
Lavrov changed his phone, Apple changed Huawei, and the reason why the United States banned Huawei was found

author:Military intelligence writer Chen Xi

According to the "Reference News", a public video shows that Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov took out his mobile phone at a meeting, which is highly recognizable, and it is a P60 PRO mobile phone made by China's Huawei company.


In addition to using Huawei mobile phones, Lavrov also showed off his smartwatch during the G20 summit last year, saying that he used Huawei's smartwatch instead of Apple's.

After switching to Huawei mobile phones, Lavrov used Huawei's "family bucket".

Lavrov is a core member of the Russian leadership, and his use of Huawei kits shows a lot of trust in Huawei's products, especially when it comes to security.

This also exposes one of the main reasons for the US sanctions on Huawei

Lavrov changed his phone, Apple changed Huawei, and the reason why the United States banned Huawei was found


Huawei devices are too secure

As we all know, the United States is full of malice towards Huawei, which reached its peak during the former US President Trump era, and the United States has repeatedly forced other countries to abandon the use of Huawei equipment, not only Huawei's mobile phones, but also Huawei's communications equipment.

Some countries have been pressured by the United States to start replacing Huawei equipment, even if it comes at a huge economic and time cost.

This move by the United States shows that its fundamental purpose is not to curb Huawei's development, but to suppress Huawei, and the targeted sanctions imposed on Huawei can achieve the goal.

So there is another reason why the U.S. is forcing its allies to ban Huawei equipment, and that is that Huawei's equipment is too secure.

The United States has established a global surveillance network, and if it uses American equipment, the United States government can easily conduct surveillance operations.

But if allies use Huawei equipment, the U.S. will be helpless.

It is precisely because Huawei equipment has affected the "surveillance plan" of the United States that the United States insists on banning Huawei equipment, not only for itself, but also for its allies to disable it - not only to spy on allies but also on its own people.

Lavrov changed his phone, Apple changed Huawei, and the reason why the United States banned Huawei was found

(The United States has been suppressing Huawei)

The United States does not allow itself to be surpassed

As for the reason why the United States sanctioned Huawei, it was because Huawei was so good.

Huawei has surpassed traditional European and American companies in the field of communications.

Communication plays a very important role and will become more and more important in the future.

Chinese companies have overtaken traditional Western giants, which means that the West is lagging behind in the field of communications, and if Huawei is not contained, the West will fall further and further behind.

This is something that the United States absolutely does not allow, and the United States is not only pursuing military and economic hegemony, but also pursuing scientific and technological hegemony.

These three things are the foundation of US hegemony, and any one of them is unacceptable to the United States.

Therefore, the United States behaved very frantically, and as the world's largest power, it suppressed a private enterprise, and the United States no longer cared about the problem of shame.

Lavrov changed his phone, Apple changed Huawei, and the reason why the United States banned Huawei was found

(The United States attaches great importance to Huawei)

Pressure is motivation

Huawei has given a very bright response to the suppression of the United States.

In the Trump era, Huawei has shown its resilience and faced US suppression with a very optimistic attitude.

In the Biden era, Huawei has made its own 5G chips with advanced processes.

Although there is still a certain gap with the top chips, in the United States, it will take about 10 years for Huawei to reach this level, but I didn't expect to make a breakthrough so quickly, greatly shortening the gap between Chinese and American chip technology.

Huawei has proved to the world with practical actions that in the face of huge pressure, Huawei did not fall, but turned pressure into a driving force for progress.

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