

author:Contains winter and summer


In the war-torn year of 1952, a thrilling battle was staged on the Korean battlefield. At this critical juncture to resist US aggression and aid Korea, the Chinese People's Volunteers shouldered the task of capturing the 163.3 Heights, a strategically key location. There are always some unpredictable variables in war, and this time, a new recruit named Sun Zhanao will be the turning point of the whole battle.

Under the fierce fire, the volunteers fought the battlefield in the face of the huge superiority of the enemy's equipment and firepower. Although the volunteer soldiers were extremely brave, they fell into the difficult situation of conquering the high ground. Regiment commander Zhu Yurong has been paying close attention to every move of the US military.

At this time, Sun Zhanche, a young recruit, mysteriously disappeared while performing a guard duty. What's even more bizarre is that his weapons and ammunition also disappeared without a trace, and the news quickly spread throughout the command, shocking the top leaders.

They have been busy formulating military strategies and deploying troops, but they did not expect that an ordinary recruit would become a hidden danger at this critical moment. What does this mean, this means that Sun Zhan may have betrayed the enemy, and he disappeared to report the news. If it is true, this is undoubtedly a fatal blow to the volunteers.

Zhu Yurong stared at the 163.3 Heights, and in order to find out the truth of the matter, he made up his mind to go to the Heights to find Sun Zhan in person. There was no movement until late at night.

A sense of exhaustion came to his heart, but Zhu Yurong didn't dare to stop. He knew that now was not the time to relax completely. So, he decided to return to his camp, rest and replan his next move.

Not long after, Zhu Yurong received an urgent call from the third battalion commander, but he didn't expect him to pat his thigh excitedly after listening to it and said that this kid has made a great contribution. None of you here understood why this was the case.

It turned out that Sun Zhanche did not disappear for no reason. The task of capturing Heights 163.3 left him pondering, and after a long period of deliberation, he made the bold decision to infiltrate the enemy camp.

The night covered the earth, and Sun Zhanche shuttled through the darkness like a shadow, skillfully avoiding the patrol of the US army. His goal was to penetrate deep into the positions of the American troops, destroy the enemy's ammunition depots, and create a breakthrough for the Volunteer Army.

This mission can only succeed and not fail, once it fails, not only will he not survive, but even the entire mission will fail. Fortunately, he completed it smoothly and created a huge mess for the US military.

Sun Zhanche's surprise attack created a valuable opportunity for the volunteers and allowed Zhu Yurong to see the dawn of hope. He decided to break through the enemy's encirclement, and the night covered the land, and the members of the 7th Company, under the command of Zhu Yurong, went to the only way for the American army to retreat.

Zhu Yurong stood calmly at the front of the team, carefully observing the situation ahead. Approaching the wee hours of the morning, the U.S. squad appeared under the cover of night, and the members of the 7th Company quietly adjusted their postures and waited for orders from their superiors.

As soon as the order was delivered, the soldiers rushed to the high ground, the sound of explosions and gunfire intersected, the entire high ground was filled with gunsmoke, and in the chaotic battle situation, cracks began to appear in the American defense line.

It was a short but intense battle, and the Chinese army showed superior tactical superiority, skillful use of the terrain, and tacit coordination to catch the American army by surprise.

As the battle progressed, the volunteers gradually seized the initiative, disrupted the position of the US army, and gradually the US army retreated. In the end, the Chinese army managed to capture the "163 Heights".

In this arduous battle, Sun Zhanche showed amazing courage and fought bravely, but fate did not favor him, and finally wrote his heroic chapter in the form of heroic sacrifice. Although his first-class merit could not be received in person, it was forever engraved on the corridor of history in the solemn form of posthumous awards.

Sun Zhanche's heroic sacrifice, as well as countless volunteer soldiers like him, built the cornerstone of the victory of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. It is their bravery and sacrifice that are imprinted in the memory of history, winning a brilliant victory for this war and becoming immortal heroes praised by future generations. May the departed rest in peace, and may peace endure forever.


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