
Middle-aged and elderly people have 5 manifestations after getting up in the morning, indicating that the body is still healthy, and it is not bad to account for one

author:The truth and misconceptions of tumors

As the saying goes, "the plan of the day is in the morning", and the morning is the beginning of the day.

At this time, the body has just woken up, and abnormalities that are not easy to detect will be more obvious at this time. If the abnormality is detected early, it may be possible to stay away from cancer and protect the health of the body.

Middle-aged and elderly people have 5 manifestations after getting up in the morning, indicating that the body is still healthy, and it is not bad to account for one

1. If there are 3 abnormalities in the morning, or cancer is coming

When people wake up in the morning, people seem to be more sensitive to the perception of their bodies, which is an ideal time to detect abnormalities in the body in time.

Pan Zhanhe, deputy chief physician of the Department of Oncology at Zhongshan Hospital Affiliated to Xiamen University, said that some tumor symptoms often appear in the early morning, so if there are any abnormal symptoms, you should be highly alert and seek medical attention in time. Early detection of problems can help treat and manage potential health risks more effectively.

1. Morning headache or vomiting

Early morning headaches, vomiting, and blurred vision may be symptoms of increased intracranial pressure, which may be related to brain tumors. Especially in the early stage of the disease, patients often have headache symptoms in the early morning, which are intermittent, sometimes mild and sometimes severe, and sometimes faint. By getting up, walking, or moving, the headache gradually lessens or disappears. As the disease progresses, the headache progressively worsens and lasts longer.

In addition, due to the increased intracranial pressure, headache may be accompanied by projectile vomiting, but gastrointestinal symptoms such as bloating and diarrhea may not occur.

Middle-aged and elderly people have 5 manifestations after getting up in the morning, indicating that the body is still healthy, and it is not bad to account for one

2. Wake up in the morning or feel weak

Difficulty getting out of bed in the morning, or frequent morning grogginess, general fatigue, and difficulty getting out of bed under normal daily routine, should be suspicious of hypoglycemia caused by hypoglycemia, which may be related to insulinoma.

Insulinoma is a neuroendocrine tumor that releases insulin, causing insulin levels in the body to rise, causing symptoms of hypoglycemia such as fatigue, palpitation, and cold sweats.

Therefore, if you experience frequent unexplained morning groginess, or if you have symptoms such as delirium or passing out after a long period of starvation, you should seek medical attention promptly. It is important to note that the symptoms of islet cell tumor are not limited to hypoglycemia and may also include symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, and bloating.

Middle-aged and elderly people have 5 manifestations after getting up in the morning, indicating that the body is still healthy, and it is not bad to account for one

3. Cough worsens in the morning, or blood in the sputum

For middle-aged and elderly smokers who have been smoking for a long time, if they have a violent cough after waking up in the morning, they need to be highly vigilant for the possibility of lung cancer.

Although cough is not the only manifestation of lung cancer, the cough caused by lung cancer has some different characteristics that can help us make a preliminary diagnosis:

(1) Persistent, paroxysmal irritating dry cough, often accompanied by a feeling of unclean cough, there may be a small amount of white frothy sputum, and yellow purulent sputum may appear when co-inhabited. Note that cough with blood or bloody sputum is more of concern.

(2) The cough lasts for a long time and does not improve, more than two weeks.

(3) The cause of cough is unknown, not due to cold, pharyngitis or pneumonia, etc., especially for high-risk groups of lung cancer such as long-term smoking.

(4) For long-term smokers, if there is a sudden change in the nature of the cough, it should be vigilant and checked in time.

If the cough has these characteristics, prompt medical attention should be sought for further testing to confirm the diagnosis.

Middle-aged and elderly people have 5 manifestations after getting up in the morning, indicating that the body is still healthy, and it is not bad to account for one

In summary, although the above symptoms are not necessarily specific and may be related to factors such as daily Xi habits, health conditions, etc., any persistent or significant abnormalities should cause adequate attention. When faced with potential health risks, it is crucial to seek medical advice and tests early.

