
Today's heavy snow, remember: avoid 4 things, 3 don't eat, 2 don't do, 1 don't go, spend the winter safely and welcome the New Year

author:Entertainment sign
Today's heavy snow, remember: avoid 4 things, 3 don't eat, 2 don't do, 1 don't go, spend the winter safely and welcome the New Year

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Today's heavy snow, remember: avoid 4 things, 3 don't eat, 2 don't do, 1 don't go, spend the winter safely and welcome the New Year
Today's heavy snow, remember: avoid 4 things, 3 don't eat, 2 don't do, 1 don't go, spend the winter safely and welcome the New Year

Text: Entertainment Sign

Today's heavy snow, remember: avoid 4 things, 3 don't eat, 2 don't do, 1 don't go, spend the winter safely and welcome the New Year

"Winter is full of snow, the coming year is a good year", snow is the most pure white and flawless thing, and the arrival of heavy snow means the arrival of the new year.

Today is a heavy snowfall, but this heavy snow is not the other heavy snow, today, no matter what, we must remember to avoid 4 things, 3 do not eat, 2 do not do, 1 do not go, and welcome the New Year peacefully.

So let's take a look at what to pay attention to today?

Today's heavy snow, remember: avoid 4 things, 3 don't eat, 2 don't do, 1 don't go, spend the winter safely and welcome the New Year
Today's heavy snow, remember: avoid 4 things, 3 don't eat, 2 don't do, 1 don't go, spend the winter safely and welcome the New Year

Today's heavy snow, avoid 4 things

The so-called "heavy snow" today does not mean that it is really snowing today, but the name of a festival, which is intended to indicate that after today, the real cold winter is coming.

After today, the temperature will drop dramatically, and the amount of water vapor in the air will increase, so to speak, today is a dividing line.

Today's heavy snow, remember: avoid 4 things, 3 don't eat, 2 don't do, 1 don't go, spend the winter safely and welcome the New Year

Therefore, today still has some significance for us, so there are four things that need special attention.

First, avoid opening windows for ventilation.

Today's heavy snow, remember: avoid 4 things, 3 don't eat, 2 don't do, 1 don't go, spend the winter safely and welcome the New Year

When the temperature drops, the air gets extra cold, and we can see the shape of the air we exhale outside, so most of the time, we stay in the room.

The room is naturally warmer than the outside, and many homes will turn on the heating, the doors and windows will be closed, and there may be a fire in the countryside to ensure that we can feel the warmth of summer even in sub-zero weather.

Today's heavy snow, remember: avoid 4 things, 3 don't eat, 2 don't do, 1 don't go, spend the winter safely and welcome the New Year

But most people are wrong, it is more necessary to open the windows for ventilation in winter, many viruses just like to stay in a warm place, if the windows are closed all the time, the air in the room will become uncirculated, then the human body will feel uncomfortable.

Second, avoid drinking too much water before going to bed.

Today's heavy snow, remember: avoid 4 things, 3 don't eat, 2 don't do, 1 don't go, spend the winter safely and welcome the New Year

In winter, it is the time when we should have a good rest, just like snakes, it is necessary to hibernat, so at this time, it is correct to go to bed early and wake up late, and do not drink too much water before going to bed.

Otherwise, in the middle of the night, we will want to get up and go to the toilet, then the body will feel cold and hot, and the cold will easily enter the body.

Today's heavy snow, remember: avoid 4 things, 3 don't eat, 2 don't do, 1 don't go, spend the winter safely and welcome the New Year

Third, avoid sleeping in thick pajamas.

In life, there are many people who like to sleep in pajamas, even in summer, they will wear a thin pajamas, and in winter, they will wear thicker pajamas, so that it will be warmer.

Today's heavy snow, remember: avoid 4 things, 3 don't eat, 2 don't do, 1 don't go, spend the winter safely and welcome the New Year

However, in winter, the quilt we cover is already very heavy, and then wearing thick pajamas, the body will have a feeling of oppression, our breathing and blood will become unsmooth, and it will also lead to chest tightness, which will be harmful to the body for a long time.

Fourth, avoid missing feet and waist.

Today's heavy snow, remember: avoid 4 things, 3 don't eat, 2 don't do, 1 don't go, spend the winter safely and welcome the New Year

Everyone has a love for beauty, but at the same time of beauty, it is necessary to ensure the warmth and coldness of the body, in this cold weather, it is taboo to show your feet and waist, especially the ankle, which is the easiest place to let the cold enter the body.

When it snows heavily, the ankles and ankles will be frozen purple and blue, and even after winter, they may leave an impact or even become swollen, which will outweigh the losses.

Today's heavy snow, remember: avoid 4 things, 3 don't eat, 2 don't do, 1 don't go, spend the winter safely and welcome the New Year
Today's heavy snow, remember: avoid 4 things, 3 don't eat, 2 don't do, 1 don't go, spend the winter safely and welcome the New Year

It's snowing heavily today, and I don't eat it for 3

Secondly, there are three things to avoid.

The first is not to eat food that is too hot.

Today's heavy snow, remember: avoid 4 things, 3 don't eat, 2 don't do, 1 don't go, spend the winter safely and welcome the New Year

When the weather is cold, we all like to eat something hot, so that our body will feel warm, especially when drinking hot soup and eating hot pot.

But normally speaking, when we often eat hot food, it will not only cause damage to our stomach, but also cause harm to our esophagus and throat.

Today's heavy snow, remember: avoid 4 things, 3 don't eat, 2 don't do, 1 don't go, spend the winter safely and welcome the New Year

Maybe you won't feel uncomfortable when you eat, and you won't feel bad after eating, but if you eat like this often, it will be a matter of time before your body has problems, and you must know that a qualitative change will occur after a long period of accumulation.

