
I went to Taiwan and came back, and found that he was really different from what you thought, to be honest, who knows!

author:Xiaofeng talks about history

Text | Xiaofeng talks about history

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On the other side of the strait is Taiwan, a treasure island that no one dreams of.

I went to Taiwan and came back, and found that he was really different from what you thought, to be honest, who knows!

It does not have the fast-paced life of the inland, let alone the 100-meter-tall buildings rising from the ground. But despite this, the impression of Treasure Island in the hearts of countless people is still high-end and very charming.

Having said that, apart from the different rhythms of life, what are the differences between the two places?

1. "Freedom Tour"

I went to Taiwan and came back, and found that he was really different from what you thought, to be honest, who knows!

Taiwan Province is located in the southeast coastal zone of the mainland, in addition to being an inseparable part of us, it is also a charming city.

Many people always seem to have the impression of it staying in a bustling and bustling big city, with high-rise buildings and traffic, but in reality, Taiwan is not what people think.

I went to Taiwan and came back, and found that he was really different from what you thought, to be honest, who knows!

It can even be said that it is unique in its quiet and comfortable pace of life, with a relaxing atmosphere that pervades the entire island. When you actually set foot on the land, you'll be captivated by the feeling of being back in nature.

On that beautiful island, there is a strong sense of environmental protection. It is this practice that makes the whole city extraordinarily beautiful.

I went to Taiwan and came back, and found that he was really different from what you thought, to be honest, who knows!

The streets are lined with low-slung bungalows, giving a sense of seclusion.

Most of these bungalows are decades old, but they are all the more alive because they have been able to live in them for a long time. What's more, there is no time limit for staying in the local house.

I went to Taiwan and came back, and found that he was really different from what you thought, to be honest, who knows!

In layman's terms, as long as you buy it, you can own the place forever.

Even if there is a real need to build a road or railway in the future, it cannot be enforced without the consent of the residents. In a way, this is one of the reasons why many old-fashioned houses in Taiwan have survived to this day.

I went to Taiwan and came back, and found that he was really different from what you thought, to be honest, who knows!

In addition to being full of history, the locals tend to have a warm and friendly attitude. They will use a variety of affectionate salutations and tones of voice to communicate with others, and even when blaming others, you will not be able to feel their anger at all.

Especially Taiwanese women, their voices are very soft, always like they are coquettish. This different language Xi from the mainland also adds to Taiwan's exotic atmosphere.

I went to Taiwan and came back, and found that he was really different from what you thought, to be honest, who knows!

However, it should be noted that compared with our current WeChat Alipay, local residents do not like online payment very much, and they think that holding banknotes directly can better reflect the value of money.

It is also recommended that when you go out, you must bring as much cash as possible to cover any eventuality.

In addition to these, the cultural beauty and natural scenery of Treasure Island are also extremely desirable.

2. Walk into the treasure island

I went to Taiwan and came back, and found that he was really different from what you thought, to be honest, who knows!

As a person born in an inland city, to tell the truth, everyone's impression of Taiwan comes more from TV movies and various reports on the Internet.

But when you actually set foot on this magical land, you will realize that everything you know is just the tip of the iceberg.

I went to Taiwan and came back, and found that he was really different from what you thought, to be honest, who knows!

It is located in one of the three major geothermal areas in China, and has the reputation of being the hometown of hot springs. The island is rich in hot springs, and if you are a friend who loves spas, then you must try Taiwan's hot spring baths.

And in this bustling city, you don't need to worry about finding the right hot spring spot. Not only are there signs pointing to nearby hot spring hotels on every street corner, but the rooms are reasonably priced and decorated with warm and comfortable accommodations where you can relax and unwind.

I went to Taiwan and came back, and found that he was really different from what you thought, to be honest, who knows!

The system is well-developed and convenient for public transportation, and it can also easily cope with your travel needs.

Unlike the hustle and bustle of inland cities, Taiwan is more like a peaceful garden. On both sides of each street there are small shops selling all kinds of goods, and the variety of goods is dizzying for pedestrians.

The colors of the shop signs are bright and eye-catching, as if to announce their existence to the world.

It is also known for its colorful traditional festivals, and every year during the holidays, each household spontaneously puts up lanterns.

I went to Taiwan and came back, and found that he was really different from what you thought, to be honest, who knows!