Second, there are 5 manifestations when you get up in the morning, which means that your health is not bad

Morning is the beginning of the day and an important time to judge the health of your health. If you wake up in the morning and find that there is no abnormality in the following 5 aspects, congratulations, your body is healthy.

1. Normal urine

Healthy urine is usually a yellowish, clear liquid with no bubbles. If you notice that your urine is unusually dark or foamy, you may have a problem with your kidneys.

2. Normal stools

Healthy people's poop is usually brown or golden in color and has a normal shape, but it is not dry or too sticky. Unusual colors such as white, black, or red are cause for concern and may require medical attention.

Middle-aged and elderly people have 5 manifestations after getting up in the morning, indicating that the body is still healthy, and it is not bad to account for one

3. Good skin

Healthy people wake up in the morning to find their skin smooth and bright, with a certain glow and rosy feel. If the skin is dull or even edema, it may involve kidney problems and it is recommended to have a check-up.

4. Be energetic

Healthy people usually wake up refreshed, feeling refreshed and energized. If you wake up feeling tired and weak, it may involve physical problems, such as excessive moisture.

5. Good appetite

In general, it is better to wake up in the morning with a better appetite. On the contrary, if you have poor appetite and are accompanied by abnormalities such as bad breath, nausea, vomiting, etc., you may need to pay attention to your physical condition.

Middle-aged and elderly people have 5 manifestations after getting up in the morning, indicating that the body is still healthy, and it is not bad to account for one

3. Don't worry when you get up, don't do these 3 things

According to the World Health Organization, the impact of lifestyle on health and longevity dominates about 60% of the total, excluding the influence of genetic, social, medical conditions and climate. Therefore, some small Xi in daily life can also play a vital role in maintaining health.

Especially when waking up in the morning, paying attention to the "three don'ts in the morning" is more conducive to our health.

1. No need to wake up

Liu Xuewei, a cadre ward of the Characteristic Medical Center of the Strategic Support Force, reminded not to stand up suddenly when getting up, especially for the elderly, a sudden change of position may lead to a sprain on the lower back, and it also has an impact on the nervous system. It is recommended to lie down in bed for a while, sit up slowly, and stretch in bed to help stretch the joints.

Middle-aged and elderly people have 5 manifestations after getting up in the morning, indicating that the body is still healthy, and it is not bad to account for one

2. Don't skip breakfast

Breakfast is the first meal for the human body after a long time, and it is necessary to replenish more energy. Huo Yong, director of the Department of Cardiology and Heart Center of Peking University First Hospital, reminded that long-term fasting may lead to an increase in blood pressure in the morning, and skipping breakfast all year round may cause related hormone disorders. Therefore, it is essential to eat breakfast every day.

3. Don't practice too early

For older people, exercising too early can lead to illness, especially when there is a large temperature difference between autumn and winter. Gao Yanan, deputy chief physician of the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine at Beijing Geriatric Hospital, suggested that it is better to exercise an hour after the sun comes out, especially after 8 or 9 a.m. or before the sun sets at 4 or 5 p.m., which is a suitable time for outdoor activities.

Middle-aged and elderly people have 5 manifestations after getting up in the morning, indicating that the body is still healthy, and it is not bad to account for one

By paying attention to the small details of waking up in the morning, we can better move towards a healthy, fulfilling life, delay the aging process, and make every day full of vitality.


[1] "Wake up in the morning often this manifestation, it may be cancer!Don't ignore ......".Health Times.2023-09-25

[2] "If you have these 5 manifestations after getting up in the morning, congratulations: it means that you are in good health!", Senior Daily.2021-12-05

[3] "If you want to live a long life, don't get up in the morning, don't be in a hurry after meals, don't be in a hurry before going to bed, it's not too late to start now!", Health Times.2023-09-10

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