The second is not to drink alcohol.

Today's heavy snow, remember: avoid 4 things, 3 don't eat, 2 don't do, 1 don't go, spend the winter safely and welcome the New Year

There is a saying among us: wine is food and essence, but in fact, this is the fallacy and heresy spread among young people.

Alcohol can paralyze our brains and damage our stomachs, how many people in their lives are because of too much drinking, resulting in stomach bleeding.

Today's heavy snow, remember: avoid 4 things, 3 don't eat, 2 don't do, 1 don't go, spend the winter safely and welcome the New Year

In particular, liquor has a high degree of alcohol, and when you drink it, it will feel hot in your stomach, and your body will also feel heat, so some people feel that drinking some wine on a snowy day can warm up your body.

In fact, drinking alcohol itself will cause harm to our body, not to mention that in this cold day, the body is more fragile than ever, how can spirits not hurt?

Today's heavy snow, remember: avoid 4 things, 3 don't eat, 2 don't do, 1 don't go, spend the winter safely and welcome the New Year

Third, don't eat seafood.

Seafood is a cold food, today's heavy snow, this is the time to enter the cold season, at this time, the most important thing is to pay attention to warmth, and keeping warm is not only clothing, our body also needs to pay attention to the inside.

Raw and cold foods like seafood, when used in such a season, are likely to cause stomach discomfort, especially for people who have a bad stomach, eating cold food, it is possible to have diarrhea 5 times a day.

Today's heavy snow, remember: avoid 4 things, 3 don't eat, 2 don't do, 1 don't go, spend the winter safely and welcome the New Year
Today's heavy snow, remember: avoid 4 things, 3 don't eat, 2 don't do, 1 don't go, spend the winter safely and welcome the New Year

Heavy snow today, 2 do not do

In addition, there are two other things that are best not to do today.

First things first, don't exercise vigorously.

Today's heavy snow, remember: avoid 4 things, 3 don't eat, 2 don't do, 1 don't go, spend the winter safely and welcome the New Year

Exercising is a good thing, after every exercise, we will sweat a lot, so that the effect of exercise can be achieved.

However, during the heavy snow season, after the body heats up, it will quickly feel cool, and the temperature on the surface of the body will also drop quickly due to the cold weather, so we are likely to be affected by the wind chill.

Today's heavy snow, remember: avoid 4 things, 3 don't eat, 2 don't do, 1 don't go, spend the winter safely and welcome the New Year

From a runny nose and cough to a headache and a high fever, our body will suffer.

Just like when we eat, after eating particularly hot food, we immediately eat cold, not only will our teeth explode due to heat expansion and contraction, but also our stomach will be greatly stimulated.

Today's heavy snow, remember: avoid 4 things, 3 don't eat, 2 don't do, 1 don't go, spend the winter safely and welcome the New Year

Just like after strenuous exercise, you immediately feel the cold in the air, and it is difficult not to get sick.

The second thing is, don't blindly take supplements.

Today's heavy snow, remember: avoid 4 things, 3 don't eat, 2 don't do, 1 don't go, spend the winter safely and welcome the New Year

When it comes to winter, many people think that it is the best time to recuperate, after all, most people are resting at home during the holidays, and there is nothing to do and generally do not go out.

Then I didn't do anything at home, and I started to eat some supplements indiscriminately, as long as it was good for the body, I would eat a lot of it.

Today's heavy snow, remember: avoid 4 things, 3 don't eat, 2 don't do, 1 don't go, spend the winter safely and welcome the New Year

But in this way, it will be counterproductive, good things do be of great help to our body, but blind tonic, the body will not be able to bear it, anything too much will produce certain harm.

All we need to do is eat normally and eat some healthy vegetables, eggs and other nutritious things.

Today's heavy snow, remember: avoid 4 things, 3 don't eat, 2 don't do, 1 don't go, spend the winter safely and welcome the New Year
Today's heavy snow, remember: avoid 4 things, 3 don't eat, 2 don't do, 1 don't go, spend the winter safely and welcome the New Year

It's snowing heavily today, and 1 won't go

In addition to the above, there is another place that cannot be visited.

This place is, a place with a lot of people.

Today's heavy snow, remember: avoid 4 things, 3 don't eat, 2 don't do, 1 don't go, spend the winter safely and welcome the New Year

Every time the season changes, it is a time of high incidence of influenza, and the virus spreads very quickly, as long as you go to a crowded place, it is difficult to ensure that you will not be infected.

Not to mention in this cold weather, after the temperature drops, the number of people with colds and fevers will gradually increase.

Today's heavy snow, remember: avoid 4 things, 3 don't eat, 2 don't do, 1 don't go, spend the winter safely and welcome the New Year

Just like during this time, people with high fevers are everywhere, and even hospital wards are already full of people.

After today's heavy snowfall, the night will be longer than the day, the air will be filled with cold air, and people's resistance will be weakened, and the area with a lot of people will be the main area for the spread of the virus.

Today's heavy snow, remember: avoid 4 things, 3 don't eat, 2 don't do, 1 don't go, spend the winter safely and welcome the New Year

It may be that the weather temperature in many places in the past two days is relatively warm, and there is no cold wind, but if you look at the weather forecast, you can know that after today, the temperature will directly become below zero.

If you need to go out, be sure to wear a mask and keep a certain distance between people, so that it is good for others and us.

In general, today's heavy snowfall, the above things, we must understand and pay attention to, the body is the capital of the revolution, to ensure the health of the body, in order to spend this winter safely, with the best state to welcome the new year.

Today's heavy snow, remember: avoid 4 things, 3 don't eat, 2 don't do, 1 don't go, spend the winter safely and welcome the New Year