
Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

Zhou Haimei passed away.

Audiences who are a little older should remember that she is a veteran artist in Hong Kong, and the representative character Zhou Zhiruo.

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

Artists who haven't heard much for a long time suddenly have news, which is generally not very good. It's the same as if you haven't been back to your hometown for a long time, and one day your parents tell you what happened to the grandma and aunt in your hometown who once gave you bean cakes.

The news about Zhou Haimei came out yesterday.

The source of the revelation was a blog posted by a netizen in Zhou Haimei's super words.

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

Netizens were surprised.

Because she also updated her social platform a few days ago, saying that she had a 57th birthday, and she looked very good.

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

After the rumors came out, the media immediately contacted the relevant personnel of Zhou Haimeifang, and it seemed that they were not very optimistic.

The staff hung up.

Zhou Haimei's friend said that she called Zhou Haimei herself, but she couldn't get through.

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

All of a sudden, all sorts of bad speculations came out.

This ↓

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life
Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

People remembered a previous news that Zhou Haimei had lupus erythematosus.

According to popular science, lupus erythematosus is a chronic autoimmune disease, which can damage the skin, blood system, kidneys, etc., and is not a genetic disease, but has a certain genetic predisposition.

Selena had lupus erythematosus, and later her kidney was damaged, and her best friend donated a kidney to her.

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

Michael Jackson also had the disease.

His early complexion was black, and later turned white was due to vitiligo and lupus erythematosus.

Many times, Michael Jackson goes out fully armed, wearing sunglasses, masks, gloves, black clothes, and parasols, because lupus patients are sensitive to light.

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

However, as to whether Zhou Haimei suffers from this disease, the current statement is uncertain.

In 1998, Zhou Haimei filmed the TV series "Across the Seas", and Yang Gongru also appeared in the same play.

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

At that time, it was said that she stopped filming in the middle of the filming, because after being bitten by mosquitoes, her skin was red and swollen, and she found that she had lupus erythematosus.

However, Zhou Haimei denied it, saying that she was just bitten by mosquitoes, which caused unusual inflammation.

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life
Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

By 2006, Yang Gongru comforted a netizen on her blog that Zhou Haimei had lupus erythematosus.

was still denied by Zhou Haimei, and netizens said that Yang Gongru was immoral for Bo Hot.

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

This time, after the news of Zhou Haimei came out, Zhou Haimei's friends also said that she had been suffering from lupus erythematosus for a long time.

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

But Zhou Haimei did firmly deny it.

She said she had fainted when she was in school, and when she was taken to the hospital, doctors thought her family had abused her because she was covered in large bruises.

Later, the platelets were low, and then the platelets were transfused urgently.

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life
Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life
Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life
Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life
Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life
Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life
Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life
Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life
Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

Because she often fainted at school, it was rumored that she had blood cancer.

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life
Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life
Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life
Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

But Zhou Haimei's mentality is quite good.

Say that there is no need to explain, nothing special, and it is normal to be sick.

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life
Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life
Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

After recovery, it's just that the wound is not easy to recover, and there are a little more scars on the body.

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life
Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life
Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life
Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

Later, she relapsed again during filming, and the doctor advised her to rest.

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life
Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life
Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

In 2021, Zhou Haimei, who settled in Shunyi, Beijing, posted a photo of the new crown vaccine.

At that time, some netizens asked her if she had an immune system disease, could she get vaccinated?

Zhou Haimei replied: I'm not sick, please don't believe the rumors.

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life
Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

And when I read the encyclopedia of lupus erythematosus, I found that lupus erythematosus is indeed easy to confuse with thrombocytopenia.

Since Zhou Haimei has refuted the rumors several times, it is natural to take the statements of the parties concerned.

Besides, what disease is not the focus at this time, the focus is what happened to Zhou Haimei?

In the evening, screenwriter Tan Fei said that Zhou Haimei had not passed away.

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

Today, the paparazzi went to a villa community in Shunyi District, Beijing, where Zhou Haimei lived, and heard from the security guard that the police car and 120 came at that time, and they didn't know what happened, but no one died.

