
As a director of the Chinese Book Association, her calligraphy works are magnificent, with a magnificent atmosphere of pen and ink, dancing out of life feelings, writing is expensive in courage, cursive writing should be bold and low-key, immersed in calligraphy

author:Taiyi Wisdom Calligraphy and Painting Art

It is not an exaggeration to use "beautiful and elegant, quiet and calm" and "spiritual and talented light dance" to shape Hu Qiuping and her calligraphy works. As a hu qiuping born in the 60s, she has loved calligraphy since childhood, and has been working on the cultural front of calligraphy for decades, which can be said to have made great achievements. Her calligraphy works have participated in many national calligraphy competitions and won various awards many times, which is impressive.

Hu Qiuping is good at the research and creation of cursive calligraphy, and in the process of study for many years, she began to take the "Second King" as the foundation and used the Han and Wei monuments as the basis for her own practice of calligraphy, but finally set her goal on Wang Duo's calligraphy. As a calligrapher in Wang Duo's hometown, Hu Qiuping believes that There are many remarkable, learnable and usable methods in Wang Duo's calligraphy, and it is necessary to carry forward his calligraphy here. Therefore, what we see is Hu Qiuping's development of Wang Duo's calligraphy.

As a director of the Chinese Book Association, her calligraphy works are magnificent, with a magnificent atmosphere of pen and ink, dancing out of life feelings, writing is expensive in courage, cursive writing should be bold and low-key, immersed in calligraphy

As a female calligrapher, people often think that the works of female writers should have feminine beauty and elegant beauty. The so-called feminine beauty means that the works presented have the meticulous atmosphere of the literati, and the so-called elegant beauty is the classical and elegant beauty of the calligraphy works. However, Hu Qiuping's calligraphy works give people the feeling of being completely opposite to her appearance, that is, the atmosphere is majestic, the ups and downs, the pen and ink are vivid, the rhythm is dancing, if you do not look at the falling money, it is difficult for outsiders to see that this is the work of a female calligrapher.

As a director of the Chinese Book Association, her calligraphy works are magnificent, with a magnificent atmosphere of pen and ink, dancing out of life feelings, writing is expensive in courage, cursive writing should be bold and low-key, immersed in calligraphy

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="4" > pen and ink, dancing out of life feelings</h1>

The most fundamental thing in a calligraphic work is its pen and ink. Hu Qiuping in her cursive works, the most touching is her pen and ink, if you feel carefully, it will also make people realize her life feelings. In her cursive works, the use of pen and ink are the biggest artistic characteristics. Under normal circumstances, people are very careful when writing and creating, and Hu Qiuping always dares to boldly use pen and ink when creating works, so there are multiple changes in ink color and brushwork, thus breaking the feminine atmosphere of female writers when writing, forming an ups and downs of artistry. If we connect calligraphy works with the writer's life realm, we will also feel that Hu Qiuping is a person who is quiet and elegant on the outside, rich in emotions and passionate in heart.

As a director of the Chinese Book Association, her calligraphy works are magnificent, with a magnificent atmosphere of pen and ink, dancing out of life feelings, writing is expensive in courage, cursive writing should be bold and low-key, immersed in calligraphy

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="6" > writing is expensive in courage, cursive should be arrogant</h1>

Zhang Zuyi, a calligraphy and seal engraver in the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, said: "In the past three hundred years, there have been many people who have studied Han tablets, and no one has even studied the "Ode to the Stone Gate", covering its strong and unrestrained atmosphere, the timid people dare not learn, and the weak people cannot learn it." Although this is for those who study the Ode to the Stone Gate, it also makes sense as cursive. Some people always dare not write when writing, the main reason is not only not confident, there is a more important reason is the lack of courage, with courage, in order to write a heroic work.

As a director of the Chinese Book Association, her calligraphy works are magnificent, with a magnificent atmosphere of pen and ink, dancing out of life feelings, writing is expensive in courage, cursive writing should be bold and low-key, immersed in calligraphy

Hu Qiuping has the most courage in cursive writing. She used what she had learned, seen, and heard at the end of the pen, and she had the courage to write the next pen and the courage to use ink, so the work had a heroic atmosphere. The ancient definition of cursive writing is to have a looping atmosphere, that is, cursive writing to write a ball of gas that can be generated by itself. Hu Qiuping's cursive writing is precisely in various contradictions that it generates itself, grows itself, and loops itself, so that the work gives the breath of life.

As a director of the Chinese Book Association, her calligraphy works are magnificent, with a magnificent atmosphere of pen and ink, dancing out of life feelings, writing is expensive in courage, cursive writing should be bold and low-key, immersed in calligraphy

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="9" > low-key approach and immersed in calligraphy</h1>

As a director of the China Book Association for many years, a researcher of the National Academy of Painting, a first-class artist and a tutor of the Training Center of the China Book Association, and a member of the Cursive Book Committee of the China Book Association, Hu Qiuping can devote herself to the research and creation of calligraphy in the current environment of fame and fortune, and it is not like some people are active in the book world at present, releasing such a big theory today and shouting out such a big tune tomorrow. She believes that calligraphy is the essence of Chinese culture, and if you want to show more literati in calligraphy, you must strengthen your personal cultivation, so that learning, insight, and cultivation are filled with works, and bring people's cultivation to the works.

What do you think of Hu Qiuping's calligraphy works?

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Wang Duo Lin Chunhua Ge Ti (one stele and one post) ¥41.1 purchase

Recommended Reading:

Hu Qiuping - a female calligrapher who interprets Wang Duo's calligraphy

Sun Xiaoyun and Hu Qiuping calligraphy competition, which style do you prefer?

Hu Kangmei: Learning calligraphy makes writing like it, right? It is only right to do so