
Eight aphrodisiac vegetables

author:Xiong Haha Entertainment

01 韭菜:

Eight aphrodisiac vegetables

Structure: Leek is a perennial herbaceous plant with long, thin cylindrical stems and erect leaves. The leaves are linear, shiny and about 20-50 cm long.

Growing environment: Leeks are highly adaptable and can grow in temperate and subtropical regions. It prefers sunny, moist environments, is not strict with the soil, and can thrive in fertile soil.

Physiological characteristics: Leeks have the property of warmth, and have the effects of warming and lowering qi, tonifying the kidney and benefiting yang. It is believed to have an aphrodisiac effect and can improve conditions caused by kidney deficiency, such as impotence, premature ejaculation, and other phenomena.

Uses: Leeks are common vegetables that can be eaten by people. It can be used to cook a variety of dishes, such as stir-fried shrimp with leeks, scrambled eggs with leeks, and japonica rice porridge with leek seeds, etc. Leeks are also listed in the top 10 of the list of aphrodisiac vegetables.

Culture: Leeks have been given the symbolic meaning of aphrodisiac in some cultures. It is regarded as a food with a warming and yang effect, and is widely used in some traditional medicine and customs Xi.

02 Okra:

Eight aphrodisiac vegetables

Structure: Okra is an upright growing annual plant with tall stems and heart-shaped leaves. The leaves have fine hairs on the edges, and the flowers are yellow.

Growing environment: Okra is suitable for growing in a warm and sunny environment, and the soil requirements are not strict. It can be grown in temperate and subtropical regions.

Physiological characteristics: Okra is rich in nutrients such as dietary fiber, carotene, vitamin C, mucus protein and trace elements, which can provide the body with the nutrients it needs and enhance immunity. It also has a certain tonifying effect on the kidney and aphrodisiac.

Uses: Okra is known as the king of vegetables and has extremely high economic and edible value. It can be used to cook a variety of dishes such as okra scrambled eggs and okra salad. In Africa and other places, okra is used as a tonic for men to strengthen the kidney and strengthen the yang, and for the elderly to strengthen the kidney and replenish deficiency.

Culture: Okra is regarded in some places as a food for men to nourish the kidneys and strengthen the yang, and is widely used in traditional medicine and dietary therapy culture.

03 Broccoli:

Eight aphrodisiac vegetables

Structure: Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable with round clusters and long, thin stems. Its flower head consists of many small green flowers that are closely arranged.

Growing environment: Broccoli is suitable for growing in a cool climate and is not resistant to high temperatures. It needs plenty of sunlight and fertile soil and prefers a moist environment.

Physiological characteristics: Broccoli is rich in nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin K, folic acid, fiber and antioxidants. It is considered a nutritious vegetable that helps boost immunity, boost digestion, and prevent chronic diseases.

Uses: Broccoli can be used as an ingredient in cooking, and common practices include steaming, boiling, stir-frying, etc. It can also be eaten raw and used as an ingredient in salads. Broccoli is also commonly used to make soups and stews.

Culture: Broccoli is seen in some places as a symbol of health and nutrition and is widely used in a variety of food cultures. It also plays an important role in some festivals and celebrations, and is used to decorate and cook a variety of cuisines.

04 Spinach:

Eight aphrodisiac vegetables

Structure: Spinach is an annual herb with short stems and large leaves. The leaves are dark green in color and resemble a heart shape.

Growing Environment: Spinach is suitable for growing in warm and nutrient-rich soils. It prefers sunlight and humid environments, but is intolerant to high temperatures and drought conditions.

Physiological characteristics: Spinach is rich in nutrients such as folic acid, iron, vitamin C and fiber. It is considered a nutritious vegetable that has the benefits of improving blood circulation, boosting immunity, and boosting digestion. Spinach is also considered an aphrodisiac food, and the content of folic acid and iron helps to improve sexual performance.

