
It's so sad! A 10-year-old child died of influenza A, so parents must not be careless

It's so sad! A 10-year-old child died of influenza A, so parents must not be careless

With the arrival of cold air, seasonal influenza has also entered a high incidence period. Among the many people who suffer from the flu virus, there is one group that deserves our special attention: children. They are at a critical stage of growth and development, and their immune systems are relatively weak, making them more susceptible to viruses. Recently, a sad piece of news has brought renewed attention to the issue of children's health. A 10-year-old child was infected with the influenza A virus and passed away. It's very sad to hear this news.

It's so sad! A 10-year-old child died of influenza A, so parents must not be careless

According to relevant reports, the 10-year-old child had a high fever at first, and the child's state made the parents worry, and after taking 3 kinds of medicine by himself, the child's mental state did not improve and began to fall asleep, and then he entered a coma, and he couldn't wake up when he shouted, and he also had vomiting symptoms. At this time, the parents took the child to the hospital, and the doctor began to perform various emergency examinations on the child with a high fever of 41 degrees. Unfortunately, the child's condition progressed too quickly, and there was brainstem hemorrhage, subarachnoid hemorrhage... In the end, the rescue was unsuccessful.

It's so sad! A 10-year-old child died of influenza A, so parents must not be careless

One can imagine what this 10-year-old child has experienced, how much sickness his body has endured, and how his parents have faced such a result? We are deeply saddened and regretted by the occurrence of this tragedy. But at the same time, it also sounded a wake-up call for us, reminding us that we must pay attention to the prevention and control of children's influenza, and parents must not be careless!

It's so sad! A 10-year-old child died of influenza A, so parents must not be careless

As parents, how should we prevent our children from getting the flu? First of all, we should pay attention to children's personal hygiene Xi. Teach your child to wash their hands frequently, especially after touching public places. In addition, children should be kept out of contact with people who are sick, and if someone in the household is sick, they should isolate as much as possible to reduce exposure. If your child is sick, you should see a doctor as soon as possible and follow your doctor's instructions to take your medication wisely.

It's so sad! A 10-year-old child died of influenza A, so parents must not be careless

Secondly, it is necessary to improve the child's immunity. Keep your child on a regular schedule and avoid staying up late. Eat a reasonable diet, remember to eat three things and not eat: eat more steamed eggs, high in protein, eat more oranges, high in vitamin C moisture, eat more broccoli, high in mineral fiber, do not eat desserts, candies and other hot sweets, do not eat spicy foods such as spicy hot pot, and do not eat cold foods such as crab ice cream. Appropriate outdoor activities to enhance physical fitness. These measures can effectively improve your child's immunity and reduce the risk of contracting the virus.

It's so sad! A 10-year-old child died of influenza A, so parents must not be careless

In addition, getting a flu vaccine is also an effective way to prevent influenza. According to studies, influenza vaccination can significantly reduce the risk of influenza infection in children. Therefore, parents should take their children to get the flu vaccine in September and October before the high flu season every year.

It's so sad! A 10-year-old child died of influenza A, so parents must not be careless

Finally, we need to be vigilant and detect abnormal symptoms in our children in time. If your child has symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat, or fatigue, they should seek medical attention. Do not judge the condition by yourself and delay the time of treatment. At the same time, it is necessary to pay close attention to the changes in the child's condition and follow the doctor's instructions for treatment.

It's so sad! A 10-year-old child died of influenza A, so parents must not be careless

In short, as parents, we cannot ignore the dangers of the flu. In this season of influenza outbreak, once the child has an abnormality, it is necessary to seek medical attention in time to avoid the development of severe illness and tragedy. As a parent, I hope that all children can stay away from the virus, grow up healthy, safe and happy, and don't let the memories of childhood only be left with various viruses...

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