
Would you agree with the cancellation of takeaways and the closure of e-commerce to restore the prosperity of the market?

author:Dr. Qi's words are still there

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Do you often use food delivery and e-commerce, and do you feel that food delivery and e-commerce have brought convenience and choice to your life?

Would you agree with the cancellation of takeaways and the closure of e-commerce to restore the prosperity of the market?

Do you know the impact of food delivery and e-commerce on brick-and-mortar stores and the economy, and do you agree with the need to cancel food delivery and close e-commerce in order to restore the market boom?

Takeaway and e-commerce are the two major features of modern life.

With the development of technology and the upgrading of consumption, more and more people choose to meet their food and shopping needs through takeaway and e-commerce.

Food delivery and e-commerce not only save time and effort, but also offer more categories and prices, allowing consumers to have more autonomy and creativity.

However, the rise of food delivery and e-commerce has also brought challenges and impacts to physical stores and the economy. Some brick-and-mortar stores are facing an existential crisis because they can't compete with food delivery and e-commerce.

Would you agree with the cancellation of takeaways and the closure of e-commerce to restore the prosperity of the market?

Some economists and experts believe that food delivery and e-commerce have disrupted the balance and order of the market and affected the development and stability of the economy.

They suggested that in order to restore the prosperity of the market, it is necessary to cancel takeaways and close e-commerce.

Do you think there are pros and cons of canceling takeouts and shutting down e-commerce?

How do you think food delivery and e-commerce should be balanced with brick-and-mortar stores and the economy?

First, it will deprive consumers of their rights and interests

The cancellation of takeaways and the closure of e-commerce will first deprive consumers of their rights and benefits.

Consumers have the right to choose the consumption methods and channels they see fit according to their own needs and preferences.

Takeaway and e-commerce are a choice and a right of consumers.

Would you agree with the cancellation of takeaways and the closure of e-commerce to restore the prosperity of the market?

If the cancellation of takeaways and the closure of e-commerce are tantamount to forcing consumers to give up their choices and rights.

It is disrespectful and unfair to consumers to allow them to only accept the services and goods of physical stores.

Canceling takeaways and shutting down e-commerce will also hurt consumers. Takeaway and e-commerce have brought a lot of convenience and discounts to consumers.

Takeaway allows consumers to enjoy a variety of meals at home or in the office, without having to spend time and energy cooking or eating out.

E-commerce allows consumers to buy a variety of goods online without having to spend time and energy shopping or comparing prices.

Would you agree with the cancellation of takeaways and the closure of e-commerce to restore the prosperity of the market?

Food delivery and e-commerce also often offer various promotions and discounts, allowing consumers to buy more at a lower price.

If takeaways are canceled and e-commerce is shut down, it will be tantamount to depriving consumers of convenience and discounts, making consumers' lives more difficult and expensive.

Second, it will affect the development of the industry and the stability of employment

The cancellation of takeaway and the closure of e-commerce will secondly affect the development of the industry and the stability of employment. Food delivery and e-commerce are the two pillars of the modern economy.

According to the data, the size of China's food delivery market reached 1.1 trillion yuan, an increase of 18.6% year-on-year.

China's e-commerce market reached 43.8 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 16.5%.

Would you agree with the cancellation of takeaways and the closure of e-commerce to restore the prosperity of the market?

Takeaway and e-commerce have not only created huge economic benefits, but also driven the development of related industrial chains and supply chains, and promoted the transformation and upgrading of the economy.

The cancellation of takeaways and the closure of e-commerce will also lead to a large number of workers losing their jobs. According to statistics, there are 4 million food delivery workers and 60 million e-commerce employees in China.

Most of these people are young people, and they have achieved their own employment and income through food delivery and e-commerce.

If food delivery is cancelled and e-commerce is shut down, these people are at risk of losing their jobs, which will not only affect their lives, but also increase the burden and pressure on society.

Third, it is a backward and conservative thinking

The cancellation of takeaway and the closure of e-commerce is finally a backward and conservative thinking.

Would you agree with the cancellation of takeaways and the closure of e-commerce to restore the prosperity of the market?

Food delivery and e-commerce are the products of technology and innovation. Their appearance is the embodiment of social progress and development.

Their existence is a manifestation of the diversity and activity of the market. Their development is a reflection of the needs and preferences of consumers.

If food delivery is cancelled and e-commerce is closed, it is tantamount to denying technology and innovation, hindering social progress and development, suppressing the diversity and activity of the market, and ignoring the needs and preferences of consumers.

Canceling takeaway and shutting down e-commerce is still a short-sighted and selfish idea. Their purpose is to protect the interests of brick-and-mortar stores and restore the prosperity of the market.

However, this approach is at the expense of the interests of consumers and the industry, at the expense of economic and social development, and at the expense of science and technology and innovation.

This approach not only does not solve the dilemma of physical stores, but will lead to greater problems and crises.

Would you agree with the cancellation of takeaways and the closure of e-commerce to restore the prosperity of the market?


Canceling takeouts and shutting down e-commerce is not the right way to solve the dilemma of brick-and-mortar stores and the economy, but a wrong choice that goes against the trend of the times.

We should look at the development of takeaway and e-commerce with a more open and inclusive mind, and take advantage of the advantages of takeaway and e-commerce.

Make up for the shortcomings of physical stores and the economy, realize the coordination and win-win situation of takeaway and e-commerce and physical stores and the economy, provide consumers with a better life, and create greater value for the society.

What are your thoughts on the cancellation of takeaways and the closure of e-commerce?

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