
My 72-year-old grandmother won the 100-meter championship, but I thought of my parents......


What is your impression of a 72-year-old?

When most of the 72-year-old people have inconvenient legs and feet and their physical fitness declines, Bi Yunling at this age appeared in the Hangzhou 2023 China Athletics Mass Standard Series Finals.

Whether it's on the back or on the front, you can't believe it's a grandmother in her seventies.

The body is tight and even muscular, and the pace is strong and steady, although the wrinkles of the years have also climbed on Grandma Bi's face, but it can't hide her active and hard-working sportsmanship.

In the A50 women's 100m final, she won the championship with a time of 16.90 seconds.

My 72-year-old grandmother won the 100-meter championship, but I thought of my parents......

The host Bai Yansong also specially reported on the sportsmanship of Bi Yunling's grandmother, he said: "Without the spirit of long-distance running, it is difficult to have the speed of sprinting. ”

Indeed, Grandma Bi was able to stand on the podium of the championship because of years of persistent training.

In 2006, 55-year-old Grandma Bi was idle and bored after retirement, and happened to see a group of elderly people practicing Xi sprinting, so with the support of her family, she also began to try.

"At first, I couldn't breathe when I ran fifty or sixty meters, and my heart was still the heart of my youth, but my physical strength couldn't keep up. Grandma Bi said.

At that time, like many people's views on the elderly, she felt that people at this age were not suitable for this kind of high-intensity exercise, so she jogged, and only joined the local sprinting team after 2 years.

Later, under the guidance of a professional coach, she began to train day after day like a professional athlete, and she continued to do so for 10 years.

In 2016, at the age of 65, she won gold in the 300m and silver in the 200m at the World Veteran Athletics Championships in Australia.

My 72-year-old grandmother won the 100-meter championship, but I thought of my parents......

In our impression, a person may not be able to do much when he is in his 70s, but Grandma Bi uses her own personal experience to tell everyone that the elderly can still create their own wonderful life!

My 72-year-old grandmother won the 100-meter championship, but I thought of my parents......

In fact, whenever I see such a grandmother, I always think of my parents' generation.

Although I don't pray that they can achieve any dazzling results in old age like Grandma Bi, I really hope that parents can also have some hobbies of their own, instead of revolving around their children and families all their lives.

Their generation has worked hard for life, family, and children all their lives, and it seems that they have become Xi used to being "busy" and Xi to "having no self".

So whenever I want my parents to develop a hobby, they always Xi say:

"I can't learn it, I'd better do it at home. ”

"You study hard and go to university, and I'll cook for you. ”

"I'm old, if you get married and start a family, I'll just take care of your children. ”

"I don't have time, I can't finish cooking every day. ”


Later, I found that even if children are admitted to university, have a family, start a business, or have their own time and energy, it is still difficult for them to truly free themselves from "family", let alone cultivate their own preferences.

I used to think why can't they live for themselves? Now that the conditions at home have improved a lot, why do they still have the heart to? Why do they always feel that they can't do anything when they are old?

After all, seeing them busy every day, we young people are also under a lot of pressure. How I wish they had paid more attention to their lives!

Later, I saw "Mom's Diary When I Was Young" released by @puppy drifting diary on Douban, and suddenly understood something.

Here's what the blogger wrote:

"My mom was a very typical housewife. She advocated that a woman must marry and have children in order to be complete, and she said many times that her dream since childhood was to get married, have children, and be a housewife.

She is the kind of 'good woman' recognized by her neighbors and seven aunts and eight aunts. I always thought that my mom was the kind of woman who longed for and enjoyed married life, until I turned to the diary that my mom wrote in 1998 when she was 23 years old. ”

The blogger's mother wrote in her diary:

"Originally, it was a very happy thing to go home, but my parents said that many people introduced me to people, which was annoying. ”

My 72-year-old grandmother won the 100-meter championship, but I thought of my parents......

When I went home for the New Year, I was urged to get married

"I was really annoyed a few days after I came back. Every day must be mechanically received for each visitor, that is, a blind date. ”

My 72-year-old grandmother won the 100-meter championship, but I thought of my parents......

