
After a trip to Taiwan and come back, tell the truth, Taiwan may not be what you think

author:Weisheng Xiaoyun
After a trip to Taiwan and come back, tell the truth, Taiwan may not be what you think
After a trip to Taiwan and come back, tell the truth, Taiwan may not be what you think

Text丨 Weisheng Xiaoyun

Editor丨Weisheng Xiaoyun


Taiwan, known as the treasure island, has a pleasant scenery here, although there are no imaginary high-rise buildings, but it still gives people a sense of luxury.

Some people don't know what the situation in Taiwan is now, and how is the life of the people there different from that of the mainland?

What are the characteristics of their food Xi habits and customs?

After a trip to Taiwan and come back, tell the truth, Taiwan may not be what you think

It's not like what you think

Traveling to Taiwan has a feeling of "returning to nature", because Taiwan is not a high-rise building as everyone thinks.

For a long time, everyone thought that Taiwan was very developed, but as long as it was developed, it was a metropolis and a very tall building.

But Taiwan will tell you a different "developed", because Taiwan is basically low houses.

After a trip to Taiwan and come back, tell the truth, Taiwan may not be what you think

Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou on the mainland basically give people a very crowded feeling, because of the development, so there are many young people who go to work every year.

This has also led to an increase in housing prices, after all, there are more people living in them, but there are fewer places, so they can only increase prices.

With this impression, everyone naturally thinks that Taiwan may be like this.

After a trip to Taiwan and come back, tell the truth, Taiwan may not be what you think

The scenery of Taiwan is very good, although it gives people the feeling of a quaint town, but it is very tidy and everything is well organized.

Taiwan attaches great importance to the environment, so the sanitation facilities are relatively complete.

The people who live here are also very conscious of the environment and do not litter, so the streets are very clean.

After a trip to Taiwan and come back, tell the truth, Taiwan may not be what you think

In addition, when they came to Taiwan, they felt more curious, that is, they could have permanent residency when they bought a house.

The houses here in Taiwan are different from those in the mainland, and their houses do not have the so-called "age limit", as long as you buy them, the house here will always be yours.

Therefore, in some places, roads or subways need to be built, and if there are residents who are unwilling to move out, there is basically no way to forcibly repair them, so they can only bypass them.

After a trip to Taiwan and come back, tell the truth, Taiwan may not be what you think

So most of the houses here are a bit old, in fact, because they have lived in it for a long time, and these are old houses with many years.

When I came here, I also had the feeling that Taiwanese people were more literate, reminiscent of southern women.

The tone of their speech is relatively intimate, and even scolding people does not feel that they are losing their temper.

After a trip to Taiwan and come back, tell the truth, Taiwan may not be what you think

Taiwanese people like to add some modal words at the end of their speech, and Taiwanese boys sometimes feel uncomfortable when they first listen to it.

Maybe it's because everyone thinks that boys themselves should be "brave", but Taiwan's tone is really difficult to make people think of the word "brave".

And the girls are very sweet, and it is a pleasure to listen to them, as if they are coquettish all the time.

After a trip to Taiwan and come back, tell the truth, Taiwan may not be what you think

It is also important to note that when traveling to Taiwan, remember to prepare more cash, as they are not very fond of online payment.

After all, when online payment first came out, some people questioned it, saying that if you move a few numbers, the money will go out.

It is also because of the popularization of more convenient online payment, and there are a lot of related "troubles", and it is easy to be deceived if you are not careful.

After a trip to Taiwan and come back, tell the truth, Taiwan may not be what you think

What makes people more curious is that small shops in Taiwan can do a lot of things, and they can even buy tickets and check information.

If you live here for a long time, it is convenient for even the elderly, so you don't have to worry about not being able to operate your mobile phone.

Because you can solve most of the problems by just going to the store, forget to bring your mobile phone, and don't worry about not having a mobile phone to see the route.

After a trip to Taiwan and come back, tell the truth, Taiwan may not be what you think

Some people say how much money can you earn if you work in Taiwan?

It's still very good to work in Taiwan, because even if they do the most ordinary jobs, some of them can get a high salary.

If you are very capable, you can also go there and make a lot of money.

After a trip to Taiwan and come back, tell the truth, Taiwan may not be what you think

Some people are used to living in big cities and want to go to small villages with better air and more tranquility.

But when you come to Taiwan, you will find that the villages here are not as backward as everyone thinks, but there are many villas.

This is because the peasants and these people in Taiwan have subsidies to ensure their basic livelihood.

After a trip to Taiwan and come back, tell the truth, Taiwan may not be what you think

And there are also some rich people who come to live in the countryside on purpose, after all, the air here is fresh, which is very suitable for retirement.

There is no need to worry about starting a family or children studying here.

