
Dad's smile instantly froze when he saw that he had given birth to a son: It's not a girl!

author:Nest in Chongqing

After seeing the son he gave birth, his smile instantly froze, and he was in a lost mood and didn't want to hold the child. It's an embarrassing scene, and it's also poignant. This scenario is not uncommon in real life, because in many places, having a son is more stressful than having a daughter. #Seeing the world#

Dad's smile instantly froze when he saw that he had given birth to a son: It's not a girl!

According to netizens, it is now necessary to prepare 1 million yuan to give birth to a son in the countryside, but there is no such pressure to give birth to a daughter. This statement has struck a chord with many people and has also raised concerns about sexism.

In fact, this phenomenon is not limited to rural areas, and there are many people in urban areas who have high expectations for having children. They believe that only sons can carry on the family lineage and continue the family bloodline. Daughters, on the other hand, are considered to be "married water" and cannot be passed on to the family, so they are not valued.

Dad's smile instantly froze when he saw that he had given birth to a son: It's not a girl!

The roots of this concept lie in the traditional feudal mentality, which believes that men are superior to women. However, modern society has entered an era of equality and openness, and this notion is outdated. We should abandon this stereotype and respect everyone's choice, whether it is a boy or a girl.

More importantly, we should focus on the health and growth of our children, rather than just their gender. Every child is unique, and they all have their own characteristics and potential. We should respect their individuality and interests, and provide them with the best environment and educational resources to grow up in, so that they can reach their full potential and become talents who contribute to society.

Dad's smile instantly froze when he saw that he had given birth to a son: It's not a girl!

In this day and age, we should abandon the idea of sexism and let every child be treated and cared for equally. Only in this way can we build a just and harmonious society where everyone can receive the respect and opportunities they deserve.