But one day, everything changed.

The blogger said: "It's as if the world has changed the attribute of her fear of marriage with one click in order to keep running." ”

Because that day my mother wrote in her diary:

"Today is the happiest and most important day of my life, because after this day I will become my husband's legal wife. Maybe I've been looking forward to this day since the day I was born. ”

My 72-year-old grandmother won the 100-meter championship, but I thought of my parents......

Finally, the blogger sighed:

Twenty-five years later, she has become a good wife and mother in the secular sense, embracing the dogma she once questioned.

When I showed her the diary, she was confused. I said that your dream since childhood was not to be a housewife, but to be a soldier. She said it was strange, I didn't remember it, I couldn't remember it at all. ”

My 72-year-old grandmother won the 100-meter championship, but I thought of my parents......

Originally, I thought that my parents' generation did not understand the worries and fears of young people about marriage, but I realized that they actually went through the same process of growing up as us.

Even they had dreams, but they didn't know when they "couldn't remember it at all".

So what made their dreams disappear?

It is the social environment they experience, the family responsibilities they bear, the choices they have no choice, and the repetitive life that has lasted for decades.

The power of time is really too powerful, so powerful that it gradually "transforms" a person, making him/her Xi and even numb to everything in front of him/her.

As wrinkles creep up the corners of their eyes and brows, their deteriorating bodies seem to tell them that there are fewer and fewer opportunities in life.

So when I saw my mother busy in the kitchen and my father sweating on the construction site, I suddenly couldn't bear to blame them for anything.

Their change is not something that I can give a few examples, and it is not something that can happen if I say a few words of encouragement.

Because their hearts have been sealed in the dust, and if they want to change their lives, they need to come out of it a little bit by themselves.

My 72-year-old grandmother won the 100-meter championship, but I thought of my parents......

I don't know if you've heard of Su Min?

Three years ago, she drove a car from her hometown in Henan Province and started a self-driving trip.

And the reason for her "road trip" is not because she wants to travel, but because she wants to escape from the home that has trapped her for decades.

In a long video, she recounts her past experiences.

When she was a child, she was treated by her parents as patriarchal, and after she got married, her husband also treated her with all kinds of cold violence and demeaning language, and even used hands on her. What's even more unimaginable is that after so many years of marriage, the two of them have always lived in the AA system.

My 72-year-old grandmother won the 100-meter championship, but I thought of my parents......

Finally, when her daughter got married, gave birth to a child, and then brought her two grandchildren to kindergarten age, she couldn't take it anymore.

So, she secretly saved money, taught herself video editing, and prepared everything she needed for a road trip. On September 23, 2020, she finally embarked on another journey in life.

Even now, she's still on the road.

In the past three years, she has surfed in Hainan, run in the grassland, climbed Mount Tai, and stationed in Qinghai Lake......

My 72-year-old grandmother won the 100-meter championship, but I thought of my parents......

In the video of her road trip, we can see her radiant face, and we can also feel that she is really enjoying her life at this time.

In the end, we see that Aunt Su Min has the courage to change herself and has her own life.

My 72-year-old grandmother won the 100-meter championship, but I thought of my parents......

However, Aunt Su Min's change is not because she had the courage to "escape" alone at the beginning, but because the mountains, rivers and lakes, human geography, love and passion, exploration and discovery on the road let her know that she can!

The reason why our parents' generation did not have the courage to change themselves was actually because they did not feel the enthusiasm that some new lifestyles brought to life.

They have long been consumed by the firewood, rice, oil and salt in life, and their dreams and distances.

Therefore, I think that discovering the interests of parents, and then accompanying them to experience, feel, and try, and take them to take the first step bravely, may be able to break their doubts about themselves and lack of confidence in their hearts.

Just like when we were children, they accompanied us to explore this unknown world little by little.

At the end of the article, I wish every parent to have a healthy body and see a farther and bigger world.

My 72-year-old grandmother won the 100-meter championship, but I thought of my parents......

Author: Lei Lei, source: Action School (ID: xingdongpai77), dare to act, dreams are vivid. Follow us and become a doer together.