
The transaction price of PCL places tripled, most of the players of Tianlu and i7 were listed, and Tianba Zyy was suspected of leaving

The transaction price of PCL places tripled, most of the players of Tianlu and i7 were listed, and Tianba Zyy was suspected of leaving

In the last content, we mentioned the schedule of PDL and Huya Destiny Cup, of course, the most important thing is the recent revelation of several transfer news, the previously mentioned SMS reorganization seems to be a rumor, even their beautiful boss doesn't know about it, and the news of Longskr joining NH is basically a stone hammer, not only pigff was mentioned in the live broadcast with 61 Lianmai at that time, and obviously I have also paid attention to Longskr's Weibo in the past two days, and it has been eight or nine to ten. In addition, the price increase of the PCL league quota and the news of other teams have finally been followed, including the previously mentioned i7, as well as Tianlu, who has just finished the World Championship.

The transaction price of PCL places tripled, most of the players of Tianlu and i7 were listed, and Tianba Zyy was suspected of leaving

Let's talk about the increase in the price of PCL league places, which is naturally related to the World E-sports Cup held by Saudi Arabia next year, everyone wants to give it a go, according to the whistleblower, the latest transaction price of PCL places is 18w, but I don't know which team started it. I still remember that from the end of 2022 to the beginning of 2023, the A+ big brother of the IFTY team also complained that the league places could not even be sold for 5w after the disbandment of IFTY, but a World E-sports Cup directly doubled the number of places to more than 3 times and nearly 4 times, which is indeed the best opportunity for clubs in the middle and lower reaches of the league to get rid of it, and maybe we will see more new teams join in the spring next year.

The transaction price of PCL places tripled, most of the players of Tianlu and i7 were listed, and Tianba Zyy was suspected of leaving

Next up is the news about the transfer period, and no club has yet officially announced which players will be bought, but the whistleblower claims that some clubs have put most of the players up for sale. First of all, we mentioned i7,It is said that all the players have been listed,The most expensive seems to be Xuanzi,The price is 20w,I remember the last transfer period when Xuanzi also went to 4AM for a period of time,But the trial effect seems to be not ideal,Summer game in i7 doesn't even seem to play the playoffs,It feels like it's difficult to find a suitable home in a short time。

The transaction price of PCL places tripled, most of the players of Tianlu and i7 were listed, and Tianba Zyy was suspected of leaving

In addition, the whistleblower also revealed that Tianlu reconstruction, Zhang Desheng, Astro Boy, Long Zongquan three listed, of which Zhang Desheng is currently quoted at 30w, some time ago Brother Pig mentioned the Tianlu World Championship infighting, especially Astro Boy and Jiaoyang can't fight together, they can only be reorganized next year, I thought at least Shen and Lzq would be left, such a good foundation Brother Pig really don't sell it. Assuming that the listing news is true, then I personally think that with Shen's performance in the summer and world championships, he still has room to increase his price, but in this case, Long Zongquan's whereabouts will be a question mark again, and it seems that Long Zongquan can become the focus of the transfer period every year.

The transaction price of PCL places tripled, most of the players of Tianlu and i7 were listed, and Tianba Zyy was suspected of leaving

The last news is that Zyy of the Tianba team is suspected of leaving the team, and he has just finished playing the World Championship, Lin Shu complained about Zyy's lack of details and experience during the live broadcast, and many times because of Zyy's personal operation mistakes, he buried the advantage of the game, and directly put the pot on the head, and then Lin Shu also said that Zyy was originally on loan, so he would not stay in the team, so the news of leaving the team should be true. Tianba's lineup should not have major changes, 77 ranked second in the elimination list of the PGC finals, second only to XDD, and Lin Shu said that Bubbles played without any problems, as for the performance of iLiu in the summer game, Lin Shu's opinion of him is similar to that of Zyy in the World Championship, so Tianba still needs to find a player, and you can guess the next reinforcement candidate of Tianba.

The transaction price of PCL places tripled, most of the players of Tianlu and i7 were listed, and Tianba Zyy was suspected of leaving

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