
In rural areas, there is a "new scam" that can generate photovoltaic power on the roof of a house

author:Qinggang Xiaotun

I believe that many people have heard of the "photovoltaic power generation" project, which has received great attention since its promotion, especially in the sparsely populated rural areas, photovoltaic power generation has been seen everywhere, and has also brought a lot of benefits to farmers.

The project is a project that the state vigorously promotes and develops, so many people also believe in it. As everyone knows, in fact, there are many "scams" about photovoltaic power generation projects, especially for simple farmers, these scams are easy to catch!

If farmers want not to be led by scammers, they must first understand what photovoltaic power generation is.

In rural areas, there is a "new scam" that can generate photovoltaic power on the roof of a house

What is photovoltaic power generation and why is it so promoted?

In the past, people have been using resources such as coal and oil for development, but these resources are non-renewable resources, and if they are overexploited, they will be depleted one day. At the same time, the use of such resources has also caused the destruction of people's living environment, so people have turned their attention to new energy, so photovoltaic power generation has appeared.

Photovoltaic power generation is easy to understand, that is, the use of semiconductor materials to convert light energy into electrical energy, which is also one of the new energy sources. This way has great benefits to our lives, which can not only save resources and protect the environment, but also facilitate our lives, so photovoltaic power generation will be vigorously promoted.

But at the same time, scammers have also seized this opportunity to deceive those who do not know about photovoltaic power generation.

In rural areas, there is a "new scam" that can generate photovoltaic power on the roof of a house

Scammers use photovoltaic power generation to deceive people

Use free as a gimmick to cheat in remote mountainous areas

The people who scammers like to deceive the most are the elderly in remote mountainous areas. Because most of the people here do not have a good standard of living, and they have not received too much education, they are very surprised by the word "free".

The scammer seized on the psychology of the crowd, first deceived people together, and then told his plan, saying that photovoltaic power generation only needs to install a photovoltaic panel on the roof, and the electricity generated is enough for a family.

When many people hear such words, their hearts will be touched, after all, they can save electricity bills. And the scammer will also tell everyone that the excess electricity produced can also be sold for money, so everyone is even more flocking to it.

However, after everyone was tricked into signing the contract, the nightmare began. At that time, there will be workers to go to every household to install, at this time will ask the villagers for all kinds of expenses, labor costs, service fees, etc., if the villagers do not give, they also have a contract in hand, even if it is a lawsuit, they also have a strong evidence of the contract, the villagers can only admit that they are at a loss.

In rural areas, there is a "new scam" that can generate photovoltaic power on the roof of a house

Shoddy, old new

Some merchants will sell the waste polish panels of some enterprise factories to the villagers after modification and refurbishment, and the villagers do not know the real situation, and will only pay money to buy them under the coaxing of scammers. However, after a period of use, the light board will be unusable, and can only be repaired, and the maintenance will be a large expense, but the scammer has already escaped at this time.

The above merchants can still let the villagers see the real thing, and some merchants can only play lip service. After defrauding the villagers of their money, they will run away overnight, and by the time the villagers react, they have long since disappeared.

With photovoltaic power generation as a gimmick, provide loan services

Another type of scam is that scammers will provide loans to villagers. When the scammers say that the photovoltaic power generation is so good that the villagers are tempted, they will guide the villagers to pay the money. But the villagers don't have that much money, so the scammers will guide the villagers to take out loans.

At first they will say that there is no interest or very little interest, in fact the opposite is true. But after the villagers listened to their words, they would choose to take out loans, and it was not until the final interest was not paid that the villagers learned that they had been cheated.

In rural areas, there is a "new scam" that can generate photovoltaic power on the roof of a house

Want to install PV, how to avoid being scammed?

Get your mindset right

Many people want to be greedy when they are deceived, so never believe that pie will fall from the sky. When something good comes to the door, don't believe it, don't believe it all, don't blindly follow the crowd, have your own judgment, always remember, no matter what you do, you must comply with the rules and follow the regular path.

Learn more

The more you read, the more extensive your knowledge, and the less likely you are to be deceived. Because what those liars say will contradict your perception, then you will naturally notice that something is wrong, and naturally you will not be too gullible to believe what others say. Therefore, in life, we should read more books and learn more knowledge.

For example, when you understand that photovoltaic power generation can not only provide ordinary needs, but also store electricity in case of emergency, you know that it is worth installing. At the same time, you will also know that if you want not to be deceived, you have to find a regular manufacturer to buy. If you don't know whether the manufacturer is regular, you can look it up online or consult a professional, which can ensure that you will not be pitted.

In rural areas, there is a "new scam" that can generate photovoltaic power on the roof of a house

To sum up, photovoltaic power generation is a thing that the state strongly supports and can benefit mankind, but you must also be careful not to be deceived by lawbreakers!