
In the first offensive round of the Lakers VS Spurs today, the thick eyebrows singled Wembanyama with the ball, and sprained his ankle after hitting the basket and landing on the layup, with a very painful expression. fortunate

author:A young man who is about to let his dreams fly
{"info":{"title":{"content":"浓眉扭伤了脚踝!今天湖人VS马刺的第一个进攻回合,浓眉持球单打文班亚马,杀入篮下上篮落地后扭伤了脚踝,表情非常痛苦。幸运","en":"In the first offensive round of the Lakers VS Spurs today, the thick eyebrows singled Wembanyama with the ball, and sprained his ankle after hitting the basket and landing on the layup, with a very painful expression. fortunate"},"description":{"content":"浓眉扭伤了脚踝!今天湖人VS马刺的第一个进攻回合,浓眉持球单打文班亚马,杀入篮下上篮落地后扭伤了脚踝,表情非常痛苦。幸运...","en":"In the first offensive round of the Lakers VS Spurs today, the thick eyebrows singled Wembanyama with the ball, and sprained his ankle after hitting the basket and landing on the layup, with a very painful expression. Fortunate..."}},"items":[]}

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