
Be vigilant against frequent diseases at low temperatures, and be sure to prevent this "invisible killer"! Chinese medicine experts teach you to learn "winter storage"!

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: Jinan Daily

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  This week, Jinan ushered in the first snowfall of this winter, and the snowfall was followed by a cliff-like cooling. The reporter checked the China Weather Network, the lowest temperature will reach -12 °C this Friday, the lowest temperature will be -14 °C over the weekend, and the lowest temperature will be as low as -15 °C next week.

  When the temperature plummets, the human body cannot quickly adapt to the drastic changes in cold and warmth, the resistance will decrease, and diseases will take advantage of the void. In addition to respiratory diseases, which have attracted much attention recently, winter is also a period of high incidence of cardiovascular diseases, digestive diseases, rheumatoid diseases, skin diseases and other diseases. Traditional Chinese medicine experts remind that in the face of cold air, everyone should not only keep warm, but also take care of the "weak links" of the body, especially the elderly and children, and learn to "hide in winter" to prevent problems before they occur, so as to survive the winter healthily.

Low temperatures can induce a variety of diseases

  A sudden drop in temperature can lead to a high incidence of cardiovascular disease. "In clinical treatment, the prevalence of hypertension is relatively high, and long-term medication is required, and the control of such patients is mainly due to the control level of blood pressure," Yao Jianming, deputy director and deputy chief physician of the cardiovascular department of Jinan Hospital of Guang'anmen Hospital (Jinan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine), told reporters, "The sudden drop in temperature and low temperature may cause unsatisfactory blood pressure control, which in turn leads to damage to cerebrovascular, cardiovascular and other large organs." Yao Jianming reminded patients with high blood pressure to pay more attention to daily blood pressure monitoring in winter, take medication on time, and pay attention to keeping warm.

  "Coronary heart disease is characterized by angina, which can cause vasoconstriction due to severe temperature fluctuations and cold, inducing the onset of angina pectoris, and increasing the likelihood of acute myocardial infarction. Yao Jianming said, "While keeping warm, once persistent chest pain occurs, you must seek medical attention as soon as possible." ”

  "Cold weather is also a high incidence of upper respiratory tract infections, for ordinary people, after symptomatic treatment of this disease, it can generally be cured in 3-7 days, but for patients with heart failure, it will have a fatal effect. Yao Jianming said, "Once a patient with heart failure has a lung infection, it will aggravate the symptoms of heart failure, increase the burden on the heart, manifested as paroxysmal asthma at night, unable to lie flat, edema, ......" Yao Jianming reminded that in the cold winter, high-risk patients can appropriately reduce outdoor activities, pay attention to ventilation indoors, and reduce the probability of illness.

Be vigilant against frequent diseases at low temperatures, and be sure to prevent this "invisible killer"! Chinese medicine experts teach you to learn "winter storage"!

Winter health care services have entered the grassroots and are well received by the public.

  In addition to cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, digestive diseases, rheumatoid diseases, and skin diseases have also reached a high incidence period as the temperature drops sharply. In view of the frequent occurrence of diseases in winter, the public should maintain good personal hygiene Xi and do a good job of disinfection; Balanced nutrition and a healthy lifestyle; Exercise appropriately to build a strong fortress of health; Get a health check-up and keep an eye on yourself and your family's health. At the same time, every winter is also the high incidence period of carbon monoxide poisoning accidents, so the public should also focus on preventing the occurrence of non-occupational carbon monoxide poisoning.

Go to bed early and wake up late to learn to "hide in winter"

  In cold weather, the human body is susceptible to the invasion of yin and evil, resulting in a decrease in resistance, thus inducing various diseases. It is the best way to prevent frequent diseases in winter and improve the body's immunity. He Ning, deputy director of the nutrition department of Jinan Hospital of Guang'anmen Hospital, told reporters that from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, winter health should be promoted from four aspects: living, diet, exercise, and adjusting the mind, and everyone should do a good job of "winter storage".

