
A hole in the plastic bottle and a washing machine drain into it solves a lot of home problems, which is awesome

author:I'm Qiu Tian

The washing machine can be said to be one of the indispensable appliances in the modern home, it can automatically clean our clothes, so that we no longer need to scrub by hand, which greatly saves time and energy. Our washing machines all have a drain so that the water from washing clothes can be drained down the drain. But some families will encounter such a situation, that is, the drain pipe is not long enough, it cannot be directly inserted into the floor drain. Or the floor drain is too small, and the drain pipe cannot be inserted into it, which causes the water discharged from the washing machine to flow everywhere, and it is very inconvenient to clean up the stagnant water every time. Today, I will teach you a trick, you don't need to buy a new drain, you only need to use the last plastic bottle to easily solve these problems, let's follow me to take a look!

A hole in the plastic bottle and a washing machine drain into it solves a lot of home problems, which is awesome

The method is very simple, first of all, we prepare a plastic bottle, which is the mineral water or beverage bottle that we usually drink. Then we use a marker pen to draw a circle one third of the way from the mouth of the bottle, the size of this circle is about the same size as the drain nozzle, and we can also use the drain nozzle directly to draw when drawing.

A hole in the plastic bottle and a washing machine drain into it solves a lot of home problems, which is awesome

After the circle is marked, we draw a cross mark in the middle of the circle.

A hole in the plastic bottle and a washing machine drain into it solves a lot of home problems, which is awesome

Next, we use a knife to cut two knives, one horizontal and one vertical, along the cross mark. When cut, it becomes a circle with a notch in the middle.

A hole in the plastic bottle and a washing machine drain into it solves a lot of home problems, which is awesome

Next, we just need to insert the drain pipe of the washing machine through the cross cut of the plastic bottle that we have just cut. Since we didn't cut it completely, the plastic next to the cross would get the sewer pipe firmly stuck inside.

A hole in the plastic bottle and a washing machine drain into it solves a lot of home problems, which is awesome

After inserting the drain pipe into the plastic bottle, we insert the mouth of the plastic bottle into the floor drain, and the operation is complete. For the problem that the drain pipe is not long enough, we added a plastic bottle, which is equivalent to extending the drain pipe. If the floor drain is relatively small, the plastic bottle mouth is smaller, and it can be well inserted into the floor drain.

A hole in the plastic bottle and a washing machine drain into it solves a lot of home problems, which is awesome

So that when we use the washing machine, the water will flow down the drain into the plastic bottle and then into the sewer. It also solves the problem of short drainage pipes and small floor drains, and the water will not flow everywhere, and the method is simple and practical. If you're having the same problem, try this method. If today's article is helpful to you, then click a follow, a like, and thank you for your support.

A hole in the plastic bottle and a washing machine drain into it solves a lot of home problems, which is awesome