
Autumn comes to the jade hairpin open

author:Tang poems, Song poems, ancient poems
Autumn comes to the jade hairpin open

In late summer and early autumn, the jade hairpin blossoms, bringing a faint autumn coolness and also dotting the charming scenery of early autumn. The white jade hairpin flower, without dazzling color, rich fragrance, is not very stunning, but it is chuchu and pitiful, and since ancient times, it has also won the love of many people.

With its unique form, like the white jade hairpin on the head of a beauty, the jade hairpin flower got its name, which is unique among the flowers and attracts attention.

Feasting on Yaochi's mother's house, Nen Qiong flew onto the Purple Cloud Car.

The jade hairpin fell to the ground and was not picked up, turning into the first flower in Jiangnan.

--Song Huang Tingjian, "Jade Hairpin"

According to legend, the Queen Mother held a banquet in Yaochi and invited the immortals, and when she was drunk, the head fell and fell into the mortal world, and it turned into the jade hairpin flower we saw. The jade hairpin flower has a fairy spirit, white and flawless, and is also called the first flower in Jiangnan by poets. It can be seen how deeply the poet's love for the jade hairpin flower is.

The jade hairpin flower is like a jade hairpin, but it is also like the beauty itself, and the original flower and the beauty are the beauty of the world.

Last night, the flowers came out of the Palace, and the green clouds could not help but wind.

Make up a test photo of the pool, only to scratch his head and fall into the water.

- Ming Li Dongyang, "Jade Hairpin"

The poet compares the jade hairpin flower to a flower god descending from the sky, with a posture that looks weak and cannot help the wind. Yu Yu carefully dressed up, and then carefully illuminated her own figure by the side of the pool, she did not dare to move too much, because she was afraid that the jade scratch on her head would fall into the water! Such a jade hairpin is even more cute.

Autumn comes to the jade hairpin open

Jade hairpin flowers bloom one after another, white like jade, is a touching color in autumn.

Where the beauty competes for evening makeup, the plain reclines next to the curved rail.

The moon should be surprised that there is no shadow of the flowers, and when the wind is thin, the jade smells fragrant.

--Ming Wang Hongzhi, "Jade Hairpin Flower II"

The jade hairpin blossoms bloom, and in the dusk, it is like a beautiful woman competing to dress up than the beauty, inserting a stick of vegetarian noodles, reclining reclining against the curved railing. The moonlight is bright, which makes people surprise that the flowers have no shadows, and the autumn breeze is thin, but from time to time you can smell the jade-like flowers wafting with fragrance. The famous flowers are really like the beauty of the people, which is pleasing to the eye and can be called blessed.

When autumn comes, there are jade hairpin flowers, but if there are beautiful people around, even autumn has a little style.

The virtual hall of gold is smoked in the evening, and the green yarn is like water permeable.

Su'e slowly walked more shyly, slightly scratching her head and hugging Cuiyun.

——Yuan Zhou Boqi, "Autumn Night smells the fragrance of jade hairpin flowers on the moon"

In the quiet house, the incense has been burned out, and the fragrance of water is revealed in the blue screen window. The poet smelled the fragrance of the jade hairpin flowers outside the window and went out to visit. The jade hairpin opened just right, looming among the green leaves. Like a shy beauty, the white jade scratching head was slightly revealed between the sideburns. On this moon's night, it is time to enjoy the flowers of the moon and have a good time!

Autumn comes to the jade hairpin open

In fact, the jade hairpin flower with buds is more like a jade hairpin, slender and slightly drummed, gradually growing, like pregnant with endless hope, when it is fully blooming, it is not as good as when it is not released.

The jade-colored porcelain pot has a deep green handle, and the night cool moves to the small window shade.

Children are not surprised to show their hearts, and when they do not show their hearts, they are like hairpins.

--Song Zheng Dahui, "Jade Hairpin Flower"

In the jade-colored porcelain pot, there are jade hairpin flowers, the green handle is slender, the poet especially likes it, it is cold at night, and he remembers to move it to the small window. Children should not be surprised why its heart is difficult to unfold, it is precisely because it does not unfold that it is like a jade hairpin. If the flowers are fully bloomed, it is not so much like. But like or not, it's cute.

The unplaced jade hairpin flower is also like a claustrophobic heart, containing sorrow, inhumane, silent in the west wind, and even more pitiful.

White Jade Hairpin, Yaochi Moon Shadow Pro.

Scratch your head obliquely to the water, and the sideburns invade.

A who does not let go of the heart exhibition, is more heart.

——Qing Dong Yuankai, "Picking the New Wing Jade Hairpin Flower"

The white jade hairpin flower, from Yaochi, is shrouded in moonlight, and the white jade scratches its head obliquely in the water, and is covered by sideburns. What's on her mind? Full of feelings, only the moon knows it!

Autumn comes to the jade hairpin open

I don't know who the jade hairpin is worried about, but some people are worried about the jade hairpin.