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life
Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life
Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life
Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life
Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

In addition, some netizens said in Zhou Haimeichao that Zhou Haimei has passed the dangerous period.

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

I thought it was a safe place.

As a result, when the manuscript was almost finished, the news of her death came out.

The news from the studio is true.

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

The mood is a little complicated.

Let's take a look at Zhou Haimei, who hasn't paid attention to it for a long time.

She is part of many people's childhood memories.

Zhou Haimei is 66 years old, although she was born in Hong Kong, she is a native of Manchuria with a white flag, and she is a Guarjia clan.

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

The Qi nobleman in "The Legend of Zhen Huan" is Guarjia's, the homonym is "melon 2+4", and netizens named the Qi nobleman "melon 6".

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

There are still many Manchu artists in the entertainment industry.

Naying is the Yeh Nara clan, and Cixi has the same surname.

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

Li Zonghan is Aixinjue Luo, who is said to be a descendant of the royal family.

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life
Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

The house rules are very strict, you can't lie, and if you make a mistake, you have to eat bamboo blanks.

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life
Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life
Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

Wu Jing is also a Manchu, the eldest official in the family has been the commander of the Imperial Forest Army, and has won several generations of martial champions, and his family is from Dolgon's branch.

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life
Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life
Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life
Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life
Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

is also related to Zhilin, Tong Dawei's wife Guan Yue is Guarjia (divided into many branches), Tong Dawei is Tong Jia's (this surname is the queen of the Qing Dynasty's professional household), Lang Lang is Niu Hulu's family, Song Dandan's ex-husband Yingda is also Manchu, and the ancestors of the family have Gege who loves Xinjueluo and marries in.

There is a cold knowledge, it is said that Guan Yue is Guan Zhilin's distant cousin, and when Guan Yue Tong Dawei got married, Guan Zhilin also sent a flower basket.

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life
Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

Therefore, so many brothers and Gege suddenly made Guan Xiaotong's Guan Gege and Wang Xiaofei's aristocratic bloodline seem funny.

Diverging a bit, let's get back to business.

In 1985, 19-year-old Zhou Haimei ran for Miss Hong Kong and finally missed the finals.

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life
Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

But in the same year, she entered the first artist training class of wireless.

At that time, the beauty really didn't have to say anything, they were fresh and smart, with different temperaments, and they were all beautiful and distinctive.

Zhou Haimei feels like a rose, bright and colorful, not pure, nor mature, in between, but touching or aggressive.

And the beauty is divided into three points, and her teeth are her characteristic instead.

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life
Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life
Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life
Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life
Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

In the first year of entering wireless, Zhou Haimei participated in the filming of the first TV series "Yang Jiajiang", playing Yang Jiumei.

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

The next year, she played a simple school girl in "Rogue Tycoon" starring Wu Qihua, the ratings of this drama were quite good, and she won the annual ratings championship, and Zhou Haimei began to have a name.

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

The real popularity was "Intolerable" in 1989.

This drama has set a high rating in Hong Kong and Southeast Asia, and Zhou Haimei is one of the leading actors.

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

Later, she starred in "No Regrets in This Life" with Li Ming and Wen Zhaolun, and then was named "The Most Popular Actress in Hong Kong" for three consecutive years.

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life
Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

Of course, Zhou Zhiruo is impressive in the back.

In the 94 version of "Heaven and Dragon Slayer", Zhang Wuji is played by Ma Jingtao, and Zhao Min is played by Ye Tong.

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life
Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

Originally, Ye Tong and Zhao Min, who were gorgeous and unbelievable, did not match very well in appearance, but they also pulled their hips after obeying Huadao, and their image was completely crushed by Zhou Haimei's Zhou Zhiruo.

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life
Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

However, no matter how the two heroines compare in the play, they can't escape the clutches of the male protagonist outside the play.

In 2016, the three leading actors met at the Asian Idol Festival.

Ma Jingtao kissed Ye Tong first.

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

In the next second, he directly pounced on Zhou Haimei.

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

Look at the dynamic diagram and double-click it in a row.

shouted in his mouth: Zhang Wuji, kiss wildly.

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

It's scary.

