
Late-night chat: What would you like to see in GTA6?

author:Nomad starry sky

It's the New Year.

At present, the game that can stir the nerves of players around the world, GTA6 is the second, and I am afraid that no one dares to say the first. Just 15 hours after the first trailer for GTA6 was released by R Star in the morning, the video has reached a terrifying 67 million views. You must know that the trailer of the fifth generation released 12 years ago has only 97 million views so far. It is enough to see how hungry the players who have been waiting for ten years are.

Late-night chat: What would you like to see in GTA6?

And this trailer, which has been waiting for ten years, does give players a little R star shock. Just the CG-like light and shadows and materials already make people think about the game's graphic performance. You must know that the tradition of R Star is to use the actual screen to make the trailer. Due to the long interval between the official release time, even the picture of the trailer is often not as good as the picture quality of the final actual machine.

Even before the game was released, rumors about GTA6 were already raging. Whether it's the legendary map size that is more than twice that of the previous game, or the revelations of various gameplay stories that don't know whether it's true or not, it's enough to make people have mixed emotions - on the one hand, they wonder if anyone can really make such a game, and on the other hand, they think "this is R Star and GTA, nothing is impossible." ”

Late-night chat: What would you like to see in GTA6?

I believe that in the long wait, you have also sketched out the look of "GTA6" in your heart. For example, as much as I love Give Him Love 5, I don't really like open worlds. What attracted me the most about the previous generation was that R-Star also achieved the industry's top script and narrative techniques. The portrayal of the three protagonists with different personalities is enough to go down in the history of the game, and the way the three story lines are cleverly intertwined is even more amazing.

Late-night chat: What would you like to see in GTA6?

The world-building of the GTA series has always been quite unique, on the one hand, R stars have used the best technology of the time in almost every one of them, pixel-level to bring American metropolises to the game. But at the same time, the story that takes place in the city is extremely absurd. While R Star uses this absurdity to satirize reality, it also brings a strong sense of substitution to players.

As can be seen from the news and trailer that broke the news before, the 6th generation has changed from the three protagonists of the previous work to the male and female protagonists. Short-form videos, social media, and other elements of the current hot reality also appear in the game. What I'm looking forward to the most is probably that R Star can tell another story that is equally exciting and more "up with the times".

Late-night chat: What would you like to see in GTA6?

In addition, the various robberies and missions of the previous generation that do not lose the movie scenes are also the essence of the game. A variety of brain-opening routes and schemes, as well as gorgeous performances that seamlessly switch between the main characters. Make each mission seem unique and adrenaline-pumping. I also hope to have more exciting mega-missions in GTA6. Of course, R Star is never shy about surprises, and I hope to see more good things in GTA6 that I can't even imagine.

For you guys, what does your dream GTA6 look like, and what do you hope to play in GTA6?