
[Ironclad evidence is like a mountain of two] Dang Fei and Liu Dahua need to face the consequences

【Introduction】Dang Fei said that Wang Tianyi could not participate in the Elephant League (banned for "recording gate"), but Wang Tianyi not only participated, but also won the regular season scorer king and the playoffs championship. In addition, in the latest official rating announcement, Wang Tianyi won the first place in both rapid and slow chess. And CCTV's interview with him winning the elephant armor also proved that Wang Tianyi had no problem. In addition, even Dang Fei and Liu Dahua themselves publicly dissociated Wang Tianyi's relationship with the recording door, and even denied that they had mentioned him (of course, this is lying in public). So far, we can come to a conclusion: the farce of the recording door that framed Wang Tianyi for "buying chess" for several months, just like the chess prince said, is that someone "shifts flowers and trees, detaches from the main body, and messes with rhythm", Wang Tianyi is innocent (in fact, it has been proven for ten years, and there is no need to prove it again).

Okay, now back to my previous article "[One of the Mountains of Ironclad Evidence] Dang Fei and Liu Dahua's Smear and Slander of Wang Tianyi". In this article, I have used detailed evidence to confirm the smear and slander of Wang Tianyi by Liu Dang and Wang Tianyi for two months from August to October this year. The Internet helps them record this history permanently, with videos and texts, all in full view, and ironclad. They said that Wang Tianyi cheated when he bought chess, but there was no evidence, and they smeared and slandered us, but they provided us with living evidence. It's laughable.

[Ironclad evidence is like a mountain of two] Dang Fei and Liu Dahua need to face the consequences

So what will happen to these two?

First, reputational impact

Dang Fei and Liu Dahua's long-term slander of Wang Tianyi may lead to their disrepute in the Chinese chess world. They want to stink others, but they end up stinking themselves. It is estimated that more and more people will see the true colors of the two, and they will no longer trust, respect, or even despise them. Liu Dahua's reputation was ruined in his life, and his evening was not guaranteed. And Dang Fei's work in the future will also be affected, including its live broadcast sales, school enrollment and other businesses that have done well. To be a person in advance, image and reputation are too important, and in the farce of the recording gate, Dang Fei ruined the image (if any) that he had worked so hard to manage.

[Ironclad evidence is like a mountain of two] Dang Fei and Liu Dahua need to face the consequences

Second, legal liability

I have already said that under Chinese law, the two Liu Dang are suspected of defamation. Defamation is a tortious act that refers specifically to the act of disseminating false information that damages the reputation of others. If the content published by Dang Fei is untrue and causes damage to Wang Tianyi's reputation, this may be considered defamatory in law.

According to the Civil Code of China and relevant laws and regulations, defamation can make the perpetrator bear civil liability, such as compensation for moral damages, restoration of reputation, elimination of impact, etc. If the circumstances are serious, they may also violate the criminal law and face criminal liability.

According to the sentencing standards for the crime of defamation in article 246 of the Criminal Law, whoever publicly insults another person or fabricates facts to slander another person by violence or other means, and the circumstances are serious, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, short-term detention, controlled release or deprivation of political rights.

  1. Whether the statement is publicly disseminated and whether it is targeted at a specific individual.
  2. Whether the published content is factual, or whether there is sufficient evidence to support its authenticity.
  3. Whether the statements made caused actual damage to the reputation of the accused.
  1. It was disseminated publicly, and it was directed at a specific individual (Wang Tianyi)
  2. The content is false (Wang Tianyi is considered to be "cheating when buying chess")
  3. It has caused actual damage to Wang Tianyi's reputation, and has also brought practical distress to his life (such as leadership inquiries, public opinion doubts, mental pressure, etc.)

As lawyer Hu Yanmei said: Legally speaking, as long as Wang Tianyi is willing to initiate a lawsuit now, Dang Fei will inevitably lose the lawsuit, and there is no suspense.

By the way, in determining the crime of defamation, Liu Dahua's circumstances are relatively light (he said less, and Dang Fei has always maliciously guided the rhythm). In any case, once the lawsuit is filed, at least civil liability (compensation, apology, etc.) is inevitable for the two.

[Ironclad evidence is like a mountain of two] Dang Fei and Liu Dahua need to face the consequences
[Ironclad evidence is like a mountain of two] Dang Fei and Liu Dahua need to face the consequences

Third, the punishment of the Chinese chess authorities

As a national chess master registered with the Chess Association, Dang Fei is under the direct management of the chess authorities. If the competent authorities determine that Dang Fei has spread rumors, smear and slander, or damage the chess world, they will naturally impose corresponding penalties (such as circulating criticism, permanently removing him, banning him from participating in the competition, or even holding tournaments, etc.). In fact, the actions of the two Liu Dang have already had an extremely bad impact on Chinese chess.

Dang Fei once repeatedly claimed in the live broadcast: believe in the country, believe in the organization. What is ridiculous is that he himself repeatedly damaged the reputation of others without evidence and no conclusion, and was suspected of defamation. As an active professional chess player, you have not done your job properly, but for many years you have opened a company, run a school, recruited students, and brought goods through live broadcasts (and by the way), and even accused the Chinese chess world of "chaos" with headless recordings. I ask you: Where do you place your organization?

[Ironclad evidence is like a mountain of two] Dang Fei and Liu Dahua need to face the consequences

Fourth, as a member of the Communist Party, Dang Fei should accept the punishment

Dang Fei has repeatedly claimed that he is an honorable party member in the live broadcast, and he is proud of it. 你难道不知道党对于造谣、诽谤、诬陷等行为有明确的规定和处罚措施吗‬?你在录音门中的恶劣表现,有可能让你面临严肃的党纪处分。 Do you think that your surname "Party" can be exempted from responsibility?

Fifth, summary

Well, this article demonstrates the possible impact of Dang Fei and Liu Dahua on themselves by smearing and slandering Wang Tianyi from various aspects. Of course, the final outcome depends on whether the victim chooses to prosecute, the severity of the officially determined nature, and so on. But in any case, the two Liu Dang lifted a stone and shot themselves in the foot, slandering Wang Tianyi without any evidence, but leaving conclusive evidence of their malicious attacks. To borrow a phrase from "Dang Fei's quotations": the truth will be late, but it will not be absent.

Finally, I would like to conclude with this quote made by lawyer Hu Yanmei on October 10:

The so-called belief that the recording is real is only based on overconfidence caused by not understanding the criteria for distinguishing the authenticity of the recording, and its essence is still speculation. Your so-called sense of justice is based on speculation, and there is no definite basis, and it cannot be determined that it is true and absolute justice, let alone that you are doing things that are neither true nor unjust with a true sense of justice. So, don't take speculation for conviction, the truth and the result may not be what you expect, and you may be really doing evil!

(End of full text.) This is the second article in a series, so stay tuned for follow-ups. )

* Further reading:

[One of the ironclad evidence] Dang Fei and Liu Dahua's smear and slander of Wang Tianyi

Law Blind Gang Law Blind - Dang Fei and Cai Yi collide with "Lotus"

[In-depth interpretation] Liu Dahua and Dang Fei's real-name reports

Through the phenomenon of recording doors, we can see the essence of Liu Dahua and Dang Fei's master and apprentice

Lawyer: Chess master Dang Fei's remarks related to the "recording gate" incident are suspected of infringement and even crime

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