
Practical black pit fishing skills, the boss of the black pit is very easy, don't you learn it?

author:Outdoor Lambovan

Grabbing fish is one of the links that black pit fishing enthusiasts pay the most attention to. At this stage, anglers need to react quickly and adjust their strategies flexibly in order to achieve better results. As a black pit fishing expert, I'm here to share some practical fishing tips to help you achieve better results in the black pit. These contents, from many years of practical experience, if you want to play the boss, if you want to go ashore, you must try, these skills are very easy to fish the crying boss!

Practical black pit fishing skills, the boss of the black pit is very easy, don't you learn it?

Bait selection and matching

In the stage of fishing in the black pit, the selection and matching of bait is very important. First of all, it is necessary to choose the right bait according to the fish and water conditions. In general, soft and soft sticky baits are better suited for black pit grabbing because they are better able to attach to the hook and are better able to lure fish. At the same time, some pellet components can be added according to the actual situation to improve the palatability of the bait and the effect of attracting fish.

When matching the bait, pay attention to the proportion and condition. Generally speaking, the ratio of soft bait to soft sticky bait can be controlled at about 3:1, and an appropriate amount of water is added at the same time to stir evenly. During the mixing process, it is necessary to pay attention to controlling the state of the bait so that it has a certain viscosity and is not too viscous.

Fishing position selection and adjustment

In the stage of fishing in the black pit, the choice of fishing position is also very important. First of all, it is necessary to observe the water and fish conditions and choose the right fishing spot. Generally speaking, choose a place with slower currents, fewer aquatic weeds, and fewer obstacles as a fishing spot. It is necessary to adjust the fishing position according to the actual situation, such as adjusting the position and depth of the fishing position according to the activity pattern of the fish. [Referred to, outdoor and open-air]

Practical black pit fishing skills, the boss of the black pit is very easy, don't you learn it?

When adjusting the fishing position, pay attention to the floating signal and the movements of other anglers. If you find that the floating signal is messy or there are other anglers who frequently catch fish, you can adjust the fishing position and fishing method in time to adapt to different fish conditions and water conditions.

Fishing rod selection and use

In the black pit fishing stage, the selection and use of fishing rods is also very important. First of all, it is necessary to choose the right fishing rod according to the fish and water conditions. Generally speaking, if you are fishing fast or big fish, you can choose a hard rod, and if you are fishing slow or small fish, you can choose a soft rod. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to controlling the state of the bait and adjusting the fishing method to adapt to different fish and water conditions.

When using a fishing rod, be careful to control the strength and angle. If the force is too high or the angle is not right, it can cause the bait to scatter or the float signal to be inaccurate. Therefore, it is necessary to control the strength and angle when casting the rod, and at the same time pay attention to the floating signal and the movements of other anglers, so as to adjust your fishing method and strategy in time.

Adjust your mindset and stay calm

It is very important to stay calm and calm during the black pit fishing stage. Many anglers become very excited and nervous when grabbing fish, which will affect the effectiveness of fishing. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain a calm mind and not rush things. At the same time, it is necessary to carefully observe the floating signals and the movements of other anglers, so as to adjust their fishing methods and strategies in time.

Practical black pit fishing skills, the boss of the black pit is very easy, don't you learn it?

When adjusting your mindset, there are a few things you can do to ease tension. Such as taking deep breaths, relaxing the body, shifting attention, etc. At the same time, it is important to be patient and persevering, and not to give up or change your strategy easily. Only by staying calm and calm-minded can you better enjoy the fun of fishing and get better results.

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In short, as a black pit fishing expert, I think that in the fishing stage, you need to master the basic skills and strategies, and you need to adjust flexibly according to the actual situation, and at the same time, you need to stay calm and patient, and don't rush, only in this way can you better enjoy the fun of fishing and get better results.

Observe the fish and water

In black pit fishing, it is very important to observe the fish and water conditions. First of all, it is necessary to observe the activity rules and Xi of the fish, and understand what bait they like to eat and what waters they like to be active in. This can help you choose your bait and fishing spots better.

Practical black pit fishing skills, the boss of the black pit is very easy, don't you learn it?

Secondly, it is necessary to observe the changes in the water situation. For example, factors such as the speed of the current, the depth of the water, and the quality of the water can affect the movement of the fish and the bite of the fish. If you find that the water conditions have changed, you should adjust the fishing position and fishing method in time to adapt to different fish and water conditions.

Master the art of casting the rod

Rod casting is a very important part of black pit fishing, and mastering the correct rod casting technique can improve the rate of catching fish. First of all, it is necessary to choose the appropriate bait and fishing position, and place the bait accurately at the fishing spot. Secondly, it is necessary to master the appropriate force and angle to accurately throw the bait into the area where the fish are moving.

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When casting the rod, pay attention to controlling the strength and angle to avoid the bait scattering or the floating signal is inaccurate. At the same time, maintain a steady posture and rhythm, and do not be impatient or panicked.

Flexibility in how you fish

In black pit fishing, it is necessary to flexibly adjust the fishing method according to the actual situation. For example, if you find that the fish bite is not right or the rod is frequently empty, you can adjust the bait condition and fishing method in time to adapt to different fish and water conditions.

Practical black pit fishing skills, the boss of the black pit is very easy, don't you learn it?

At the same time, it is necessary to judge the activity rules and Xi of the fish according to the movements and floating signals of other anglers, so as to adjust their fishing methods and strategies in time. When adjusting your fishing methods, be sure to be steady and patient, and don't change your strategy or give up.

Stay calm and patient

In black pit fishing, it is very important to be calm and patient. Many anglers become very excited and nervous when grabbing fish, which will affect the effectiveness of fishing. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain a calm mind and not rush things.

Practical black pit fishing skills, the boss of the black pit is very easy, don't you learn it?

At the same time, it is necessary to carefully observe the floating signals and the movements of other anglers, so as to adjust their fishing methods and strategies in time. When adjusting your mindset, there are some ways you can take to relieve tension, such as taking deep breaths, relaxing your body, shifting your focus, etc.

Pay attention to safety and environmental protection

In black pit fishing, it is very important to pay attention to safety and environmental protection. First of all, pay attention to personal safety and the safety of others, and do not fish in dangerous places or use dangerous fishing tackle. Secondly, we should pay attention to the protection of the environment and water resources, and do not litter or pollute water sources.

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At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to abide by local regulations and laws and regulations, and do not fish illegally or use prohibited fishing tackle. During the fishing process, be quiet and polite, and do not interfere with others fishing or resting.

Practical black pit fishing skills, the boss of the black pit is very easy, don't you learn it?

As a black pit fishing expert, you need to master the basic skills and strategies, and you need to adjust flexibly according to the actual situation, and at the same time you need to stay calm and patient, don't rush the results, only in this way can you do better, enjoy the fun of fishing, and get better results. At the same time, it is also the responsibility and obligation of each of us to pay attention to safety and environmental protection, and water resources.