
A 47-year-old woman goes on a blind date with a 57-year-old man, woman: You have to help me buy social security, man: That's impossible

author:Xiao Xie is in Huadu, Guangzhou

Ms. Zhang, 47 years old, divorced (has experienced two unsatisfactory marriages before. )

Due to physical reasons (suffering from rheumatoid), Ms. Zhang is unable to do heavy work.

In order to make a living, she works at a barbecue restaurant not far from her home, earning more than 1,000 a month (she has no formal unit and works as a part-time worker. )

It is worth mentioning that Zhang

A 47-year-old woman goes on a blind date with a 57-year-old man, woman: You have to help me buy social security, man: That's impossible

Ms. Zhang, 47 years old

It is said that life is often unsatisfactory. Although Ms. Zhang is as beautiful as a flower, her marriage is embarrassing. This is mainly due to the fact that she has had two failed marriages.

Second Marriage:

Two years after the end of her first marriage, when Ms. Zhang was 29 years old, she was introduced to her second husband.

Originally, she thought that her second marriage should be very happy. However, what she never expected was that the man who was obedient to her before marriage turned out to be a domestic violence maniac.

According to Ms. Zhang, after marriage, the second husband. Sometimes Ms. Zhang said a few words to him, and he started beating her.

It is said that there is a first time in domestic violence, and there are countless follow-up times. Later, whenever the second husband encountered something unsatisfactory, he would start beating Ms. Zhang.

Reported 5 times. But what made her completely devastated was that her husband could never change. Later, she couldn't stand it anymore and divorced her second husband.

It can be said that the damage to Ms. Zhang from these two marriages is almost fatal. However, people cannot live in the past, which means that life has to go on.

A 47-year-old woman goes on a blind date with a 57-year-old man, woman: You have to help me buy social security, man: That's impossible

Ms. Zhang

As we all know, if you live alone, you are lonely, lonely and boring. Therefore, Ms. Zhang wanted to find a suitable partner to live with.

After contacting the matchmaker, Ms. Zhang immediately told the matchmaker her criteria for choosing a mate:

1. If you go to work, the monthly salary should be more than 3,000 yuan, and if it is more than 5,000 yuan, it is better.

2. Wine, you can drink a little wine, but you can't drink a big wine. Especially the kind of man who gets drunk at every turn, I am more disgusted.

3. Domestic violence must not exist. Let me tell you, whenever I mention domestic violence, I have a shadow in my heart. It can be said that I can't bear a man who is domestic violence for a minute.

4. I don't have a formal unit, so I hope the subject can buy me social security.

After learning about Ms. Zhang's situation and mate selection criteria, the matchmaker arranged for Mr. Cai, who was 10 years older than her, to go on a blind date with her.

A 47-year-old woman goes on a blind date with a 57-year-old man, woman: You have to help me buy social security, man: That's impossible

Mr. Cai

After graduating from university, Mr. Cai was assigned to the Water Conservancy Bureau. Last year, it was transferred to the Agricultural Bureau. Over the years, he has been working diligently. Currently, the monthly salary is 5500.

It is necessary to mention that Mr. Cai is a man who is budget-conscious and very frugal. Today, he lives alone in a small, dilapidated house.

According to him,

Mr. Cai is very frugal, and he basically doesn't buy anything if he doesn't just need it. And once the price is discounted, he buys a lot of money.

A 47-year-old woman goes on a blind date with a 57-year-old man, woman: You have to help me buy social security, man: That's impossible

Mr. Cai

After the two met, their first impression of each other was good.

Subsequently, the two began to learn more.

Ms. Zhang spoke first, and she asked Mr. Cai:

Mr. Chua told her:

Ms. Zhang said:

Mr. Cai:

Ms. Zhang replied:

Subsequently, the two talked about their respective marriages. Knowing that Ms. Zhang had experienced two failed relationships, Mr. Cai called Ms. Zhang that it was indeed not easy to come along the way, and instantly felt that she was a woman with a hard life.

After chatting about the marriage, Ms. Zhang truthfully told Mr. Cai:

After hearing this, Mr. Cai said to Ms. Zhang, ""

Suddenly, Ms. Zhang changed her words and said directly to Mr. Cai:

Mr. Cai asked Ms. Zhang with a puzzled expression, "What are your requirements?"

Ms. Zhang said:

Hearing Ms. Zhang say this, Mr. Cai was a little unhappy, and saw him say to Ms. Zhang:

As soon as Mr. Cai finished speaking, Ms. Zhang left the scene.

It is clear that this blind date ended in failure.

Write to the end: For this blind date, I think Ms. Zhang's request is a bit excessive.

You must know that marriage for husband and wife must pay together, so that the marriage will be happy and long-lasting.

If either party doesn't want to give and just wants to take, then it is difficult for such a marriage to be happy and last.

Do you think what I said makes sense? Do you have anything to add? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss.

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