
To what extent has the United States developed? Let me show you the real life in the United States

author:Dream Pond Month

Maybe we are just curious, we want to see other people's worlds, to see if all living beings are suffering, or if we are the only ones who have a bleak life, so we travel far away again and again, passing by other people's worlds again and again.

I have to say that going out for a walk once in a while will really be rewarding. I lived in the United States for a while, so let's talk about my feelings.

To what extent has the United States developed? Let me show you the real life in the United States

Feelings in the United States

1. Meat and fruit in American supermarkets are cheap, but everything else is expensive. A bucket of instant noodles costs 30 yuan to convert into RMB, and a bottle of "Lao Gan Ma" costs about 50 yuan.

To what extent has the United States developed? Let me show you the real life in the United States

When I went to the supermarket, I found that many of the clothes and daily necessities sold in it were actually made in China, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Mexico and other countries. I was a little surprised, I thought that the United States had a world-class production capacity, but I didn't expect that these ordinary clothes and daily necessities would also be imported.

2. The big cities of the United States give people a palatial feeling, there are many century-old buildings, and they are very well preserved.

To what extent has the United States developed? Let me show you the real life in the United States

3. Tipping is popular in the United States, which is about 18% of the total consumption amount, which is a bit uncomfortable.

If it weren't for earning a beautiful knife and spending a beautiful knife, I felt that the money really couldn't help but be spent. It's normal to go to a restaurant in Chinatown and spend one or two hundred dollars on a meal, and at that moment you will miss the days of eating peanuts and cucumbers in China.

4. The subway in the United States is very dilapidated, some were built more than 100 years ago, and it is a miracle that it has been maintained until now.

To what extent has the United States developed? Let me show you the real life in the United States

5. I see that some bloggers say that the streets of New York are full of homeless people, I think it's a bit exaggerated, anyway, I haven't seen a few.

The so-called "beggars" I met were not humble in their attitude, and they came up to you and asked if you could give him some money, giving the impression that he was in temporary trouble and needed your help, and he was not inferior to him.

6. People who weigh more than two or three hundred pounds can be seen everywhere in the United States, and if you eat too many Coke burgers, you will really get fat, so it is very convenient to buy plus-size clothes in the United States.

To what extent has the United States developed? Let me show you the real life in the United States

7. Many things in the United States are "big", the houses in the countryside are big, the parking lot is big, the car displacement is large, and even the beer is a big glass.

8. Most places in the United States are safe, but there are occasional accidents. Once I went out to dinner with a friend and heard gunshots nearby, I was a little scared at that moment, and my friend told me not to run around in this situation.

9. I used to hear that Americans don't pay much attention to children's grades, but when I arrived in the United States, I found that this is not the case, Americans still pay more attention to children's education, but they not only value grades, but also pay attention to practical ability. American parents are happy to let their children participate in study tours to increase their knowledge and expand their thinking.

My American friend's neighbor is a middle school teacher, and there are students at home who go to make up classes on weekends, so it's not clear if they charge a fee.

10. Americans are very self-conscious, they are not anxious at all, they will not be anxious because of work, they will not be anxious about their body, and they will not be anxious because they cannot afford to buy a house. In contrast, we live a little too much to pursue perfection, in fact, many people in China are living very well, but they still lack a sense of security.

To what extent has the United States developed? Let me show you the real life in the United States

11. Americans don't like to drink hot water, ice water is everywhere they go, and strangely it is rare to hear of people getting sick because of drinking ice water for a long time.

12. Americans have a variety of hairstyles and colors, and I feel that their hairstylists should be very active.

13. Walking on the streets of the United States, if you invite a beautiful woman to take a photo, the other party will readily agree, which is a little better than a domestic girl.

14. It is also very convenient to order takeout in the United States, and the process is similar to that in China, but the speed is a little slower than in China.

15. Renting a house in the United States is renting a house, there is no furniture, there is no furniture, you have to buy it yourself. The weirdest part is that when you quit the lease, you have to remove the furniture as well, otherwise your deposit will be deducted.

To what extent has the United States developed? Let me show you the real life in the United States

16. Americans don't like umbrellas very much, whether it's rainy or under the scorching sun.

17. The health situation in the United States is not good, even in big cities, the road surface is not clean, and you can smell the smell anytime and anywhere.