  "To 'go to bed early and get up late', the yin evil is heavier in winter, and going to bed early can protect the yang energy from attack, start preparing to fall asleep at 10 o'clock in the evening, and try to be slow when you get up in the morning. Blood pressure usually rises in the morning, creating the first peak of the day. If you get up too violently at this time, it will cause a sudden increase in blood pressure, which is more dangerous. ”

  "The room should be regularly and properly ventilated, and the best time for ventilation is between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. every day. Take care to avoid getting cold during ventilation. Keep warm when you go out, especially the head, back, waist, feet and other parts that are prone to cold, and increase or decrease clothing in time according to the temperature. Dress moderately, and be careful not to sweat," He Ning reminded, "Sweating may increase the risk of cold." ”

Be vigilant against frequent diseases at low temperatures, and be sure to prevent this "invisible killer"! Chinese medicine experts teach you to learn "winter storage"!

He Ning treats patients.

  The diet should be "nourishing yin and latent yang", "winter is cold and dry, easy to catch fire, and it is necessary to nourish 'yin' while replenishing 'yang'. He Ning said, "The winter diet should be warm, drink more warm water, eat less spicy and cold food, take proper supplements, and eat more green vegetables, radish, cabbage, white fungus, yam, and lily are also good ingredients for nourishing 'yin'." "Cold corresponds to the kidneys, the yang energy that is most likely to deplete the kidneys, you can eat more yams, sweet potatoes, potatoes, chestnuts, walnuts and other foods that are beneficial to the kidneys and nourish the essence, and eat more yam porridge, chestnut porridge, walnut lily oatmeal porridge and other health porridge.

  Winter sports are mainly soothing, and He Ning suggested that citizens go outdoors to do stretching exercises when the sun is full at noon, "If it is inconvenient to go outdoors, do housework indoors, and follow the video to do tai chi." He Ning reminded that winter sports should grasp the temperature and do not sweat, so as not to harm the yang energy.

  "It is also very important to regulate the mind and maintain a comfortable mood," said He Ning, "In winter, the sunshine hours are short, and it is easy to be depressed and anxious and nervous, so people must learn to self-regulate, especially patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases should pay attention to maintaining a happy and optimistic mood, so as not to induce diseases." ”

  In severe cold weather, people who go out will inevitably be attacked by cold air. "After being cold outside, you can drink some hot drinks such as brown sugar ginger water and mutton soup to ward off the cold when you get home," said Hening, "rubbing your hands, face, head and feet can all play a role in warding away the cold." In addition, patting the body and doing stretching exercises can promote blood circulation and can also achieve the purpose of driving away cold evils. ”

"Fall prevention" should become a "compulsory course" for the elderly

  With the arrival of snowfall, the number of fracture patients injured by falls due to snow and slippery weather has increased significantly. The doctor reminded that when going out after the snow, try to wear loose and warm, non-slip flat shoes, pay attention to the material of the sole, and women should not wear high heels. Try to avoid smooth pavements such as marble, tile, and ice. The walking speed should not be too fast, the soles of the feet should be firmly stepped on, and it is best to show the outer figure, walk forward in small steps, and do not put your hands in your pockets. Older people try not to go out.

  How to save yourself if you accidentally fall? First of all, stay calm, don't get up in a hurry, and avoid secondary injury. Check yourself for severe pain, bleeding or fractures. If there is no obvious discomfort, you can wait for some of your strength to recover and change your body to a prone position, and then use the support around you to get up slowly. If you can't stand up, you can shout or call, call family or call 120 for help. While waiting for help, you can use mats, clothing, bed sheets, etc. to keep warm. If there is no abnormal feeling at the time after the fall, but then you feel unwell, you should go to the hospital for examination in time to achieve early detection, early treatment and early recovery.

Be vigilant against frequent diseases at low temperatures, and be sure to prevent this "invisible killer"! Chinese medicine experts teach you to learn "winter storage"!

Citizens Xi Baduanjin in the winter sun.

  For the elderly, fall prevention should become a "compulsory course". Falls can cause fatal injuries in older adults, the most serious being a hip fracture, also known as the "last fracture in life." Fractures caused by falls may lead to long-term bed rest in the elderly, resulting in a series of complications such as bedsores, muscle atrophy, venous thrombosis, and falling pneumonia, which will eventually cause irreversible results.

Be vigilant against frequent diseases at low temperatures, and be sure to prevent this "invisible killer"! Chinese medicine experts teach you to learn "winter storage"!

Medical staff make "auricular pressure beans" for the masses.

