
There is an "unwritten rule" in the world of tomb robbing: gold, silver and jewelry can be taken but two things cannot be moved

author:Xiao Shenke's notes
There is an "unwritten rule" in the world of tomb robbing: gold, silver and jewelry can be taken but two things cannot be moved

"There is a way to steal, don't be greedy!"

There is an "unwritten rule" in the world of tomb robbing: gold, silver and jewelry can be taken but two things cannot be moved

Tomb robbers are a mercenary image in most people's minds, they are "powerful", but they are cunning and insidious, dealing with the dead every day.

There is an "unwritten rule" in the world of tomb robbing: gold, silver and jewelry can be taken but two things cannot be moved

However, what few people know is that tomb robbers actually have what they consider "taboo", gold, silver and jewelry can be taken, but only two things cannot be moved, which is also their bottom line.

There is an "unwritten rule" in the world of tomb robbing: gold, silver and jewelry can be taken but two things cannot be moved

So, what is it that makes tomb robbers willingly not move?

Golden jade clothes

The industry of tomb robbery actually started with Xiang Yu burning Qin Shi Huang at the beginning, and then Liu Bang's tomb and Empress Lu's tomb were all stolen.

There is an "unwritten rule" in the world of tomb robbing: gold, silver and jewelry can be taken but two things cannot be moved

However, it was Cao Cao during the Three Kingdoms period who made tomb robbing an "official" department, when Cao Cao organized a special tomb robbery team in order to raise military salaries.

This team is the "Captain Touching Gold" that many netizens see in various tomb robbery novels, but tomb robbery is a disgraceful job after all, so it has never developed and grown in the official department.

There is an "unwritten rule" in the world of tomb robbing: gold, silver and jewelry can be taken but two things cannot be moved

On the contrary, it set off a trend among the people, and countless people who wanted to get glory and wealth took risks and embarked on this road of no return, and they were also divided into multiple sects.

Although the tomb robbers are powerful, even some tomb robbers in modern times can reach the ancient tomb one step ahead of the official archaeological team, sweep it and then leave.

There is an "unwritten rule" in the world of tomb robbing: gold, silver and jewelry can be taken but two things cannot be moved

But they also have some "taboos" in their industry, which are the most prominent in ancient times, and the most talked about is that tomb robbers almost never leave the tomb without jade.

In the tomb robbery notes written by the third uncle of the southern faction, there is a golden jade robe in the tomb of King Lu Yan, which is said to be able to ensure immortality and eternal happiness.

There is an "unwritten rule" in the world of tomb robbing: gold, silver and jewelry can be taken but two things cannot be moved

In reality, jade definitely does not have such a function, but the golden jade clothes do exist, that is, the tomb of Liu Sheng, the king of Zhongshan, when the golden jade clothes were found in this tomb, it made people's eyes shine.

It's just that to the disappointment of archaeologists, this ancient tomb of the Western Han Dynasty has long been preempted by tomb robbers, either ancient tomb robbers or modern tomb robbers.

There is an "unwritten rule" in the world of tomb robbing: gold, silver and jewelry can be taken but two things cannot be moved

But Liu Sheng's golden jade clothes were not taken away by the tomb robbers, which really made the experts puzzled, in fact, this is related to the "taboo" of the tomb robbery industry.

In ancient times, jade was a symbol of nobility, just like there was a clear class division at that time, and people were divided into three, six, nine and so on, so only the top rulers or nobles had the right to use jade.

There is an "unwritten rule" in the world of tomb robbing: gold, silver and jewelry can be taken but two things cannot be moved

They will definitely not use the most ordinary jade, which is generally the best jade, and they will also carve some exclusive patterns, in other words, this thing is from the palace at first glance!

Therefore, with this layer of protection, tomb robbers do not dare to take this thing out of the tomb, not to mention the thankless work, and it is easy to attract death.

There is an "unwritten rule" in the world of tomb robbing: gold, silver and jewelry can be taken but two things cannot be moved

If the tomb robbers take the jade out of the tomb, it will be difficult to sell it in the market, because everyone knows that it is something from the tomb at a glance, and they are worried about it all day long when they put it at home, and it will be the end of the day if someone reports it.

In ancient times, there was zero tolerance for tomb robbery, like the tombs of some princes and nobles, the official would send special officials to guard the tombs, such as the Qing Dynasty officials who guarded the three tombs of Shengjing were called "the ministers of the prime minister's affairs of the three tombs".

There is an "unwritten rule" in the world of tomb robbing: gold, silver and jewelry can be taken but two things cannot be moved

Therefore, it is not easy for the tomb robbers to get some gold and silver artifacts alive, and if they still bring the jade out, it will really be a time bomb.

And some of these burial jade were used as a stopper to seal the nine orifices, and the ancients believed that jade had a special effect, that is, it could seal the seven souls and six spirits of the dead.

There is an "unwritten rule" in the world of tomb robbing: gold, silver and jewelry can be taken but two things cannot be moved

Therefore, most of the princes and nobles who died in ancient times would use jade to make plugs, like earplugs, nasal congestion, and even plugs would be placed on the lower body.

These jades often do not have special signs, and it stands to reason that tomb robbers can take them out of the tomb to make a lot of money, but this is not the case, don't look at the dirty and tiring work done by tomb robbers.

There is an "unwritten rule" in the world of tomb robbing: gold, silver and jewelry can be taken but two things cannot be moved

Allowing them to remove these treasures from the bodies of the deceased can be a lot of psychological pressure, because many of the corpses are actually decomposed, not to mention the stench, and direct contact is very likely to contract diseases.