Although Taiwan is only an "island", the level of education there is also very good, and there is also "Hsinchu Tsinghua University".

After a trip to Taiwan and come back, tell the truth, Taiwan may not be what you think

Distinctive living environment

Another difference in Taiwan's traffic is that they have a lot of motorcycles.

It may be that most of the people in the mainland are electric cars and cars, and there are waves of traffic when they get off work.

And Taiwan is simply a "locomotive" paradise because the people here are so fond of riding motorcycles.

After a trip to Taiwan and come back, tell the truth, Taiwan may not be what you think

Some people think of a very famous Taiwanese saying, "You are very locomotive".

It can be seen that they really like locomotives, and even the word "locomotive" is added to the mantra.

In addition, Taiwan still uses traditional Chinese characters, and some social platforms will see people who reply to messages in traditional Chinese characters.

After a trip to Taiwan and come back, tell the truth, Taiwan may not be what you think

This is because the mainland has long been Xi to simplified characters, but Taiwan still uses traditional characters.

However, if you identify it carefully, you can still understand the meaning, and some words have changed a lot, so you need to check the dictionary.

When you come to Taiwan, you have to go to the 101 Building, where there are many shops to eat, drink and have fun.

After a trip to Taiwan and come back, tell the truth, Taiwan may not be what you think

And the height of the 101 building is more than 400 meters, and you can see it even from a long distance.

If you're going to 101, you don't have to find it, because it's so prominent.

And it's also very interesting, using different colors to represent the day of the week, which is also very ritualistic.

After a trip to Taiwan and come back, tell the truth, Taiwan may not be what you think

When you play in Taiwan, you can also get a thing called a "leisure card", which can be used for shopping and transportation.

But while this is very useful, don't keep cash out for convenience, after all, they still mainly collect cash.

Their public transportation is also different from that of the mainland, if you don't wave when you arrive at the station, the car may not stop at the station and just drive away.

After a trip to Taiwan and come back, tell the truth, Taiwan may not be what you think

Everyone knows that the bus on the mainland side of the bus does not matter whether anyone gets off the bus or not, the rule is to stop at the station.

However, in Taiwan, you have to ring the bell in advance when you get off the bus, otherwise if no one rings the bell, the driver will continue to drive away.

Therefore, it is recommended that you do not sleep casually in the car, otherwise it will be very troublesome to sit in the station.

After a trip to Taiwan and come back, tell the truth, Taiwan may not be what you think

Food not to be missed

When you come to Taiwan, you can't miss their food and attractions, and Taiwan's young people love the "nightlife".

It can be seen that some areas have set up a snack street, and everyone can buy food at will.

Taiwanese tastes are not particularly heavy, and may be relatively light, a bit like the dishes of Fujian.

After a trip to Taiwan and come back, tell the truth, Taiwan may not be what you think

Because it is a coastal area, the weather in Taiwan is also a bit like Guangdong, and it is basically not too cold.

You will even find some interesting phenomena because the name of the street is "Chongqing Street" and "Tianjin Street". Wait a minute.

Isn't it reminiscent of Nanjing has Beijing East Road, and Beijing has Nanjing East Road.

After a trip to Taiwan and come back, tell the truth, Taiwan may not be what you think

Taiwanese delicacies, such as fried oysters, wheel cakes, bubble tea, braised pork rice, etc., are all worth tasting.

When it comes to the bubble tea shops that can be seen everywhere in the mainland, it is thanks to Taiwan, because Taiwan was the first to have bubble tea.

Because it is relatively sweet, it is deeply loved by young people, and now, milk tea shops in the mainland have been everywhere.

After a trip to Taiwan and come back, tell the truth, Taiwan may not be what you think

Taiwan is close to the sea, so seafood products are also relatively abundant, where you can eat the purest oysters.

Taiwanese oysters are also a delicacy that you have to taste when you go to Taiwan, and the varieties of oysters are also very diverse.

But the common feature is that the meat is delicious and delicious, which is simply a source of happiness for seafood lovers.

After a trip to Taiwan and come back, tell the truth, Taiwan may not be what you think

Oyster fried can be said to be a typical classic dish in Taiwan, first the egg and flour are prepared, and then the oyster green onion is added.

After that, stir-fry one or two and add seasonings, which is not only very delicious, but also very nutritious.

Taiwan's pineapple cake is also a dessert suitable for all ages, if you like it, you can take it home to your family to try.

After a trip to Taiwan and come back, tell the truth, Taiwan may not be what you think


In short, Taiwan is still very interesting, and there are many Xi that are different from the mainland.

Whether it's living or traveling, it's a great place to visit and taste more food.

There are thousands of mountains and rivers in China, and Taiwan's treasure island occupies a stop, if you like to travel, go and try it.

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