  The elderly should develop the consciousness of preventing falls, exercise actively, reduce sedentary, enhance muscle strength, and improve physical flexibility and balance. Supplement nutrition and prevent osteoporosis. Take appropriate doses of calcium and vitamin D, get in the sun, quit smoking and limit alcohol, and eat a balanced diet rich in calcium, low in salt, and moderate in protein.

Health science


We must prevent this "invisible killer"

  Early in the morning of December 11, with the first snow in Jinan in 2023, a strong cooling also came to the city. People who are afraid of the cold have begun to find ways to "burn the fire to keep warm": boiling tea around the hearth, eating charcoal hot pot, and taking hot baths......

  The Jinan Center for Disease Control and Prevention reminds that when enjoying a comfortable life, you must be vigilant against non-occupational carbon monoxide poisoning. At the same time, people who use coal and gas for heating should pay attention to opening windows for ventilation and beware of non-occupational carbon monoxide poisoning.

  Causes of non-occupational carbon monoxide poisoning

  Non-occupational carbon monoxide poisoning is a harmful gas poisoning caused by tissue hypoxia, impaired consciousness and even death caused by inhalation of higher concentrations of carbon monoxide in daily life for a short period of time.

  Most of the causes of non-occupational carbon monoxide poisoning are coal-fired heating, including charcoal heating, improper use of gas water heaters, and artificial gas leakage.

  By the time you realize poisoning, it's often too late

  Carbon monoxide is colorless and odorless, and people can be poisoned before they even know it, and once they realize that they are poisoned by carbon monoxide, it is often too late. Although the poisoned person is conscious and wants to open the doors and windows to escape, his hands and feet are no longer controlled, and he is often unable to effectively save himself, which may eventually lead to coma or even death.

  Poisoned patients should be treated promptly and adequately

  If poisoned patients are rescued in time, the vast majority of them can return to normal.

  Although some patients with acute poisoning seem to wake up, they may still reappear a series of neuropsychiatric symptoms in the "false recovery" period of 2-60 days, manifested as hallucinations, delusions, agitation, muscle tremors, hemiplegia, urinary incontinence, aphasia, blindness and secondary epilepsy, that is, delayed encephalopathy after acute carbon monoxide poisoning (DEACMP). DEACMP refers to a group of neuropsychiatric symptoms mainly acute dementia after a group of patients with acute carbon monoxide poisoning who have recovered from rescue and have performed normally or basically normal for several days or even weeks (pseudo-healing).

  Therefore, once carbon monoxide poisoning or suspected poisoning occurs, you should go to the nearest hospital in time and receive adequate treatment for a full course of treatment.

  Prevention of non-occupational carbon monoxide poisoning is key

  When using heating equipment such as coal stoves and charcoal fires indoors, the coal should be burned out and not stuffy; Open windows frequently for ventilation to keep indoor air fresh.

  When using natural gas and gas water heaters, it is necessary to maintain a good state of ventilation, do not take a bath for too long, and check whether the water heater is completely turned off after use.

  It's a good idea to install a carbon monoxide detector in your home and check maintenance regularly to ensure proper operation.

  When the vehicle is parked in the garage or basement, do not let the car engine run continuously; Do not leave the air conditioner on for a long time when the car is parked, and do not sleep in a car with the doors and windows closed and the air conditioner on.

  Winter and spring are the periods of high incidence of non-occupational carbon monoxide poisoning

  If you choose coal-fired and gas-fired heating indoors in winter, it is easy to accumulate a large amount of carbon monoxide in the case of poor indoor ventilation and poor air flow, resulting in poisoning and suffocation in a low-oxygen environment.

  The temperature is low in winter and spring, and the time and frequency of window opening are reduced, and the indoor ventilation is more likely to occur.

  When gas water heaters are used, they are generally used at night before falling asleep, and the human body is in a state of exhaustion. If the water heater is used for a long time, the exhaust is not smooth or the exhaust gas is discharged and poured into the room, causing indoor carbon monoxide accumulation, which can easily lead to the unintentional poisoning of indoor personnel. Sleeping in a car after parking in a garage and turning on the air conditioner can also cause poisoning.

  The weather is cold, and the colorless and odorless carbon monoxide is like a "silent killer", quietly infringing on human life. To prevent non-occupational carbon monoxide poisoning, the above knowledge must be kept in mind.

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