The flowers are idle and far away, a branch of autumn, only very thin and can't help but worry.

People want to go, flowers are speechless, and they stay later.

Remember the jade people left the jade scratching head.

——Jin Yuanhao asks "Gu Wu Night Cry Jade Hairpin"

The jade hairpin flower is flowing and idle, a branch has bloomed, the autumn mood is already thick, and the thinness exudes melancholy. People go, flowers quietly, things are people but not. That's the jade scratching head left by the jade people, right? Seeing things and thinking of people, the jade hairpin flowers bloom idlely, but the people who fall into the thoughts are worried.

The jade hairpin flower has six petals, and when it is not in bloom, the buds are long, like jade, but also like frost and snow, and its elegance is admirable.

The old man swept the autumn garden, and six sharp snow streams.

Exhausted Xingzhou Sand Wan hu, did not scratch this head.

--Ming Xuwei, "Jade Hairpin Flower"

The old man looked at the autumn garden, and the jade hairpin flowers were in full bloom, and the six pointed petals were like they were made of snow. Even if you use up the sand of Xingzhou, you may not be able to get such a beautiful scratch! It's a natural work of art that you can't get tired of watching!

Autumn comes to the jade hairpin open

The ancients' praise for the jade hairpin flower was not stingy.

From a distance, it is suspected to be plum blossom snow, and it is not like a pear blossom moon in the near future.

Autumn is cool and full of wind and dew.

Raise a glass of perfume wash, the moon in the heart of the cup.

Drunken eyes wandered, and jade flowers flew up.

--Yuan Liu Minzhong, "Bodhisattva Man Yue xi drinking alone on the jade hairpin"

From a distance, it looks like snow on a plum blossom, illuminating the spring moon of pear blossoms, but it is not near before. In autumn, the weather is cool and full of the aroma of jade hairpin flowers. Raise the glass, the dew is also fragrant, and the moon is in the heart of the cup. Drunk, hazy, wandering in the moonlight, looking at the jade hairpin flowers, like a jade phoenix flying in the leaf bushes. People are drunk, not just for the sake of wine.

Autumn jade hairpin flowers are often there, dotting the courtyard, making people bright, but also shocked, oh, into autumn.

Cool flower path to report the new autumn, under the pink wall, a few branches pumped.

Bai Yu scratched his head, couldn't help it, and the west wind was dark.

Biyun courtyard, bisha windows, clear water is more soft.

Oblique sun over the makeup building, early is again, bead curtain hooked.

--Qing Gu Taiqing, "Too Often Quoted Jade Hairpin"

The path full of flowers and grasses gives birth to coolness and tells people that autumn is coming. Under the pink wall, several jade hairpin flowers bloomed, and the white jade scratched its head swaying in the west wind. In the green courtyard, under the blue gauze windows, the blue water is clear and soft. The oblique sun has passed the makeup building, the sky will be late, the bead curtain has been hung up, is it waiting for a beautiful autumn night? It's cold, how precious.

Autumn comes to the jade hairpin open

When the jade hairpin blossoms, some people are intoxicated by its beauty, and some people think about it, sad and joyful, always in the world.

The dim cloud mountain exhibition painting fork, the flute outside the building of the geese line oblique, the mirror is easy to change the age.

The court is fading with books and grass, the walls are shaded and jade flowers are first released, and the west wind dreams of returning home last night.

——Modern Zhang Boju, "Huanxi Sha Qiuyi"

The bleak cloud mountain seems to unfold a picture, and outside the melodious flute, the geese fly in teams, and the passage of time can be seen in the mirror. The grass in the courtyard is fading, and the jade hairpin flowers have just bloomed in the shade of the wall. The poet suddenly remembered the dream of last night, the autumn came, and the dream of going home was done again and again, when will it really return?

The jade hairpin is naturally fragrant, which is eye-catching when it opens, and the afterscent when it is withered, as if it is not far away.

The yin singing worm leads to a long rise, and the jade hairpin flowers fall into the wild pond incense.

Gardener Mo folded the autumn lotus and left it with the swimming fish to cover the sunset.

--Song Zhoumi, "The Abandoned Garden of xicheng"

The poet strolls while admiring the autumn scenery. Autumn insects and cicadas are roaring, the jade hairpin flowers have fallen, and the wild pond is still wafting with fragrance. The poet loves this place very much, and thinks that the old man who looks at the garden should not fold the autumn lotus leaves, but can keep them for the swimming fish in the pool and cover them from the sunset!

Jade hairpin flowers bloomed, summer went, autumn cool struck, I don't know whether it is jade hairpin flowers that bring autumn coolness, or autumn coolness makes jade hairpin flowers bloom, in the leisurely time, that one white jade flower, like the first greeting of autumn, with a little gentleness, a little shyness, but unconsciously drilled into the bottom of people's hearts. Oh, this charming elf!


Heyu, a woman who likes poetry, looks for beautiful details in the four seasons, and may time leave warm memories.