18. Salesmen in the United States like to dress up as dolls, and there are always people in doll costumes who come to talk to you when walking on the street.

19. To tell you an interesting thing, I traveled to the United States and found that Americans like to ask where you are from, and if you tell them that you are from China, they will ask you which city you are from, and even if you tell them, they have never heard of that city.

20. Americans don't like to dry clothes, they all use dryers, including shoes, and they will also put them in the dryer to dry.

21. Americans have a great sense of boundaries, they will not interfere too much in other people's lives, and there will be no seven aunts and eight aunts around you to nag endlessly during the New Year's holidays.

22. The air quality in the United States is really good, and you don't need to wash the car for a long time, because there is not so much dust on the surface.

To what extent has the United States developed? Let me show you the real life in the United States

23. There are many poor people in the United States, because the United States defines people with an annual income of less than $12,000 as "poor people", and this poverty line is drawn a bit high, so there are more poor people.

24. Poor people in the United States like to eat fast food and buy semi-finished products from supermarkets, because they are engaged in long working hours, and they don't have the energy to cook for themselves after work. These things are convenient to eat, but the disadvantage is that they are too high in calories, so some people say that the fatter people are in the United States, the poorer.

To what extent has the United States developed? Let me show you the real life in the United States

25. Don't call the waiter directly when ordering food in the United States, it's rude, just wait for them to come.

26. It is very convenient to return the goods, and it is a refund for no reason, provided that you keep the documents.

27. Street performers in the United States can be seen everywhere, playing guitars, singing, and painting, and many people will take the initiative to give them money, feeling that Americans are very willing to pay for art.

To what extent has the United States developed? Let me show you the real life in the United States

28. Americans attach great importance to sports, and sports events are often held in cities, with many people watching them, and tickets are not expensive.

When many events are held, the organizers hire some retired seniors on a temporary basis, and these elderly people are happy to go and watch the games and have extra income, so why not?

To what extent has the United States developed? Let me show you the real life in the United States

29. In the United States, it is rare to see the windows open, in China, we like to open the windows for ventilation, but Americans do not do this, they feel that this will leak privacy, and if it is not good, it will allow bad people to enter through the window.

30. Neighbors in the United States rarely interact with each other, and they don't want to have any intersections, they all live their own lives behind closed doors, and they are not interested in other people's lives.

31. In China, when a guest comes, we have to greet it, and when the guest leaves, we have to send it off, and the Americans don't do it.

And when you go to someone else's house as a guest, you must make an appointment in advance and get permission before you can come to the door, and it is rude to go rashly.

32. When Americans have a dinner, no one will persuade them to drink, and the host will not serve dishes to the guests, which may not seem lively, but in this way, everyone is not burdened.

33. Many American families use dishwashers to wash dishes, and they may only wash the dishes once in a few days, so it is worth starting the dishwasher once.

To what extent has the United States developed? Let me show you the real life in the United States

Life in rural America

1. The United States has a population of more than 300 million, and there are only more than 3 million real farmers, with an average of one farmer for every 100 people.

2. Although the rural areas of the United States are vast and sparsely populated, there are always police patrols, and once an accident occurs, the police can arrive at the scene in a short time.

3. There is not much difference between American farmers and urban residents, and it is difficult for you to tell whether a person lives in the countryside by dress, conversation, and temperament.

4. Rural families in the United States have cars, and it feels difficult to move an inch without a car, and the villages are far apart, and you must drive to the supermarket because the supermarket is far away.

5. Many houses in the United States are built with wood and lime boards, and the telephone poles in some places are also made of wood, I don't know if it is for environmental protection.

To what extent has the United States developed? Let me show you the real life in the United States


In general, the consumption in the United States is a bit high, and life is not as exciting as imagined, and many people even think that the United States is a "big rural area", where it is difficult to find friends and neighbors are not close.

In fact, no matter where you are, life is not perfect. No matter where you are, keep your mind at ease. The house doesn't have to be too big, it's good to live in, the money doesn't need to be too much, it's good to use enough, you don't have to be too yourself, you don't have to care too much about other people's evaluations, do whatever you want, so that you will be happier!

What do you think of life in the United States?

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