
The five dark horses of LPL were born, RNG is expected to rise, Rookie becomes the winner, and WE silently strengthens it

The five dark horses of LPL were born, RNG is expected to rise, Rookie becomes the winner, and WE silently strengthens it

Hello LPL viewers and League of Legends summoners, this is the World Game Exchange.

LPL's transfer period this year is basically over, the major teams have basically determined the core configuration of the team, and next year is a new beginning.

The five dark horses of LPL were born, RNG is expected to rise, Rookie becomes the winner, and WE silently strengthens it

In this transfer period, some teams with dark horse potential were also born, and I will introduce them in detail next.

The five dark horses of LPL, RNG is expected to rise

In the LPL transfer period, there are many teams that are silently completing reinforcements, unlike those top teams, the operation of the midstream teams will not attract much attention, but they do have some room for operation, which can complete the reinforcement of the lineup configuration, and when it comes to dark horse teams, the first team we want to talk about is RNG.

The five dark horses of LPL were born, RNG is expected to rise, Rookie becomes the winner, and WE silently strengthens it

RNG kept the top laner Breathe and jungler WEI in the transfer window, Ming came back after a lap outside, and the lower lane brought in the former champion lower lane Lwx without GALA.

The final configuration is still the all-Chinese class, the double C position is the key to the rise of this team, Lwx needs to maintain a good competitive state, and Tangyuan needs to continue to improve himself, in the second half of this year, Tangyuan's progress is actually great, and he is favored by many people, and has the opportunity to grow into an excellent domestic mid-laner player.

The five dark horses of LPL were born, RNG is expected to rise, Rookie becomes the winner, and WE silently strengthens it

The second team is the ninja team NIP joined by Rookie, and they have also completed an important reinforcement task, introducing OMG's Shanji and Aki in the upper field position, Rookie replaces Angel, and the bottom lane is still a combination of Photic and Zhuo, which means that Rookie has become a winner after leaving TES, and the configuration of this team is worth looking forward to.

WE silently strengthens and AL is also worth looking forward to

After RNG and NIP finished speaking, there are three teams that are relatively not so strong, but still have the ability to impact good results, they are AL, WE and IG, of which the WE team introduced Fofo players in the transfer period, gave up Shanks, introduced Wayward in the upper lane, and introduced Prince Prince, a Korean AD player, to assist iwandy.

The five dark horses of LPL were born, RNG is expected to rise, Rookie becomes the winner, and WE silently strengthens it

The overall configuration of this lineup is good, it looks a little problematic in terms of the top position, the strength of the midfield is enough, the performance of the jungler Heng this year is very good, he is a rookie player that the audience is looking forward to, and his partner Fofo may be able to have a better performance, Prince is a very young Korean player, and his strength may not be worse than Hope, and on the whole, WE's reinforcement is more obvious.

The AL team, who lost their Ueno players in the transfer period, Zdz and Xiaohao left the team, but introduced Hery in the transfer period, which is the top laner of UP and Ning Wang, and Hery and Xiaoxu are first-year rookie toplaners who have played well this year, and both have great potential.

The five dark horses of LPL were born, RNG is expected to rise, Rookie becomes the winner, and WE silently strengthens it

The jungler position introduced Korean aid Croro, mid laner Shanks, and the bottom lane is Hope and Kael, which have also completed the reinforcement, only the jungler position is a pity to lose Xiaohao, and the other positions have become stronger.

IG configuration deviation, young players are worth looking forward to

The last team is IG.,The IG team is the configuration deviation of the five teams.,The top single is still YSKM.,This top single was found by the audience to have serious problems with hard injuries after playing a season.,The hero pool is flawed.,But IG is picking up treasures this year.,Jungler Tianzhen is playing well.,This point is worth looking forward to next year.。

The five dark horses of LPL were born, RNG is expected to rise, Rookie becomes the winner, and WE silently strengthens it

The middle lane is Cryin, and the bottom lane is Ahn and Wink unchanged, and the overall lineup is barely up to the level of a dark horse.

But compared to other downstream teams, IG's configuration is good, teams like RA, UP, FPX, have the potential to become the king of darkness, and TT is actually a talent this year, so it is not a dark horse.

Personally, I think that among the five teams, the most likely to play is RNG, and then NIP, AL and WE are about the same, personally I am looking forward to the performance of several young players, Tangyuan, Tianzhen, Hery, Heng, etc., I hope they can make new progress next year after playing for a year.

The five dark horses of LPL were born, RNG is expected to rise, Rookie becomes the winner, and WE silently strengthens it

By constantly honing their skills to improve themselves, train hard, and believe that they will play better in the future, LPL needs more young blood, and I also hope that the club can pay attention to the cultivation of young players, so that they can become talents as soon as possible.

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