
Why is the press conference of the "2023 Li Bai Poetry Award" like a "retreat"?

Why is the press conference of the "2023 Li Bai Poetry Award" like a "retreat"?

According to China Poetry Network on December 7, "the press conference of the 2023 Li Bai Poetry Award was held in Beijing". As a "poet immortal", Li Bai's name will of course be used by the poetry world. Don't you see, have the names of our major poets been used? Even if they are not famous poets, their names are still used to set up poetry awards.

Why is the press conference of the "2023 Li Bai Poetry Award" like a "retreat"?

The picture comes from China Poetry Network

According to the article, more than 30 poets, including Ji Di Majia, Xie Mian, Li Shaojun, Wang Bing, Wang Shan, Kang Wei, Yang Hongying, Jing Wendong, Li Xiaoyang, Yang Biwei, and Huo Junming, attended this "press conference." This formation is not huge, and it can be said that half of the "famous poets" in the poetry world have gathered together.

Why is the press conference of the "2023 Li Bai Poetry Award" like a "retreat"?

The picture comes from China Poetry Network

However, yes, yes, since it is a "press conference," shouldn't there be media reporters to attend? What should a press conference look like? There are a few guests sitting on the stage, and there are a bunch of media reporters off the stage. The guests on the stage first introduced the situation, and then the media reporters in the audience asked questions, and the guests on the stage answered the questions.

According to Magnum's network, the so-called press conference refers to "a meeting in which a social organization releases information to the press when something major and has a positive impact occurs, and uses the news to enhance the image of the organization or something closely related to the organization." "Therefore, press conferences, news media are indispensable.

But this "2023 Li Bai Poetry Award Press Conference" did not introduce any media reporters. Judging from the photos at the scene, more than 30 poets sat in a circle, and there should be many "famous poets" behind them, who were not photographed. This "press conference" really refreshed people's cognition, there is no "news", there is no "release", only "will".

Why is the press conference of the "2023 Li Bai Poetry Award" like a "retreat"?

The picture comes from China Poetry Network

Looking at this posture, why not call it a "briefing meeting," an "explanatory meeting," or a "symposium"? Even if it is called a "kick-off meeting," it can be called a "press conference" that is not touched. Well, let's take a look at what news was released in this "press conference".

Ji Di Maga said that Li Bai is the biggest cultural IP, and the Li Bai Poetry Award is of great significance, which helps to inherit the excellent Chinese culture. Li Shaojun said that Li Bai is the representative of the spirit of the Tang Dynasty, Li Bai is the product of China's magnificent mountains and rivers, and running the Li Bai Poetry Award will help promote the high-quality construction and development of poetry in the new era.

Do you still need to look at the rest of the story? So, what should this be called "hui"? The guests at the meeting talked about Li Bai's extraordinary magnificence, and then talked about the extraordinary magnificence of the "Li Bai Poetry Award." I can't figure it out, Li Bai is extraordinarily magnificent, can it guarantee that the "Li Bai Poetry Award" can also be extraordinarily magnificent? "Poetry Immortal" Li Bai is afraid that he doesn't have such great energy.

Judging from the speeches of the guests, this meeting should be called the "2023 Li Bai Poetry Award Debate Meeting" is the most appropriate. Yes, the guests at the meeting, from different perspectives, explained the necessity and extraordinary significance of the establishment of the Li Bai Poetry Award. More than 30 poets gathered together to listen to the extraordinary magnificence of the establishment of the Li Bai Poetry Award.

What is embarrassing is that the Li Bai Poetry Award has been started since 2015, and in 2023 it is still being debated for its extraordinary magnificence, is it still necessary to hold this meeting? Therefore, this conference can also be called the "2023 Li Bai Poetry Award Retreat", that is, it only talks about fiction, not reality. This will be opened, and it will be done if it is not opened, and it will have no impact.

Another point, it's not until December 2023, and this "2023 Li Bai Poetry Award Press Conference" will be held, do you want to award this award in the remaining 20 days? Later, it would be good if this award could be awarded in 2024, so why do you have to call it "2023 Li Bai Poetry Award" instead of "2024 Li Bai Poetry Award"?

Therefore, this meeting is indeed a "retreat", and everything is virtual. This press conference, which has more than 30 poets and no media reporters, also released a loneliness. People are interested in the key information such as the method of soliciting papers, the time node and other key information of the "2023 Li Bai Poetry Award", in fact, half a piece of paper is enough. And it's far more practical and practical than this press conference.

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