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

Sha Yi's expression at the time: Isn't he a thief?

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

I don't know if Sha Yi remembered his wife Hu Ke.

Hu Ke and Ma Jingtao have worked together before, and in the passion play part of the two people, the press release said that Ma Jingtao directly collapsed the prop bed.

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life
Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

Hu Ke shouldn't be exaggerating about this.

Huang Shengyi also filmed with Ma Jingtao, saying that Ma Jingtao would scratch her arm hard and it hurt, and there would often be scenes of spittle.

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life
Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

Chen Derong, who has cooperated with Ma Jingtao several times, also said.

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

In the same words, Chen Hong also nodded to indicate that he had been.

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

Chen Hong and Ma Jingtao's collaboration is probably "This Life and This Life".

There is also Zhou Haimei in this, she is not inferior to Chen Hong, and she is really friendly to the eyes of the audience.

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life
Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life
Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

It's just that the beauty had a bad fate, and when she acted in "Across the Seas" in 98, her illness relapsed, and she began to recuperate.

After that, Zhou Haimei's career entered a dull period.

The role remembered by the younger generation of audiences over the years may be the "Concubine Yang" in "The Legend of Wu Meiniang".

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

Zeng Shunxi's version of "Heaven and Dragon Slayer" in the extermination master.

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

The diva in "Fragrant Honey Sinks Like Frost".

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

When acting in "Xiangmi", Zhou Haimei was scolded very much.

One is that she plays a villain, and the other is that the public found that her acting skills did not advance but retreated.

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life
Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

Because the scolding of netizens was really ugly, Zhou Haimei announced her withdrawal from Weibo.

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

This withdrawal is really an exit.

And I looked at Zhou Haimei's previous Weibo, life is very simple, believe in Buddhism, love puppies, and do public welfare, which is equivalent to semi-retirement.

People who are immersed in their own world are very simple people, and Zhou Haimei also said that she likes simple life.

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

Her love history is also very simple.

In the early years, he and Lu Liangwei were rumored to have secretly registered their marriage, and they broke up within two years, and they were still friends when they met again.

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

and Liming are classic screen couples, and there have been scandals.

But Zhou Haimei said that the two were good friends, and then they didn't contact each other for too long, so they slowly faded.

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

Dawn also politely denied it.

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

Later, he fell in love with Wu Shirong, executive director of Dickson Group.

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

But it is said that after Zhou Haimei's illness relapsed, the relationship between the two weakened.

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

Later, I also talked about my architect boyfriend, who was 7 years younger than me, and the two talked for many years before finally breaking up.

For the emotional aspect, Zhou Haimei is very open-minded.

I've long said that I don't think it's good to get married.

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

You can live happily without love.

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

You don't have to find a man around to get in the way.

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

There is no obsession with having children.

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life
Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

Zhou Haimei, who was born in 66, her life and mental state are probably the most desirable for young people now.

She has been living in Beijing for almost 20 years and has her own garden in Shunyi.

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

I planted a lot of flowers↓

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

I planted a lot of vegetables ↓

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

I have a few dogs ↓

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

I have nothing to do to take care of the vegetable garden, pick cherries, cook, and unpack the parcel with a few dogs.

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

I will also participate in some meaningful things as a public figure, and live a good life.

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

From life to soul, I have completely completed my self-cultivation.

Looking at one of her audio and videos, it is happiness from the heart, self-consistent happiness.

Even her dog is happy.

Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life
Zhou Haimei passed away, but she was happy in her life

Before I saw the news of her death, I originally wanted to end with the hope that she would survive this illness and still enjoy her life.

Because Zhou Haimei's current situation is the ultimate dream that people pursue.

is not like ordinary people who worry about five buckets of rice, nor like artists in the entertainment industry who regard themselves as commodities, flies and dogs, and gain fame and fortune but forget their original intentions. Her body and mind are unified, calm, happy, and content.

However, now she no longer has the opportunity to watch the flowers and admire the moon, pet the dog and the cat.

Then in other words, hey, although you haven't lived enough in this life, you have lived the life you want, and you have gone all the way.

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