rapeseed oil, and there is a part of the oil distributed according to the work, so most people are full of interest, happy, early will dagger cup cup (dagger cup cup local vernacular, cup does not read the cup, but read be, bibibebe, the local general name for the container that holds liquid substances and is not too large), altar jar, There are even basins and other things lined up in the mill of the production team, high and low, oil tools of different sizes have been lined up from the mill to the yard, at that time our production team has more than 400 people, about 100 households, about 100 dagger cups, jars and jars lined up there, it looks quite spectacular.

In the past, the production team sent things, mostly with stamps (hand seals, seals), but this time because they used scale hair oil.

In the past, the oil was weighed in a pan, which was troublesome and slow, so this time the scale was used, and the scale was not only convenient and stable, but also had an advantage, that is, it was more fair.

Put the oil drum on the scale, adjust the number scale, and you just press the oil to scoop it.

The oil is issued with a scale, and the custodian sends it one by one step at a time, and the final production team will not lose oil. In the past, when the oil was weighed on a plate, it was often because of the high and low, the members were unhappy to suffer losses, and the production team had to report losses and losses because of the high and low. After using the scale hair oil, this phenomenon is avoided.

In the past, cottonseed oil was distributed directly to the oil press room with the team's sideline keepers, and it was all in a liquid state, and after returning to the production team, it could be directly distributed to the members.

And this time it was rapeseed oil, rapeseed oil was stored in the warehouse of the brigade's sideline business, it may be that the weather was cold, the temperature was low, and the rapeseed oil was Jun (Jun language, referring to freezing, but to be exact, it was not frozen, it meant solidification) lived, so one afternoon earlier, I led four or five members, each with a bucket, to the brigade to bring back the rapeseed oil and put it on the side of the stove in the mill, so that it slowly melted.

When the canola oil was received in the brigade warehouse, the rapeseed oil was put in a big urn, which was as clear as an urn of ice lumps, yellow and clear, and there was no way to take it out with a scoop or something, but only shoveled it into the bucket piece by piece with an iron drill.

Let's go back and talk about the magnificent oil-collaring tools that lined up in the mill and around the outside, that is, the daggers, cups, cups, jars, jars, jars.

At that time, everything was good, as if there were few waste products at that time, you see! Among the hundreds of miscellaneous and varied oil tools lined up there, the altar jar jar is the majority, the dagger cup cup is also a lot, and the dagger cup cup is a relatively small population, the oil is also relatively small people, and the altar jar is more populous, the labor force is more, the people who have more oil are relatively more, and those altars and jars, some are very beautiful, some have round bellies, small mouths, upright figures, big mouths, among them, there are black and faint bright crystal ceramic glazes, there are also elegant bean green, and gray clay pottery color, different shapes, different sizes, and among them, maybe there are folk kiln ceramic products that have been handed down since the Ming and Qing dynasties。

And those pots and jars of all kinds are really dazzling, each with its own merits. Some of those altars and jars, whether new or old, are wiped clean and shiny, but some are sloppy and sloppy, oil-stained milk (oil-stained milk local idiom, referring to oil-stained, unclean), from those clean, or sloppy altars and jars, whether you can also see a side of a housewife's life.

Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle Volume I

Take the opportunity to take it to the house, wash it left, and then put it in a pot of boiling water and boil it many times.

And the most unbelievable thing is that among those jars and jars, there are many incredible pesticide bottles, and they are also highly toxic pesticide 1059, 1605 pesticide bottles at that time, and even more highly toxic 3911 pesticide bottles, which may be better or made in Germany.

They were all wiped clean by their owners and lined up there, standing out from the crowd among the black jars and jars.

Maybe my friends said that pesticide bottles are oil bottles, is it a mistake, so how can highly toxic pesticide bottles be placed together with pots and jars that hold edible oil!

Don't say it, that's the case, among the miscellaneous oil tools at that time, those 1059, 1605 and other pesticide bottles were still majestically lined up.

Friends not only said it again, then aren't they afraid of poisoning?

In fact, at that time, people also cherished and loved life, but they were not like some people now, they were all soldiers for everything, this could not be eaten, and that was also afraid, and then the concept of thrift and thrift in the bones of Chinese farmers was deeply rooted in their hearts, and it was very "good" ("is good", local refers to diligence and thrift, which still means a little bit of childishness).

Anything is reluctant to waste and throw away, especially when I see that although it is a pesticide bottle that contains poison, it is beautiful and shiny, strong and durable, so I took the opportunity to take the empty pesticide bottle (the empty pesticide bottle was also stipulated at that time, and it needed to be handed over for unified treatment, or buried deep or something, and it was not easy to find it at that time, and it was also necessary to support the pesticide man's door to be able to get it) to take the opportunity to take it to the house, wash it left, and then put it in a pot of boiling water to cook it many times.

At that time, there was no disinfectant or anything, only to sprinkle some alkaline noodles in the pot of boiling water to disinfect, and after full disinfection, it became their treasure, holding oil and vinegar, selling wine and sauce, beating kerosene, and even working in the field as a kettle.

What's more, at that time, the bottles containing pesticides were still the original German aluminum cans, although the original aluminum cans had a greater toxic proportion. But that aluminum can is even more of a treasure, and after they took the aluminum can home, they also cleaned it many times according to the above method, and then it became their treasure.

And that thing is stronger and more durable than a glass pesticide bottle, and if you put water and porridge in the ground, it will be fine if it falls to the ground, and it has a large capacity and is lightweight, comparable to that military kettle.

What's even more incredible is that some people process the aluminum can like the boiler we use to boil water, and boil the water, which is a good thing to count in one fell swoop.

The boiler made of the aluminum can is much stronger than the previous red copper or white iron made of the boiler, lightweight, large capacity, and saves firewood.

And the boil made of the highly toxic pesticide aluminum can, the water will be boiled in a moment after the water is boiled, and it is strong and durable, from which it can also be seen that the things made in Germany are classic and strong.

There are also people who make the aluminum cans into lunch boxes, which can also be used at home or in the field to deliver food, no wonder many people regard the highly toxic pesticide bottle aluminum cans as treasures!

This happened in our countryside in the sixties and seventies of the last century, and although people's living conditions are generally richer than before, there may still be "good" people who still use that highly toxic pesticide bottle to put something, or use that aluminum can to make boiling water!

And if someone has a heart to save the pesticide bottle used to hold oil and vinegar at that time, or the prickly spoon made of the aluminum can, and put it in the folklore or other museums to explain, maybe it is still a special chic, funny, and unique collection, and whether there are some comparisons and enlightenments for some modern phenomena and things!

Warning: Pesticide bottles are poisonous!

Next, enjoy the Grassroots Spring and Autumn Series: Village Chronicle (Volume 2).

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