As a seaside island, people also go to the temple to worship Mazu and bring themselves good luck in the new year.

However, the most distinctive and charming ones have to be the many unusual food stalls, the most representative of which are the toast buns and pot stickers from Fujian.

I went to Taiwan and came back, and found that he was really different from what you thought, to be honest, who knows!

Not only is this treasure island rich and diverse, but it can even be said that its charm cannot be overshadowed from every angle. As an independent island, it has integrated the essence of many national cultures and formed a unique regional culture.

Whether it's majestic mountains, tranquil beaches, or the delicious cuisine, you'll leave an indelible memory for those who visit there.

I went to Taiwan and came back, and found that he was really different from what you thought, to be honest, who knows!

I think many people will come back to this place again to continue to explore its mysteries and enjoy more wonderful scenery and culture.

So then again, we have so many islands, why is Taiwan known as a treasure island?

3. The origin of the treasure island

I went to Taiwan and came back, and found that he was really different from what you thought, to be honest, who knows!

Taiwan, a name that everyone is familiar with, has actually gone through a long process of change. In ancient times, the other side was called Yizhou, Ryukyu, etc., and it was not until the Qing Dynasty that it was officially named Taiwan.

The name originally originated from the area of Tainan, where there was a tribe called "Taiwo Bay", located in a large bay on the edge of the plain.

I went to Taiwan and came back, and found that he was really different from what you thought, to be honest, who knows!

In fact, since the Han and Jin dynasties, Han people began to immigrate to Taiwan in large numbers, and most of them also crossed the sea from Fujian. When Fujian immigrants arrived in Taiwan, the first thing they saw was the wide bay and the coastal plains. Therefore, they followed the transliteration of the local "Taiwowan" tribe and called it "Taiwan".

To put it bluntly, it means "big bay". Later, because Tainan was the main foothold and transit place for immigrants, the name "Taiwan" was gradually generalized, thus becoming a title to refer to the entire island.

I went to Taiwan and came back, and found that he was really different from what you thought, to be honest, who knows!

The reason why it is called a treasure island is also because Taiwan is located in the subtropics, with a mild climate and abundant rainfall while the four seasons are like spring. On this fertile soil, a great variety of vegetation is produced.

The superior geographical conditions make it have a beautiful geographical environment, and the forest coverage rate is as high as 57%. A wide variety of plants constitute the "plant kingdom", and various fruit varieties are well-known at home and abroad.

I went to Taiwan and came back, and found that he was really different from what you thought, to be honest, who knows!

Not only that, the island is also full of mineral resources, especially camphor, which is exported to account for more than 70% of the world's total camphor production.

At the same time, because it is surrounded by the sea, this treasure island has a vast fishing grounds. There are as many as 500 species of fish on the island, and more than 100 species are of high economic value. Among them, tuna is the most abundant, and shrimp is also abundant.

I went to Taiwan and came back, and found that he was really different from what you thought, to be honest, who knows!

At the same time, its unique cultural landscape has also attracted countless tourists to visit. The island brings together important parts of Chinese culture such as aboriginal culture, Hakka culture, and southern Fujian culture, and can be called a living museum of national culture.

I went to Taiwan and came back, and found that he was really different from what you thought, to be honest, who knows!

Among them, there are not only Kenting National Park, which is listed as a world cultural heritage, but also various cultural landscapes that have been listed as "Eight Scenic Spots and Twelve Victories" in the Qing Dynasty, which is a popular place for tourism.

It can be said that Taiwan has both beautiful scenery and delicious food, and is rich in resources, which is a veritable treasure island!

The author thinks

I went to Taiwan and came back, and found that he was really different from what you thought, to be honest, who knows!

Although it is different from the high-rise buildings in the mainland, it has to be said that Taiwan is a place with a vibrant and unique culture.

Whether you're looking for a delicious meal or a deep dive into different customs and Xi, you'll find it here.

However, as people say, "there are a thousand Hamlets in the eyes of a thousand people", and everyone's feelings about Taiwan may be different.

I went to Taiwan and came back, and found that he was really different from what you thought, to be honest, who knows!

What do you think of Taiwan? is it a bustling city, a quiet countryside, or an unforgettable snack?

In any case, Taiwan is a place worth visiting!

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