
Huawei's 6G technology breakthrough, the United States is hopeless?

author:Money Explorer

In the context of technology competition between China and the United States, 5G technology has become an important area for both sides. However, while the United States is still struggling to solve the problem of 5G technology, China's Huawei has made a major breakthrough in 6G technology.

Recently, Huawei released a white paper titled "6G: A New Journey for Wireless Communications", which outlines the vision, key capabilities, new use cases, new requirements, new functional modules, and paradigm shifts in air interface and network architecture design. This news has attracted widespread attention at home and abroad, and foreign media have commented that Huawei's 6G technology will make the United States' anti-overtake plan completely useless. So, how powerful is Huawei's 6G technology, and what is the dilemma of 5G technology in the United States?

Huawei's 6G technology breakthrough, the United States is hopeless?

Huawei's 6G technology: an intelligent platform that integrates synaesthesia and computing

6G is a more advanced next-generation mobile communication system, and its connotation will go far beyond the scope of communication. 6G is like a huge distributed neural network, integrating communication, perception, computing and other capabilities, deeply integrating the physical, biological and digital worlds, and truly opening a new era of "intelligent connection of all things".

On the basis of 5G, 6G will cross the Internet of People and the Internet of Things to move towards the intelligent connection of all things, bringing intelligence to every person, every family, and every enterprise, leading a new wave of innovation. Huawei's innovation in 6G technology is mainly reflected in two aspects: integrated synaesthesia and integrated computing.

Huawei's 6G technology breakthrough, the United States is hopeless?

Synaesthesia integration means that the 6G network can not only transmit information bits, but also use various propagation characteristics of radio waves, such as reflection, scattering, refraction, multipath, etc., to reconstruct and depict the physical world, and realize the functions of high-precision positioning, imaging, environmental reconstruction and monitoring, gesture and activity recognition of the target object, so that the 6G network is also a perception network.

The integration of general computing means that the 6G network will use edge computing, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and other technologies to analyze and process the big data extracted by network perception to provide users with intelligent services and applications, so that the 6G network is also an intelligent platform.

Huawei's 6G technology breakthrough, the United States is hopeless?

To verify the feasibility of 6G technology, Huawei's 6G research team developed and demonstrated a prototype of terahertz synaesthesia integration, which uses electromagnetic waves to achieve millimeter-level resolution sensing and imaging of occluded objects and an ultra-high communication rate of 240 Gbps, opening up new business possibilities for 6G wireless communication systems.

In addition, Huawei successfully demonstrated a prototype of ultra-low power consumption, ultra-high throughput, and ultra-low latency short-range communication in the mmWave 70 GHz band, achieving a throughput rate of more than 10 Gbps and sub-millisecond latency, and demonstrated 4K VR services in real time. These prototypes demonstrate Huawei's leadership and innovation capabilities in 6G technology.

Huawei's 6G technology breakthrough, the United States is hopeless?

5G technology in the United States: slow development and difficult situations

In contrast, the development of 5G technology in the United States has been slow and chaotic. 5G technology in the U.S. relies heavily on three major carriers: T-Mobile, Verizon, and AT&T. The 5G network models of these three operators are different, resulting in inconsistent user experience and perception.

Mobile uses two 5G network models, extended-range 5G, with the former with wide coverage but slower speeds, and the latter with faster coverage but less coverage. Verizon and AT&T have adopted two 5G network models, respectively, with a wide range of 5G networks and millimeter wave 5G (5G+) with coverage in only a few cities, with the former being average and the latter being extremely fast but with minimal coverage.

Huawei's 6G technology breakthrough, the United States is hopeless?

These different 5G network modes have brought confusion and inconvenience to users, and also affected the promotion and popularization of 5G technology. In addition to the diversity of 5G network models, 5G technology in the United States also faces other dilemmas.

First of all, the United States has tight 5G spectrum resources, especially in the middle and low frequency bands, which have been occupied by military applications and satellite television, making it difficult to make room for 5G use. This leads to the fact that 5G technology in the United States mainly relies on millimeter waves in high frequency bands, and millimeter waves have short propagation distances, poor penetration capabilities, and are easily affected by buildings, trees, rain and fog, etc., requiring a large number of base stations and relay equipment to ensure coverage, increasing the cost and difficulty of 5G network construction.

Huawei's 6G technology breakthrough, the United States is hopeless?

Second, the lack of unified standards and specifications for 5G technology in the United States, and the independent policies of various operators and equipment vendors, have led to poor compatibility and interoperability of 5G technology, which has also affected the innovation and development of 5G technology.

Finally, the U.S. government's crackdown and sanctions on Huawei and other Chinese companies have not only harmed the interests of Chinese companies, but also deprived U.S. users of the opportunity to enjoy high-quality 5G services, and hindered international cooperation and exchanges of 5G technology.

Huawei's 6G technology breakthrough, the United States is hopeless?


Huawei's major breakthrough in 6G technology demonstrates China's strong strength and innovation capabilities in the field of wireless communications, and also provides new advantages and opportunities for China's technological development and international status. The slow development of 5G technology in the United States and its difficulties reflect the backwardness and confusion of the United States in the field of wireless communications, and also bring new challenges and crises to the scientific and technological competition and national security of the United States.

The comparison and outlook of 5G technology between China and the United States reveals the complexity and importance of the competition and cooperation between the two countries in the field of wireless communications, and also provides new thinking and possibilities for the future relationship and cooperation between the two countries.

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