Although many of the tomb robbers were outlaws, they still knew which was more important, and the ancients were also very superstitious.

There is an "unwritten rule" in the world of tomb robbing: gold, silver and jewelry can be taken but two things cannot be moved

Originally, they were already contaminated with the so-called "evil spirit" when dealing with the dead every day, and if they still looked for treasures from the mouths or bodies of the dead.

In the world of tomb robbing, many tomb robbers will light a few sticks of incense and show respect to the owner of the tomb before they start robbing the tomb and when they are about to leave the tomb.

There is an "unwritten rule" in the world of tomb robbing: gold, silver and jewelry can be taken but two things cannot be moved

Therefore, once the tomb robbers take out these jades from the bodies of dead people, they will be considered by their peers that he will "bring disaster to three generations", and in order not to be implicated, it is very likely that they will abandon him.


When many netizens saw the reports of some archaeological teams excavating ancient tombs, they would notice that although many ancient tombs had been robbed of gold and silver treasures by tomb robbers, many copper coins were all over the ancient tombs.

There is an "unwritten rule" in the world of tomb robbing: gold, silver and jewelry can be taken but two things cannot be moved

This has to mention the second unwritten rule of ancient tomb robbers, that is, the gold and silver treasures next to the deceased are taken casually, but those copper coins must not be touched.

This is mainly because compared to some other priceless gold and silver utensils, copper coins are too shabby for tomb robbers.

There is an "unwritten rule" in the world of tomb robbing: gold, silver and jewelry can be taken but two things cannot be moved

Tomb robbery is a high-risk job, and the way tomb robbers enter the tomb is generally to rob the hole, and many netizens are puzzled: "Since the robbery hole is a hole, shouldn't it be very big."

In fact, the opposite is true! The robbery holes are very small, most of them can only be passed by one person, and some of them cannot even be penetrated by normal people because of the structure and geology of the tombs.

There is an "unwritten rule" in the world of tomb robbing: gold, silver and jewelry can be taken but two things cannot be moved

Therefore, in ancient times, there was a kind of kung fu called "bone shrinking gong", which should be practiced from an early age, because the bone development has been finalized when you grow up.

When he was a child, his bones were more flexible, and under the guidance of specialized people, he was able to shrink his body, and it is said that people who practiced this kind of kung fu were specially designed to rob tombs.

There is an "unwritten rule" in the world of tomb robbing: gold, silver and jewelry can be taken but two things cannot be moved

Therefore, the treasure that the tomb robbers can bring out at one time is limited, not to mention the danger of being discovered at any time.

Tomb robbers have no choice but to take some small and valuable items, such as copper coins, which are not worth anything at all, as we all know, the older the burial goods, the higher the relative value.

There is an "unwritten rule" in the world of tomb robbing: gold, silver and jewelry can be taken but two things cannot be moved

Compared with other items, copper coins obviously have less room for appreciation than those gold and silver objects, and in addition, if the tomb robber steals a tomb of a similar age.

Then the copper coins taken out are even more worthless, because at this time the copper coins in the tombs are generally no longer available for circulation as modern currency.

There is an "unwritten rule" in the world of tomb robbing: gold, silver and jewelry can be taken but two things cannot be moved

At best, they can only be collected as collectibles, or sold as scrap, but the amount of copper coins in the tomb is so large that it is impossible for tomb robbers to carry them every day.

This is too risky, once it is exposed, it will be exiled at the least, or it will be directly killed, and this kind of loss-making smart tomb robbers will naturally refuse to do it.

There is an "unwritten rule" in the world of tomb robbing: gold, silver and jewelry can be taken but two things cannot be moved

And many of the copper coins were placed next to the corpse of the tomb owner, which not only disinterested the tomb robbers, but also prevented them from finding the valuable treasures.

However, there are also some big thieves, not only taking away all the priceless things in the tomb, but also not letting go of a copper coin, that is, Cao Cao during the Three Kingdoms period.

There is an "unwritten rule" in the world of tomb robbing: gold, silver and jewelry can be taken but two things cannot be moved

Cao Cao at that time, in order to rob the tomb, deliberately set up two official positions, the general of the Faqiu Zhonglang and the captain of the touching gold, it is said that Cao Cao's money from a tomb robbery is enough to offset three years of military salary!

However, Cao Cao was not satisfied with this, and he also secretly built a lot of melting pots in the tomb, which also made Cao Cao able to ride the dust during the Three Kingdoms period and become the most powerful party.

There is an "unwritten rule" in the world of tomb robbing: gold, silver and jewelry can be taken but two things cannot be moved

Whether in ancient times or in modern times, the tomb robbery industry has always been disgraceful, after all, this is to take the dead people's things, this kind of "breaking yang" behavior has always been despised by many people.

However, sometimes many tomb robbers are also desperate and have to go down to the tomb to deal with the dead, otherwise who wants to work in such a high-risk environment every day.

There is an "unwritten rule" in the world of tomb robbing: gold, silver and jewelry can be taken but two things cannot be moved

Not to mention being considered a shame, for the more superstitious ancients, such behavior was also believed that they would harm three generations, and even be counterattacked.

What I want to say is that each industry has its own rules, even tomb robbery is no exception, I don't know if you netizens know the taboos of other industries?

There is an "unwritten rule" in the world of tomb robbing: gold, silver and jewelry can be taken but two things cannot be moved

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