Uses: Spinach can be used in a variety of dishes, such as scrambled eggs with spinach, spinach salad, and spinach soup. It can also be used to make soups or added to other dishes for added nutritional value.

Culture: Spinach is considered an aphrodisiac food in some cultures and is widely used in traditional medicine and therapeutic cultures. It is often described as a food that boosts sexual performance and promotes male health.

05 Yam:

Eight aphrodisiac vegetables

Structure: Yam is a dioscaceae plant with a tuber shape. It has an oblong appearance with a smooth surface and is mostly grayish-brown in color.

Growing environment: Yams are suitable for growing in warm, moist and fertile soil. It can be grown in subtropical and temperate regions.

Physiological characteristics: Yam is considered to be a tonic food, which has the functions of nourishing the spleen and stomach, nourishing the lungs and invigorating the kidneys and astringent essence. It is good for the spleen and stomach, it can promote digestion and boost immunity. Yam is also regarded as a yin-tonifying food and is suitable for people with kidney yin deficiency or kidney yang deficiency.

Uses: Yams can be used as an ingredient in cooking, and common practices include stewing, boiling, stir-frying, etc. It can also be used to make porridge or stew with other ingredients, such as yam lotus seed porridge and yam stewed chicken.

Culture: Yam is regarded in some cultures as a representative of kidney and yang food, and is widely used in traditional medicine and food therapy culture. It is often consumed with other ingredients that tonify the kidneys and strengthen the essence to enhance its efficacy.

06 Cowpeas:

Eight aphrodisiac vegetables

Structure: Cowpea is a creeping plant with a creeping structure that usually needs supports to grow.

Growing Environment: Cowpeas grow in warm climates and require plenty of sunlight and moist soil.

Physiological characteristics: Cowpeas are rich in nutrients such as protein, fat, carbohydrates, fiber, minerals, and vitamins. It is considered to be an aphrodisiac vegetable that has therapeutic properties for problems such as slippery sperm, kidney deficiency, frequent urination, and spermatozoa. In addition, cowpea also has the function of strengthening the spleen and kidney.

Uses: Cowpeas are often used as an ingredient and can be stir-fried or stewed. It is rich in nutritional value and has a delicious taste.

Culture: In some places, cowpeas play an important role in culture, being used for traditional health purposes such as tonifying the kidneys and stomach, and aphrodisiac.

07 Green onions:

Eight aphrodisiac vegetables

Structure: Green onion is a perennial herbaceous plant with long, cylindrical onion stems and flattened leaves.

Growing environment: Green onions are suitable for growing in mild climates and require plenty of sunlight and fertile soil.

Physiological characteristics: Green onions contain a variety of vitamins and nutrients, which are beneficial to human health. It is considered to be one of the vegetables that nourish the kidneys and strengthen the yang, which can stimulate libido and increase the normal secretion of hormones in the body.

Uses: Green onions are often used as seasoning and vegetable ingredients, and can be eaten raw or stir-fried. It not only adds flavor to dishes, but also has a health care effect.

Culture: In some cultures, green onions are seen as a symbol of love and sexuality. In some places, green onions are considered a must-have item in wedding ceremonies, symbolizing health, happiness and masculinity.

08 Carrots:

Eight aphrodisiac vegetables

Structure: Carrot is a rhizome plant with long, cylindrical tubers and pinnate compound leaves.

Growing environment: Carrots are suitable for growing in mild climates and require fertile soil and the right amount of sunlight.

Physiological characteristics: Carrots are rich in nutrients and are considered a food that can replenish qi and aphrodisiac. It contains a variety of vitamins and minerals that have a positive effect on heart health and fertility improvement.

Uses: Carrots can be used to make carrot juice or as an ingredient in stir-fries. It has a unique sweetness and crisp texture.

Culture: Carrots are considered to be the small ginseng of the East and are widely used in the field of food and health care. It has significant effects in improving sperm quality and increasing male fertility.

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